Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 859 Conferred God

Seven Pigeons are very alert.

Nine points of vigilance...

Be extremely vigilant...

I can't be vigilant anymore!

"Thirty minutes, exactly thirty minutes, and I was just thrown here and nothing happened?

What the hell is Al Zeus doing? "

Qi Ge scratched his head and simply began to explore.

He carefully moved to the edge of the khaki ball and looked down.

Under the earth-yellow ball is a deep darkness, and in the darkness, there seem to be three strange characters.

Qi Ge's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the characters and he stared deeply.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed through Qi Ge's mind!

[System prompt: You have obtained weak divine power: lightning. 】

[System prompt: You have obtained weak divine power: Thunder. 】

[System prompt: You have obtained weak divine power: Abyss. 】


Qi Ge felt a cool feeling starting from his tailbone and going straight to his brain.

His brain felt like it had been exploded, filled with many inexplicable things.

In his eyes, the whole world began to change.

Each of those randomly arranged balls has its own name.

Earth element ball, water element ball, air element ball, wind element ball, ice element ball, fire element ball, burning element ball...

He could feel that there was a strange connection between himself and these elemental balls. It seemed that he could operate these elemental balls.


Qi Ge stretched out his fingers, and a beam of lightning bloomed between Qi Ge's fingers and disappeared into the earth element ball at his feet.

The earth element ball stimulated by the electric light slowly swayed forward twice and collided with another rotating fire element ball.

Qi Ge's hands unconsciously worked harder, and powerful thunder was generated from his hands, forming a lightning bridge between the earth element ball and the fire element ball.

Two elemental balls with different attributes were brought closer by lightning, and gradually merged together, turning into a hot and dark red [Lava Elemental Ball].

Elemental reaction!

Qige's eyes widened in surprise.

The most basic unit of the Yasha world is Yasha energy, but Yasha energy is ethereal, invisible, invisible, and very difficult to use.

Therefore, the elements composed of Yasha energy became the cornerstone of Yasha's world construction.

Players in previous lives have studied it. By using the mutual reactions between elements, it is theoretically possible to create any element that exists in the Yasha world.

As long as there are enough elements and the arrangement and combination of elements are controlled, anything in the world of Yasha can be made theoretically.

Even the special skills of the units can be reflected through the arrangement of elements.

However, it is also extremely difficult to directly control the elements, because the elements are too small and too basic.

Any piece of wood must be composed of more than [10 to the sixteenth power] elements combined with each other.

In addition, the interaction between elements is not so easy to generate, and it must be distinguished according to inert elements and active elements...

In short, this is a very, very complicated knowledge. If written down, it might be as thick as ten sets of "Up and Down Five Thousand Years".

Those who studied these in the past life were all very special players. Qi Ge only dabbled in this aspect.

It belongs to the level where you understand something when you talk about it, but you don’t understand anything when you ask about it.

But with his meager knowledge, he can also understand his current abilities.

"Thunder Divine Power can control the movement of elemental balls.

Lightning Divine Power can speed up the fusion of elemental balls.

If you master thunder and lightning at the same time, you will have some power to control elemental balls! "

"Yes, I discovered it so quickly. It seems that you are smarter than I thought."

A soft voice of praise suddenly sounded in Qi Ge's ears, which frightened Qi Ge.

He turned around quickly and found an invisible person standing behind him.

His bright red skin covered with tiny tentacles was so recognizable that Qi Ge immediately understood the other person's identity.

"El Zeus!"

"Yes, that's me. Hello, Yasha Chosen."

Al Zeus smiled and waved, saying hello to Seven Pigeons.

Completely different from the cold and arrogant image of his real body, the Al Zeus in front of Qi Ge looked easy-going and elegant, just like a quietly growing cedar tree.

But Qi Ge was still vigilant. He squinted his eyes, arched his body slightly, and asked in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty the God King, what is your purpose in bringing me to this strange place and giving me thunder, lightning, and the weak divine power of the abyss?"

"Don't be so nervous, my friend. I mean no harm."

Al Zeus shook his head, still looking calm and calm.

Qi Ge quickly refused:

"No, please don't, I don't deserve to be your friend.

As far as I know, no one who becomes your friend will end well, especially... a certain demigod who has great trust in you. "

At the mention of the demigod goblin, Qi Ge's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He was the beginning of the goblin's disaster and the first step in the countless sins committed by Al Zeus.

Qi Ge has too many questions about the demigod goblin - what was his relationship with Al Zeus in the first place? How did he die? Why did El Zeus kill him?

And one of the parties involved in all this is right in front of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge sarcastically said:

"Your Majesty the God King, you once betrayed the demigod goblin. You don't want to deny it, do you?"

"Deny? Ha. Why should I deny it?"

Al Zeus smiled and shook his head.

"The demigod fairy you are talking about is [Bobobo], right?"

Al Zeus waved his hand, and a shadow appeared in front of him.

It was a goblin carrying a large backpack. The backpack bulged so much that the lid on the top of the backpack was squeezed out of shape. From the opening of the backpack, an extraordinarily huge diamond-shaped magic crystal was exposed.

His hair was fluffy and messy, his clothes and face were dirty, but his eyes were particularly bright.

His smile is also very bright, with a row of dazzling white teeth.

Qi Ge was a little surprised that the demigod fairy [Bobo Bo], the powerful fairy who developed the first-generation mechanical dragon, looked so simple and even a little bit not very smart.

Al Zeus looked at [Bobo Bo] with a somewhat nostalgic expression:

“He is my best best friend and a genius that I fully recognize.

Even now, I think he is the top genius in the Yasha world, except for me, of course. "

Qi Ge:......

Seeing that Al Zeus's demeanor did not seem to be fake, Qi Ge asked very strangely:

"He is a genius and your best friend, so why did you kill him?

Is there something hidden?"

Al Zeus looked at the seven pigeons, was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said with emotion:

“There is no hidden agenda, it’s just a battle of interests.

All races compete for hegemony, and the one who wins the tears of Asa wins the world.

At that time, only heroes with natural level 6 arms and the ability to master the Tears of Asa could gain the ability to build forces.

Even if a hero with insufficient military level gets the Tears of Yasha, he will not be able to exert the maximum value of the Tears of Yasha.

[Bobo Bo] It's all well and good, but he shouldn't create a mechanical dragon that is born at level 6.

With the mechanical dragon, it is possible for the goblins to combine with the mechanical dragon to become cavalry and upgrade to a natural level 6 unit.

Once the sublimation is successful, [Bobo Bo] will have the same control over Tears of Yasha as I do.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. For the sake of the giants and myself, I must carry out this murderous attack.

That's all. "

"Just because of this?!" Qi Ge couldn't accept it:

“Since you have such a good relationship with [Bobo Bo], why can’t you discuss it with him?

Maybe he won't rob you?

The goblins have never been an ambitious race. "

"That's because you don't understand the rules of Tears of Asa."

Al Zeus raised his head and said softly:

"After obtaining the Tears of Asa and establishing power, there was a frame period, which lasted about fifteen years.

During the frame period, Tears of Yasha will automatically select the most suitable hero to control it.

The goblins are uniquely blessed, their only disadvantage is their natural level.

Once the level disadvantage is made up by [Bobo Bo], if I fight with him, I will definitely lose.

For me, the most important thing in this world is to explore the mysteries of the world, and the second most important thing is the giant race.

My friendship with [Bobo Bo] cannot compare to the benefits.

If I kill [Bobobo], I will feel uncomfortable for a while. If [Bobobo] robs Yasha of Tears, I will feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life.

After I kill [Bobobo], it is imperative to suppress the fairy clan.

He is a demigod with immortality, and all fairies who remember him will be the anchor for his resurrection.

Therefore, I spent three years one after another killing all the goblins who followed our Titan to conquer the world.

This method should have caused dissatisfaction among mages, djinn, and snake monsters, but I relied on some means to feed them all. Only the monsters who needed to be suppressed by me suffered a big loss, so my rule is still stable. .

But even so, it's still not safe.

Now that I have done something sorry for the goblin, I can only eliminate the root cause.

However, I later discovered that the fairies are blessed with very special abilities.

They are born from the void, without father or mother, and feed on negative emotions. As long as there are creatures with emotions in the tower, they will not become extinct.

And that weird resonance ability.

Obviously each fairy is an independent individual, but it can rely on the ability of resonance to give birth to collective consciousness.

If the number of fairies is not controlled, the fairies may even rely on resonance to regain their memories of [Bobo Bo].

And if you keep killing goblins, killing too many goblins will allow the goblins to activate their potential in crisis, and resonate out of thin air to create goblins more powerful than [Bobo Bo].

After comprehensive consideration, I could only choose the most suitable method to deal with goblins.

Control them, enslave and oppress them, but don't go too far. "

Qi Ge:......

When Al Zeus said these words, his eyes were very clear.

He didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what he did, and he didn't even have any regrets.

Qi Ge immediately understood that Al Zeus was different from normal life after all.

He is not emotionless, but his reason completely suppresses his emotions.

Being able to build Brakada into the largest force in the world of Yasha, Al Zeus is indeed very powerful.

He has the ability, but no heart.

Qige can understand him, but doesn't like him.

Al Zeus didn't care about the disgust shown by the seven pigeons. He pointed to the ground and said to the seven pigeons:

"Have you ever wondered how our world is made?

The Mother Goddess created the world. What logic was she based on, and what methods did she use to create this magical world?

Where did Chaos come from, and why did it attack the world of Yasha?

Is there an end to the void, and if so, where is it? If not, why not?

These are the mysteries of the world that I want to explore.

The divine power of thunder and lightning allowed me to glimpse one of the ultimate secrets of the Yasha world, the elemental reaction.

Elemental reactions are magical. All natural phenomena in the Yasha world, including rain, snow, wind, frost, flowers blooming and falling, are all related to elemental reactions.

Even wisdom is a manifestation of elemental reactions.

Using elemental reactions, I can transform my divine kingdom, turning every inch of my divine kingdom into a strange organization that can think.

In words you can understand, I can cultivate my kingdom of God into a life. "

Qi Ge frowned and asked deeply:

"What do you mean when you tell me this?

Are you trying to convince me to let you go? Or do you want to recruit me to be your subordinate just like you recruited Tanan?

Stop dreaming. You and I have different paths and we don’t want to work together. "

"Solicitation? No, I don't need it anymore."

Al Zeus gave Qi Dove a strange look and explained:

“I recruited Tanan because he has the ability to ensure the normal operation of Brakada and the adequate supply of resources before my research is completed.

And now, my research is complete.

I no longer need Bracada, nor do I need research resources, nor do I need any subordinates.

Don't worry, just listen to me. "

Al Zeus pointed to the feet of the seven doves and said:

“Ever since I discovered that elemental reactions can create intelligent life, I have been trying to transform the Kingdom of God.

I want to use my kingdom of God as the brain and the entire Yasha world as the body to turn the Yasha world into a living creature.

If I can succeed, I will create the most powerful being in the history of the world of Yasha, even more powerful than the gods.

Can you imagine that?

The mountains and rivers are the bones of this creature, the earth is the skin of this creature, the rivers are the blood of this creature, and the volcanoes erupting deep underground are the heart of this creature...

He has no arms, legs, or mouth, nor does he need arms, legs, or a mouth.

He can roam in the endless void and consume void energy unscrupulously to become stronger.

All the world he encounters will be absorbed and assimilated by him.

All the worlds in the endless void will become part of it, and it can become stronger without limit until it gathers the power of all the worlds in the entire void.

At that time, even Chaos will be easily swallowed by it.

That's the idea, but it's very difficult to do.

For hundreds of years, my research has yielded little results. There seems to be an invisible barrier blocking my way forward.

However, the Shattered Abyss suddenly came!

When I defeated Ur and began to study the power of the abyss, I was shocked to realize that this was what I lacked!

Pure order is too stable, causing the elements to react very slowly.

The rule of the abyss is chaos. Bombarding order with chaos can make the elemental reaction become extremely violent.

Thunder Divine Power can strip the designated elements I want from the chaotic elements.

Lightning Divine Power can force elements that are originally mutually exclusive and unable to react to produce elemental reactions.

The rules of the abyss can allow elemental reactions that would otherwise take tens of thousands or even millions of years to be completed quickly in days.

Obtaining the rules of the abyss suddenly accelerated my research. The flesh and blood aggregates and Fang Titan you see are all the results of my research. "

Al Zeus pointed to the tentacles on his body that were constantly growing and dying, and said with some regret:

“Because of the abyss, this activation is not yet stable.

If I were given a few more years, I would definitely be able to come up with a perfect activation plan and bring out the creatures in the world of my dreams. "

When Qi Ge heard this, his stress reaction suddenly started:

"Your Majesty the God King, I don't want to say this.

Not to mention giving you a few years, just giving you a few more seconds is enough.

The false gods of the eight major forces, the monarch of the four elements, the four goddesses of fate, magic, wealth and peace, the sun god and the sea god, are all waiting for your death.

The pit has been dug, and whoever dares not to bury you will be buried.

What is the general trend? Your death is the general trend. "

"Ha. Of course I know." Al Zeus shook his head, feeling helpless:

"Are you still worried that I am unwilling to die and want to plot some conspiracy against you?

Don't worry, I'm not that stupid.

From the moment they appeared, I was destined to die today.

I promise you, I will not struggle by any means just to stay alive, let alone try to destroy the world of Yasha and let Chaos invade.

There's no point anymore.

Even if I make a huge hole in Yasha's world, I will definitely die. Why bother?

Because you are an ordinary person, you don't know me well.

For a being like me, losing my life is not a terrible thing.

Life is just a tool I use to explore the mysteries of the world.

Out of the desire to explore the mysteries of the world, I will struggle desperately as long as there is a glimmer of hope.

But I won't linger in this desperate situation, it's too ugly.

I tell you this just in the hope that you can pass on what I have discovered. "

Al Zeus said to Qi Ge with a calm face:

"Yasha Divine Chosen, you do not belong to our world. So I believe you can make an objective enough judgment on my merits and demerits.

I ask you not to completely deny my exploration and research because of some of my personal behaviors.

When I die, I will give you the divine power of thunder, lightning, and the abyss.

If you are willing, you can continue my research when you are strong enough.

If you are unwilling, then please record my research and let them wait quietly for a destined person. "

At this point, Al Zeus suddenly stopped. He looked at the sky, countless time seemed to be flowing in his eyes, as if he was recalling his life.

His voice suddenly became ethereal and pure:

"There is a long-standing story among our giant tribe.

Legend has it that there is a holy mountain in the world of Yasha.

The destination of the giants is on this holy mountain.

Every giant will come to this holy mountain and climb up with all his strength.

The process of climbing the Holy Mountain is not easy. The Holy Mountain is full of traps and thorns.

Sometimes, in order to pass the trap, we have to abandon our huge body and become weak and powerless.

Sometimes, we don’t even have a chance to encounter a trap, and we will die on the way to the top of the holy mountain.

But even if we reach the top of the Holy Mountain, we are still not successful.

Because the holy mountain has not grown yet.

All the giants who died on the Holy Mountain will turn into stone, merge into the Holy Mountain, and become part of the Holy Mountain, making the Holy Mountain higher and higher.

One day, a giant will stand on a high enough holy mountain, step through the void from the top of the mountain, leave this world, and meet Mother Asa who created the world.

I always thought that I would be the giant who breaks through everything, but now it seems that I am just a stone on this holy mountain.

When did things go wrong in my life?

Was it the moment I decided to join the fight for hegemony among all races?

Or the moment I killed [Bobo Bo]?

Or was it the moment when I suppressed the Kingdom of God and was unwilling to become a god?

It didn't matter anymore, my failure had become a reality.

It doesn't matter, as long as my way can be passed on, one day, the giant who reaches the top will appear. "

Qi Ge looked at Al Zeus's lonely expression and felt a little moved in his heart.

Seven Pigeons already knew what El Zeus meant, and Trossa also said similar things.

Al Zeus, like Trossa, both have the unique romance of seekers. However, Al Zeus's methods of seeking truth are more radical and cruel.

There was no need for him to make himself so hated by gods and ghosts that heaven and earth would not tolerate him.

But he finally got to this point.

Living beings always have to pay the price for their actions and inactions, even gods are no exception.

Al Zeus looked at the seven pigeons with a smile and said:

"Go back, Yasha Divine Chosen. Go and witness my final end."

Qige's eyes flashed, and he returned to the ice-covered Yongshuang Icefield.

Al Zeus is still trapped by the three false gods, and the kingdom of Al Zeus in the distance is still under constant attack.

Nothing seemed to have changed, except for the way Al Zeus looked at Qi Dove, which changed slightly.


At this moment, in the distant kingdom of El Zeus, the strange and inexplicable thunder cloud of flesh and blood started to cry like a baby!


In the sky, all the places covered by red clouds began to rain scarlet rain, like a hearty stream of blood and tears.

Qi Ge couldn't tell whether they were the tears of the Kingdom of God or the tears of Brakada.

The gods will die, and the heavens will weep.

As the blood rain fell, [Flesh and Blood Thundercloud] struggled violently.

Its appearance keeps changing, sometimes it turns into a giant dragon, sometimes it turns into a blood wolf, sometimes it turns into a ferocious beast with ferocious teeth...

The soil covered with blood and tears also began to breed strange tentacles of flesh and blood.

Qi Ge's pupils shrank, and he knew it wasn't that simple!

The kingdom of El Zeus actually has its own consciousness!

His divine kingdom is already a complete living being!


Suddenly, an angry rebuke came from heaven and earth.

Al Zeus, who was firmly suppressed by the three false gods, still had the energy to roar.

With this loud roar, the Kingdom of God [Flesh and Blood Thundercloud], which was still struggling, suddenly became quiet and stopped moving.

The land that had begun to turn into flesh and blood gradually returned to normal.

Al Zeus scolded angrily, and his voice became gentle again:

"My child, it was me who caused you trouble. If I hadn't given you life, you wouldn't have felt the pain of death.

Let's leave together in peace. "


The distant flesh and blood thundercloud once again let out an ethereal cry, as if responding, as if crying, like singing, sad and sad.

Al Zeus closed his eyes, and his body gradually turned into pure light.

In the distance, his divine kingdom also began to gradually lighten.

Tanan stood beside Qige, extremely shocked:

"El Zeus is sacrificing his own kingdom of God and disconnecting himself from the Tears of Asa?!"

When Qi Ge heard this, he quickly asked:

"Sacrifice to the Kingdom of God?! What will be the consequences after sacrificing to the Kingdom of God?"

The voice of the Dark Dragon King rang in Qi Ge's ears:

“The gods and the kingdom of God are one with each other, and sacrificing sacrifice to the kingdom of God is tantamount to sacrificing oneself.

Al Zeus's consciousness will disappear without any trace, and his divine power will be preserved to the greatest extent.

This was the way he died that would do the least harm to the world of Yasha.

But no one can force him to die like this except himself.

Although I feel bad about him, he is indeed the strongest among us.

If anyone gets the Tears of Asa and his divine power, he may become the next [El Zeus] in an instant. "

is that so?

Is Al Zeus really willing to die on his own? !

Qige's eyes were a little confused for a moment.

"Ha. Now you believe it."

A chuckle suddenly sounded in Qi Ge's ears.

"Remember what I told you. Also, I have one more thing to ask of you.

If possible, don't exterminate all the Titans.

I made the mistake and they had to listen to my orders.

If you want to kill, just kill those who have committed the most heinous crimes and leave some blood.

Don't worry, I will cleanse the memories of the Titans. They will not remember what happened today, nor will they remember that there was a God King like me.

When is the time for retribution? All hatred started because of me, so let it end because of me. "

Qi Ge's expression changed.

"Mother, the unworthy descendant El Zeus has returned to the world of Asa.

From today on, thunder will patrol the sky in the world of Yasha. If there is an invasion of chaos, thousands of thunder will roll down and destroy it all! "

Al Zeus's announcement suddenly came, and he and his kingdom turned into bright lights, rising straight into the sky.

Boom! !

A thunder resounded through the sky, and high in the sky, Al Zeus and his kingdom were completely submerged in the divine power network and disappeared!

The gods who came to join the battle all looked at the two points of light that disappeared into the sky, with complex expressions and different expressions.

The seven pigeons took a deep breath and raised their hands to the sky:

"Congratulations, Thunder Titan, Al Zeus, canonized as a god!"

Buzz! !

The divine power network in the sky suddenly shook, and a fresh breath burst out from the divine power network, sweeping across the entire Yasha world.

In Qi Ge's mind, the three divine powers suddenly awakened, and at the same time, some mysterious and mysterious knowledge was also stuffed into his mind.

That was Al Zeus's last legacy.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining Divine Power: Thunder, Divine Power: Lightning. Weak Divine Power: Abyss]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the mythical auxiliary skill: Elemental Activation. Do you want to spend 10 skill points to learn it?

Warning: Elemental activation requires the possession of thunder, lightning, and abyss power at the same time to activate. 】

In Qi Ge's heart, Wei Chengfeng shouted excitedly:

"Ah!!! My dear, you did it! Woohoo, my father's authority is finally back!"

Collect it quickly. I want to use these two divine rights as a betrothal gift to throw that old man in the face! "

Qi Ge smiled helplessly in his heart.

Although El Zeus taught him how to transform the world of Asa into living creatures, he had no intention of following his path.

The path to revitalizing Yasha is not necessarily wrong, but it is too difficult and the price is too high.

He had better options.

He helped Al Zeus record his research.

Therefore, Qi Ge handed over the power of thunder and lightning to Wei Chengfeng without hesitation.

At that moment, the two divine powers were integrated into Wei Chengfeng's body, and they were put in very smoothly.

At this moment, the divine power network in the sky suddenly flashed, and a ball of light composed entirely of divine power appeared in the sky!

Tanan stared at the ball of light, with uncontrollable desire in his eyes.

"Seven Pigeons, that is the blank divine kingdom after all the divine power of Al Zeus has been washed away. Although it is small and pitiful, it is still a divine kingdom.

The Kingdom of God cannot be without its owner.

If any lucky person is chosen by that divine kingdom, he can directly go to heaven and become a god.

But that Kingdom of God cannot be robbed, and those who are not recognized by it will be bounced away. "

"That's it. Uncle Tanan, the Kingdom of Blank Kingdom seems to have flown over."

Qi Ge was excited.

"Could it be that the Kingdom of God is here to find me?!"

Tanan looked at Qi Ge with contempt and spat:

“As beautiful as you think, you’re not even a demigod.

If you are looking for it, come to me!

hiss. Although it is a kingdom of God, it is too small.

Do I want it or not? "

At this moment, over the Everfrost Icefield, the fairy sky flashed with golden light, and the mythical building Fairy Utopia suddenly floated up, becoming one with the Blank Divine Kingdom.

Qi Ge:......


Ke Ruoke's shadow slowly emerged in the Kingdom of God, bidding farewell to Qige:

"Lord! We will become new gods.

Our god will hang high above the world of Yasha, cleaning up the negative emotions of the entire world of Yasha until the influence of chaos on the world of Yasha is completely eliminated.

This is the responsibility entrusted to us fairies by Mother Yasha, and we are bound to do so!

Lord, don’t worry, even if we become gods, you will still be our lord!

We will bless you in heaven! "

"Lord Lord!!"

From behind Keruoke, a large number of jumping fairies emerged. They all waved at Qige and shouted loudly:

"Lord, please remember us!"

"Goodbye, Lord Lord!"

"These little guys..."

Qi Ge couldn't help but burst into tears as he watched the ball disappearing in the sky.

"Go, Ke Ruoke, go, everyone! Go and complete your mission!"

"Uncle Ke Ruoke!"

At this moment, a heartbreaking shout came from Qi Ge's side.

Clarence jumped off the mechanical Titan, tears streaming down his face:

"Wait for me! I haven't gone to the Kingdom of God yet! But Uncle Ruoke, why didn't you take me with you when you left?

too painful! Take me away too! "

"Clarence! Help the lord! When you are about to die, we will come to pick you up.

Our Kingdom of God [Fairy Utopia] is the final destination for all fairies, and every one of them is indispensable. "

But if you can put it on your waist, you laugh out loud:

“From today on, no goblins will go hungry anymore. With us in the sky, all goblins can receive goblin candies, honey water, cotton clouds and mashed potatoes through prayer!

My long-cherished wish came true, hahaha! "

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