Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1329: Move mountains and seas

The founding patriarch of the Su Nv religion is a legendary figure. It is said that this woman is just an ordinary person. Later she created the Su Nv Jing and became a generation of peerless women in the martial arts. However, Wulin Supreme is not the peak of her life, but just the beginning.

At that time, she came to Penglai Wonderland unintentionally. After seeing the wider world, she changed the Su Nujing into a fairy decree, and because of her excellent talent, she practiced a thousand miles a day.

The formations outside of the palace here can only be arranged by at least the gods who are immortal, and they must be proficient in formation. It can be seen from this that before the founding ancestors of the Su Nv school soared into the spirit world, at least they were all practicing the divine consummation.

An hour later, Mo Wen finally broke the formation outside the palace, and the figure flashed into the palace.

The palace is magnificent, carved with beams and painted buildings, exuding a simple atmosphere of vicissitudes. This is the core place of the Su Nv, there must be a lot of secrets hidden, but Mo Wen didn't have any interest in these secrets, and he didn't have to go around to explore, as long as he found the Guhan Sword.

A consciousness emanated from Mo Wen, and the consciousness was terrifying, sweeping the entire world in an instant. Every corner of the palace was invaded by Mo Wen's consciousness, and the entire ancient palace appeared in his "eyes".

"The background of the Su Nv religion is very deep."

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. He sensed the breath of the six-handed holy treasure from the ancient palace. Inside, there is even a terrible holy treasure close to the holy treasure.

You should know that in the wilderness, the cultivators of God's virtual realm may not be able to get a holy treasure. There are as many six-handed holy treasures as the fairy gate in the Penglai fairyland.

In addition, there are huge cultivation resources in the palace, all kinds of treasures, immortals, materials, and various inheritances of immortal cultivation. Anything taken out may be of great value.

"Gu Hanhan!"

Soon, Mo Wen found the location of Gu Hanjian. Lonely Sword seems to be a little special in the female nun. It is not the most powerful holy treasure here, but it is placed in the most honorable position. obviously. As an inherited sacred treasure, Guhanjian also has a high symbolic significance in the Su female teaching.

At the highest part of the main hall, the lonely sword is quietly placed on a white jade stand, and below it is a white jade dragon and phoenix chair, representing the most privileged position of the female nun.

Mo Wen stood in the hall, and took off the cold sword with a wave of his hand. The sword is three feet and three inches long and looks like a jade sword. It is cold to the touch and exudes a faint white chill.

"This sword really has a great connection with the Holy Fire Sword."

Mo Wen secretly rejoiced that as soon as Guhan's sword fell into his hand, he found that the holy fire sword in his body had a strong reaction. The two swords kept shaking, and there seemed to be a mysterious resonance between each other.


The holy fire sword automatically flew out of Mo Wen's body, and then the fire light said, automatically divided into seven, and turned into a holy fire order. Gu Hanjian made a clear voice, which seemed to be Qin Se and Ming, also divided into seven, and turned into an air mass coldness, which was also wrapped with seven-sided tokens.

Swish swish!

The fourteen-sided tokens shuttled through the air, and finally slowly merged together, turning into a simple six-pointed star disc,


A breath of horror emanated from the disc of the six-pointed star, and the entire hall was like leaves in the wind, which could collapse at any time.

"Heavenly treasure."

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise, but he did not expect that the Holy Fire Sword and Guhan Sword would merge into one, and then they would evolve into a holy treasure. Moreover, this seems to be the true face of the two holy swords.

What surprises Mo Wen most is that the hexagonal star disk is exactly the same as the hexagonal star groove on the jade box. key! Most likely, this is the key to the jade box.

A white light flashed, and the jade box appeared in Mo Wen's hands. He grabbed the six-pointed star disc.

"Yin Yang mirror!"

A piece of information about the six-pointed star disc naturally appeared in the mind before me. The Yin Yang mirror, quite famous in ancient times, is a magic weapon of the Yin Yang Sect, which is quite mysterious. It is said that the internal disciples of the Yin Yang Sect, with a Yin Yang mirror in their hands, are almost the symbol of the Yin Yang Sect monk.

Mo Wen placed the yin and yang mirrors on the grooves above the jade box.


I saw the jade box shine brightly, the lid finally moved a little bit, and finally opened completely, and the contents inside finally saw the sky again.

A roll of jade book, half jade pendant, a set of white clothes and a letterhead.

There was a letter!

Mo Wen curiously picked up the letterhead, and after opening it, he finally knew the origin and the beginning of the jade box.

The owner who left this letterhead was an immortal who worked together in the ancient times. Moreover, the origin of this immortal cultivator is not simple. He is a true disciple of the ancient Yin and Yang Sect. He has a high status and belongs to the core figure of the ancient Yin and Yang Sect.

The ancient Yin Yang Sect and the Ancient Zuohua Sect were both peerless grand masters. The master of this jade box was naturally infinitely beautiful and promising in the future. Fortunately, the heavens and the earth changed greatly, and the day of the immortal came. Even the immortal sect such as the ancient Yin and Yang Sect could not escape the disaster. The owner of the Jade Box was seriously injured in the disaster and died soon.

Before he died, he left a jade box and divided his natal treasure's yin and yang mirror into two, turning them into two holy swords in two different directions. In the future, if someone obtains these two swords at the same time, he is a destined person in the midst, and this person will receive his inheritance.

"Heaven and earth Yin and Yang tactics."

Mo Wen picked up the white jade scroll, with a few words on the world of Yin and Yang tactics on it. Mo Wen carefully browsed, and soon a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

The master of the Jade Box, as a true disciple of the Yin Yang Sect, has no status under the ordinary elders of the Yin Yang Sect. The practice of the law is also the highest level of the Yin Yang Sect of the Yin Yang Sect. This law will make the interpretation of the Yin-Yang way extremely clear, pointing directly to the essence of the Dao.

Mo Wen asked to revise the Yin and Yang tactics of the world in the future, and all the troubles about Yin and Yang Qi will be solved immediately.

However, this volume of Yin and Yang tactics of the world is only a volume, and can only be practiced to the Dadao realm. As for the volume, it is the top secret of the Yin Yang Sect, and few people can get the volume.

However, it is impossible for ordinary monks to step into the avenue in their lifetime.

In addition to the heaven and earth yin and yang tactics, that set of white clothes is also a rare treasure. It is an upside down yin and yang clothes that only the elders and true disciples of the Yin and Yang sect can equip. Not only is it a set of clothes, but it is actually a holy treasure of heaven and earth, and its connotation reverses the supreme meaning of yin and yang. The monk wears it, the yin and yang are transformed, and the positive and negative are intertwined. It has a strong defense.

Once the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect put on the Yin and Yang clothes upside down, it is almost impossible for the monks of the same rank to kill him.

As for the last half of the jade pendant, there is no detailed description in the letter, but it is said that this thing is very important, but it is the supreme token of the Yin Yang Sect. His master gave it to him before his death, but unfortunately only half.

After Mo Mo collected the items in the jade box, he sat cross-legged and practiced in the hall. Previously, all kinds of confusion about yin and yang qi, at this time Mao Zedong paused, and finally knew how to go in the future.

It can be said that no matter whether it is Zhang Poxiao or the Master of the Holy Fire Sword, the Yin and Yang way they practice is not an authentic Yin and Yang way. Although they created the Yin and Yang Qi cultivation method and a series of Yin and Yang magical powers, they are only based on Yin and Yang. The words of Zong's broken law came out only in words. Therefore, the path of both of them went wrong.

Heaven and earth Yin and Yang tactics!

Mo Wen flashed a black and white light in his eyes, and the breath in the body began to change rapidly. The original cold and hot yin and yang gas suddenly calmed down, like two hazy, no-threatening light groups.

At the same time, the light of one black, one gold and two colors began to change, and the black was deeper, like an endless black hole, quietly silent, and no longer cold. The golden color faded slowly, and finally turned into the purest white, white like snow, not stained with any dust.

Black and white, wrapped around Mo Wen's body, slowly forming a wonderful circle around his eyebrows. Between the two, it is natural, just like a body, keeping each other together, rounded to the extreme.

Yin and Yang live together!

Mo Wen finally cultivated the ranks of Yin and Yang Qi to the realm of Yin and Yang. The terrible degree of Yin and Yang Qi in the third stage is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if Mo Wen Zun maintains the state of Tai Xuan Dharma, but he deals with God It ’s probably not a problem for the monks who are full of Xu Da.

The yin and yang qi in the past had too many traces of Taiji Dao, and it was not pure. He even integrated the tai chi purple light into the yin and yang qi. the reason.

Although Taiji Dao is a Heavenly Dao, it is different from Yin-Yang Dao, or that Taiji Dao originates from Yin-Yang Dao, and Yin-Yang Dao contains Taiji Dao. If you only focus on Taiji Dao, you will never realize Yin-Yang. The true meaning of Tao.

"With my current accumulation, it is no problem to directly break through to the God's virtual realm, and may even break through to the middle and late stages of the God's virtual void."

The golden light in Mo Wen's eyes ~ ~ His cultivation base has been quite deep. If he has not been actively suppressing the realm, he may have broken through to the realm of God.

Five days later, a ray of light flew out of the main hall. Mo asked to glance at the ancient palace. Suddenly he waved, and the black and white gasified into two gigantic black and white dragons, wrapping the entire palace and even the entire mountain.

"Get up!"

Mo Wen shouted, the yin and yang qi in the body oscillated, the horrible cultivation broke out, the whole space was shaking, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time. Yin-Yang Shuanglong looked to the sky with a long yin, curling up huge peaks, rising up inch by inch, and the whole mountain range was shaking.

Soon, the mountain peaks, including the palace above, were questioned by Mo. The Shao Zun pagoda flew out, and the jade light flashed. I saw that the huge mountain peak disappeared in place.

Moving mountains and seas, Xiuwei reached the point where Mo asked today, which is no longer a problem.

The ancient palace, as a holy place for the inheritance of the Su Nu, is certainly quite important. Mo Wen naturally does not mind helping Su Nu teach.

(To be continued.)

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