After the destruction of the Holy Sky Church, Erathia began to gradually move the capital from Holy Sky City back to Stavik.

Sdavik was originally the real capital of human forces, but the Holy Sky Church forcibly moved the capital to Holy Sky City in order to ensure the legality of its rule.

The reason given by the Holy Sky Church is that the divine kingdom [Yunzhong City] of the god [Michael] behind the human forces is in Holy Sky City. Building the capital in [Holy Sky City] can make the people of Erathia better. Bathed in divine grace.

However, when Queen Catherine regained Erathia and successfully moved the capital, Erathia's [Tears of Asa] and [Kingdom of God] were automatically transferred to Styvik.

Only then did everyone realize that those high-sounding reasons were all excuses for the Holy Sky Church.

The Kingdom of God of Angels is bound to the Tears of Asa. Wherever the capital is, the Kingdom of God is.

Man's determination conquers Heaven's, not God's.

At this time, in a remote church in Sdavik, the sound of reading was echoing continuously.

"Angel Griffin, the spirit of the empire, puts humanity first, puts people first, is fair and just, and unites as one..."

26 children dressed in monks' clothes chanted the catchy "Four-Character Sutra" loudly and shook their heads.

A monk with his hands behind his back and a scripture in his hand was pacing back and forth among the children, eyes closed, and nodding slowly.

When the sound of reading stopped, Rai pointed to a lucky child beside him and asked:

"Rima, please tell me what [humanity first, people-centered] is."

"Yes, Father. Ouch!"

Rima stood up, but was knocked back by Rai, causing the children around him to burst into laughter.

"How many times have I told you to call me Father in the Holy Class?"

"Hehe. Yes, Father."

Rima smiled awkwardly, rubbed his blond hair, then stood up and said loudly:

“[Humanity first, people-centered] was proposed by Lord Seven Doves, one of the founding fathers of the Holy Griffin Church, and has always been regarded as the most important doctrine by the Holy Griffin Church.

It is a value and development philosophy that emphasizes that human interests, needs and well-being should be regarded as the most important considerations in various decisions and actions.

This concept advocates paying attention to human survival, development and happiness, respecting human dignity and rights, ensuring that human basic needs are met, and promoting the all-round development of human beings.

In practice, the concept of “humanity first, people-oriented” is reflected in the following aspects:

In economic development, we should focus on improving the living standards and quality of human beings in Erathia, rather than simply pursuing economic growth rate.

In the formulation of social policies, we should pay attention to the rights and interests of disadvantaged groups, strive to eliminate poverty, inequality and discrimination, and promote social fairness and justice.

In dealing with the relationship between angels and griffins, it is emphasized that humans, griffons and angels coexist harmoniously and help each other.

In technological innovation, we should pay attention to the impact of technology on human life and ensure that the development results of technology can benefit mankind instead of misusing technology to cause human disasters.

In relations with other ethnic groups, we advocate peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win results, respect their right to independently choose their development path, and jointly maintain world peace and stability.

But the premise of respect is mutuality, and the interests belonging to all human beings cannot be ceded just because other races need to develop.

In short, the concept of "humanity first, people-oriented" emphasizes paying attention to human interests and well-being in various fields and levels, and promotes the comprehensive progress and development of Elasia. "

"Very good." Rai nodded, patted Rima's shoulder, and motioned for him to sit down.

He said loudly:

"Everyone should remember. The idea of ​​[human beings first, people first] originated from Lord Qi Dove's criticism of the Holy Sky Church [angels are supreme and angels are worshiped].

The development of Erathia to this day is inseparable from the help of angels, but it is the people one after another who truly create the history of Erathia.

Angels can be our humans' friends, but they cannot be our humans' masters. Our civilization and future in Erathia ultimately need to be created by humans themselves, rather than relying on external things.

[Humanity first, people-oriented] The real core is actually to rely on one's own efforts and strive for self-improvement.

Do you remember it? "


Each of the 26 children looked at Father Rai with bright eyes.

No one noticed that there were two heads watching secretly outside the church window.

"That's good. Of the 26 children, none of them are naughty. Everyone is very well-behaved."

Qi Ge sighed softly.

Adela smiled slightly and said with emotion:

"Unfortunately, Rai has always said that his abilities are limited and not enough to take on greater responsibilities. Otherwise, he would definitely become a senior leader of our Holy Griffin Church."

"The main thing is that he still can't let go of these kids."

Qi Ge responded, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked Adela:

"By the way, do Father Rye and his wife have any children?"

"Yes." Adela said softly:

“The orphans adopted by Father Rai have received good care from the Holy Griffin Church during this period.

Although we cannot say that we are rich, we can still say that we have no worries about food and clothing.

Father Rai no longer has to worry about these children being wronged due to his temporary absence.

The children are very sensible. They joined forces to make trouble with the Rai and his wife. The Rai and his wife had no choice but to go on a honeymoon together. When they came back, Rai's wife Yoro had a child.

Now Yuro takes leave to take care of her children, and the nuns from the Holy Gryphon Church often come to help. "

"That's great."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief:

Father Rye was a great man.

He said that he was a layman and worried that he would be partial after having children of his own, which would be detrimental to the growth of those orphans.

He said that he had his own child, but it was just one more child in the world.

But he took care of these children and gave twenty-six children a home.

However, the greatest one is not Rai, but Rai's wife Yuro.

She wanted to have a child, but she humiliated herself for Rai's ideas and followed Rai without complaint.

The couple sacrificed a lot for these orphans.

In troubled times, heroes are always needed to stand up and protect the weak.

To become a hero, sacrifice is inevitable.

Now that conditions are getting better, we can’t treat them badly.

Adela pinched the soft flesh around Qi Ge’s waist resentfully and complained:

"That's a nice thing to say. What about me? I also want a child.

Now that the conditions are getting better, why do you have the nerve to treat me badly? "


The seven pigeons grinned in pain and begged for mercy again and again:

"I was wrong, I was wrong. Adela, you see, when I was an ordinary hero, you were a legend.

Now I'm a legend and you're just a demigod.

Isn't the gap between us narrowing?

I will definitely reach Demigod as soon as possible and make time to spend time with you. "

Adela said with a faint look in her eyes:

"This is what you said.

If you can't even spare the time and you get caught by me, then don't even think about taking out other things. "

"Absolutely!" Qi Ge agreed repeatedly, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

It's really not easy to be a scumbag, he is a sinner. In order to save Yasha, I really sacrificed too much.

Qi Ge and Adela originally wanted to wait until Rai finished class and catch up with him.

But until the news of the meeting came from Catherine, the class was not over yet.

The moon waxes and wanes, which is difficult to do in ancient times.

Qi Ge could only leave with Adela with regret.

After he and Adela reported the pilot situation of the [White Stone Plan] in Dragon Snake Port City to Catherine, Queen Catherine made the decision on the spot to immediately implement the [White Stone Plan] throughout Erathia.

The imperial order was issued, griffins took to the sky, and angels danced.

The entire Erathia will thrive under the stimulation of the [White Stone Project].

Qi Ge opened the window, looked at the gryphon knights who were rushing to send messages in all directions, and asked with some worry:

"Your Majesty Catherine, although we have controlled the price of white stone within a reasonable range, [Baptism] still attracts more people than all of us expected.

Can the Shiraishi Project be able to withstand the pressure from the national treasury when it is launched on such a large scale? "

Catherine, who was working on the documents, kept waving her hands and replied without raising her head:

"Qi Ge, please be at ease. The power of the Renaissance Blade is more powerful than you imagine.

Taxes alone are filling our coffers like never before.

What our Erathia lacks now is not gold coins, but the means to utilize gold coins.

The gold coins stored in the warehouse will not increase. Only by consuming the gold coins can the gold coins become substantial profits.

If gold coins are distributed directly to the people, no amount of money is appropriate. We in Elasia are not yet rich enough to be able to provide for the people unconditionally.

Issuing gold coins hastily will only make people inert over time.

The current situation is just right, allowing the gold coins to reach the hands of the people without making the people feel that this is a free gift from Erathia.

After getting enough gold coins, people will use some of them for daily life and purchasing items, and the rest will be used to invest in themselves, such as advancing or learning knowledge.

Daily life and purchasing items will circulate money and promote the prosperity of the market. Investing in yourself or learning knowledge can also make people's basic level higher.

Even if they simply save gold coins, it can enhance the ability of people's families to resist risks.

All benefit and no harm.

Speaking of which, I have to thank you.

If the Hades Farm plan succeeds, we in Erathia will not be short of money or food. In terms of fertility, although we humans are not the strongest race, we are still in the first echelon.

The rise of Erathia is at hand.

Even if the Hades Farm plan fails, from the perspective of the entire force, we actually paid nothing except losing some white stones for decoration. "

This account is calculated very clearly.

Qi Ge sighed in his heart.

Catherine worked for a while, stopped and shook her hand.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Adela who was sitting on the sofa reading a book to pass the time. Then she glanced at Qige standing at the window, and knocked on the table with the long sword in her hand with some dissatisfaction.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Qi Ge, you and Adela are in pairs. Where is my Gru?

Assist Avili, Erathia's own development, send angels to help you send troops to Bracada... Does he know how many things I have to do?

He disappeared, leaving me with so many government affairs to handle alone, and not even anyone to rub my feet! "

Qige's back trembled, he was scared when he mentioned this.

He said sheepishly:

"Askel's hypnosis on Lord Gru has disappeared with the damage to the Doomsday Blade.

Lord Gru came to his senses and felt that he was too embarrassed to come to see you.

From what I know about Lord Gru, he should be trying to find some gift to compensate you now. "


Catherine smiled coldly and said to Qi Ge:

"Qi Ge, help me inform him and ask him to tie himself up three times inside and outside three times with a rope. If you find someone to send him over to me, I will forgive him."

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge truthfully informed him, and after Gru listened, he was silent for a long time. Finally, he said "Hmm" honestly and stopped answering.

Qi Ge quickly pulled Adela away. Based on his understanding of Gru, this place would soon become an execution ground for Catherine to play with Gru, which was unsightly.

Qi Ge was still young and a pure child, so he couldn't bear to see this.

In particular, Adela showed a keen interest in how Catherine would punish Gru, and even wanted to observe and learn.

These seven pigeons have to go.

As soon as Qige and Adela left the main castle, another group of gryphon knights took off.

A strong gryphon just flew over Qi Ge's head, attracting Qi Ge's attention.

Qi Ge looked at the Griffin Knight and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Among all the Yasha gods in the entire Yasha world, Qi Ge dares to say that he is the most familiar with griffons.

He calculated in his mind the time it would take for the Griffin Knight to rush from Sdavik to the farthest border. Even if the Griffin Knight stayed awake, it would still take 6 days.

If you include rest time, it will be 12 days or more.

"The transmission efficiency of this information is still too slow."

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows and said with emotion:

"It is unrealistic to use legendary and demigod heroes with [Gate of Time and Space] as messengers, and it is also unrealistic to use angels as messengers.

The number of the mermaid's sound-transmitting conchs is limited, and each one is very precious. It is impossible to support the transmission of information in the entire Yasha world.

If you want to completely solve the information efficiency problem in the Yasha world, you still have to rely on the divine network and astronomy.

I can only suffer from my ancestors one more time.

With his ability, he should be able to work a little overtime for more than ten or twenty hours every day, and he should be able to handle the order camp and astronomy at the same time.

I remember that the architectural spirit of mythical buildings should not need to rest. "

While Qi Ge was thinking about things, he followed Adela to a luxurious workshop.

There is a huge ballista on the top of this workshop, surrounded by a large group of strong human craftsmen holding hammers.

From time to time, a ball of flame will shoot out from the workshop, and the surrounding craftsmen will shout "Okay, okay, okay" along with the flames!

It's like some kind of acrobatics are being performed in the workshop.

Qi Ge stretched his head and soon found a huge building with a sphinx body behind the workshop, and his face suddenly darkened.

Sphinx! Ferry! Seek knowledge! It’s really you!

It's a shame to come here without waiting for a good God's Chosen City.

Qi Ge pushed aside the crowd and immediately saw Fei Rui, who was arrogantly akimbo.

In front of Fei Rui, there is a small jar that is constantly spitting fire.

The flames that shot into the sky just now were sprayed out from the jar.

"Hahaha! It's done! It's really done. All six experiments have been completed and the core engine has been built!"

Fei Rui's excited loud voice could be clearly heard by Qige even in the noisy crowd.


The fire-breathing can spewed out a pillar of fire again, and there was another burst of exclamations from all around.

"What is Fei Rui doing? Is this a new part for a ballista?"

This lively appearance made even Qi Ge couldn't help but become curious.


At this moment, Fei Rui suddenly stepped on the table and shouted loudly:

"Seeking knowledge! We succeeded! Come out and shout a slogan!"

“Come and mess with me~~”

Fei Rui yelled, and the Rakshasa girl [Seeking Knowledge] ran out of the workshop pulling a little silver-haired girl.

Qige:? ? ?

grass! Little Galaxy!

The Seven Pigeons are stupid!

I saw Qiuzhi and Fei Rui working together to lift Little Galaxy on their shoulders.

"Oh!!" The craftsmen watching around suddenly howled excitedly.

Ferry shouted:

"The saint is here! Protect us!

The slogan of our [Iron-Blooded Invincible Ballista Cult] is! "

The surrounding craftsmen suddenly shouted:

"The raging fire shines on our mountains and rivers, and the Ballista God's Cult roars, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

The surrounding craftsmen shouted slogans three times in a row, and raised their hands high every time they shouted, making it look like a cult scene.

Qige:? ? ?

Qi Ge couldn't stand it anymore. He originally wanted to go forward and take these three embarrassing things back to God's Choice City.

But when he looked at Xiao Yinhe, he found a heartfelt smile on Xiao Yinhe's face.

This made Qi Ge couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

"Although he is blessed by the power of the Goddess of Peace and [Sage of Senluo], Yinhe is still young mentally after all, and it is the time when he loves to move and play.

I don't have time to take her around, but Fei Rui and Qiuzhi are willing to spend time with her.

That’s all, it’s just building a church for fun, it’s not a big deal.

I voted for this church seven times! "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and was about to leave and come back here in the evening.

At this moment, Adela pulled Qi Ge's sleeve and whispered to Qi Ge:

"Qi Ge, be careful, there is the aura of a demigod nearby."

"Demi god?"

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

The demigods of Erathia should not be here.

has a problem! Could it be that he came for the Milky Way?

Qi Ge immediately became alert.

"Okay, next, let us [Iron-Blooded Invincible Catapult Cult] unite and conquer the evil [Broken Copper Catapult Cult] together!"

At this moment, Fei Rui suddenly declared loudly:

Remember, this is holy war!

In this ancient continent, there have always been two great religious cults - the [Iron-Blooded Invincible Ballista Cult] and the [Broken Iron Catapult Cult].

The two major sects have been competing for the supreme belief called [Lord of War Machines].

In this world full of mystery and miracles, our [Iron-Blooded Invincible Ballista Cult] possesses powerful power and brings endless blessings to believers.

However, the [Crane Catapult Cult] also has ways of deceiving people, deceiving a large number of compatriots who should have joined us!

Believers, the contradiction between our two religions has become irreconcilable and is getting worse!

Only by engaging in a shocking holy war can the enemy be completely defeated!

Fei Rui raised the fire-breathing canister high, stuffed it into a ballista next to her, and then jumped on it with Qiu Xue and Galaxy.

She stood on top of the ballista with great arrogance and announced loudly:

"I am Pope Ferry! The Pope seeks knowledge! Saint of the Galaxy!

I will lead you to achieve final victory in this destined holy war!

Believers, you must believe that the ballista is the most powerful weapon given to mankind by God. It has a long range and great power, and can easily defeat any enemy.

Catapults are scrap metal and heresy!

All believers, charge with me! "


The craftsmen responded in unison with enthusiasm, and happily ran to line up behind the ballista.

What's going on?

Qi Ge looked confused.

He held Adela's hand and followed the crowd to fish in troubled waters. At the same time, he grabbed a lone craftsman and asked:

"Brother, I'm new here. How can this be a divine religion and a jihad? What's going on?"

The craftsman glanced at Qi Ge and Adela up and down, and said with a smile:

"Haha, it's nothing serious, don't be nervous.

Have you seen the tall beauty? She is the pope of our Ballista Sect, a legendary hero!

Even though she is young, she is very good at making crossbows. Our most outstanding ballista technicians in Erathia all admire her.

If we, the Ballista Cult, want to conduct research, we already need a lot of wood and stone.

But who would have thought that in recent days, another catapult cult has appeared in the capital, specifically to steal resources from us.

How can I bear this?

We ran to talk to them at that time.

As a result, they did not follow martial ethics and actually installed [explosives] on their catapults and brutally defeated our ballistae.

We had discussed it before the holy war, and no one was allowed to use magic power to build a magic ballista.

But we didn't expect that the other party could create extremely destructive bombs without using magic power.

Now that the Pope has cracked the opponent's methods, we will win this holy war!

Brother, do you have faith?

If not, can we, the Ballista Sect, find out more about it?

The raging fire shines on our mountains and rivers, and the God of the Crossbow Chariot roars, boom, boom! "

"Sorry, yes, yes."

Qi Ge smiled and stepped back, looking at Adela speechlessly.

Good guy, I finally eliminated the holy war between Erathia and Ofer, and you Feiri came to start a new form of holy war, right?

The most important thing is that Ferry's crossbow can't hit the trebuchet on the opposite side!

Qi Ge is very clear about Fei Rui's ability to research and manufacture crossbows. There must be something wrong with the enemy who can't even defeat her.

"Isn't that demigod nearby also specializing in war machinery?

Could it be that he is..."

Just as Qi Ge was thinking, Fei Rui's army was blocked in the alley before they left the workshop.

Qi Ge looked up and saw a tall and powerful fiery red catapult standing proudly not far in front of Fei Rui.

On the catapult stood an old mage.

Almost all of his hair has fallen out, leaving only a patch of white hair on both sides of his ears.

His face is thin, his white eyebrows are extremely protruding, and the white beard on his chin is connected with the white hair next to his ears.

However, none of this affected his spirit.

Although he had very little hair left, his eyes were still bright, full of wisdom and determination.

Although his hands were full of wrinkles, they were still powerful when holding the lever of the catapult.

"Damn! It's really Hardwood!" Qi Ge suddenly understood, and his nervous mood relaxed involuntarily.

Hardwood's ancestor was a sorcerer of Negan's forces.

When they followed the Black Dragon, Negan had not yet been established. In the battle for hegemony among all races, it can be said that the magician made great contributions to Negan.

However, after Negan's power was established, he did not include magicians into his military system. As compensation, before Moriel, all Negan kings were served by magicians.

As the great hero who helped the black dragon win the Tears of Asa, Hardwood's ancestors had the merit of following the dragon.

They have always lived a good life, their blood relatives are spread throughout the underground city, and their family power is extremely powerful.

But when it came to Hardwood, there was a little problem.

Hardwood is also a magician. When he was young, he was obsessed with magic and had great magic power.

But when he got older, he became very interested in war machinery.

War machinery is a bottomless pit once studied.

Hardwood himself is a king, and he has no idea of ​​saving at all. He just takes over everything and builds a lot.

He was particularly interested in catapults and catapults, and he even went so far as to spend a lot of money to build a catapult using only level 6 materials.

Later, Negan's treasury was used to research war machinery.

"Hadwood, this idiot, even used up half of the treasury that our Negan and Bracada prepared for war!

Negan will be defeated in that war, and it has nothing to do with him!

If it hadn't been for Hardwood, Lantern City wouldn't have fallen! "

In her previous life, Moriel was filled with hatred every time she mentioned this to Qi Ge.

Negan’s special system must be mentioned here.

Negan is a federal system of dungeon lords. All dungeon lords theoretically have unlimited power in their own dungeons, including legislative, executive and external powers, which is equivalent to one small king after another.

The real king of Negan is responsible for coordinating all matters between the dungeons, such as mediating conflicts, and on behalf of the Black Dragon, collects taxes from each dungeon to support the development of the entire force.

Attention, it represents the black dragon!

Yes, Negan’s king is a wage-earner, and he works as a worker and gets his own wages!

If Negan is understood as a company, then Black Dragon is Negan's chairman, and the king is just the general manager.

In order to research war machinery, Hardwood had already spent all his own money, and all the funds were embezzled from the treasury.

Every gold coin he embezzled from the treasury was Black Dragon's money!

Think about it, you spent 30 billion to build a company and hired a general manager, but the general manager used your 20 billion to build a mansion.

Can you bear it?

Hardwood became a demigod by studying war machinery. He was happy, but the Black Dragon Clan was at a loss!

The most important thing is that Hardward has become a demigod and he still doesn't want to stop. He still wants to continue to invest more in war machinery from the treasury.

In the end, Moriel was forced to take action herself and removed him from his position as King Negan.

After becoming King Negan, Moriel even announced that she would beat Hardwood every time she saw him until he paid back the money.

In order to avoid debts, Hardwood had to hide in the depths of the secluded sea abyss and continue to study ballistas and catapults relying on the property he had quietly transferred before.

Qi Ge didn't know how Hardward joined the Fengshen Organization.

But in the last event of [El Zeus] becoming a god, Hardward also ran out of the secluded abyss and contributed.

Qi Ge also said a lot of good things to Moriel about this, which made her tongue dry. It took a lot of effort to get Moriel to agree to give Hardwood a grace period of 300 years to let him find a way to raise money.

But Qi Ge did not expect that Hadwood would not waste time making money to pay off his debts, but would actually go to Erathia and start playing with Fei Rui!

"Hahahahahaha! Stupid ↑↓【Chaotic Crossbow Cult】Pope~~

It seems that the failure last time cannot stop you from seeking death."

"Hmph! I haven't gone to find you yet, but you actually dare to take the initiative!

Cult Pope! Today is the end of your [Ragged Iron Catapult Cult]! "

Ferry held his head high, his momentum no less impressive than Hardwood's.

Hardwood used a very exaggerated aria, like singing, shouting wildly:

"Do you know the difference between you and me?

I am proficient in all war machinery in the world and understand all the truths in the world. Therefore, I can conclude that the catapult is the best war machinery.

And you only know the ballista.

Cult Pope, this is the biggest gap between you and me. This is the accumulation of time, the accumulation of history, and the accumulation of knowledge. It cannot be made up by your passion. "

"Stop talking nonsense! Only the battle between war machines and war machines can prove who is the truth.

Come on, duel! "


Fei Rui and Hardwood didn't say much. With one word, the battle space immediately opened up!

Qige:? ? ?

Qi Ge was pulled into the spectator mode with a confused look on his face.

Feirui's ballista is tall and mighty, its body is made of hard oak, its wheels are wide and strong, and it can carry huge power. There was a long bowstring on her crossbow, and there were sharp arrows on the bowstring, and the arrows shone with a cold light.

This is a [Six-shot Crossbow Cart], which can fire 6 heavy-duty crossbow bolts at one time!

Hardwood's catapult appears to be light and flexible. The body is composed of a solid iron frame, and the wheels are small and agile. The ammunition depot on the catapult is loaded with huge stones. Each stone has been carefully polished, and the smooth surface reflects the sunlight.

When Fei Rui saw it, he suddenly became proud:

"Hmph! My crossbow is bigger than your catapult, I will definitely win this time!"

Hardwood was not to be outdone:

"Haha, only failed war machine manufacturers would use size to define combat effectiveness.

What matters is never size, but technology! "

"Hmph! Only small people would hope to use technology to make up for it.

Stop talking nonsense, I am a ballista, I attack first! "

[The rules of the battle space in the Heroic Soul World: In non-siege battles, catapults are always the last to move.

During a siege, the projectile vehicle takes action first, ahead of all units except city defense buildings. 】

The battle began, and Ferry quickly adjusted the angle of his bow and aimed at Hardwood's catapult.

She pulled the trigger hard, and six exploding arrows shot out instantly, piercing the air and making a sharp whistling sound.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Six consecutive explosions sounded in Hardwood's car at the same time, and the strong fire instantly engulfed Hardwood and his ballista.

Fei Rui laughed excitedly when he saw this: "Hahahahahaha. Unexpectedly! I have already seen through your explosive rocks and developed an explosive crossbow.

Isn't it just explosives that don't use magic? It's easy for this genius! "

"Huh, you're just starting to feel complacent after you've only learned a little bit, but you're still far from there!"

At this moment, Hardward's voice came from the smoke. The smoke dissipated, and Hardward was unhurt!

His catapult, which was made of iron sheets, had only some minor damage to the outer areas.

"Six bursts of explosive arrows! How can it only do this little damage?"

Ferry was shocked.

Hardwood didn't want to explain.

He quickly operated the catapult's mechanics and loaded a huge stone into the launcher. He pulled the lever hard, and the stone drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew towards the ballista.

The stone, which was only the size of a fist, actually continued to enlarge during the flight. By the last stage, the shadow cast by the stone could completely cover Ferry's ballista.

"Wow!! Are you serious!"

Fei Ruimao was so excited that he quickly grabbed Qiuzhi with his left hand and Galaxy with his right hand, and jumped off the ballista.


The rocks hit the ballista, making a huge roar. The bowstring of the ballista was twisted and deformed by the blast, and the body of the ballista was shaking, but it still stood firm.

But on the head of the ballista, a mark representing shock appeared, and it would be unable to move in the next round.


Hardwood smiled cunningly and reloaded the catapult with another stone. He pulled the lever again and the rocks flew towards the ballista again.

boom! There was another loud noise. The battle ended with Hardwood's catapult slightly damaged and Ferry's ballista completely destroyed.

"Haha." Hardwood touched his shiny forehead and mocked proudly:

"Cult Pope, you are too weak! I didn't even mess up my hair when I fought with you."

The battle space disappeared, and Qi Ge looked at Fei Rui, who was sitting beside the broken ballista in despair, feeling slightly distressed.

Ginger is still old and hot, and demigods will always be demigods.

No matter how talented Ferry was in making the ballista, he was still not as good as Hardwood.

It seems that the farce-like Ballista Cult is about to be shattered.


"It's so powerful! The pope's crossbow blasted such a big hole in the opponent's catapult!"

"What a great progress! The Ballista God Sect is number one in the world!"

"The raging fire shines on our mountains and rivers, and the Ballista God's Cult roars, boom, boom!"

Qige:? ? ?

The cheers of the craftsmen around him startled Qi Ge. It was clear that Ferry had lost, but instead of reducing the number of people in the Ballista Cult, one of the three craftsmen around Hardwood came running over.

"Is there any mistake?" Qi Ge grabbed a craftsman who was jumping excitedly and asked suspiciously: "Brother, didn't we lose? Why are you so happy?"

"Hey, brother, look at the bad old pope opposite, and then look at our cute pope, the cute pope, and the fair-haired saint."

The craftsman gave a thumbs up to Qi Ge.

"You don't support your three beautiful, cute and eye-catching girls, so you support that bad old man?

Staying in the Nuche God Sect, even if you can't reach them as high as they are, it's still nice to take a look! "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge had a toothache: "Are you so casual about joining the church? Isn't this a joke?"

The craftsman was happy: "Hey, isn't this just a joke? I really want to join the religion, why don't we go to the Holy Griffin Church?"

I thought you guys were really some ballista fanatics...

Sure enough, after seeing too much of Fei Rui, it changed my outlook. This is a normal war machine craftsman.

Qi Ge had a dead look on his face, and Adela couldn't help but laugh, and squeezed Qi Ge's palm.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Hardwood jumped off the catapult, gave himself a thumbs up proudly, and said sarcastically to Ferry:

"How's it going? Have you seen the gap? Have you admitted defeat? If you haven't seen it yet, it means you are still far behind in terms of war machinery."

"You~~you disgusting old man!"

Fei Rui gritted his teeth with hatred.

"You must have cheated! Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to beat me so easily.

You have never been able to defeat me so easily before. I have struggled for so many years and never slackened off. It is impossible for your technology to improve faster than mine. "

"Hoho. My stupid daughter, you look so ridiculous that you can't afford to lose.

If you say I cheated, you need evidence. "

Hardwood was even more proud, and his beard stood up.

At this moment, Xiao Yinhe, who had been standing silently next to Ferry, suddenly blinked his eyes, pointed at Hardward and said decisively:

"I don't know much about war machines. But Sister Fei is right. Grandpa, you did cheat.

Grandpa, that catapult of yours is not a war machine, but a living thing! "

Um? !



As soon as these words came out, not only Fei Rui and Hardwood looked at the Milky Way, but even the surrounding craftsmen looked at her.

"Haha, Holy Lady, you are joking. A war machine is a war machine, how can it be a living thing?"

"Yes, yes, Lady Saint. War machines are all made of wood, iron sheets and straw ropes. They are all dead objects. Where can there be life."

The craftsmen around him nodded. They didn't mean to blame him, they just thought that Yinhe was young and ignorant.

But both Fei Rui and Qiu Zhi looked at the Milky Way very seriously, without the slightest hint of disbelief.

The two of them know better than anyone else how high the current status of the Milky Way is.

Of course, Qi Ge was also staring at the Milky Way in the crowd. He naturally trusts Yinhe unconditionally. Inorganic life is very rare in Erathia, but in Bracada, gargoyles, stone men, and the machines of Trossa are all living things.

"Yinhe, is that a creature?" Fei Rui held Yinhe's hand and asked softly.

"Yes." Yinhe whispered:

“Although its consciousness is very vague, it is already a living thing.

It's just that its soul strength is about the same as that of a bee or butterfly, and it can't think yet. "

"Hmph, hum. Hahahaha!"

At this moment, Hardwood suddenly laughed.

"Interesting! I have been traveling in Yasha for more than three hundred years, and have studied sorcery and war machinery to perfection. It was only now that I achieved such a little result.

Moriel, who is also a demigod, didn't notice it, nor did Cedros, who was also good at war machinery, but you, a little girl, did it today. "

Hardwood patted the catapult beside him and said softly:

"Little rubber ball, move one for them!"


At that moment, the catapult next to Hardwood seemed to come alive, spinning in a big circle!

PS: Please vote for me~~~

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