Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1328: Qianying nowhere

These broken spaces seem to be not far from each other, but because the space is incoherent, Mo Wen wants to go from one space fragment to another space fragment, but it takes a long time. It took three days for a space crack in the largest gap to pass through.

Half a month later, Mo Wen finally came to the space where the woman was. The woman was dressed in white and was practicing cross-legged. Her face was pale and her body was very thin. Judging from her breath, she should be very weak at this time.

When Mo Wen appeared, the woman didn't even notice it, and still closed her eyes and meditated.

"Excuse me, are you a disciple of the Su Nv?"

Mo asked, looking at the woman's faint words, this person was not Lin Qing, but it appeared here, it should be a person who was a female teacher, and his cultivation was not low. That was a monk in the middle of the fight.

The woman in white shuddered and stood up suddenly, looking behind her in disbelief.

Someone! There are other people in this broken space, how is it possible! The debris space where she is located is only tens of thousands of meters in radius. Shen Nian can even find the ants on the ground. If there is always someone, she can't find it.

Moreover, the person behind is actually a man!

"What the **** are you?"

The white woman's pupils shrank, and she watched Mo Wen cautiously. There can be no man in the holy place of the female nuns, not to mention the strangeness of this young man.

"My name is Mowen. This time I entered the holy land of the Su Nvjiao, this is to find the lonely sword of your Su Nv.

Mo asked faintly.

"Are you a guest of our female teachers?" The woman in white looked at the teenager in doubt.

Now that the Holy Land is shattered, even the master ca n’t enter, how did this young man break in? Could it be that his cultivation practices are more powerful than the magical master?

"Finally, since I found you, it's fate, I will take you out." Mo asked lightly.

"Can you take me out?"

The woman in white was overjoyed and couldn't believe it. Was this teenager really capable of taking her out? This place is already a Jedi, and there are shattered spaces everywhere. It is quite difficult to break in alone, let alone take others out.

No one came in since the Holy Land shattered. Obviously, the church gave up here, and even the disciples trapped inside could not be rescued.

The woman in white had long been desperate. When the debris space completely collapsed, she would be completely annihilated, and she was still living alive, but just dying.

"Of course."

Mo asked with a faint smile, but I hope you can provide me with some useful information to help me find the Lone Han Sword and the person I am looking for more quickly in the Holy Land.

"Inherit the holy treasure Sword in the central area of ​​the holy land. That area usually prohibits all disciples from going there. Even if we practiced in the holy land before, we ca n’t go there. However, now that the holy land is shattered, all the formations and restrictions are probably already Disappeared, if you can shuttle between space debris, now you can enter inside. "

The woman in white is very aware of the current affairs, and took the initiative to say the position of Gu Hanjian without revealing it at all, no matter what identity and way Mo never asked. At this time, she can only survive by asking Mo. What's more, Guhan Sword is located in the center of the Holy Land, and no one in the teaching can come in. With the passage of time, once the space collapses, Guhan Sword will disappear in the chaotic flow of time and space. If this young man could take Gu Hanhan back, it would be a good thing anyway.

Mo Wenwang looks towards the central area of ​​the Holy Land. At the center of the Holy Land, the degree of fragmentation is not as great as the outer periphery. It is estimated that it is also the reason why the space there is more stable. The core area should not be broken. Perhaps the Lonely Cold Sword can really be turn up.

"There is another question. You have seen Lin Qing. Is she safe and sound?" Mo asked looking at the woman in white.

"Lin Qing?"

The woman in white was stunned. Does this teenager have anything to do with Sister Lin Qing? At this time, she was somewhat convinced that this young man may really be a guest of a female teacher. After all, it is not easy for ordinary people to enter the holy place of the Su Nu.

The woman in white smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know if Sister Lin Qing is still alive. At that time, the sky collapsed and the disaster happened instantaneously. Only a few elders from Tai Xuan Realm could escape in that situation. There should be no escape. Sister Lin Qing ’s cultivation status is not high, the probability of her escape is even smaller. Perhaps, she is alive, just trapped in a debris space, or it may be that she has ... "

The woman in white is not talking about it. The holy place collapses. Whether she can survive depends on luck. If she is lucky, she can still live in a piece of space. But if she is unlucky, she will fall into the endless space. There is no whole body.

She looked at it with her own eyes. Many of the sisters of Shimen fell into the cracks in the space and disappeared instantly. No one could escape. Too bad. I ’m afraid that more than 90% of the people in the Holy Land died of misfortune. There should be few people like her who survived by chance.

Mo Wen nodded his head lightly, and said nothing more. With a wave of his hand, Shao Zun Tower flew out, releasing a white light that wrapped the woman in white, and instantly pulled her into the space of Shao Zun Tower.

It would be very troublesome to take a woman in white to go through the cracks in space, but it is indeed very simple to break her into the Shao Zun tower. Such a thing, I am afraid that only people who do n’t ask this kind of treasure .

In the next half month, Mo Wen searched through the cracks in space, hoping to find Lin Qing. It is a pity that the disciples of Su Nv found a lot, all of whom were included in the Shao Zun Pagoda, but Lin Qing never found it.

"Don't she have been caught in a crack in space and died of a fatal death."

Mo Wen stood in front of a crack in space. In front of him, there was a crack space. It was deep and endless, like a black hole, filled with unknown and fear.

Generally speaking, when falling into a crack in space, 99% of the dead ends are almost dead. Of course, there is also a 1 in 1,000 probability that after wandering in a space crack for a period of time, it suddenly encounters another space crack and happens to fall into it and be brought back to a stable world space. In this case, it is also Can retrieve a life.

However, depending on luck, the probability of occurrence is too small.

"The space crack here does not seem to be a simple space crack. Perhaps, the probability of survival is greater."

Mo asked, looking at the space crack in front of him, thinking in a complicated way. Lin Qing has some connections with him and can be said to be friends with each other. Of course he doesn't want such an old friend to have an accident.

In the depth of the crack space, there is a magnificent aura rolling, Mo Wen has experienced so many, and there are many treasures, but few can compare with the depth of the crack.

"If you can get into that space by chance, you might still be alive."

At the end of the crack, there is obviously a very stable space. Judging from the aura, that space may not be very simple.

However, this space crack seems to be able to connect the world, but whether it can be solved or not is still a matter of two things. Even if Mo Wen jumped into the space crack now, he might not be able to enter that world if he tried his best.

Space is too esoteric, far from the level he can touch now.

So this time, strength is no longer relevant, the most important thing is luck.

If Lin Qing has been drifting in the cracks of space, there is naturally only one dead road, or accidentally fell into some strange places, there is also only one dead road.

"For example, in the other direction of the crack in this space, the breath from that side is diametrically opposite to this side. It seems that there is also a world connected there, but the breath is evil and dark, just glances at it, all the negative Emotions flow into the heart, tyranny, killing, killing, resentment, greed, desire ...

Mo Xiu's cultivation practice was actually affected, so he dared not look in that direction.

"Over there, where is it?"

Mo Wen frowned slightly, that kind of breath seemed to be very similar to the evil spirit of the evil clan. However, it is more advanced and pure.

The heavens are indeed wonderful.

Mo asked secretly and sighed that it was just a crack in the space of a holy place of the Su nun who actually connected several worlds. In the vast universe, how much space is there, or unknown places, I am afraid it is really difficult to say.

Putting away all thoughts and miscellaneous thoughts, Mo Wenwang looked towards the most central part of the Holy Land, and the figure flickered and flew over there.

He searched all the places in the Holy Land, and now, only the core area is left.

He passed through cracks in space one after another, and soon he came to the core area.

The space cracks in the core area should be the largest space cracks left in the holy place. There are hundreds of miles in the radius. Here the mountains are connected to the mountains, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the aura is rich. It is an excellent place for cultivation.

Among them ~ ~ On the highest mountain, there is a huge palace. The palace is majestic and seems to stand above the sky.

Mo Wen turned into a light of escape and flew directly to the palace. Obviously, if there is a lonely cold sword here, it can only appear in that palace.

Along the way, he encountered a lot of obstacles, but with his current state, he can easily break it.

It wasn't until he came outside the gate of the palace that he encountered some troubles. There was a big formation here, which was very mysterious. Do not ask to judge, even some of the gods and perfect immortal repairers may not be able to break through this formation.

"There is such a terrible large formation in the Su Nv, it is worthy of being the ancient sect gate passed down for a long time. The general sect gate has no such heritage at all."

Mo Wen secretly surprised that some ancestors in Penglai Wonderland are indeed not easy. In the Middle Ages, when there was no prohibition, there were traces of the activities of Heavenly Saints in Penglai Fairyland. At that time, during the battle of the realm, there were countless masters in Penglai Fairyland. Some middle-aged sect gates in fairyland, and even ancient sect gates, can't really be underestimated.

(To be continued.)

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