Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 866 God Bless Yasha

[Farewell to the old world, heroes reunite again! Announcement on the end of the file deletion test of "World of Heroes"

Dear chosen adults of Yasha:

Hello everyone, after a one-year "world test", I believe you will have a wonderful and happy experience in "World of Heroes".

It’s time to say goodbye to all the Yasha Gods. This time, the [World Test] of "World of Heroes" will officially close all servers except the [Flower Planting Area] at 18:00 on May 15, 2042. At that time, it will be impossible to Log into the game.

The gods of Yasha thank everyone for their efforts and contributions during the [World Test].

In the [World Test] area, the game data generated in the [World Test] area will be cleared.

We will retain the [Flower Planting Area] server as the [Heroic Soul World Official Server].

[Official Server] will be officially opened at 0:00 on June 1, 2042. Yasha God Chosen from all over the world can enter the [Official Server] to play.

All players who have entered the game during the [World Test], after creating a new account in the [Official Server] and entering the game, can get the return gift pack and the event rewards of the World Test for free. All event gift packs and other rewards will be released when the game is officially launched. cash.

"World of Heroes" has started a new round of preparations. The Yasha Gods have made detailed records of the bugs and suggestions fed back by the Yasha Gods. The production team will make subsequent repairs and optimization adjustments.

I wonder what kind of surprise we will have next time we meet?

The happiest thing for the Yasha gods is to go on an adventurous journey with the chosen ones of the Yasha gods!

The story of "World of Heroes" does not end here. There are more adventures waiting for everyone in the future. Farewell is just a brief wave, and meeting is the moment when we will meet again.

More information about the "World of Heroic Souls" will be passed on by the Yasha gods to the Yasha Gods in the future!

Please pay attention to the [Flower Planting Area] game forum to learn about the progress of the [Flower Planting Area] world.

Thank you again for your attention and support to [Yasha God's Chosen] for "World of Heroes". The entire production team would like to express our most sincere gratitude to all [Yasha God's Chosen] adults who participated in this test!

————The production team of "World of Heroes" May 14, 2042. 】

Another group of fellow villagers from Earth are about to land in Yasha World!

However, their game data is not retained, and all those who come are level 1 trumpets.

This news can turn the entire heroic soul world forum upside down.

As we all know, human nature is always concerned not with scarcity but with inequality.

If all servers delete files, then foreign server players will not have any objections, but only the foreign servers will be deleted, and the national server will still retain the files. How can foreign server players be willing?

The forum was extremely heated.

"Why is only the flower planting area not deleting files? Please give us an explanation from Heroic Soul World Game Company. 》

"It's over, all the players in our test server have become refugees. 》

"I don't mind deleting my account, but it's 16 days. How am I going to live without being able to touch the Heroic Soul World for 16 days!" Is it too late to change nationality now? 》

"It turns out that the flower planting area is the official server. We all deleted the trial server. The contract was written when we entered the game, and it was written in a large size, but I didn't read it, woo woo woo." 》

"The World Overlord Guild takes in refugees from foreign servers, don't be afraid of level resets, the number one guild is your home!"

Talents from all walks of life are welcome to join Tianxia Hegemony and create a journey together. 》

If something like this happens, foreign server players will certainly suffer a huge loss.

Especially those wealthy players.

Although the World of Heroes game is completely free to play and there is no paid entrance, there are always ways for wealthy players who want to spend money to purchase progress.

Many rich players have invested a large amount of money in the World of Heroes game, but now all these funds have been wasted, leaving them with nothing but blood and hearts bleeding.

Some players are naturally jumping up and down and cannot accept it.

However, even for some paid games, players do not receive any compensation when the server is closed, let alone completely free games.

[World of Heroes] The game company is very tough. The compensation has been provided in the game and you will get it when you go online. But if you are still not satisfied, there is nothing you can do. You can go to court and sue our company.

Of course, the rich players know that they can't sue at all. The money they paid was all for other players and not half a dime to the game company. Why should they sue?

Wasting your time suing game companies? Nonsense.

You choose the game yourself. You lose time and gain happiness. Time can be returned, but can you return happiness?

Ask the other party to pay back the electricity bill? It’s not possible either. Electricity is now free in most countries. In some countries that still charge electricity fees, the electricity fees are not collected by the game companies, but by the power supply bureaus.

Therefore, the foreign server tycoons who still want to continue to conquer the world of heroic souls have very rationally begun to investigate the information of the national server, and are preparing to work hard after entering the game and catch up from behind.

Most of the players on foreign servers just complained about this, saying that they should wait and change games when they should. Only a small number of players really couldn't accept it and kept clamoring for compensation.

The gods have no good solution for the loss of players. An unusually large amount of compensation will make other players doubt the truth of the game.

Qi Ge is not worried about the loss of players.

Compared with other virtual reality games, the experience of Heroic Soul World is so real, and the world view is so grand that other virtual reality games cannot compare at all.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Having already experienced the World of Heroes, if these players try to play other games in the future, they will most likely be uninterested.

Especially since such a fun game is actually free!

The gods don't care about the revenue of Heroic Soul World at all, and they have never thought about making money.

Although we are already in an era of great material abundance, things beyond the scope of [general enjoyment] still cost money.

If you can save money, no one wants to spend it.

The Heroic Soul World has not confiscated my money, so what kind of goods do you charge me so much for? No more playing, no more playing, the Heroic Soul World is activated!

Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to throwing away.

All the game colleagues in the Heroic Soul World hate this game with all their teeth.

Qi Ge firmly believes that most players will eventually return to the Heroic Soul World obediently.

This has been verified in the previous life. Even if the national server has been beaten to pieces, it still makes countless players dream about it and cannot extricate themselves.

To the point where all other games on the market can't make much money, 99% of the large guilds are concentrated in the World of Heroes, which can be called the only one with a monopoly.

This leads to [Other Game] players finding out that their relatives and friends in [Other Game] have gone to play Heroic Soul World, and they will cry out sadly:

Damn it, you are infected with Ying! Confused, why did you become infected with Ying? That thing can't move.

Look at that so-and-so, what will happen to them after they touch the world of heroic souls? He never came back!

Although Qi Ge is not worried at all that [game players] will not play Heroic Soul World, there are still a large number of non-[game players] in the real world.

Games are fun, but in a real world with abundant materials, there are too many ways to entertain yourself.

Any college student, after graduating and working for a few years, can buy a yacht and rent dozens of beautiful Catwoman robots to drive Impa on the yacht.

Novels, animations, comics and other art forms are booming.

There are also fishermen, iron maniacs, travel experts and so on.

Everyone is free to choose the entertainment they like.

For the entire [real world], gamers are only a very small minority group.

The Heroes Invincible City project is about to begin, and the more Yasha Gods choose, the better.

These are the ultimate workers with boundless energy, overwhelming energy, and hard work without complaint. No matter how many Seven Pigeons there are, they are not too many.

Qi Ge knew very well that if he wanted to allow non-game players to enter the world of Heroic Souls, he would not be able to do it on his own.

Professional people do professional things.

Not long after returning from the dream world, Qi Ge called Chao Hua.

In the main castle, Qi Ge was immersed in writing, and Chao Hua's head poked out of the door.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, something happened."

Qi Ge just raised his head and took a look, and his eyes almost popped out.

"Chaohua, what are you wearing on your head?"

"It's a griffon headgear. I asked Michelle Bingtang to get it. She was about to get rid of it after being eliminated. I thought it was okay, so I asked her to get it."

Chaohua said as she walked into Qi Ge's room.

She was wearing a gryphon costume, and even the angel wings behind her had turned into the brown color of a gryphon, making her look like a gryphon.

"How's it going? Boss, look at it, does it look good?"

Chaohua spun around in front of Seventh Brother and posed in a pose, with the front protruding and the back curving, which was quite cute.

Qi Ge glanced at the gryphon's tail swinging up and down towards the flower, smiled helplessly and said:

"It looks good, as long as you like it."


Qige straightened her face and said with a serious expression:

"Chaohua, I came here to ask you a question.

If I need more players to enter the game, how much support can they give me? "

Chaohua tilted her head in confusion and asked:

"Boss, aren't there enough Yasha God's Choices now? The foreign servers will come in soon."

Qi Ge shook his head solemnly and said resolutely: "It's not enough. There is still a big, big gap."

Seeing Qige's solemn look, Chaohua also became serious and asked seriously:

"Boss, how many more players do you need? Are there any occupation and skill requirements? Just tell me and I will go to the higher-ups for approval."

Qi Ge replied seriously:

“There are no occupation or skill requirements, as long as you are an individual.

As for quantity, as long as it does not affect the normal operation of the real world, the more the better, the more the better! "

"Okay! I understand."

Chaohua said seriously:

"I'll go offline and ask."

The peach blossom turned into a white light and disappeared, only to reappear half an hour later.

She solemnly said to Qige:

"Boss, the people above have said that every citizen of Flower Country has his own free will, which can only be guided, not forced.

But they will still give you the greatest support within their capabilities and try their best.

For example, advertising Heroic Soul World on a monopoly information exposure platform, awarding Heroic Soul World Game Company medals to increase its exposure, etc.

When necessary, they can even include [World of Heroes] as an elective [leisure project] for middle school, high school, and college students. "

Chaohua took a deep breath and said:

“If they have to, they can include Heroic Soul World as a [compulsory course] and even as part of the college entrance examination.

When it comes to life and death, they can also use force to force citizens into the game.

But this kind of thing will cause great social unrest, and they hope that you will carefully consider whether this is necessary now. "

Qi Ge nodded and understood what Chao Hua meant.

In today's society, there is already a lot of support from above.

Forcing residents to play a certain game is the same as forcing residents to go fishing. They are both things that distort the will of citizens.

In today's world where it is a matter of personal freedom to choose whether to receive education, incorporating a game into the curriculum is still very deviant.

The people above also know the truth of lips dying and teeth cold, and know that the world of Yasha is the only barrier to the real world.

But they suffer because they have no way to tell the citizens why.

Doing this kind of thing rashly may even shake their rule. It is never easy for a few people to manage the majority.

"I understand." Qige nodded and said:

"Don't use too radical methods first. Focus on propaganda and persuasion and see the effect first.

If the effect really doesn't work, then use inducements. In the official name, subsidies are given to players who enter the Heroic Soul World.

What I need here is that those players can use up the number of uses of the city building order and build as many cities as possible.

After the city is built, even if they stop playing the game and completely go offline, the city will not disappear.

If there is really a need, I will make a detailed task list for you.

It will clearly state what each Yasha God Chosen needs to complete after entering the game, and how much money he will receive after completing it.

Just like the missions in the game.

If the difficulty is not high, most citizens should still be willing to make extra money. "

Qi Ge said seriously to Chao Hua:

"I know you are always recording. Remember to hand over the entire process of our conversation to the top later. It is best to hand it over directly to the top without getting into other people's hands. He will understand what I mean after reading it."

Chaohua nodded, patted his chest and promised, "The mission will be accomplished!"

"Okay!" Qi Ge nodded, lowered his eyebrows to sort out his thoughts, and said to Chao Hua:

“The final enemy is more powerful than we imagined.

With our own strength, we are simply unable to fight against it, and we cannot even observe it.

All research on the final enemy should be stopped, as this will lead to huge disasters.

To know is to be known, and it is never a lie.

The world of Yasha is our last fortress and our last hope.

The road ahead is difficult and full of thorns and obstacles, but we are not in a desperate situation and our struggle is by no means meaningless.

Now, a turning point in fate has arrived. It all depends on man-made things, and man can conquer nature! "

Chaohua pursed her lips. Due to the lack of some information, she did not fully understand what Qi Ge said.

But this did not prevent her from feeling the extraordinary power of Qi Ge's language.

She took a deep breath and looked at Qi Ge very seriously, her eyes flashing with admiration involuntarily.

Qi Ge thought for a while, and after confirming that nothing had been missed, he said to Chao Hua:

"That's it, go ahead."

"Yes, boss!"

Only then did Chaohua relax. She took off her hood and smiled like a flower:

"Boss, you are waiting for my good news!"

Seeing the morning flowers turn into white light and disappear, Qi Ge shook his head and showed a doting smile.

He knocked on the red conch on the table, and after the conch was connected, he said softly:

"Petra, please go to Hades Farm and inform the demigod Nimbas and Mr. Tyndall to come to the castle."

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Qi Ge finished organizing the materials in his hands and got ready.

The Netherland Farm is a little far away from here, and he also has a rare moment of rest.

He took out a bottle of sugar coconut and sipped it while looking in the direction of the cemetery in trance.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

The ultimate plan all starts with Hades Farm.

Whether or not 1/2 of the cemetery can be successfully renovated is directly related to the survival of future plans.

Food is indispensable for most order creatures, but it has no effect on the undead. What they need is the undead death energy that spontaneously overflows from the underworld.

Transforming half of the Underworld into an Underworld Farm means that half of the undead need to be moved to other cities.

Land acquisition is not an easy task either in the real world or in the Yasha world.

In the world of Yasha, because the land of order is hard-won, the value of land is higher than in the real world.

The Lord of the Dragon Lich has the power to suppress the entire cemetery, and most of the lords of the cemetery forces are extremely loyal to the Lord of the Dragon Lich.

Of course he could enforce the land acquisition order through force, but this would be a huge drain on his prestige.

"The Lord of the Dragon Lich understands the righteousness well. He is willing to cooperate with me and the gods to implement the Netherland Farm plan, which has already given me a lot of face.

If I don't clean up my hands and make things difficult for him, then I don't know how to be a good person.

You have to think of a more comprehensive plan. "

While Qi Ge was deep in thought, a black conch around his waist suddenly sounded.

When Cao Cao arrived, he turned out to be the Lord of the Dragon Lich!

Qi Ge quickly picked up the conch, and before he could speak, he said:

"Qi Ge, I have already taken care of the matter at Netherland Farm that you mentioned.

In about a month you can come over to my place for a massive farm makeover. "

Qige:? ? ?

Qi Ge was a little surprised: "My God, did I hear you correctly? You have already secured half of the cemetery territory? It has only been one day?"

"Humph. Boy, it's not difficult.

I informed the entire cemetery that there had been significant progress in the research on the death energy of the undead, and invited them to come to my place for the final sprint and to participate in the grand event.

Needless to say, those research sects brought their own dry food and came over without hesitation.

I, the conspiracy sect, specially sent them invitation letters, and no one dared not to give me this honor.

Although it is said to be the final sprint, it is normal for things that we need to study at our level to sprint for [one year to a hundred years].

Now most of the lords of the cemetery are gathered in the eastern region, and I plan to build a group of large research cities here to keep them all.

Rest assured, they will definitely stay here in order to obtain research qualifications and better research conditions.

Even if I force them to go back and become lords and drive them away, they will not leave.

As a result, the only undead troops left in the west are the unintelligent ones.

If you transform it casually and don't actively attack them, they won't bother you. "


This method is very clever! Caught those research geeks directly!

Qi Ge took a deep breath and sighed.

"That's great. God, the entire Yasha world will remember your contribution."

"Hahaha! I don't care about that.

I won’t tell you anymore.

When I said we were in the final sprint stage, I wasn’t lying to them. It was really the final sprint stage!

If this technology is successfully broken through, it will be much easier to clean up the chaotic area.

Just wait for our good news. "

The Lord of the Dragon Lich hung up the conch very quickly, and Qi Ge did not even have time to say goodbye.

He couldn't help but smile and whispered to himself:

“In the world of Yasha, the power of the group cannot be ignored, but a few geniuses are also the core of the core.

Geniuses are also part of the group.

The 'throne' here has never been hereditary, it is only occupied by those who are capable.

I am not fighting alone, the most outstanding beings in the world of Yasha are standing by my side.

With their help, I can do anything! "

Qige's mood became even more excited. He swiped his pen and added a line of words to the "Meeting Minutes".

[Inform Nimbas that after completing the infrastructure construction of the Netherland Farm, immediately rush to find the Lord of the Dragon Lich.

His eyes can see the soul fire and the death energy of the undead, which must be of great help to their research. 】

After seeing off Mr. Nimbas and Tyndall, who were smiling brightly after receiving the mission, Qige took a deep breath, packed a bunch of things, and prepared to take a boat to the seaside and rush to Erathia.

But as soon as he left the castle, he saw a figure in black robe walking over, supporting two gray-headed and charred people.

"Uncle Thief!"

Qi Ge was startled and hurried over.

After taking a closer look, Qi Ge discovered that standing on the left side of Anosaki was Gru, who was blowing out black smoke, and on the right side was Tanan with charred hair.

"Ah?! Lord Tanan, Lord Gru? Uncle thief, what's going on?"

Qi Ge quickly picked up Uncle Tanan and followed Anosaki towards the main castle.

"Don't mention it!"

As Anosaki walked away, he said with a gloomy look:

"These two guys ran outside the battlefield of the gods and fought hard. They blew up a battlefield of the gods and fell into the void themselves.

It took a lot of effort from me to get them both back.

Fortunately, I didn't meet the Chaos Lord in the void, otherwise I would have to get in. "

Qi Ge suddenly realized it, and he asked why the two demigods didn't come back after blowing up the [Elemental Heroic Soul World], that's why.

He asked worriedly:

"Uncle Thief, it doesn't matter if they are like this, right?"

"Don't worry, the demigod's life is very tough, just rest for a while and you'll be fine."

As Anosaki spoke, he took out two lightless swords and said to Qi Ge:

"I have recovered the Ice Sword and the Doomsday Blade.

Credle said, just leave them to you. "

"Doomsday Blade!" Anosaki's words seemed to activate some switch, and Gru, who was already unconscious, suddenly struggled violently.

"Give me, give me the Doomsday Blade, I will destroy it!"

"Don't move, don't move!"

Veins popped out on Anosaki's head, and he pressed down hard on Gru who was desperately trying to scratch his face.

But even though Gru couldn't open his eyes, he still refused to let go and struggled tenaciously, making Anosaki very angry.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he took out an ax and knocked Gru unconscious with the back of the ax.

"Grandma, you are finally honest."

Anosaki breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Ge looked at the ax in his hand with a faint look in his eyes:

"Uncle Thief, if I read correctly, this ax belongs to Tanan, right?"

"Ah. Didn't pay attention, just fine."

Only then did Anosaki react and casually hung the [Barbarian Lord's Cruel Axe] on Tanan's waist.

"Oh, by the way, there's one more."

Anosaki touched himself, took out the Phantom Bow, and hung it on Gru's back.

Qi Ge:......

"Tsk! Qi Ge, what are you looking at? What kind of look are you looking at me like that.

I'm worried that their treasures will fall into the void and I won't be able to find them back and help them collect them! "

Didn’t you just say it was easy?

Qi Ge held back and did not complain.

He calmed down his breathing and followed Anosaki to take Tanan and Gru to the castle and let them lie down on the sofa to rest.

He asked curiously:

"Uncle Thief, why did Tanan and Gru escape to the battlefield of the gods in good condition?"

"Hey, don't mention it."

Anosaki became angry when he mentioned this.

"After finishing Al Zeus, this guy Tanan told me that the Ice Sword and the Doomsday Blade were too dangerous in Gru's hands. God knows what Gru would do with these swords.

He asked me to follow him to find Gru, and then asked me to steal the two divine swords back.

When I heard it, it was a good thing.


What I mean is that as a demigod of the Conferred God Organization, it is my duty to protect Yasha.

I agreed on the spot and followed Tanan to find Gru.

The plan was all executed well. Tanan chatted with Gru to attract Gru's attention, so I took action.

But who would have thought that just after I stole the Doomsday Blade, the two of them started to quarrel.

When Gru found out that the Doomsday Blade was missing, he went crazy on the spot and snatched it back.

My injury hadn't healed yet, and I couldn't beat Gru, so I threw the Doomsday Blade to Tanan.

Tanan is staunch, and Gru is even stauncher. Neither of them wants to give in to the other.

In the world of Yasha, they fought until the sky was dark and the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

Fortunately, it is in the wild monster area. If it were in the order area, it would have to kill two main cities.

Later, it seemed that the gods couldn't stand it anymore and used the divine power network to throw the two of them onto the battlefield of the gods.

Not to mention, the battlefield of the gods is quite interesting. There are elemental villains everywhere. When Tanan and Gru got there, they looked like Titans.

I was watching the show enthusiastically, and I didn’t know what Gru and Tanan said, but suddenly Between the Ice and Doomsday Blade exploded together.

Even if the battlefield of the gods was blown up, the two of them were seriously injured and fell into the void.

As a patient, I was almost exhausted before I brought them back. "

Qi Ge:......

"I understand, so many coincidences should be the arrangements of the gods."

As soon as the announcement of Qi Ge's switch from the foreign server came out, he knew that [Elemental Heroic Soul World] was definitely gone.

He browsed through the hot posts on the foreign server forum and could not find the reason for the destruction of [Elemental Heroic Soul World], so he thought that the gods had closed [Elemental Heroic Soul World].

But he didn't expect that the world would be destroyed by [Tanan] and [Gru].

“Since the gods have chosen to cancel [Elemental Heroic Soul World], there must be a better alternative.

But...I remember that there was a Catherine in that world.

That Catherine finally disappeared in the explosion of the collision between the Doomsday Blade and the Ice Sword.

The prophecy that Escher made up for Gru was miraculously fulfilled in another form.

It's funny how unpredictable fate is. "

Qi Ge nodded and said to Anosaki:

"Okay, Uncle Thief, I understand.

Just let Tanan and Gru rest here, and I'll hang them on the immortal tree to bask in the sun.

It just so happens that when they wake up, I still have something to ask them for help. "

"Okay, I'll leave these two guys to you."

Anosaki said as he prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment. Uncle Thief, are you going back to Bracada? If you are going back to Bracada, please help me bring a conch to Jonesfield.

I have a big plan here and I need her to get involved. "

"Jones Phil? The little girl who made the stone man?"

Anosaki recalled it and said thoughtfully:

"I remember her. The golden guards she made were more advanced than the ones used by Credel's family. They were quite artistic, easy to sell, and widely sold."

Qi Ge:......

Wait a moment! Something seems wrong.

Um? It doesn't seem like there's anything wrong, that's what people do.

Hiss, luckily the leader of the Fengshen Organization is me, not the thief uncle, otherwise the Fengshen Organization would sooner or later turn from a team into a gang.

After Anosaki finished recalling, he waved his hand and took the conch from Qi Ge's hand:

"Okay, just leave it to me."

He took out two dim sword embryos, threw them into Qi Ge's hands, and said to Qi Ge:

"This is the Sword of Ice, and the Blade of You Know."

Anosaki glanced at Gru.

"I gave it to you. You can handle it yourself. I'm leaving."

"Hey, please slow down and say hello to Grandmaster for me."

Seeing Anosaki slip into the shadow and leave, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew in his heart that halflings became a level 1 unit of the [Lawful Forces], partly because halflings were really suitable for Brakada.

On the other hand, it was probably Grandmaster Credel who took special care of Anosaki.

After Grandmaster Credel faked his death and escaped, the Conferred God Organization still exists today and continues to grow, and Anosaki is indispensable.

"I was able to collect all the building fragments of the Sky Boat, and the thief uncle also took the greatest credit.

Without him, if I didn't kill Somra, I wouldn't be able to get the fragment in his hand.

If you sincerely help me, my seven pigeons will definitely live up to you.

Uncle Thief was born as an orphan, so he is particularly sympathetic to the orphans in the world of Yasha.

His Thieves Guild is the largest orphanage in the entire Asa world.

Thousands of poor creatures without fathers and mothers, regardless of race or class, were all adopted by the thief uncle.

In the future, I will ensure that there will never be any more orphans in the Yasha world.

But before that, I have to find a way to ensure the survival of the Thieves Guild. It is best to make the Thieves Guild formal, official, and large-scale, so that it no longer needs to hide in the shadows and be invisible.

Only in this way can the Thieves Guild survive as a formal organization. "

"So, how do I do that?"

Qi Ge knocked on the table and fell into thinking.

“The Thieves Guild has super intelligence capabilities, even more terrifying than Escher’s Eye of the Living.

The Eye of the Living only covers Brakada, but the Thieves Guild can affect the entire Asa.

Make the Thieves Guild public and transparent, so that it can collect the special products, resources, customs and customs that are abundant in all parts of Asia with the official endorsement, and then use the business network of the Church of Fortune for comprehensive development. "

Thinking of this, Qi Ge suddenly slapped his forehead hard.

"By the way, I remember there is a baby in my territory!"

【Dark Night Guild

miracle building


1. Provide the Thieves Guild, which can trade information and stolen goods.

2. Provide 25 recruitment quotas every week.

Can be directly recruited: Level 3, Level 1 Ordinary Thief, Level 3, Level 2 Ordinary, Elite Rogue,

Level 3 Hidden Level 3·Night Scout, Level 3 Hidden Level 4·Night Thief

3. Provide an advanced route for the level 3 and level 5 miracle unit Night Owl.

4. By consuming 2000 gold coins + 10 shadow stones, you can transform a building with an area of ​​less than 2*2 in other cities outside your influence into a [Dark Night Branch]

Your [thief Npc unit; a hero with a thief profession; a hero whose basic race is the thief unit],

You can freely teleport between all [Dark Night Branches] and [Dark Night Guild] when it gets dark. Each person consumes 1 Shadow Stone for each teleportation.

Land area: 4 building spaces (2*2). 】

"Building stunt 4. With 2000 gold coins + 10 shadow stones, you can build a dark night branch in any city.

When it's dark, thieves belonging to the Chosen City can teleport between all Dark Night branches.

Equip those thieves with alchemical treasures such as space bags and space rings.

Then this is not just a thieves guild, but a logistics and distribution center spanning the entire Yasha!

Qi Ge suddenly thought of some things on earth.

More than 20 years ago, when Internet online shopping was just emerging, there were two online shopping companies competing.

One of the companies is a latecomer and has no competitive advantage.

But that company did one thing. They spent tens of billions of dollars to create an extremely complete offline logistics industry chain.

Build various large warehouses and recruit a large number of drivers and couriers. These people exclusively serve their company and do not ship products from any other online shopping platform.

When they first started doing it, a lot of people didn't understand it.

They say why do Internet companies engage in logistics stupidly?

Wouldn’t it be better to spend more time advertising, attracting traffic, and putting some products online?

But none of them knew that what that Internet company wanted was one thing - fast!

When online shopping companies develop to the extreme, everyone's categories will be the same, costs will be similar, and there will be no qualitative difference in selling prices.

But if you buy something online from other companies, it will arrive within a week.

If I buy something online from that company, it will arrive the next day.

The logistics system built with tens of billions of investments formed the company's core competitiveness.

The logistics industry is crucial to the development of Internet online shopping. Without infrastructure, the Internet is just a decoration.

It takes a month to buy something and have it delivered to your home, and another month to return something that doesn’t fit.

Then who would be willing to shop online?

It is precisely because of the previous foundation and the era of productivity explosion that the company can achieve the ultimate in drone logistics, satellite positioning and distribution, etc., thus surpassing other Internet online shopping companies in one fell swoop and becoming a monopoly giant.

Of course, that company was eventually nationalized.

All the founders and senior executives of that company also received high praise from the country and thousands of dollars that could not be spent in a lifetime.

“Yasha World is actually based on the Internet.

Divine network, astronomy!

The most important thing about Internet technology is the information revolution.

With the Internet, a lot of information about the Yasha world can be transmitted quickly.

In a war, whether it takes a day for a piece of information to be transmitted from the frontline to the rear, or a month to transmit from the frontline to the rear, can directly determine the outcome of a war.

The Divine Power Network is completely under the supervision of the gods. The gods can divide billions with a single thought and have a panoramic view of all information exchanges that occur in the mysterious network. Isn't this the most stringent and loophole-free big data collection and monitoring system? ?

If a method can be developed to allow ordinary soldiers to connect to the divine network, the Yasha world can even overtake the real world on the Internet.

No matter how powerful the Internet technology in the real world is, limited by the weakness of human beings, some carriers are still needed to enter the Internet.

Things like AR mobile phones, consciousness helmets, nutrition cabins and the like.

But there is no need for these in the Yasha world.

The magical network is everywhere. The hero can go online as soon as he closes his eyes, and can go offline as soon as he opens his eyes.

With the Internet, you can shop online.

Using the Shenli Network to transmit items involves too much loss and can only be used as an emergency measure and cannot be used routinely on a large scale.

But the Thieves Guild is different. It can teleport every night, and teleporting only consumes 1 Shadow Stone.

Shadow Stones are the specialty of the Shadow Realm. They are increasing with the Shadow Realm every minute and there is no way they can be used up.

All supplies, no matter how far away they are, can be delivered by the Thieves Guild overnight.

This kind of transportation efficiency cannot be achieved even on earth with highly developed productivity. "

"It's too strong. A magical world like the Yasha world that doesn't follow science or reason is really too strong.

I can think of such awesome stuff just by thinking about it.

If I could form a professional team to find ways to improve the productivity of the Yasha world, I might be able to complete the [Invincible City of Heroes] project many, many years ahead of schedule.

All changes originate from leaps in productivity.

In a world of rapid development, all problems will be temporarily put on hold. Only when development comes to a standstill will various problems explode one after another. "

Qi Ge looked out the window and took a deep breath:

“The Four Elements Monarch, the Goddess of Magic, the Goddess of Fate, Wealth, Peace, the Sun, and the Sea.

The Ten Gods of Yasha unknowingly left too many incredible things to the world of Yasha, laying an extremely solid foundation for the world of Yasha.

I have to find a way to complete Hades Farm as soon as possible.

When all creatures in the Yasha world no longer have to worry about survival, what potential will they unleash?

I can't wait to see it. "

Qi Ge took a sip of sugar coconut, moistened his throat, and couldn't help but sigh:

"God bless Asa." (End of chapter)

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