Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1344: Star Kill

Four heads and six arms!

Since Mo Wen broke through to three heads and six arms, for the first time, the full face of the battle body was displayed. The giant of thousands of feet stood on the sky, and the shadow alone covered the sky and covered the sun, higher than the mountains.

The sky snake **** spear emits a dazzling Taihao thunder, the spear body continues to lengthen and grow bigger, and finally it is very high, it seems that it will pierce the sky dome,

Shocking people's hearts, such a huge giant, and the immortal momentum, shocked everyone's heart.

In Penglai Fairyland, there are such terrifying cultivators, I am afraid that the palace master of Tianhua Palace may not be so powerful. The cultivators in the city are very scared one by one. The huge giant shadow above the sky gives people a feeling that they can easily destroy the entire city. They are like lambs to be slaughtered in the sheepfold, and their rebellious thoughts cannot rise.


Fu Jingyun manipulated the body of the wild python and swam a little out of the void. The vastness of the wild python was greater than the body of the sky that Bimo asked. When all the snake bodies were pulled out of the void, There are more than a hundred thousand feet long.

Fu Jingyun's forehead is constantly emitting fine beads of sweat. The more power he manipulates the wild python, the heavier his load is, and he can hardly bear his cultivation.

"You old elders, you can only fight now. The power of this child has exceeded the limit we can bear. Only by exhibiting the dragon snake change can he be killed."

Fu Jingyun stared closely at the giant in the distance. From the giant, he felt a strong chill of death, and the breath was terrible to this point. He knew that if he didn't work hard, there would be only one way to go today.

Regret it? In fact, Fu Jingyun has already repented of his intestines. For competing with his will, he can't regret it. How could he not regret it? Even if he could kill Mo Wen today, the price he paid was terrifying.

However, it is useless to regret it, and only by killing Mo Wen can they survive.

"Desperately, old guys, there is no way out." Xue Lao sighed, a group of bright awns flew out of his eyebrows, that is his original essence, the most essential thing he cultivated in his life power. Once the source essence is consumed, he may not be able to enter a higher state in this life. Even if it is too serious, the cultivation may even go backwards.

Old Lao sighed and released his original essence silently. It is not easy to control the wild python to kill the Divine Array. With the ability of the eight of them, if you want to play the dragon snake, you can only do it by consuming the essence of the source.

Several other seniors have some hesitation in their eyes. The cost of consuming the source essence is too great. Once depleted, they may not be able to replenish this life. They are no longer young people, and they cannot be like the young people. opportunity.


The wild python roared up in the sky, and layers of gold and black light enveloped the huge snake body. I saw a gate of nothingness in front of the wild python. The gate was connected to the earth, I don't know how high. The borders on both sides of the gate are composed of two dragons' bodies. On the lintel, there are two dragon heads, and there is a dragon ball like the sun in the middle.

Double Dragon Play Ball!

This is Dragon Gate! The legendary dragon gate looks like this. The wild monster killing array can actually summon the dragon gate phantom.

The huge snakehead like a mountain slowly penetrated into the void dragon gate. When it came out from the other side of the void, the snake head changed amazingly.

I saw two dragon horns gradually appearing on the head of the snake, and the scales of the snake were also becoming larger, and they looked like dragon scales. At the same time, an unparalleled power swept the world.

Dragon snake changes!

This wild python is slowly turning into a dragon, and the terrifying dragon's power is coming down. The buildings on the ground suddenly collapsed wildly and could not withstand the pressure of Longwei.

"Great battle."

Mo asked, looking at the slow-moving dragon python, and wondered in his heart, these ancient arrays were really extraordinary.

You can't tell the wild python to continue to turn the dragon down, otherwise it will completely turn into a dragon, and he is definitely not an opponent.

"Thor break!"

Taihao Thunder condenses at the tip of the spear, releasing endless thunder and hits the dragon head fiercely.

He has more than ten times more power than before. This spear seems to be able to penetrate the world and sink the earth.


The mountain-like faucet withstands the attack of the sky snake **** spear, and suddenly shakes violently.


The wild python roared, and the sound was not like Long Yin. Obviously, the dragon had not been completely transformed. However, Rao is so, the power of the wild python is also dozens of times stronger than before, and the pair of giant claws on the chest.

A small black and white mirror appeared in front of Mo Wen. At the next moment, the yin and yang mirror turned into a huge shadow of yin and yang fish, facing the giant claws of the wild python.


The sky was turned upside down, the sound of terror struck a hundred thousand miles, the light of the Yin Yang mirror dimmed, and it sank thousands of kilometers. The dragon's front claws were terrified to this point before the dragon was completely transformed.

The Yin-Yang mirror is a holy treasure of Qiankun, and the Yin-Yang way is best at defense, so as to strengthen the power. In this case, the Yin-Yang mirror is still almost shot and flew out.

Of course, although the wild python is powerful, Fu Jingyun and other people who control the giant python are still more loaded. The wild python has not completely turned the dragon, and it has suffered a blow. All eight people were shocked and a spit of blood. come out.

"You old folks, at this point, no longer desperate, we can only die here."

Fu Jingyun roared wildly, and there were a few seniors who still refused to exhibit their essence and refused to give up the tens of thousands of years of hard work. But if life is gone, what's the use of it?

Several old people heard that they glared at Fu Jingyun. If he didn't think he was right and provokes this horrible boy, how could they fall to this level? Just because of the dispute of will, the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce was caught in such a dangerous place. This single crime was enough to deprive Fu Jingyun of his position as chairman.

Although he was angry in his heart, he had to face the matter now. If he didn't desperately, they might all die here.


"I don't believe in paying such a big price, I still can't kill him."


The rest of the old buddies, one after another, released their original essence, and after the wild python absorbed their original essence, the light was suddenly bright, and the rate of transformation from the void dragon gate was immediately accelerated.

If the wild python is completely transformed into a dragon, the combat power may increase hundreds of times. Mo Wen naturally cannot give the wild python a chance to completely evolve. The sky snake **** spear instantly turns into hundreds of spear shadows, and the thunder **** has played hundreds of times in succession.


The explosive and penetrating power of terror bombarded the huge snake head. Rao was a python snake. The scales were hard and extremely hard. At this time, he could not bear the terrifying lethality of Thor. I saw the snake's head blooming in an instant, flesh and blood flew across, a large number of dragon scales fell from the sky, a scale was as big as a house, and fell into the city below, suddenly rumbling loudly, like a heavenly meteorite.

"Good defense!"

Mo Wen looked dignified. Hundreds of thunderstruck attacks didn't actually hit the head of the wild python, but only suffered minor injuries. With a huge head like the wild python, it was nothing to hurt the surface.

With his current cultivation practice, at most, the Thunder God Break can only display hundreds of ways at the same time, and the Immortal Cultivator of God's Deficiency and Great Consummation will be instantly killed, but he can't shake this giant python.

"Mo asked, I admit that you are very strong, but today, this Xieyue Yundao is your place of death."

Fu Jingyun looked at Mo Wen with hatred, and the losses caused by the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce today, he would not be able to explain if he could not kill this person.

Mo asked blankly looking at the wild python snake above the sky. Fortunately, he went to consult Mo Qingge, otherwise if he came here a hundred years ago, he would probably fall here 80%.

"Instant kill!"

A silver-white star mask appeared on Mo Wen's face. At the next moment, the star mask radiated a fiery silver light, and a silver-white god's awn disappeared in the spot instantly, and suddenly entered the giant of the wild python. .


The silver awns are intertwined, and the huge head of the wild python covers this layer of silver light, and then explodes directly from the inside out, breaking into countless pieces.

The giant snake, which can withstand hundreds of Thor break attacks, instantly collapses inch by inch.

The star mask has undergone a qualitative change since it was transformed by the celestial celestial girl. Although it is only a sacred treasure of Qianling, there are still some gaps from the sacred treasure of Qiankun. However, Qiankun Shengbao Mowen can only exert a little power, and I am afraid that even a thousandth of the power cannot be exerted. The star mask is different. After the transformation of the celestial celestial girl, the star mask and Mo Wen have completely matched, and he can fully exert the power of this sacred treasure. Especially the instant kill, after accumulating, the power that burst out instantly can be comparable to the one hit by the Taoist immortal.

The power of the old monsters in the Dao Realm cannot be stopped by the half-finished Jiaolong above the sky.

The giant python exploded in layers and turned into black clouds of fireworks. In the body of the python, five of the old Su died instantly on the spot, and two of them died from the air with heavy injuries. ~ ~ Although Fu Jingyun did n’t die, he was also miserable. One arm turned to ashes, and the broken body fell off the sky crookedly. Obviously, even if he didn't die, he still had no fighting power at this time.

Mo asked the sky snake **** spear in his hand, standing on the sky, his body like a **** of war.

In the city, all the cultivators were silent, looking at the huge figure above the sky silently.


Mo Wen gave the Xianyue Chamber of Commerce all the feelings of the immortals, only four words, unmatched. They are just lambs in front of him.

Mo Wen coldly stared at the few people who fell from the air, without mercy, the sky snake **** spear flashed in his hand, three spear shadows killed in three directions.

The two old survivors who hadn't died in luck, turned to ashes on the spot, and all the souls were destroyed.

(To be continued.)

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