Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1292: Mixed into the city

The two bodies became one, and they became another Mo question. He looked around, and suddenly flew towards the direction of Yaohuocheng.

Yaohuo City is located at the center of Yaohuo Moshan, which is the base camp of Xu Laomo.

At this time, only breaking into the Yaohuo City is the safest choice, because there are many fairy cultivators in the Yaohuo City, and fish and dragons are mixed together. People of any force may appear to facilitate his hiding. At the same time, he must also break into the monster fire city in order to rescue Zaguli and the Alliance of Immortals.

If you continue to wander around the outer periphery of the Demonfire Demon Mountain, the single shadow only, the target is too large, the suspicion is too high, it is easy to be found by the fairy repairer of the Demonfire Demon Mountain.

He is not afraid of Xu Laomo, but he is afraid of hunt for ancestors. God knows that the old monster knows that Tianxin ’s embryo is taken away, will he rush to Demon Fire Demon Mountain immediately.

A quarter of an hour later, two hundred miles outside the city of demon fire, a figure of an immortal flew from outside the sky, preparing to return to the city.

However, when he had just crossed a hillside, he suddenly felt a shock and fell straight down into the air.

On the ground, a teenager came out from behind the rock.

"Meet me, you can only say that you are unlucky."

Mo Wenyi waved his hand. The robe and the objects of the fairy repairer all flew up and landed in his hands. Then the flesh slowly softened to ashes in a mass of golden flames.

After a while, Mo Wen ’s appearance gradually changed. Not only did his appearance look exactly the same as that of the immortal, he even had the same breath of life and soul.

If it were not for some monks who had practiced special mysteries, even the immortal cultivators in the same realm would hardly see his flaws.

At the gate of Yaohuo City, a fairy repairer flew from a distance and landed directly at the gate.

Yaohuo City has strict regulations. Immortal repairers cannot fly directly into the city from outside the city. Those who enter the city must stop at the gate to be inspected.

After the immortal repairer landed, he walked straight into the city gate.

When the guards at the gate saw him, they all looked upset, showing a respectful look, and they did not dare to stop him.

"Wang Dong, your kid is back. What task does it take so long? Have you been out for seven or eight years?"

On the castle tower, a big man came striding forward. He was dressed differently from the guard at the gate. Judging from the clothing, he was obviously an officer guarding the city.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." The immortal cultivator named "Wang Dong" smiled slightly.

"Haha, give me back this set. Okay, don't ask anymore, I know your rules. Since you're back, look back at Qingyue upstairs. Our brothers have two drinks."

The strong officer smiled, knowing Wang Dong's duties, and did not continue to ask.


"Wang Dong" nodded and hurried into the city.

"These people in the Temple of Penalty, acting mysteriously, often go out to perform dangerous tasks, or it is my general, the defender, who is comfortable."

The strong officer shook his head, turned around, and walked back to the tower with comfort.

"Wang Dong" kept going and returned directly to his house.

Wang Dongnai is a small leader of the Palace of Punishment in Yaohuo City. The late Tai Xuan's cultivation practice was responsible for some of the punishment and prison supervision.

In the mansion, when the old man returned to the house, the housekeepers and slaves were all busy. The old man was usually busy with his official duties, and returned to the house only once in a long time. The people in the house did not dare to neglect.

"Wang Dong" 's wife and dozens of concubines also ran out to greet each other. However, before seeing his master, he learned that the master had entered the closed room and practiced, so they were all disappointed and returned.

"Wang Dong, deputy superintendent of the Palace of Punishment in Yaohuo City."

In the secret room, I saw "Wang Dong" sitting cross-legged and muttering to himself, and smiled slightly: "This identity is convenient for me a lot."

Wang Dong, who had died a long time ago, was sitting here with Mo Wen who turned into "Wang Dong".

The deputy superintendent of the Penalty Hall has a good position and is also responsible for the management of the prison, which is more conducive to Mo Wen ’s rescue of those imprisoned in the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance.

He did not expect that the casual supervisor of a demon fire demon mountain was the deputy superintendent of the Penal Temple.

Only after the cultivation of Taixuan in the later period, he could serve as the deputy supervisor of the Penal Hall. Wang Dong ’s ability is not low, no wonder that the guards at the city gate are so respectful.

Don't ask, gently flick your finger, a lot of storage treasures suddenly appeared on the ground.

These storage treasures are all the things he got from some immortal practitioners these days.

From the Immortal Venerable Space to the Desolate Region, the accumulated storage treasures have exceeded one hundred, and most of them are the storage bags of the Taixuanjing monks of little value.

There are also some storage bags for the monk of God's Void Realm, but the number is quite rare.

The most valuable is the storage bag of Gu Motian and Scorpio son. Their status is extraordinary, and there are many treasures on their bodies.

For example, the Scorpio son's jade king spirit armor is a treasure of the Qiankun Holy Treasure level, which is on the same level as the original sky snake **** spear. There are also demon bone relics, even the ordinary Qiankun Shengbao may not be comparable to it.

The bronze ancient clock on Gu Motian is also a rare holy treasure of Qiankun, and it is not an ordinary holy treasure of Qiankun.

In addition to these two people, there are also many treasures in those genius storage bags in Xianzun space.

Some people can easily find several holy treasures on their bodies, but they are all Bailing holy treasures and thousand spirit holy treasures. Qiankun holy treasures are too rare.

There are some good things in the treasures obtained from those god-cultivators in the desolate realm of the wasteland, but the wasteland is too barren, and the holy treasures are very scarce. There are still many compared with those geniuses in the fairy space difference.

The treasures in these storage bags, Mo Wen is ready to take them out to sort them out.

Among the more than one hundred storage bags, there are thirteen holy treasures and fifty-seven holy treasures, all of which are stolen from the geniuses in the world.

In addition, there are the largest number of Lingbao, Tianlingbao has more than 300 pieces, and more than 1,000 ordinary Lingbao.

Mo Wen asked that there are not many immortals who are killed, but these immortals are not ordinary immortals. There are quite a lot of treasures on their bodies.

In addition to various magic weapons, immortality is also piled up on a hill. There are more than two hundred sacred phoenixes, but most of them are bailing sacred celestial bodies. There are only 24 celestial sacred celestial bodies. As for Qiankun sacred celestial bodies, they are too scarce, even if Scorpio and Gu Motian are not.

The value of a Qiankun Shengdan, even if it is not comparable to the Qiankun Shengbao, is not far away.

As for the Yuan Shi, various materials, cultivation techniques, weird and odd items ... there are so many and countless.

"This wealth, even though it is not comparable to the Daxianxian Xianxiu, is much richer than the ordinary Daoxianxian Xianxiu."

Mo asked with a slight smile, how can wealth accumulate fastest? Of course, murder and robbery.

So many immortal cultivators do not follow the rules and are no different from professional robbers because of what? Because one can get rich overnight, because of greed.

Regardless of whether Mo Wenxiu is high or low, he never takes the initiative to do such a thing, unless he has hatred against him, he will kill people for treasure.


In a quiet mountain forest, where birds and flowers are fragrant and clear, the two old men are sitting cross-legged on a rock, the rock is located on the cliff, the cliff is above, and the endless abyss is below.

The two sat opposite each other and were playing a game of Go.


Black robe, the old man in black robe, fell down. The sharp edge of the chess path was unstoppable.

The old man in red looked with a smile on his face, and white chess was soft and firm, always restraining black chess, and all the small corners were white chess.

The two attacked constantly, and no one gave in half.

"Qu Daguai, why don't you stare at me, should the Exterminator Alliance be your hand?"

The old man in black robe eats the word of white chess blackly, raises his eyes slowly, and looks at the old man in red in front. There is a blood in his eyes.

"Just blame you for being too cruel, doing many evils, and blaming the world, and all people are fighting against it." The old man in red said lightly.

"Huh, give me this one less, Qu Laowei, don't think I don't know who you are, I'm brutal, but it's better than you standing at the highest point of morality and using others as cannon fodder." Chi Hunting Patriarch sneered.

"Cookie hunting, just blame you for being too arrogant, just as a result, so unruly, how can the world tolerate you."

The old man in red fell with a snap, ate a black piece, and moved back a game.

"Relying on the old and selling the old, the old strangers, we have been fighting here for a month, what can you do to me? The ancestor of the hallway, but such a chicken thieves, do not engage in those small means, have the ability to lead you and us. Do a fight. "

The ancestral hunter sneered again and again, when he was only the perfection of the god's virtual realm, he was not afraid of Qu Laowei, and his magical power was enough to protect himself in the hands of the ordinary immortal practitioners. The song is weird.

Arrogant? That's because he has arrogant capital.

Suddenly, a blaze of fire lit from the outside, and in an instant appeared in front of the ancestor.

It was a phonetic note. After receiving the phonetic note, the ancestor's face suddenly changed greatly.

"Qu Laogua, good dog thief, dare to covet my heavenly heart and embryo."

He finally knows why Qu Laowei came to deal with him, and secretly integrated the wicked people of the Demon Alliance to paralyze him ~ ~ Heaven's heart embryo!

For the sake of heaven and soul.

He accidentally discovered a celestial embryo in the depths of Demon Fire Devil Mountain 30,000 years ago. At that time, the celestial embryo was not yet mature, he could only protect it there, and there were only a few people who knew this secret. It was all his confidants.


Who betrayed him!

Otherwise, how could Qu Laoguai know the secrets of the celestial embryo.

The ancestor of the hunter hunts into the sky with anger, and the celestial embryo is his most important treasure, and he will absolutely not tolerate any accidents.

This song is strange, insidious and shameless, and actually used such inferior means. When the Demon Alliance appeared, he should have guarded against it. How could he be so careless! (~ ^ ~)


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