Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 839 High energy ahead

Cedros was flying high above Thunder City, looking at the north of Brakada, his face ashen.

Mortals can't see clearly with their naked eyes, but in his eyes, the spiraling cloud road to the sky is simply dazzling.

"Demi god……

The goblin clan, under our noses, quietly cultivated a demigod hero. "

Cedros trembled.

As a demigod, he knows better than anyone else what benefits a demigod will bring to the army.

If the goblins cannot be recaptured as soon as possible and wait for the goblins to gain a foothold with the help of that demigod, it will be too late.

At that time, I am afraid that even if the God King wakes up, he will not be able to stop the goblins from leaving Bracada.

The tower force will become the only force among all the forces that does not have level 1 soldiers. At the same time, all industries that rely on fairies will suffer a devastating blow.

"The Great Sage."

A shrunken Titan flew to Cedros' side with a respectful attitude.

Seeing him, Cedros's eyes lit up:

"How's it going? Is His Majesty the God King awake?"

The other party's tone was a little heavy:

"We have tried every possible method, but we have not received any response from His Majesty the God King."

The expectations in Cedros's eyes dimmed:

“In that case, let’s give the order.

Inform all the lords in the north who are still loyal to us and order them to march to the Everfrost Icefield immediately.

All the territory they conquered from the goblins will belong to them.

In addition, 1.2 billion gold coins were allocated from the large treasury as war preparation funds for the northern border.

They want land, give it to them, they want money, give it to them.

Our only requirement is that they must do their best, take no prisoners, and kill until the rivers of blood flow.

All rebellious goblins must die. "

"As you command! Great Sage!"

The Titan shuddered, and he had already heard the bloody storm swaying in the north from Cedros's emotionless words.

"The first mage group has been loaded, the magic crystal cannon has been loaded, please set off."

"Let's go! Target, Yongshuang City!

I will personally lead the team and let those stupid goblins see the true strength of the mage! "

Rumble, rumble...

The order from Thunder City has come down, and the lords of the entire central Brakada have received orders to invade the north.

All conquered territories will be taken as one's own, and the capital will compensate 50% of casualties during the battle. Meritorious achievements in the battle will be rewarded by the capital!

These are favorable conditions that are possible only in foreign wars.

In Bracada, all actions are commercial, including war.

Another characteristic of business behavior is that when something is profitable and the profit is high enough, countless people will rush to do it and jump into it without fear of death.

Years of prejudice against goblins have made mages always arrogant when facing goblins.

Even if Thunder City gave the order, even if they discovered that the goblins in their territory had disappeared, they still found it hard to believe that those cowardly, stupid, and incompetent goblins would rebel.

But the facts were before them, and they had to believe it.

But they are still arrogant and think that even if the goblins rebel, it is no big deal and they can be killed with a wave of their hands.

Therefore, in their eyes, the war to suppress the goblin rebellion became a business activity with extremely high profits and minimal risks.

Faced with this kind of behavior, they will scramble to take advantage of everything that belongs to them.

Just like the real estate boom in the 1990s, everyone was waving money and trying their best to squeeze into real estate, even making it difficult to find a house in the sales office.

All the lords who received the war order burst out their secrets:

They brought out powerful war weapons, elite troops, and even the lord's personal guards who had hidden them as trump cards.

Armed airships one after another flew towards the north like overwhelming locusts.

The number of troops sent to the northern border to counter the rebellion was even thirty times greater than the number of troops sent to the eastern border to fight against the rebellion in Thunder City!

This is the terrifying war potential that the lords of Brakada, driven by sufficient interests, can unleash.

Even after hearing the news in Thunder City Cedros, he felt that he was almost certain to deal with the goblin rebels.

But none of them could have imagined that the movements of every armed airship were under the control of Qi Ge.

In the combat drawings in Qige's hand, the specific time when all armed airships arrived at the Yongshuang Icefield was even clearly written.

“As we expected, El Zeus will not allow the goblins to leave Bracada, so we will definitely encounter the fiercest resistance.

Fortunately, we figured this out early on.

I gave an order very early on that after arriving at the Yongshuang Icefield, all fairies must station themselves in the Yongshuang Icefield and conduct strict defensive operations.

If our large force had arrived in central Bracada at this time, we would have to encounter this wave of encirclement and suppression head-on in an unfamiliar environment.

Then our chance of winning is 0.

But in the Yongshuang Icefield, it's different.

This is our home court.

The enemy's effective strength is limited. If there are more attacking troops, there will be fewer defensive troops.

As long as we can fight a beautiful defensive annihilation battle here, the entire central part of Bracada will be open to us.

The goblins have been looked down upon by mages and djinn for too long, so let us use this first battle to wake them up. "

In the City of God's Choice, Qi Ge's cloak behind him swayed slightly. He raised his head and announced loudly with firm eyes:

"The Goblin Air Defense Team, move out!"

On the thick snow, a large group of goblins lined up in a neat queue, running at high speed on the snow.

On both sides of the queue, there was a group of goblin pioneers working quickly.

Next to each Goblin Vanguard, there is a Goblin Paladin riding a slime.

"Faster, faster, faster."

The elf leader in white robes took out the magic bread from the slime's body with his left hand, handed it out, and then extended his right hand into the slime's body.

A goblin ran by, took away the magic bread in his left hand, and continued running forward without stopping.

The Lord Lord has said that the most important thing for an excellent mobile team is to be fast.

In order to be fast, even the time for eating must be saved.

The goblin stuffed the magic bread he just got into his mouth and bit off most of it in one bite.

The rich and sweet pumpkin jam and moss jam paired with the delicious magic bread made him feel refreshed.

After finishing the enhanced magic bread in two bites, he no longer needed to eat for two days.

"The first one!"

Another goblin leader in front of him handed an oval-shaped cannonball to the running goblin.

He quickly took the shell and stuffed it into the bullet bag on his chest, and then received two more shells while running.

Later, cannonballs, water bottles, snow goggles...

A group of mobile teams went from empty to fully armed within two minutes of setting off.

The process of replenishing supplies was even completed during the march, without even a second's delay.

"We're here, jump!"

Arriving at a snowfield, the fairies one after another plunged into the snow.

With a pop, the snow separated like sea water, swallowing the goblin in. The fluffy snow continued to squirm as the goblin burrowed into the ground, and soon returned to normal.

For all races in Brakada except the elves, the terrain of the Everfrost Icefield can only be described in two words - snow.

This is because thick snow has always shrouded the Everfrost Icefield, flattening valleys, plains, and mountains.

But for the snow fairies living here, getting into the snow and surviving in the snow is a necessary ability for them to escape predators and find food.

Just like murlocs can swim in water, snow goblins can swim unimpeded in snow.

White snow is always floating in the Yongshuang Icefield. Day and night, they are endless, burying everything in pure white.

Whether it's animal carcasses, fallen rocks, or... magic crystal rail guns that can destroy everything.

Located in the command center under the thick snow, the kind-looking Clarence, wearing a Santa hat, stared at the map in his hand and waited patiently.

Beside him, a fairy holding a conch said excitedly:

"Report, the Goblin Mobile Team has arrived at the designated location and is ready to launch at any time."

"Very good, ten minutes earlier than scheduled."

Clarence clenched his fists fiercely.

"Command the Goblin Mobile Team to charge railgun No. 1176 and prepare."


Just as one order was given, another one followed. This time, the order came from the City of God’s Choice.

Clarence felt the vibration of the conch on his neck, immediately picked it up, and shouted excitedly:

"Lord! Clarence, commander-in-chief of the First Snow Defense Force, reports to you."

"Clarence, the first batch of blackbirds is accelerating and is expected to arrive in three minutes. Can your first defensive chain stop them?"

"Report! It can definitely be stopped!"



Clarence put down the conch and clenched his fists excitedly.

His men are all good. If they hadn't arrived early, the first shot of the goblin's resistance would have been fired by someone else.

"Notify Railgun Position No. 1176 that the enemy has two minutes and twenty-six seconds to reach the battlefield and must be stopped by me!"


On the armed airship, the slightly fat pseudo-legend Florence gracefully held a goblet and looked at the snowy scene outside the window.

His chest is full of ambition.

“The Everfrost Icefield, a cold wilderness that was once spurned by countless people, has now become a rich land full of gold.

It's really fate that makes people happy.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank those goblins. If it weren't for them, with the power of my family, I would never be able to get my hands on the Yongshuang Icefield.

This little thing about goblins is really nice.

Even if you rebel, you can still contribute to me. "

The staff beside him quickly echoed:

"City Lord, we are the city closest to the North, and the troops are the first to set off. The other city Lords can only eat the exhaust of our armed airship.

This time it was an order from Thunder City. As long as we move fast enough, no matter how much territory we encircle, it will be ours and no one can take it away.

I believe that it won’t be long before you can occupy a large territory in the Everfrost Icefield, and maybe you can even eat half of the Everfrost Icefield. "

"Haha, you are so greedy.

I feel that it is impossible for those weak goblins to resist our Bracada. There must be other forces hidden behind the goblins.

Who knows when they will appear.

At that time, as much territory as it has taken, it will be subject to as much counterattack as possible.

But it has nothing to do with me, and I'm not greedy.

As long as I can bite off a small piece of the Everfrost Icefield, I will be satisfied.

With two sufficiently fertile territories as support, I can overlook the seats of the Grand Council, which has been the dream of our family for three generations. "

The staff was very smart and immediately agreed:

"May your dreams come true, Senator Florence."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Florence raised the goblet and said intoxicatedly:

"Thanks goblin, cheers!"

"Thank you goblin, do...huh?! Do it! Lord City Lord, what is that?"

"Huh?" Hearing the horrified shouts of his staff, Florence turned her head in confusion.

Through the glass of the armed fortress, he could clearly see the dazzling light shining through the white snow not far away.

It was as if there was a giant glowing beast buried under the snow.

Florence’s eyes lit up:

"Could this light be magic crystal ore? I heard that high-concentration magic crystal ore can emit periodic bright light under natural conditions.

Even such thick snow cannot bury it, this must be a huge magic crystal bonanza!

You can send people down to investigate in a moment and occupy this place, and then we'll send it out. "

"The magic crystal mine will still emit light?"

“Of course, this is a high-energy reaction that is highly enriched in magic power.

We call it high energy.

Not only magic crystal mines, magic crystal cannons and other weapons that require a high concentration of magic power can also emit such light before being launched.

Of course, the one at the bottom is definitely not a magic crystal cannon.

The muzzle of the magic crystal cannon is only about 10 square meters, and the luminous area of ​​the snow below is more than 300 square meters.

If this were a magic crystal cannon, it would be terrible. Our entire fleet would..."

"What will happen?"

"Everything will...boom! It will turn into ashes."

boom! ! !

A deafening loud noise suddenly came, making Florence and his staff completely deaf.

They turned their heads in horror, and the white light of destruction instantly penetrated their pupils!

Magic Crystal Railgun, Trossa's latest invention.

What makes it stronger than the magic crystal cannon, besides its power, is its orbit.

Relying on a strong base as a support, it can carry out range bombardment by relying on the rotation of the gun body after firing.

It was like a spotlight sweeping across the sky.

All the armed airships of the legendary hero Florence completely disappeared under the spotlight.

The troops accumulated by their family for three generations were reduced to dust.

Only Florence herself, relying on life-saving magic props, was teleported back to her main city in a seriously injured state.

The goblins' first shot wiped out all the troops of a lord, completely whitewashing him.

In three days, with the continuous firing of magic crystal rail guns and the fall of countless airships, those mages who were anxious to make a fortune finally woke up.

They were shocked to discover that at some point, the goblins they regarded as insects actually possessed terrifying firepower that could destroy them.

The cold Everfrost Icefield is like a terrifying giant beast, opening its huge mouth and swallowing up all the enemies who dare to approach, leaving no one behind!

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