Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 873 White Rock Valley

The function of [anger] is not to induce birth, but to [combine].

Qige understood. No wonder the [food] in the Netherland Farm grew so fast.

If plant growth is compared to building a house with building blocks, then normal plant growth must collect energy from everywhere, convert the energy into [building blocks], and then slowly build the house.

And [Anger] itself is a [Building Block], and there is no need for a transformation process. Food plants can use the [Building Blocks] to [build a house].

Therefore, in the Netherland Farm, the growth rate of food plants will be qualitatively different from normal conditions.

The golden elf [Viannie]'s eyes flashed and she said to Qi Ge:

"It's easy to verify your Majesty's conjecture.

I'll go to the barrier clan to find a deadwood guard.

There is a tree core in the body of the Deadwood Guard, which can play a role similar to [Undead Will-o'-the-Wisp].

If the Deadwood Guard can directly absorb the energy in the Netherland Farm to power itself, it means that your conjecture is correct. "

"Wither wood guards... Your Majesty Weianne, there are dead wood guards in my territory. I will let them try it right away!"

Qi Ge immediately contacted Lin Xi and asked Lin Xi to notify the deadwood guards in his territory to go to the Netherland Farm.

Just ten minutes later, Lin Xi received good news.

As Creedel guessed, all the dead wood guards in the Netherland Farm can directly absorb an invisible energy as food!

"Then it's basically confirmed." Credel smiled and said: "The Underworld Farm converts [the death energy of the undead] into [anger].

In this case, it is a bit inappropriate to call it [Source Energy]. Qi Ge, please give this energy a new name. "


Qi Ge liked the name.

"Transform death into life, turn the energy of death into vitality. Reversal of life and death.

It is full of vitality and everything is in full bloom.

Since this energy can be used as food by living beings, which is exactly the opposite of [the death energy of the undead], then let’s call this energy [vitality of life]. "

"[Death Qi of the Undead], [Vitality of Life]...a good name, that's it, I like it."

Vianne was the first to agree, and the others nodded.

At this moment, Monell asked with some confusion:

"Qi Ge, since the vitality of life comes from the death energy of the undead, doesn't it make sense to build the Netherland Farm?

[Vitality of life] can support living beings. [Death Qi of the Undead] can support the souls of the dead.

The Netherland Farm is equivalent to taking the resources originally used to support the dead to support living beings.

For every 10 million more souls that survived the Netherland Farm, there would be 10 million fewer undead souls. There would not be much of a gap in total combat power. "

Before Qi Ge could explain, [Nagus] explained:

“Monell, you say that because you don’t know enough about the undead’s death energy.

The undead death energy is transformed from Yasha energy and is part of the undead rules.

As long as there is a place covered by the undead rules, the undead death energy will be continuously born. Even if there are no undead to absorb these undead death energy, the birth of the undead death energy will not stop.

The undead energy of our Diya has always been extremely excessive, endless, and cannot be consumed at all. It can only continue to precipitate into the natural environment.

The accumulation of a large amount of undead energy will shorten the life span of the surrounding creatures, reduce their physical fitness, and make them prone to illness. Therefore, our land in Diya will be completely unsuitable for the survival of living creatures.

Those necromancers who need to feed the living souls spend a huge amount on cleaning up the dead energy of the undead every year.

Being able to utilize these excessive amounts of undead death energy to nourish living beings is a great thing, both for the undead and for living beings. "

Monell suddenly realized and shook his cloak, and admitted his mistake: "I was negligent."

Criddle held up a book at some point and was writing something on the book with a quill. As he wrote, he said:

“Understanding the principle of the Underworld Farm is to convert [Undead Death Aura] into [Life Vitality], which can help us better find the key to why the [Underworld Farm] cannot form a building.

Seven Pigeons, you can continue to introduce them. "

Qi Ge nodded, took out the blueprint of [Cabbage King Farm] and said:

"Everyone, please see, this is the architectural drawing I got by chance when I first studied the Netherland Farm.

It can be regarded as a specialized version of the Cabbage King of Hades Farm. "

【Cabbage King Farm

miracle building


Create a farm where you can grow cabbage in the cemetery territory,

A maximum of 100 cabbages can be planted at the same time.

Can make cabbage grow into cabbage king 100%.

Special position: Cabbage King Farm can accommodate 100 units of any soldier type as gardeners, and provides [Cabbage King Farm Gardener] career promotion.

The Cabbage King Farm can accommodate 1 unit of Flower Demon as the farmer, providing a special [Cabbage King Farmer] career promotion.

Land area: 8 building spaces (2*4)

The following content is only visible to player Qi Ge:

Cabbage King Farm Creator Permissions:

When building the Cabbage King Farm on the territory belonging to the player Qi Ge, the Cabbage King Farm blueprint will not be consumed, but the Cabbage King Farm blueprint will enter a cooling state for two weeks. 】

Qige showed the properties of Cabbage King Farm and then said:

"Due to some coincidences, the Cabbage King Farm became a miraculous building recognized by Mother Goddess Asa, but it also lost the ability to grow other foods and could only be used to grow cabbage."

"Oh, is this the Cabbage King's exclusive farm? Last time we were wiped out in the Echo of the Holy Dragon, we had eaten the Cabbage King for several days to recuperate.

I've never forgotten that taste. "

Vianne took the drawing very naturally, looked at it carefully for a while, and then handed it to the next person.

After Agaide got the blueprint, he just glanced at it briefly and then brought it to Credel as if it were a treasure.

Creder took a closer look at the architectural drawings of Cabbage King Farm, and his eyes lit up.

He nodded and said to Qige:

"There are no extra magic lines in the architectural structure of this design. It is stuck to the standard of a miracle building. Anything less will turn it into a hidden building.

This seems to be the handiwork of the Mother Goddess. Only the Mother Goddess can create such a perfect miracle building.

Seven Doves, you were able to get your own miraculous architectural drawings from the Mother Goddess without going through the historical echo. You are indeed well treated by the Mother Goddess. "

Hearing what Credel said, Qige suddenly thought about it.

The mission reward he originally received was just the ordinary-level [Cabbage Farm Blueprint], which was upgraded to the [Cabbage King Farm Blueprint] by the Mother Goddess.

“At that time, I didn’t realize that this was the love of the Mother Goddess.

Now think about it carefully, the Mother Goddess helped me upgrade an ordinary architectural drawing to a miraculous architectural drawing, and also gave me the privilege of repeatable construction. How can it be so simple as a word of love?

Mother Goddess Asa is the deity of the entire dimension. She determines the fate of the vast void, and it is difficult to describe it even if she manages everything on a day-to-day basis.

She should have some deep meaning in doing this. "

Qi Ge quickly opened the task panel and found the task he had completed.

【The Ambition of the Cabbage King

Common tasks

Mission requirement: Plant cabbage seeds in the City of God’s Choice.

(Overachieved! Discover the stable growing method of King Cabbage)

Mission reward: Cabbage Farm blueprint. (Upgraded to a miracle building: Cabbage King Farm blueprint)


There must be a Cabbage King in the Yasha world!

But there is only one Cabbage King, which is too lonely.

May Cai Cai be like a dragon and Cai Cai be king in this world! 】

Cai Cai is like a dragon, Cai Cai is king... Was the Mother God reminding me at that time?

While Qi Ge was deep in thought, the architect team had already started a heated discussion:

"Creator's permission...Why don't the miraculous architectural drawings I designed have such great benefits?

Do you have the drawings of your design? "

"No, never seen it."

"Is this a preferential treatment given by the Mother Goddess to Seven Doves alone? What a favor!"

Listening to their discussion, Qige suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

“Maybe it’s because my level was not good at that time.

At that time, I had no way to design a miraculous building on my own, so the Mother Goddess had to help me. "

Agaide's expression became a little strange:

"Look, look at what you said, apprentice.

I’m not good at it either. Why doesn’t Mother Goddess help me? "

Credel glanced at Agede meaningfully, chuckled, and said:

"Agaide, don't belittle yourself so much.

Your teacher still knows your level. In terms of architecture, there are few people in the entire Yasha world who are more proficient than you. It’s just that you are a little less good at design.

It doesn't matter. If you're not good at it, just practice more. After you draw tens of thousands of drawings every day, you will naturally become good at it. "

Agaide suddenly felt horrified when he heard Credel's gentle words. He cupped his hands towards Credel without tears and responded pitifully:

"Yes, teacher, I will practice diligently."

"Well, once you've finished drawing, remember to bring it to me for inspection."

Credel responded to Algaed, looked at the seven pigeons, and said:

"[Cabbage King Farm] is a blueprint awarded to you by the Mother Goddess, so it has no reference value for us to complete [Underworld Farm].

The buildings created by the Mother Goddess use many mysterious rules that we cannot understand at all.

What she can do doesn't mean we can do it too.

Seven doves, what you hear is false, what you see is true. You'd better take us to the unformed [Pseudo-Underworld Farm] to have a look. "

"Yes, Grandmaster!"

Near the large-scale construction test field No. 1, there is also a small temporary [Underworld Farm] template built by Qige.

Because the river leading to Avili has not yet been dug, there is no way to inject the spring water from Avili. The template was created urgently by the [Magic Spring Water] carried by Qi Ge in a space backpack.

Without the blessing of water sources, the Netherland Farm template will soon become ineffective as time goes by, and you must seize the time to study it.

After the architect team entered [Underworld Farm], they immediately began to observe everywhere.

Under the command of the Patriarch, Agede continued to decompose the white stone soil on the foundation into magical energy.

Everywhere Vianney walked, she left a leaf-like glowing mark.

The undead will-o'-the-wisp in Nagus's eyes kept flickering, and some emerald green flames surrounded him, and from time to time they would disappear into the building, as if they were exploring the inside of the building.

Serig kept taking out various materials and tapping on the iron wall, listening to the echo of the materials.

Monell's whole body was suspended in the air, and ripples spread around him.

At the same time, they were still communicating, mainly Grandmaster Credel kept asking, and others kept answering.

"How strong is the energy?"

"Ordinary buildings."

"Boundary effects have been detected and the formability is good."

"The inside of Iron Man has been explored, and the virtual soul has been integrated. There are indeed signs of transformation from arms to materials."

"Is the magic array uniform?"

"It's uneven. The reason is not clear."

Their methods are too [high-end], which is really difficult to understand for Qi Ge who is not from a professional background.

Except for Qi Ge, every member of the Architects' Heavenly Group has been immersed in the path of architects for more than a hundred years, which is far beyond the comparison of a dabbler like Qi Ge.

Qi Ge could only watch from the side, drooling with envy in his heart.

“They are all so capable, unlike me, who only has the blessing of the mother goddess.

This may be the difference between the academic school and the soft rice school. "

Soon, the ogre [Serig], who was proficient in the construction of logistics buildings, took the lead in making a guess.

“Perhaps the reason why the Netherland Farm failed to take shape is because of the temperature.

As far as I know, many plants have temperature requirements for growth, and Hades Farm has no means of controlling temperature. "

Serig immediately used the [Red Hot Sand] from the stronghold to carve a magic circle on the wall of the Hades Farm that could automatically adjust the temperature according to the different plants grown.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to have any effect, and the [Underworld Farm] blueprint is still not generated.

When everyone was disappointed, Credel laughed:

"Serig guessed right, it does have something to do with the temperature.

After the temperature control array was drawn, Agede found it even more difficult to decompose the white soil into elements. This shows that the order and stability of Hades Farm is high, but it is still not enough.

It seems that there are still missing conditions that have not been discovered by us. "

Hearing this, Qi Ge suddenly thought of the content in the "Architect's Manual".

Architecture has order and stability.

In [formal buildings] recognized by the Mother Goddess, order is always extremely stable. Even if the building looks like a broken hut, it is very difficult to destroy part of it with malicious intent.

When attacking [Building] with magic bombardment, sword slashing, etc., as long as [Building] still has health remaining, [Building] will remain intact without any damage.

The building will collapse until its health reaches zero.

Unless the building itself is a resource-based building with resource production capabilities, the resources produced by the building can be removed from the building.

Of course, that is collection, not malicious destruction.

This is the [order stability] of architecture.

Buildings like the Netherland Farm that have not yet been recognized by the Mother Goddess have no order and stability, and parts of the building can be decomposed and destroyed.

The easier a building is to decompose, the more unstable its order will be.

Likewise, the less easily decomposed a building is, the more stable its order will be.

In this way, it is possible to judge how far away the building is from actually taking shape.

The good news provided by Creder immediately cheered up the architect team and began to continue exploring.

With the success of Serig, the team of architects began to look at the necessary conditions for the growth of food plants.

In addition to temperature, soil, air, and water sources, they soon discovered two different necessary conditions: humidity and light intensity.

Vianne used the fortress' [Water Storage Wood] to add a set of humidity control arrays to the iron man's walls to solve the humidity problem.

Qi Ge asked Luna to bring some third-level resources [Sun Stones] from the Elemental City. Monell installed them on the ceiling of the Iron Man wall, and then used a magic circle to control them, successfully solving the problem of light intensity.

Unfortunately, Netherland Farm is still not completed, but although the stability of Netherland Farm has been increasing, it shows that they are on the right path.

"There's still something missing."

Qi Ge touched his chin and said while thinking:

"The cemetery's [Underworld], the tower's [Iron Man], the barrier's [Magic Spring], the castle's [White Stone], the stronghold's [Red Hot Sand], the fortress's [Water Storage Wood], and the Elemental City's [Sun Stone].

Among the nine major forces, we have used the specialties of 7 forces, except for hell and dungeons.

Could it be that there are two more materials to be found from these two forces?

It's like gathering all the Dragon Balls to summon a divine dragon? "

"What a mess." Agaide hit Qige's head with a dark face:

"Do you think the bard writes the story? Gathering the power of the nine major forces?

Whether it is the underworld, the white stone or the water-storing wood, they are all things that existed before all races fought for hegemony. It's just a coincidence that they happen to belong to the seven major forces. "

"Ah, that's it. It seems like I'm overthinking it."

Qi Ge smiled, not feeling embarrassed at all.

He is a person who is never afraid of making mistakes.

Credel laughed dumbly: "Agede, don't say that about Seven Pigeons. Everything is possible in the world of Yasha, maybe it is really like this?

In this way, I will think about what suitable materials are available in the abyss and dungeon, and you can think of any other methods. "

At this moment, Nagus, who had been deep in thought, said:

“Perhaps, we have to try to start from the [vitality of life] itself, rather than just considering plants.

Because the function of [vitality of life] is to become a part of the plant, not to accelerate the growth of the plant. "

"It makes sense, let's experiment."

Kreidl agreed.

The undead fire flickered in Nagus’s eyes:

"First try increasing the concentration of [Undead Death Qi]. If the concentration of Undead Death Qi is high, the concentration of [Vital Vitality] will also increase accordingly.

In the area covered by the undead rules, it is somewhat difficult to reduce the concentration of the undead death energy, but it is too easy to increase the concentration of the undead death energy.

Let me first try adding a magic circle to gather the death energy of the undead in the Netherland Farm. "

Nagus's bone-white palm stretched out, and with a tap of his fingers, a bone-white staff appeared out of thin air.

He held the staff and walked in front of the iron wall. The dark green skull crystal turned into light spots and surrounded him, looking strange and eerie.

He used the bone staff as a pen and resources as paint. He splashed ink on the iron man's wall, and his pen was like a dragon.

Following his superb operation, a dark green magic circle slowly emerged on the wall of the Netherland Farm.

Qi Ge looked at Nagus's handsome movements and drooled with envy.

Freely manipulate Yasha energy to form a magic circle. Agede, Vianney, Monel and other local legendary architects in Yasha seem to be able to do this easily. Only Qige can only rely on the system to assist when inspiration is overwhelming.

Soon, Nagus lifted the bone staff gracefully, made the last stroke, and said with satisfaction:


As soon as he finished speaking, the magic array on the wall emitted a burst of black and red dazzling light, then slowly disappeared into the wall and disappeared, leaving only a green skull-shaped symbol on the wall.

"This is the switch that increases the concentration of undead death energy."

As Nagus said, he lightly clicked the switch with his finger.

In an instant, the undead energy around the Netherland Farm began to converge towards the Netherland Farm. A continuously rotating wind of the undead was even formed directly above the Netherland Farm.

Nags said with satisfaction:

"There are more dead souls around, and the [vitality of life] in the Netherland Farm will definitely increase significantly.

Agade, try it again and see the effect. "

"I'm trying it now."

Agaide held up a handful of white soil and squeezed it gently with his fingers. In an instant, the white soil in his hand turned into dust and elemental light spots, and disappeared in an instant.

"The stability of the order has dropped, dropped significantly." Agaide was shocked. "Stop it."

"Huh?!" Nagus' head jumped up in fright, spinning 180 degrees in mid-air before falling back onto his neck.

"It really is!"

He saw the magic energy floating in Agede's hand, screamed strangely, and quickly stopped the magic circle on the wall.

With the suspension of the magic circle, the stability of the Hades Farm no longer declined, but the stability that had already suffered losses has not been restored.

In just a few seconds, all the order and stability that had been gained with difficulty was lost.

Weianne frowned and asked doubtfully:

"Nagus, what's going on with you? Did you make a mistake and breathed in the undead's death energy that failed to transform?"

"Absolutely not!" Nagus assured loudly: "I am sure that there is nothing wrong with my magic circle. It will not let the undead death energy enter the Netherland Farm, it will only allow the undead death energy to gather outside the Netherland Farm. Increase the conversion speed of Iron Man Wall."

"Then what's going on? Shouldn't vitality be a good thing for plants? How could it actually lead to a decrease in order stability?"

Vianne was a little confused.

"Are you really right?"

"I really didn't..."

Creder spoke up in time to interrupt the quarrel:

"Don't worry, if I read it correctly, Nagus's magic circle is indeed correct, and the concentration of life vitality in the Netherland Farm has indeed increased.

Increasing the concentration of life vitality will lead to a significant decrease in order stability, which is good news. This shows that the concentration of life vitality may be a key indicator for the formation of the Hades Farm.

In turn, reducing the concentration of life vitality may increase the order stability of the Hades Farm. "

Everyone:! ! !

Qi Ge hammered his hand hard and suddenly realized:

“To go too far is not enough, and things will turn to the extreme.

In our world, fat is one of the essential nutrients for the human body and it plays many important roles in the human body.

Provide energy, form cell membranes, maintain the normal structure of cells, help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, participate in hormone synthesis, etc.

However, too much fat can also be harmful to human health. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, fatty liver and other diseases are also related to fat.

This is too much and not enough.

Perhaps too high a concentration of vitality will hinder the plant's own synthesis.

Nagus just said that the death energy of the undead in the cemetery is always in excess.

Perhaps, for the plants growing in the Hades Farm, the life vitality transformed by the Hades Farm is also in excess. "

Monell immediately said: "Yes! Nagus, can you find a way to weaken the concentration of undead death energy around you?

Weakening the concentration of the undead's death energy can weaken the concentration of life vitality. "

"This..." Nagus was a little embarrassed: "There is a way, but the cost is very high.

I have said before that it is easy to increase the death energy of the undead, but difficult to reduce it. "

"Then let's change our thinking!" As soon as the key point was revealed, Qi Ge's brain came to life: "It's not easy to reduce the concentration of life vitality, so increase the [users] of [life vitality]!

The Netherland Farm is not only on the ground, but also in the air.

We can develop three-dimensional farms and regional breeding! "

The Seven Pigeons immediately started gesticulating in the Netherland Farm.

“Put a few posts here, here, here and then layer the ground between the posts with white stone soil.

Then use a magic circle to introduce running water so that the water can flow evenly through each layer.

If the number of plants planted in a Netherland farm is increased at the same time, as long as there are more users of life energy, the concentration of life energy in the Netherland farm will decrease. "

Credel's eyes lit up and he immediately said:

"Good idea, Agede, I'll leave this to you."

"no problem!"

Agaide took out the paper, drew the design in three or two strokes, and started experimenting immediately.

Soon, the Netherland Farm was completed with four floors, one on the ground and three above.

Seven Pigeons asked Nimbas to get pumpkin seeds and planted them on all four floors.

When the last pumpkin seed fell to the ground, the entire Hades Farm emitted a dazzling light!


In the white light, Seven Pigeons and the others were all teleported out.

The originally loose and loose Netherland Farm gradually became extremely stable and completely formed in the white light!

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qige for successfully creating a new building [Underworld Farm]. 】

【Underworld Farm

hidden building

Building requirements:

Terrain requirements: Hades

Resource requirements: 1000 gold coins, 5 wood, 5 ore, 2 crystal, 2 mercury, 2 gems, 2 sulfur, 100 white stone, 10 iron man, 10 magic spring water.


Create a farm on the cemetery grounds. A maximum of 120 food plants (30*4) can be planted at the same time, and the growth speed and yield of food plants are greatly increased.

There is no limit to the number of underworld farms that can be built in each city, and they can be built unlimitedly.

Land area: 1 building space (1*1)]

Finally succeeded!

The seven pigeons were extremely excited.

This Netherland Farm is not even a miracle building, and it does not even trigger a system announcement. However, Qi Ge is not disappointed at all, but is even happier.

Miracle buildings must be accompanied by high costs. Hidden buildings can be built in large numbers without pressure.

"Hahaha! Fortunately, I lived up to my fate!" Agaide laughed loudly and was in high spirits.

"Finally done! It turns out that the key point is here." Vianne was in high spirits.

"It seems that temperature and humidity are not necessary conditions for Hades Farm. I led you astray." The ogre [Serig] rubbed the back of his head honestly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You can't say that. It is an indisputable fact that temperature control and humidity control can make the order of the Hades Farm more stable.

These conditions are likely to be the key to the miracle or myth of promotion in Hades Farm. Nags said calmly.

"Head! Nagus, your head!" Monell shouted quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Nagus then remembered that his head was still tilted, so he quickly took it off, turned it around, and put it back again.

Credel smiled and said:

"Very good, thank you all for coming all the way. You all have contributed a lot to the success of Netherland Farm."

"Hahaha, you're welcome, Your Majesty."

"It's natural and obligatory."

“Since the Netherland Farm has been successful, let’s leave first.

“Seven pigeons, you’re welcome.

Architects should help each other, not to mention such a major matter involving the life and death of the Yasha world. If you still encounter construction troubles in the future, you are welcome to come to us at any time. "

As the architect Tiantuan spoke, his feet began to move.

At this moment, Credel suddenly shouted:

"Wait a moment, everyone, where are you going?

The Netherland Farm has been researched, but the blueprints of the Netherland Farm are far from enough.

You are all legendary architects with superb skills. Drawing such hidden-level architectural drawings must be easy.

Everyone should stay and help draw some drawings. Don't worry, the energy potion is enough. "

As soon as Credel spoke up, the expressions of the four legendary architects who were about to flee suddenly turned bitter.

If they are willing to study architecture, they can draw architectural drawings, which is simply repetitive labor and the most boring thing.

To become legendary architects, each of them had drawn such highly repetitive drawings countless times when they were young, and they had long since become tired of them.

Credle's words sounded to them like this:

"You're all here, take a few five-year college entrance examinations and three-year simulations before leaving."

It's simply bad news.

The demigod architects had spoken, and Vianne knew she couldn't escape. She asked with a grimace:

"Your Majesty, how many drawings of [Underworld Farm] should we make?"

"Well, how about a hundred thousand first?"

"Four people, one hundred thousand?!" Serig was shocked: "Each person wants to draw 25,000 pictures? Oh, and Senior Brother Agaide, that's 20,000 pictures! Teacher, is this too much? "

"No, you misunderstood."

Credel smiled faintly and said:

“I mean, a hundred thousand apiece.

As for the half of the cemetery force, you have some paintings. "

"Ah~~" All four people wailed, as frustrated as eggplants beaten by frost.

Only Aqed was filled with joy when he saw the number of victims.

Qi Ge touched his chest and felt happy.

Fortunately, he is the general person in charge of the Hades Farm project and has enough things to do, otherwise he would definitely have to stay as a coolie.

Qige called Nimbas on the spot, handed him the [Underworld Farm] that was generated along with the building, and told him:

"Nimbas, we are lucky to have lived up to our fate.

From today on, the construction difficulty of the Netherland Farm can be reduced a lot.

I will give you enough drawings of [Refugee City] and apply to the Lord of the Dragon Lich for a sufficient number of skeleton soldiers to be delivered to you.

You need to build a large number of [Refugee City] and fill all the empty spaces in the Refugee City with Hades Farm.

You need to transform the skeleton soldiers delivered to you into pumpkin skeleton farmers. On the one hand, you can use them to farm, and on the other hand, you need them to support Yasha Fire.

As long as the first phase of the experimental field is successfully constructed and the harvest is successful, I can bring a large amount of food to negotiate with the major forces, and in the name of the Yasha gods, ask them to move their food production units on a large scale.

You can choose managers from those food production units to help you, so your stress will be much less. "

After hearing this, Nimbas nodded slowly and agreed:

"No problem, Lord, I promise to complete the mission. It's just that, sir, if we all have logistics troops here, how can we solve the problem of force?

Although I was a demigod before, my strength has not been restored yet.

I don't have enough force. If something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it. "

"Don't worry about this."

Qi Ge looked up into the distance and smiled slightly: "I have informed the Lord of the Dragon Lich.

His old man will send a clone over and keep watching here.

As long as there is any change in the Netherland Farm, countless lords from all over Dia will rush out under the leadership of his old man.

The mighty undead army is sleeping all over Diya, and they will wipe out for you all those who dare to hinder the construction of the farm in the underworld. "

"Then I'll be fine."

Nimbas smiled and said to Qi Ge:

"Lord, please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself.

People like heroes to fall on the eve of victory. Such stories have a more epic feel and are more in line with people's expectations for drama.

But I hope you can always stand in front of us and lead us to victory again and again. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly:

"Like before?"

"Just like before."

"Haha, okay, I promise you."

Qi Ge patted Nimbas on the shoulder, his eyes a little sad.

He never expected that it would be Nimbas who said such words to him.

Adela hadn't even said that to him.

Sure enough, it's better to be brothers. Women will only worry about whether you have enough energy to fire ammunition after you are tired.

Griffin Cliff area, nameless valley.

Gabri was sweating profusely as he sat on his gryphon.

He had thought that the superiors would attach great importance to Shiraishi, but he did not expect that the superiors would take him so seriously.

When he reported the news that a large number of giant white rocks were found in the valley, the person who came to deal with the matter was not the captain he had imagined.

Instead, he is the captain's boss's boss, the uncrowned king of the entire Griffin Cliff region, Edric Legend.

Although the legend of Edric is not uncommon in the Griffin Cliff area - he often puts on shabby clothes himself, works with the griffin knights to deal with griffin excrement, and often rides a griffon to patrol the Griffin Cliff area.

But being able to see him and being able to talk to him are two different things.

[Gabri] Only during the ceremony on the day he became a gryphon knight, was he lucky enough to receive the legendary commendation of Edric.

"Gabri, I remember you, you are doing well, keep up the good work." This sentence alone made [Gabri] excited for a long time.

"But now, Legend Adric has actually come in person, right next to me, and asked me to lead the way in front of him!"

Gabri adjusted his armor, and even though he had flown to this valley, he still felt like he was in a dream.

"Are you sure this is here?" Edric rode the [Red-Blooded Griffin King] named [Falcon] and landed next to Gabri.

"General, it's right here, I'm sure of it." Gabri was excited and immediately replied:

"The bottom of this valley is full of huge white rocks, but it is very strange. There are no animals or wild monsters. I was afraid of unpredictable dangers and did not dare to stay longer, so I rushed back to Gryphon Cliff to report."

Edric glanced at Gabri appreciatively and praised:

"You did the right thing. Intelligence that has no way of conveying it to the commander is meaningless.

I'm going down for reconnaissance now. Do you want to stay here with your team, or do you want to go down with me?

Gabri, let me declare in advance that if what you report is true, then there may be weird situations in the valley that even I can't resist. Once you choose to go down with me, you will never be able to escape again. "

"General!" Gabri said ecstatically: "My subordinates are willing to charge forward, explore the road alone, and die for the general!"

"Hmph! Okay! This is what my men should be like. They can use all their shrewdness, agility and wisdom to defend themselves, and at the same time have the courage to face death.

Gabri, I order you to take your team and scout ahead. My [Gryphon Knights] and I will be right behind you.

Once you encounter any danger, I allow you to retreat as soon as possible.

Leave the exploration to you and leave the fighting to me! "

"Yes, General!"

Gabri responded excitedly, took out the horn from his arms, and blew it hard.


The melodious sound of horns floated in the air.

Among the neat array of gryphon knights, four gryphon knights belonging to Gabri emerged from the crowd.

The griffins spread their wings, accelerated in several spirals in mid-air, and met Gabri.

Gabriel's team of gryphons rode the wind, passing over the mountains, descending straight down the steep mountain peaks, and rushing towards the valley.


Edric groaned, and all the remaining gryphon knights divided into two sides, guarding behind him like a pair of huge wings.

He turned into the tip of a spear and led the Griffin Knights closely behind Gabri.

After passing through the thick fog over the valley and entering the valley, Edric immediately saw the scene in the valley.

This valley is a low-lying area formed between three peaks. The terrain is long, steep, narrow and deep.

The plants in the valley are mainly wetland plants and swamp plants, and even shrubs exceeding one meter are very rare.

Edric observed his surroundings vigilantly. Just as Gabriel said, the valley was filled with huge white rocks, but there was no life.

There were no birds or insects, and the streams in the valley were eerily quiet. Fish, shrimps, crabs, water flies and other common creatures in the water were also not seen, as if they were a restricted area for life.

Edric and the Griffin Knights stayed in place, while Gabri led his team to explore the depths of the valley.

In just fifteen minutes, Gabri led his gryphon team back to Edric.

He said with a puzzled look:

"General! We have searched the surroundings and found nothing.

Walking along this valley, you will soon encounter two forked roads. The left forked road is only 20 meters deep and ends at a cliff.

The road on the right is only 10 meters deep and is also blocked by a cliff.

Including this place, the entire valley is no more than a hundred meters long. "

"It shouldn't be like this."

Edric frowned:

"Everything happened for a reason.

Whether it's the white rocks all over the place or this weird restricted area of ​​life, something must have caused it.


There is no cliff in front of the Griffin Knight.

Gabri, take your gryphon knights up the cliff and scout both cliffs.

We'll wait for you at the bottom of the cliff. "


Gabri received the order and immediately conducted reconnaissance again.

Half an hour later, they had scouted both cliffs, but still found nothing.

Edric was even stranger.

He dispersed the Griffin Knights and conducted a saturated and comprehensive reconnaissance of all areas 3 kilometers around the valley, but found nothing.

Except for the weird white stone valley, all the surrounding areas are normal. There are all the expected creatures and wild monsters, and there are no giant white stones.

Gabriel ordered people to catch some butterflies and small fish and release the butterflies and small fish in the valley and the valley streams respectively.

Strange things happened.

As soon as the butterflies broke free from the constraints of the griffon knights, they spun around like crazy, vibrating their wings desperately, raising altitude and escaping from the valley.

The fish also swam out of the valley with great excitement, their tails almost turning into propellers. It was as if there was something invisible and terrifying in the valley that was driving them away.

"It does appear that the problem is in this valley."

Edric said calmly:

“If there is no problem in the sky or around, then the problem can only be underground.

This valley overlaps with another different space, and there is an underground area!

That is not a problem that we old men can solve, and we have to seek help from magical power.

The whole army obeys the order and retreats first! "

"Yes!" The gryphon knights responded loudly, extremely excited.

Underground area, different space, that means a brand new territory! It means a lot of military merit!

A soldier's achievements are nothing more than opening up borders and expanding territory!

The surgery was successful, and the next step is to wait for pathology.

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