Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 871 The Mystery of White Stone

The Erathian Gryphon Bluff region.

As Erathia's income level increases, the wages of Erathia [regular troops] who are completely out of work also rise.

Those who can become griffin knights are all outstanding talents in the regular army.

Especially the griffon knights in the Griffin Cliff area, their income can ensure that they will not be short of gold coins in their daily lives. But they wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to search for some white stones to supplement their family income after training.

It’s not tiring anyway, it’s easy, who can complain about having too many gold coins?

The gryphon team led by [Gabri] is exactly like this.

Since the white stone collection order was announced in Erathia, [Gabri] would take advantage of his spare time in training to take his gryphon team to some inaccessible wild places to collect white stones.

Right now, their troops landed on a mountain peak in a wild monster area.

The gryphons that had been training all day were flying happily in the air, but the gryphon knights were like hard-working ants, squatting on the ground and searching repeatedly for the stones on the ground.

[Gabri] picked up a big stone from the ground and wiped the soil on the stone with a white cloth. As the soil gradually fell off, the stone turned white like jade.

This white stone is as big as [Gabri's] two hands combined.

[Gabri] weighed the weight of the white stone in his hand and was very satisfied. Although he was not a hero and could not use magic to judge the specific weight of the white stone, he could definitely deduce from his own experience that the white stone was at least 3 unit. Picking one is worth three.

After picking it up and wiping it casually, he got 10 silver coins, which was equivalent to his salary for two days of work.

[Gabri] happily pocketed the white stone and continued searching.

Unfortunately, he didn't have such good luck next. After searching for half an hour, he only found 10 units of white stone in total.

[Gabri] has no dissatisfaction. Anyway, this mountain is steep and hidden enough. Only the Griffin Knights can climb up. All the white rocks on the mountain belong to them. If you look for it slowly, you can always get 3,000 of them.

[Gabriel] has a dream.

His 4-year-old daughter [Gabriel Elyi] was born frail.

According to the church pastor, if it hadn't been for the adventure, she probably wouldn't have survived to adulthood.

But [Gabri] knew a way to save his daughter, and that was to change her physical condition by letting her contract with a griffon cub and become a [Gryphon Knight] before his daughter's lifespan ran out.

To achieve this, not only a large amount of gold coins are needed to recuperate [Gabriel Elyi]'s body, but also many opportunities and coincidences are needed.

Because adult griffons can only contract with adult soldiers.

Only underage griffins have a chance to resonate with underage human soldiers.

Underage griffons are the focus of protection for all humans and griffons in the entire Griffin Cliff area. Those below a certain level cannot be contacted at all.

Fortunately, [Gabrielle] is smart, sensible, and very cute.

She was chosen as a playmate by Elena, the legendary granddaughter of Edric, and had the opportunity to come into contact with griffon cubs with Elena at a very young age.

This allowed [Gabri] to always maintain a glimmer of hope in his heart.

After searching for another half an hour, [Gabri] counted the white stones in his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

There is value in taking risks.

Choosing to come to this remote area allowed him to get three times the usual harvest.

[Gabri] looked up at the sun and estimated that the time would be about the same.

He was about to blow the whistle to summon his subordinates to return to Griffin Cliff, when suddenly, several shouts came from the back of the hillside.

"Captain! Come and see!"

"Big discovery, we found a huge white stone!"

Huge white rock!

Hearing the excited shouts of his subordinates, [Gabri] put the things in his hands on his back and stood up quickly.

He didn't bother scolding his subordinates not to make loud noises in the wild, and shouted eagerly:

"I heard it. Where is it?"

"Here! Here!"

Their voices sounded ethereal.

[Gabri] immediately mounted his gryphon and rushed over following the sound.

When he rounded a mountain ridge and passed through a cloud, he immediately discovered a dangerous area on the mountainside that he was unwilling to search. His subordinates were cheering around a huge white stone, surrounded by four [Royal Griffins]. ] also curiously poked his head at Shiraishi.

Apparently, they had all gathered and were waiting for Gabri.

"My sacred griffon. So big!"

[Gabri] was shocked by the size of the white stone.

He rode down on the griffin, ran over eagerly, spread his hands, and pressed his whole body against the white stone.

[Gabriel] is naturally taller, a full 2 ​​meters 2, but with his hands spread out, he could not wrap his arms around the white stone, and the top of his head could not reach the top of the white stone.

"At least 4 meters high! The circumference is more than 5 meters. This white stone is at least 3,000 units."

[Gabri] made a quick prediction, and when the surrounding gryphon knights heard this, they all cheered excitedly.

There are five people in their team, and each person can get at least 600 units of white stone, which is 2 gold coins, which is equivalent to their monthly salary.

Gabri patted the big baby and said:

"It is indeed the white stone. This white stone is too big. We can't take it away. We can only go back and inform the captain. The captain is a hero and can use the space backpack to pack the white stone."

Having said this, [Gabri] asked excitedly:

"By the way, how did you discover it? Have you searched around here? Are there any similar large white stones? If there are, it would be a great achievement."

A griffin knight replied:

"Captain, this big white stone was discovered by my griffon Severn, and we were brought here by it.

We weren't sure whether this big thing was a white stone before, so we called you over as soon as we found it, but we didn't look around carefully yet. "

"Did Seven find it?" [Gabri] patted a griffon next to him and asked, "Good brother! Well done."

"Come on, let's search around the area together!"

The Griffin Knights immediately started searching around under the organization of [Gabri], but they searched all over the mountain and found nothing else. It seemed that the huge white stone was just an accident.

[Gabriel] seemed to be a little bit crazy. He led his subordinates to search for more than an hour. He even led his subordinates to defeat a small group of orc monsters. His shoulders were injured a little and were wrapped in gauze, but he still didn't have any injuries. meaning to give up.

[Gabri]'s subordinates were a little worried. They had already exceeded the time to leave the camp for a long time. If they didn't go back, they might be punished. So they all advised Gabri to leave and come back next time.

But [Gabriel] was a little unwilling.

It was a rare opportunity before him to make a great contribution, and it might be his daughter's life.

He whistled, gathered the griffons playing around, stroked their necks one by one, and asked gently:

"Good brothers! Can you find more stones like this?"


The griffons shook their bodies, spread their wings, and motioned for [Gabri] and them to sit up.

[Gabri] immediately ordered the team members to assemble and gear up to take off.

The wind blew past and howled.

The gryphon knights went all the way down the back of the hillside, passing through woods and streams, and arrived at a valley.

The entrance to the valley is narrow and winding, like a shy girl who is unwilling to show off her beauty easily.

However, the Griffin Knight flew into it and was immediately shocked by the sight in front of him.

The interior of the valley is wide and flat, surrounded by towering boulders.

The boulders rely on each other, like solid barriers, isolating the valley from the outside world.

In the center of the valley is a green grassland dotted with various wild flowers, like a piece of colorful embroidered cloth.

At the edge of the grassland is a clear stream. Under the sunlight, the stream sparkles with silver light, like a flowing necklace, making the valley more beautiful.

The most important thing is that in the streams of the valley, on the grass, between the cliffs... the gryphon knights searched all over the mountain peaks, but only found one large white stone, which was everywhere in the valley.

A griffon knight flew to [Gabri]'s side, his eyes flashing:

"Captain! Captain! There are so many white stones! We are sending them!"

"What are you doing? Just think about those gold coins! It's a useless thing."

[Gabri] suppressed his excitement and said with a trembling voice:

“Although I don’t know why Her Majesty the Queen needs white stones, collecting them on such a large scale shows that white stones must have a very special function.

There are no large white rocks anywhere else, but there is one here.

If we report this location, it will be a great achievement! "

"Captain, do we want to go down and take a look?"


Captain, I have observed that there are no animals in the entire valley, which may be dangerous. "

Hearing what his subordinate said, the enthusiasm in [Gabriel's] head immediately cooled down a lot.

He observed his surroundings carefully, and there was indeed no trace of any living beings.

"Something's wrong... Lift off!"

[Gabri] gave the order and the entire team of gryphon knights immediately flew out of the valley.

Until they left the valley, the Griffin Knights team encountered no problems. The surroundings were extremely peaceful, so peaceful that they were even a little weird.

If we go back and report now, although it will not be as effective as going back after investigating the truth, we can still get a relatively big credit.

On the other side of the mountain, Gabri was confident that he would be able to escape safely with his brothers even if he encountered a wild monster, but here, he was not sure.

High in the sky, [Gabri] turned around and looked at the valley, took a deep breath, and made up his mind:

"Brothers, you can earn more for your merits, but you only have one life.

Come on, let's go back to the captain and report the situation here truthfully.

Let the higher-ups decide whether to explore and how many people to send to explore. "


In the Kingdom of Diya, in the desolate and gloomy land of the underworld, a huge [Chainsaw Zombie King] is roaring forward.

Its tracks crushed all the hard bone fragments, making a deafening sound.

As it continued to move forward, patches of dry forest were cut down, exposing bare black land.

The blade of the chainsaw in his hand spins, cutting trees and bushes into small pieces.

These small pieces of wood were thrown aside and piled up into small hills.

As the machinery continued to advance, these hills became more and more numerous, eventually forming an open plain.

Following the giant chainsaw zombie, countless skeleton soldiers and zombies were carrying white stones and laying them flat on the underworld under the command of Nimbas.

These white stones began to show signs of melting soon after they were placed on the dark soil. However, the white stones did not melt into liquid, but took on a gel shape that continued to extend outward.

The white stone of the castle power is extremely stable and solid. As long as it is laid on the ground, it can prevent the cemetery territory from converting the white stone into underworld.

The death energy of the undead in the underworld will still soften the white stone, causing the white stone and underworld to mix into soft white stone soil.

This is the foundation of Hades Farm—the white stone foundation.

The first step in building a Netherland farm is to cover the Netherland with white stones.

For a farm, it must be as smooth as possible.

In order to take down the Netherland Farm, Diya dispatched a large number of troops to help.

Zombie giants as huge as mountains moved away from the mountains and filled the valleys.

The overwhelming Bone Dragon Legion transported Bai Shi to the front line.

The eerie dark knight dragged the rake across the cleared land, crushing all the larger stones along the way.

Near the white stone foundation, Jonesfield commanded a large number of iron men in formation.

When the white stone foundation is completed, these iron men will form like a stack of Arhats, wrapping the white stone foundation into an iron man shed.

In addition to these iron men, there are more iron men coming from Bracada on cargo airships.

These mindless puppet creatures will use their bodies to become part of the Underworld Farm. They will use their bodies and virtual souls to resist the ubiquitous undead energy of the cemetery and protect the healthy growth of crops in the Underworld Farm.

Near the white stone foundation, there is a large group of skeleton soldiers and cavemen wielding mining picks who are digging a river channel.

This river will directly connect to the border of Aveili and divert the life-rich spring water in Aveili to the Hades Farm.

In the future, this river will become a river of life that runs through the entire Aveli and the entire Diya.

Nimbas was holding a pen and paper, writing and drawing on the clear squares on the paper. Beside him, Qi Ge squatted on the ground and said in a deep voice:

“Converting half of Dia’s famous pictures into Hades Farm is destined to be a huge project that cannot be completed overnight.

We must start from the 1st period first. After the 1st period is successful, we will start the 2nd period, 3rd period and even the final 46th period.

The entire process can take up to 3 months at the earliest. "

“If you want to complete the construction of all Hades Farms, you can’t rush, you must proceed steadily.

But the Phase 1 test field must be established as soon as possible.

Only by building the Phase 1 test field as soon as possible and planting sufficient yields of food on the Phase 1 test field can we completely dispel the doubts of the four major forces and make them devote themselves to the construction of the Hades Farm. "

Qige took a handful of Hades and squeezed it hard. Thick black oil flowed out of the underworld, which was fishy and smelly.

No creature would like the environment here, but in Qi Ge's view, this is the real place of hope.

It is the top priority and the future, and there is absolutely no room for error.

After the preoperative examination today, the surgery is confirmed tomorrow. Don’t worry, everyone. Local anesthesia, minor surgery.

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