Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 857 The Wind Rises in Brakada

Seeing that the Mechanical Titan had finally arrived, Qi Ge excitedly ordered:

"Clarence, I order you to lead the Mechanical Titan troops into the battle immediately. You don't need to worry about whether your teammates will be accidentally injured. Use full firepower!"

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

After receiving the order from Seven Pigeons, Clarence was excited and excited.

When Clarence was young, he was just an unknown snow fairy, living in a dilapidated snow fairy village.

When famine came, he was about to starve to death. Fortunately, Ke Ruoke ran into him and saved him.

Since then, he has been following Ke Ruoke, serving as Ke Ruoke's bodyguard and being loyal to Ke Ruoke.

He is extremely talented, and with the training of Keruo Shi at all costs, he has been promoted to the level of Christmas Elf.

For Koroko, Clarence is his nephew and the heir he values.

For Clarence, Koro is his god.

Later, in the goblin camp in Silver Snow City, Qige saved the dying Koroko and helped Koroko advance successfully.

From then on, Clarence regarded Seven Pigeons as a god in his heart, and his status was comparable to that of Ke Ruoke.

He even followed Petra to secretly create a Miracle Cult in the City of God's Choice, kneeling three times and nine times before seven pigeons every day.

Clarence was still a bit playful at first, but since Koroko joined the Miracle Church as the bishop, Smit joined as the saint, and the centaur Rem joined as the high priest, Clarence has brainwashed himself. He believed deeply in the church he founded.

Now, his god, the God of Miracles, Seven Doves, is giving him an order, so he must complete the oracle!

Mechanical Titan!

The crowning masterpiece of Trotha and the goblins on the mechanical road.

The current Mechanical Titan is still incomplete.

Their weak virtual souls cannot yet fully control their huge five-hundred-meter-high bodies, and they need goblin pilots to have sufficient combat effectiveness.

But incomplete bodies have the benefits of incomplete bodies. Like the fearless mechanical dragon, the mechanical titan can also obtain corresponding abilities based on the different goblin pilots.

These [Mechanical Titans] equipped with the sixth-level mythical unit [Fairy Magic Tutor] have powerful spellcasting capabilities and are extremely noble long-range spellcasting units.

And because of its mechanical body, the magic possessed by the Mechanical Titan is extremely special.

"Beep beep! Mechanical Titan, overload activated!"

Chi! !

Layers of smoke spewed out from the mechanical body of the Mechanical Titan, and many parts of the entire body became loose, exposing a large number of gaps.

A steady stream of magic power overflows from the body of the [Fairy Magic Tutor] and fills these gaps, filling the mechanical Titan's body with magic power, like a large light bulb.

Such a striking picture seemed to tell those flesh and blood Titans that someone was about to use a big move here.

As a result, the flesh and blood Titans immediately changed their targets, and thunder and pieces of flesh were thrown towards the [Mechanical Titan] like a heavy rain.

When Clarence saw this, he was not surprised but delighted:

"Haha, I'm waiting for you! Mechanical reflection shield, open!"


A luminous shield exploded on all the [Mechanical Titans], and the magic and attacks that flew towards the [Mechanical Titans] were severely bounced back.

The thunderbolt and the meat ball fell into the center of the flesh and blood titan, causing the flesh and blood titan to fall over a large area in one round.

【Overload form

Level 3 non-attribute magic

It costs 20 magic points to activate.

Each round consumes 10 magic points to maintain.

The defense becomes 0 and cannot move.

All other spells cost -10 mana, with a minimum of 1. All beneficial possession spells last for an additional 3 turns. 】

[Mechanical Reflective Shield

Level 4 non-attribute magic

Consumes 10 magic points

Reflects all damaging magic and ranged attacks.

Lasts for one round. 】

The mechanical reflection shield takes one round to activate, and it can only last for one round after it is activated.

In other words, [Mechanical Titan] has to give up attacking if it wants to shield.

If no one hits them while shielding, they will look stupid.

However, it is different in overload mode.

Mechanical Titan can output damage while holding up its shield.

If you hit them, they will be reflected. If you don't hit them, they will deal crazy damage.

Relying on the protection of the mechanical reflection shield, the Mechanical Titan can unscrupulously output the army of flesh and blood Titans.

If you want to break this trick, you can only get close to the [Mechanical Titan] and defeat the [Mechanical Titan] with melee attacks.

Although the flesh and blood Titan looks stupid, his intelligence is not bad at all.

As soon as Clarence activated the mechanical reflection shield, the Flesh Titan separated into a group of troops and rushed towards the [Mechanical Titan].

The Flesh Titan, which has always been known for its long-range attacks, actually relies on melee combat to win. This scene is really strange.

But their actions were aimed at the weakness of [Mechanical Titan].

If the flesh and blood Titan is allowed to get close, the [Mechanical Titan], which cannot move and has no defense, will be quickly torn to pieces.

Clarence's eyes narrowed, and without saying a word, he immediately activated his ultimate move!

"All troops, set up charged cannons, maximum firepower."

A long tube emerged from the chests of all the mechanical titans.

Chug tug tug tug…

As soon as the rechargeable cannon was set up, it started firing at an extremely terrifying speed!

The blue flames of the cannonballs are connected end to end, forming a straight line!

[Iron Armor Charge Cannon

Mana cost: 10

Fires a charged cannon, dealing 100 area damage.

The charging cannon will increase the bombing range according to the flight distance, 3*3~12*12]

【Charged Cannon Rain

Mana cost: 50

After turning it on, every time a friendly machine is killed during the battle, the armored charging cannon will be used automatically.

Lasts two rounds]

At this time, on the front line, dozens or even hundreds of machines died every second, and were then resurrected by the fearless mechanical dragon.

Originally, the mechanical cycle of life and death was just a repeated process of mutual consumption with the flesh and blood Titan.

But now, [Mechanical Titan] has set up a rechargeable cannon!

[Mechanical Titans] are the end point of all mechanical arms. From the moment they were born, they have assumed the responsibility of protecting the mechanical arms' foothold in the world of Yasha.

The death of every machine will channel the fury of the [Mechanical Titan].

The fury of [Mechanical Titan] will turn into doomsday shells that destroy everything, burning all enemies!

Boom boom boom boom!

The shells from the charged cannon landed in the center of the charging flesh and blood Titans, and flames bloomed one after another, instantly melting all the charging flesh and blood Titans!

But the fury of [Mechanical Titan] will not be appeased by this, more charged cannons are saturated and cover the Flesh Titan's position!

Boom boom boom boom!

Continuous explosions sounded, and under the onslaught of the Mechanical Titans, the Flesh Titans died faster than they could resurrect!

Ten seconds later, the mechanical Titan's charged cannon and the mechanical army on the front line completed the rendezvous.

The charged cannon, which makes no distinction between friend and foe, kills the flesh-and-blood Titans and allied troops together.

[Mechanical Titans] are the end point of all mechanical arms. From the moment they were born, they have assumed the responsibility of protecting the mechanical arms' foothold in the world of Yasha.

Every machine that dies due to accidental damage will channel the fury of [Mechanical Titan].

The fury of [Mechanical Titan] once again turned into a doomsday shell that destroyed everything, burning all enemies. Of course, it would occasionally burn some friendly troops to continue to maintain its fury.

The death of each mechanical unit is a large-scale charged cannon with 100 magic damage. On average, 8,000 to 12,000 mechanical units die every second. The terrifying charged cannon has turned into a stream of death that harvests lives.

With just ten [Mechanical Titans], they managed to produce the terrifying output of 10,000 long-range units. They were like living kings of hell.

Gradually, the speed at which the Flesh Earth restored Flesh Titans could no longer keep up with the speed at which the [Mechanical Titans] cleared the battlefield. The vast number of Flesh Titans began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The number of flesh and blood Titans was so small that the melee mechanical units could no longer engage the flesh and blood Titans. The [Mechanical Titans] had to be separated into two units to specifically export friendly troops to ensure the high firepower of the [Mechanical Titans].

Seeing that the number of flesh and blood Titans was getting smaller and smaller, Rhodes and Clarence became excited, as if victory was right in front of them.

There were only seven pigeons, and their expressions became more and more solemn.

These weird flesh and blood Titans are obviously the work of Al Zeus. How could the true God be defeated so easily?

Sure enough, when the number of flesh and blood Titans was reduced to the last 2,000 or so, the entire flesh and blood land began to make strange heartbeat sounds again!

Gudong! Gudong! Gudong!

"Ah!!" All the flesh and blood Titans covered their faces in pain, half-crouched down, and their screams echoed in the air.

Their bodies gradually expanded, and their muscles continued to explode and spray out bright red plasma.

Plasma surrounded them, forming a dense plasma shield.

Chi! !

The Mechanical Titan's charged cannon hit the plasma shield. The missile did not cause damage, but instead made the plasma shield shine brighter.

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

Qi Ge immediately gave the order. However, [Charged Cannon Rain] was an inevitable possession magic. Although [Mechanical Titan] had responded in time, a sufficient number of armored cannons still fell on the plasma shield. superior.

The plasma shield absorbed enough energy, flashed three times in a row, and exploded!

In the plasma shield at this time, the appearance of the flesh and blood Titan has changed drastically!

Their bodies shrunk by half a circle, only about a hundred meters away, but their bodies were covered with strange blood-colored light.

At their feet, squatting half-crouched, was a strange flesh-and-blood monster.

The monster is on all fours and looks a bit like a wild boar, but there is no hair on its back, instead there are dense and short bright red tentacles.

Qi Ge's magic eyes are in a sealed state and cannot see the opponent's specific attributes.

Fortunately, Tanan, who had just arrived from the teleportation array, immediately shared the information he discovered using reconnaissance techniques with Qige.

"Those titans are called [Ferocious Titans], and the monsters at their feet are called [Ferocious Beasts].

Be careful, Seven Pigeons. Although I can't see the specific attributes and special skills, they are all level 7 and 5 mythical troops. "

"Level 7?! The Ferocious Tooth Beast is also level 7?!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

"Yes. Those Fang Beasts should be the mounts of the Fang Titan, just like the Wolf Cavalry's wolf, the Cavalry's horse, and the Death Knight's Bone Nightmare, so they have the same level as the Fang Titan.

But I don’t know why they can exist independently from the Fang Titan.

Watch out, they're coming! "

Qi Ge quickly looked around and saw that the Ferocious Tooth Beast had broken away from the Ferocious Tooth Titan and rushed out with great violence.

[Mechanical Titan]'s charged cannon immediately aimed at the Fang Beast, but all the charged cannons hitting the Fang Beast had no effect at all.

When the [Fairy Magic Mentors] saw this, they immediately changed their tactics and released slowing and control magic, but it was still ineffective!

Even the tree obstacles created by the [Generate Trees] magic were knocked over by the Ferocious Tooth Beast.

"Completely immune to magic! Just like the black dragon!"

Qige's pupils shrank.

[Mechanical Titan] immediately stopped casting spells and started firing physical cannonballs.

At this moment, the Fang Titan behind the Fang Beast suddenly raised his hands and applied a layer of scarlet plasma to the Fang Beast.

Those scarlet plasmas are like loyal roving interceptor cannons that can automatically lock on the flying long-range ammunition and shoot them down with thunder and lightning.

"Completely immune to magic, invalid from a distance.

Just like the Fallen Leaf Mantis restrained the Titan, the Ferocious Tooth Beast also completely restrained the [Mechanical Titan]!


However, I will not be defeated so easily. "

Qi Ge clenched his fist tightly, took out the conch, and blew it hard!


The hum of the conch echoed in the air, and a dazzling white light bloomed.

High in the sky, a whirlpool of ice and snow was generated again, and an extraordinarily huge mechanical giant joined the battlefield with more than 30,000 mechanical giants.

This is an army of mechanical giants led by Trossa himself. Each mechanical giant is equipped with a [Rocket Goblin] in its cockpit.

【Mechanical Giant

Special skills: mechanical arms, giant arms.

Mechanical Punch: Causes area damage when attacking.

Can be driven, currently driving [Rocket Fairy].

Acquire special skills: flying, rocket explosion]

Al Zeus has taken great care of the Titans. For hundreds of years, he has saved more than 10,000 [Titans].

As for God's Choice City, relying on its powerful industrial power, it took just one month to completely crush the [Titan] clan in terms of the number of [Mechanical Titans]!

The most terrifying thing about the machine race has never been the individual strength of each machine, but the terrifying production capacity that can continuously explode troops with only resources!

In terms of explosive weapons, in the entire Yasha world, only elements that can be generated in the void and undead that can transform corpses can be compared with the mechanical race.

The flying mechanical giant carries a rocket backpack and swoops down towards the Ferocious Tooth Beast!

As if they didn't know how to slow down, they hit the ground blankly, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion!

boom! ! !

Mushroom clouds rose, and the screams of ferocious-toothed beasts came from the blazing fire.

"Woohoo! Charge!!!" The Rocket Goblin sitting in the mechanical giant, driving the mechanical giant, rushed towards the exploding position crazily, rushing forward one after another without fear.

They are the craziest warriors among the goblins. They are willing to pay any price for victory, even if they are broken into pieces!

The will of the Rocket Fairy is the will of the mechanical giant. This will allows the mechanical giant to possess terrifying output stunts!

[Rocket Explosion: Self-destruct, causing real damage equal to your own health (450) to enemies within 3 blocks. 】

No one can resist the real harm caused by the equality of all living beings, not even the violent ferocious-toothed beast.

When the smoke and dust on the ground dispersed, the Ferocious Tooth Beast had turned into ashes, with only scattered mechanical parts remaining.

The suicidal attack of thirty-six mechanical giants destroyed the counterattack that the Fang Titan was determined to win.

At this moment, Trossa slowly descended into the smoke. He raised his right hand flatly, and the magic engine on his chest rotated violently, constantly spitting out magic smoke and ash dust.

His huge silicon crystal pupils were filled with brilliance, and he loudly announced to the sky:

"The mineral veins sleeping underground are not dead objects. Under the power of magic and machinery, they will be transformed into the sharpest killing weapons!

When it comes, the wind of steam will blow over the desolate land, and the power of magic will evaporate the thunder!

The living will become corpses, but the machines will remain immortal!

When magic and machinery meet, a ritual that changes the world will begin!

In the name of me, the mechanical master Trossa, come again, my mechanical soldiers! "

Click! Click!

A strange gravitational force came from Trossa, and the remains of the mechanical giants that had been submerged in the flesh and blood earth were reassembled under the influence of gravity.

Even [Rocket Fairy]'s shattered body was quickly repaired under the influence of gravity.

In less than three seconds, all the [Mechanical Titans] that self-destructed and died were reborn!

Today, Trossa has completely integrated with his mechanical body and has broken through the demigod.

Today, his specialty has changed from the crossbow to his exclusive mythical specialty [Mechanical Pioneer]!

[Mechanical Pioneer:

Add the [Assembly] skill to all mechanical arms you have.

Obtain mechanical repair, mechanical control, and mechanical rampage magic.

Assembly: Can be assembled with other mechanical arms. 】

Trossa, who possesses the special skill of Mechanical Herald, can continuously repair the surrounding mechanical units as long as he stands on the battlefield.

The one-time use [Mechanical Giant] can be turned into a mechanical bomb that can explode repeatedly under his hands!

The reason why the [Rocket Fairy] driving the [Mechanical Titan] can also be resurrected by Trotha is because [Rocket Fairy] is also a mechanical unit!

【Rocket Fairy

Grade 1

Rank: 5

Quality: Miracle


Special skills: Mechanical arms. Flying arms. The rocket explodes.

Explanation: On the road of mechanical transformation, the enthusiasm of the goblins is beyond imagination.

After some goblins saw the heavy jumper that could use the rocket backpack, their desire for flying made them try to wear the rocket backpack.

But their thin bodies cannot support the huge weight of the rocket pack.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to add mechanical structures to their bodies, turning the rocket backpack into a part of their body.

They are extremely crazy. When fighting for their own race, they will rely on the high mobility brought by the rocket backpack to rush into the center of the enemy and use their weak bodies to release the most gorgeous explosions! 】

To be honest, relying on self-destruction as a means of attack is not the best way to use the mechanical giant, and it cannot take advantage of the powerful attributes of the mechanical giant at all.

However, it is easy to produce the arms of the mechanical tribe and difficult to advance.

Before the mechanical giant had time to accumulate experience and advance, he was pulled into the top battlefield where top soldiers faced off against top soldiers.

There is no other way to use self-destruction to make up for the mechanical giant's disadvantage in rank.

The Fang Beasts were wiped out, and before Qi Ge and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, another large group of Fang Beasts formed around the Fang Titan!

This time, the Fang Titan directly picked up the Fang Beast and threw it into the air with great force!

Boom boom boom!

The mechanical giant in the sky died immediately after being hit by the Ferocious Tooth Beast, and automatically activated its rocket to self-destruct.

The sky was filled with flames and smoke, like a grand fireworks.

Some of the fierce-toothed beasts that didn't die in the explosion actually shook their tentacles and continued to charge with their heads held high.

Although they quickly died under the bombing of the mechanical giant, this scene also shocked Qi Ge so much that his jaw almost dropped.

"Those Fang Beasts are not the mounts of the Fang Titan, but the ammunition of the Fang Titan!


Is there anything so outrageous? ! Al Zeus's study of the abyss was really not in vain! "

"If this fight continues, there will be no end."

Tanan's eyes were serious.

"Then blow up the Fierce Fang Titan together! After self-explosion, all living beings are equal!"

Trossa waved his hand, and the backpack behind the mechanical giant spurted out surging flames. They flew lower and lower as they advanced at high speed, getting closer and closer to the Fang Titan.

The Fang Titan kept throwing Fang Beasts to intercept the mechanical giant, but with Trossa around, their resistance was doomed to be in vain.

Boom boom boom!

The mechanical giant finally rushed into the team of Fang Titan, and the wanton fireworks bloomed on the flesh and blood earth, stabbing the art of explosion hard on the surface of the flesh and blood earth.

Up until this point, all the flesh and blood Titans had died cleanly.

Seven Pigeons keenly discovered that the fleshy land in the distance began to gradually shrink and fade away, and victory was close at hand.


High in the sky, the bloody red clouds seemed to disagree with the battle ending like this. The terrifying thunder fell towards the earth like a thunder dragon!

"Your opponent is me!"

Tanan held a double-edged battle ax and jumped into the sky.

High in the sky, an endless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged behind Tanan.

With one swing of his axe, he smashed the falling Thunder Dragon into pieces!

Boom! !

In Thunder City, the Thunder Temple hidden in the void began to tremble, and the Tears of Asa in the temple also let out a cry of grief.

El Zeus tried to awaken the Thunder Temple, connect with the Tears of Asa, and summon a more terrifying offensive to destroy the Everfrost Icefield!

"Ha, you started using the Tears of Asa so soon? It seems that my disciple is more powerful than I thought.

I have been preparing for hundreds of years just for this moment. How can I let you get what you want? His Majesty the God King! "

At this moment, a chuckle came from the Sky Tower in Thunder City.

Great Library, Music Hall, Thunder Tower, Sky Tower, Dream Tower, Magic Center...

All the miracle buildings in Thunder City light up at the same time.

Credel's shadow slowly appeared in the main castle of Thunder City, condensing the surging power!

"I have suppressed you for too long. Now, you no longer need to be patient. What comes here is my greatest masterpiece, the Holy City of Thunder!"

Boom! !

The thunderclouds above Thunder roared again, and the main castle of Thunder City was like a lightning rod, sucking all the lightning into it.

The huge Thunder City shook, lightning and thunder roamed freely in the streets, strong winds swept through, and all the magic lights began to flash continuously.

The mythical building [Thunder Holy City] is born!

As soon as the Holy City of Thunder appeared, the huge power broke through the blockade of the void and connected with the Thunder Temple in the alien plane.

The [Thunder Temple], which was originally under the control of Al Zeus, was guided by the power of the Holy City of Thunder to break away from the control of divine power.

The Thunder Temple descended from the void and landed in the center of Thunder City, intending to merge with the Thunder Holy City.

The Tears of Yasha hidden in the Thunder Temple were also taken away by the Thunder Temple and became a hostage in the hands of Credel!

Three days! It will take a total of three days for the Thunder Temple and Thunder Holy City to merge.

After three days, the mythical building [Thunder God Throne] will be born in the world of Yasha.

As the Lord of Brakada, Al Zeus will inevitably become the master of the [Thunder God Throne], and Credel, who is integrated with the Thunder God Throne, will fall into his hands and be snatched alive and killed by him.

However, within these three days, Credel was able to completely cut off his control of the [Thunder Throne], and was able to continuously extract Al Zeus's [Thunder Power], greatly reducing Al Zeus' strength.

Even the Tears of Asa, El Zeus cannot control and use.

Like Qi Ge, Creder is a very stable person, but when it comes time to gamble, he is also an aggressive gambler!

He is using his own life and the most powerful mythical building in Brakada's history as a bet, betting that Al Zeus, the oldest false god in the world of Asa, will not live for three days!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the sky above Thunder City, endless thunderclouds rolled continuously, like the wrath of the sky.

But this sky can only be incompetent and furious, and can't even hit the slightest thunder and lightning.

Because all the thunder and lightning will be absorbed by the merging Thunder God Throne!


Among the thunderclouds, a pair of indifferent pupils slowly appeared.

In those pupils, there was the birth and death of thunder, an endless world, and an indescribable blood-red color.

He was not hysterically angry, nor was he cursing, only a chilling lament.

"So that's it, did you betray me too? No wonder I can't find you.

That’s it, that’s it.

I can only throw the whole of Bracada into turmoil. "

"Preach the oracle!"

Al Zeus gave the order softly, and all the statues belonging to him in all the cities of Bracada lit up.

"Preach the oracle!"

"Preach the oracle!"

"Preach the oracle!"

The entire Bracada seemed to be hit by a silencing magic, and except for the voice of Al Zeus, all other sounds disappeared.

The gods have orders, and the world is listening!

"All the lords belonging to the towers will immediately send troops to the Yongshuang Icefield to quell the rebellion."

The voice of El Zeus made the city lords of every city in Brakada tremble with fear.

How can we not obey the orders of the gods?

They had no choice at all and could only do their best to organize the army and go to put down the rebellion.

Otherwise, the Asa Fire of their city will label them as traitors, expel them from the city, and select a new city lord.

At this moment, in all the cities in Brakada, a group of people with strange expressions and dull eyes emerged from the darkness.

"The sky is full of blood, and the eyes of the common people look down on the earth. The disease fades away, and the new Lord comes to Asa."

They chanted prayers at the temple, heading towards the armory, towards the military camp, towards the teleportation array, and towards the key positions of each city!

"Your Majesty Eskel, why did you name yourself the Eye of the Common People?"

In a dark room without light, Qi Ge cautiously asked Escher.

Escher: "Hahaha, because there are people under my control in the entire Yasha world, and I can observe the world through their eyes.

Taking common people as eyes is the eyes of common people. "

Qi Ge: "Then... what about the prayer?"

Escher: "Which sentence?"

Seven Doves: "The sky is filled with blood, and the eyes of the common people look down on the earth. The disease has faded away, and the new Lord is coming to Asa."


"This sentence is a prophecy I received from a believer of the goddess of destiny a long time ago.

After I became a demigod, the reason why I named myself Eye of the Common People was also related to this prophecy.

I feel that I, the eye of the common people, can become the master of new life after helping the world of Yasha fade away.

Starwind, what do you think? "

Qige: "Haha, I think your guess must be right!"

Just as Qi Ge thought, Eskel was already a demigod before joining Brakada.

He stayed in Bracada for more than a hundred years.

Over the past hundred years, the entire Brakada has been infiltrated into a sieve by him.

Every city, no matter how big or small, has its people.

The core of power in a city is the city lord, but if the city lord's power is to be implemented, he must cooperate with his subordinates.

And most of the middle-level people who are rooted in the city are Esqier's people.

When power is forced to lose the nobility given to it by wealth, violence, and lies, then power becomes worthless!

Throughout Brakada, every city lord was giving orders to send out troops, but their orders could not leave the city lord's castle at all!

In addition to the believers of the Church of the Eye of the Living, there are also thieves from the Thieves Guild who are wreaking havoc everywhere. The comprehensive expansion of the Goblin Tavern has allowed the Thieves Guild's tentacles to extend into all the cities in Brakada!

At the same time, rebels organized by major forces also took advantage of this opportunity to rise up.

All the cities in Brakada that were still loyal to El Zeus were in violent internal turmoil. It was very difficult to suppress the rebellion, let alone send troops.

Outside Thunder City, two rays of light flashed.

The great sage Cedros and the thunder king Somra, who had been treated by Al Zeus with his divine power, each led their elite troops and prepared to go to the Everfrost Ice Field.

But not long after the two demigods left Thunder City, they fell into a strange space.

This space is upside down, left and right, and the bright magic flows like stars and the moon.

Deken, wearing the Star and Moon robe, stood proudly in front of them and bowed slightly to them.

"Great Sage, Dharma King. Sorry, this road is blocked.

Pass the leader's order.

You are all demigod heroes. Although you have had your faults, your sins are not worthy of death, and you do not need to follow Al Zeus into death.

I hope you will recognize the reality soon and stop struggling needlessly or suffering physical pain. "

In the mysterious space behind Deken, a large group of luxurious and sophisticated war machines suddenly appeared, pointing directly at the two of them.

Another demigod who looked like an old man with a white beard was sitting on a catapult, smiling kindly and rubbing his palms.

“I have long heard that in addition to having great magical power, the Great Sage is also very proficient in war machinery and sieges.

I am Hadward, the former king of Negan.

In the last power war, I didn't have the fate to compete with you, the great sage. This time, I want to ask you for advice. "

Somra and Cedros were livid, but unable to break through Deken's arrangement, they could only sigh deeply.

Outside the magical space, the elite troops they carried were all disarmed by the snake demon led by Fafner. They knelt down in fear and surrendered.

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