Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1291: God Realm


Xu Laomo was stunned, what incarnation?

He looked at Lu Junsheng, asked Mo again, and then slowly looked at the teenager.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted sharply, his face gloomy to the extreme.

The incarnation of the heaven and earth embryo fruit!

At this time, he finally reacted. The Mo Wen who came out of Dading was an incarnation of Tianxin's embryo.

No wonder the breath is so familiar, so sacred, and so harmonious with the rules of heaven and earth.

The incarnation of the Tianguo Embryo is the same as the Tianguo Embryo, but it is the spirit of heaven and earth, and it is no longer an ordinary soul.

"You just don't ask?"

Xu Laomo stared at Mo Wen, saying one word at a time.


Mo Wen smiled slightly. With his voice, his appearance suddenly changed. At the same time, the breath of life, the breath of blood, and even the breath of power in the body were changing. Finally, completely restored to Mo Wen's appearance.

The two asked not to appear, abruptly appeared in the belly of the mountain, a white coat like snow, a Tsing Yi elegant.

The only difference between the two is that Mo Yi, who is in white clothes like snow, is extremely powerful, but he is a true **** who repairs immortals.

After refining into an avatar, the avatar stepped directly into the early stage of Shenxu, and his soul and body were all promoted to the level of Shenxu Realm.

Lightning flashed, a delicate spear appeared in the hands of Bai Yi Mo Wen.

I saw thunder and light, the surrounding space suddenly violently bursts of violent vibrations, and the invisible power spread frantically to all sides.


It is the second type of Thor Quake in Thor Five.

"Damn it, give it to me, I want this little animal to survive and not to die."

Xu Laomo demon roared, and Tianguo Embryo has been refined into an incarnation, and has become something for others.

Swish swish!

More than a dozen figures flew out, encircling Mo Wen, all eyes were hot.

Who does n’t know, Mo Wen has treasure hunters on his body, but they are peerless treasures. If they can get them, the future achievements are limitless.

The power of Thunderstorm broke out, and Xu Laomo didn't take Mo Wen's eyes into consideration. However, when Thunderstorm struck him, his face changed suddenly.


A terrifying violent force erupted from the void, and a bright and thunderous thunder bloomed and directly flew Xu Laomo out.

"Taihao Thunder!"

Pouting, Xu Laomo's mouth overflowed with blood, and a pair of **** eyes stared at Mo Wen. The blow just now wounded him.

Moreover, Taihao Thunder is the destructive power of the supreme sun, and it has done all the power of evil Dao. When his evil law meets Taihao Thunder, its power instantly drops by 50%.

Such a rare thing as Taihao Thunder, this Mo question can actually be cultivated!

Bai Yi Mo asked Yi Feng fluttering, after breaking through to the God's virtual realm, his combat power undoubtedly far surpassed his deity, the sky snake **** spear in his hand, thousands of thunder and lightning swept out, all those who surrounded him to cultivate immortals repel.

"Good strength."

Lu Junsheng's inner concussion, an incarnation that has just broken through to the early stage of Shenxu, is so strong that he is much stronger than his late Xianxu practitioner.

It is worthy of being the incarnation of the celestial heart and the embryo, and it really is not a mortal thing.

"You guys, there will be a future."

Mo Wen glanced at everyone and smiled slightly. The two bodies turned into thunder at the same time, disappeared in place in a flash, and appeared again, already outside the cave and leading to the entrance of another channel.

There are many entrances to the underground core area, so there are naturally many exits of the karst cave. Mo Wen randomly found an exit and prepared to leave here in a flash.

There are too many gods and virgins who cultivate immortals, and there are several late gods and virgins. Although he has cultivated an incarnation of the gods and phantoms, it is difficult to cope with so many gods and virgins. What's more, this is the site of the ancestor hunting hunter. He stolen the celestial embryo and the old monster must have been very angry when he knew it. Maybe it was on the way to here.

Once caught by an immortal cultivator in the same realm, he might be dead.

"Don't let him escape!"

"Keep him."


Xu Laomo shouted, his eyes split, his body turned into a blood, and he tried his best to intercept Mo Wen.

A beautiful-glamorous young woman with shell-tooth teeth after the deceit of Shenxu bite, a silver ring appeared in her hand, and the silver light flashed, and the ring disappeared in her hand.

Once again, it was less than a hundred meters away from Mo Wen, and slammed into him at an almost inescapable speed.


The silver ring crashed directly behind Mo Wen's back and threw him away.

He didn't avoid it, letting the ring attack him.

"court death!"

The beautiful-yan young woman was overjoyed, but she didn't expect this question to be so arrogant, she took her blow.

The silver ring is a holy treasure of the spirits, and among the holy treasures of the spirits are all treasures of high quality.

With a magical skill she cultivated, even if a god-deficiency consummate immortal collides so unavoidably, he may have to lose half his life before he dies.

However, the beauty-young woman hadn't had time to put a smile on her face, and her expression suddenly became stiff in the next moment.

Mo Wen, who suffered her blow, flew out fiercely, but as if nothing else, he continued to fly forward, and the light disappeared at the end of the channel.

"How is it possible? How could his body be so powerful?" The beautiful young woman felt incredible, it was like a dream.

"Chasing me, he-mum chasing me!"

Xu Laomo roared again and again and chased him like crazy. If this Mo Wen asked him to escape with his eyelids low, he wouldn't say that he couldn't explain to the master. In the future, it would be hard to say whether he could keep his current status.

However, although a large group of people chased behind, Mo Wen's escape speed reached its limit, and the distance became farther and farther away. After a few shines, Mo Wen completely disappeared in front of everyone.

"Damn! How could his speed be so fast, what a freak is this!" Lu Junsheng chased desperately, but as he chased further and further away, he couldn't even see the shadow that Mo asked.


In a mountain range of Demon Fire Demon Mountain ~ ~ A cyan figure flashed from the ground. Behind the cyan figure, a white figure followed the shadow.

They were two teenagers, with the same appearance, even the breath of life and soul.

"The incarnation made by the refining of the embryo of the heaven and earth is really mysterious, and it can directly display the magical power that has been practiced before."

Mo Wen asked with a satisfied smile, the escape technique exhibited by Mo Yi in white just now was the illusion of escape. At this time, he had already practiced the eidolon escape method to the fourth level, and the speed of escape was so fast that few people in God's virtual realm could compare with him.

"This kind of natural spirit can not only separate the incarnation, but also blend with the deity, which is quite convenient."

Mo Wen's thoughts moved, and Bai Yi Mo Wen's light flashed, and then weirdly integrated into Qing Yi Mo Wen's body, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(To be continued.)


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