Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1345: Empty epiphyllum

"I can not be reconciled!"

Fu Jingyun roared back to the sky and took a black iron medal from the chest in front of his chest. The iron medal exuded a strange power that actually blocked Mo Wen's sky snake **** spear.


Mo asked unexpectedly looking at the strange iron card. This iron card seems a bit difficult!

I saw that the iron card exuded a strange power, the surrounding void suddenly changed, a group of mysterious space power wrapped Fu Jingyun's body, the next moment, his figure disappeared in place.

"Space shift?"

Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and stared at where Fu Jingyun disappeared. Soon, he shook his head, not the space moved, it should be entered into another space, and that space seems to have inextricable relationship with Xieyue Yundao.

Is there an entrance to another space above Xieyueyun Island?

Mo asked curiously and looked around. However, with his realm and eyesight, he could not see anything at all. The space was hidden deep and could hardly be discovered by outsiders.

However, Mo Wen's current cultivation base cannot find that strange space, which does not mean that he has no other way.

The white light flashed, and the Fortune Book appeared in his hand.

As soon as this heavenly book appeared, the rules between heaven and earth suddenly changed. Before the writing of the heaven and earth, all the rules were all docile like a child. The hidden heaven and earth rules, space or time, all without any care, were revealed one by one.

Soon, Mo Wen discovered that there was indeed a weird little space above Xieyueyun Island. The space was not as big as Yundao, but it was protected by layers of endless voids. It was hidden deep. The book of heaven is in hand, I am afraid that an immortal who is in the same realm can not find the hidden space here.

"What's in there?"

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with curiosity, and Fu Jingyun fled there, apparently familiar with them. These ancient ancestors really had a lot of secrets.

In the city, all the practitioners of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce are sad, and the president is alive and dead. I do n’t know if they can survive. The seven big old men are all killed in battle. The division within the Chamber of Commerce is inevitable.

And they are all in the hands of the horrible young man, and he can easily kill all the people on Xieyueyun Island with him alone.

"Thousand Ye Yejun."

Mo Wen slowly looked to a place in the city, the creatures of the whole city could not escape the search of his consciousness, and Qian Ye evil lord was naturally discovered by him the first time. In order to kill this person, it is really not easy.

Qianye evil monarch double-struggle battle, staring at the teenager above the sky with fear. At this point, he could not escape. Is fate destined from the beginning? Qianye Xiejun smiled bitterly, his eyes looked around with numbness, and suddenly he slapped his own heavenly cover fiercely, and committed suicide.

The matter is now at this point, even if Mo asked not to kill him, the people of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce would not let him go, he had no way to go.

Mo Wen looked at Qianye evil lord coldly, and did not stop him from committing suicide. This is the cause and effect in the world. If he was not bullying, he would not end like this.

For other people in the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, Mo Wen did not continue to kill, he was not a killer. The celestial snake **** spear in his hand has several voids, and that void seems to be different from other voids. For a while, it exudes the power of layers of space. Finally, a spatial channel appeared in front of Mo Wen.


In a space, it is strange here that everything is suspended in the air, flowers, trees, rocks, mud, birds and beasts ...

It seems that there is no gravity in this world, everything is suspended, high and low, very strange.

In the center of the space, there is an ancient palace, which is also suspended in the air, carved with beams and painted with magnificence. However, from some details, it can be seen that this palace has a very old history, in terms of construction style, it should be an ancient architecture.

Strangely, an extremely large flower is suspended above the ancient palace. The flowers are white and bright, and the petals are full. The flowers are wide and wide, with eight petals, and they stretch to wrap almost the entire space.

If you look closely, you can see that the ancient palace was actually built on a leaf of that huge flower.

At this time, on the square in front of the ancient palace, a middle-aged man stained with blood was kneeling. This man lacked two arms and one leg. It was Fu Jingyun, the president of the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce.

"Ancestor, the chamber of commerce was attacked, all the old deceased died, and only I was lucky enough to survive. You must give us justice."

Fu Jingyun looked sorrowful, all the seven elders died of fate, and even the ancient killing formations on the Yundao Island were broken. There was nothing in the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce that could stop Mo Wen.

The main entrance in front of the square suddenly and slowly opened. Inside was an ancient hall. The hall was empty and there was nothing. At the end, you can vaguely see a huge statue.

"A bunch of waste, the wild python killing **** array laid by this ancestor has been broken by others?"

A sharp voice rang out from inside the hall. The voice was strange, like something rubbing on the ground, rubbing in the ears of people, and a trace of anxiety rose for no reason.

"Ancestor, that person is too powerful, and the power is close to the Taoist Immortal Cultivator." Fu Jingyun was crying with a sad face. The difference between the Taoist Realm and the God's Virtual Realm is a watershed, and the difference is not a little bit. An immortal cultivator in the same realm can destroy hundreds of thousands of gods and virgins who are immortal cultivators.

"This ancestor's wild python killing array is a large array capable of killing gods. Not to mention the common realm, the immortal cultivators in the avenue are in danger of dying, and a lower immortal cultivator in every area will force you to this. To the point. "

The owner of the voice was obviously dissatisfied. At that time, he spent all his effort to lay a wild python to kill the **** array on the island of Yun. The purpose was to protect the island ’s comprehensiveness. These juniors were so incompetent that even a netherworld repairer blocked Can't live.

"Ancestor, although the power of the wild python to kill the **** array is powerful, but hundreds of millions of years have passed, this array has been much worse than before."

Fu Jingyun smiled bitterly, even the ancient Great Formation could not withstand the erosion of time. With the passage of time, the Great Formation was decayed more and more seriously, and the power required to urge the Great Formation became more and more. To this day, it is difficult for all eight of them to work together to evoke the power of the Wild Python Killing Array.

If it was placed in the ancient times, it would be easy to kill the immortals in the Dao realm.

"Jing Yun, I was very optimistic about you. Unfortunately, you were too disappointing. I once said that no matter what happens, you can't bring outsiders here. If you commit this, it is a death sentence."

The sharp voice was suddenly angry, because of the anger, the whole world was violently stormed, and there were murders.

Fu Jingyun, who was kneeling on the ground, changed greatly, and his face was pale to the extreme. He looked behind him incredulously. I saw that, not far away in front of the ancient palace, I don't know when a figure appeared. It was a young man, fluttering in white clothes, with temperament and dust, and no fireworks.

"Do not ask, how is it possible!"

Fu Jingyun felt dim and dark, just like the end of the world, he never thought that Mo Wen would actually appear here, how could he have the ability to find this space, how is it possible! This was originally impossible.

"When the world changes with anger, it can affect the world by its own emotions. What level of existence exists."

Mo Wen looked solemnly at the statue at the end of the palace, his body tensed slightly. My heart is heaven and earth, and sorrow and joy can affect heaven and earth. One sorrow is heaven and earth sorrow, and one joy is heaven and earth joy. Only those who touch the heaven and the heaven can cultivate heaven.

"Ancestor, I don't know."

Fu Jingyun looked at the statue deep in the palace in horror and kowtowed crazy on the ground, praying that the ancestor could take his life.

However, the ancestor never heard back.

Fu Jingyun's body, suspended strangely, seemed to be pinched by a large invisible hand.

"Help ... Ancestor ... Around me ..."

Fu Jingyun blushed and struggled frantically, however, it was of no use at all.

Soon, Fu Jingyun stopped struggling, and his broken body was suspended in mid-air quietly.

Mo Wen looked at the broken body vigilantly, and did not approach the past, thinking he found that there was a terrifying power slowly waking up in Fu Jingyun's body.

I saw a piece of dark light enveloping Fu Jingyun's residual body. Then, his body healed at a rate visible to the naked eye in the black light, and in the blink of an eye it was like a normal person.

"Fu Jingyun" came out slowly from the black light, a pair of blue eyes coldly looked at Mo Wen, without any expression on his face.

"Young man, how long has the Penglai Wonderland not seen as a genius like you? Unfortunately, knowing the secret of empty bloom, you must die here."

"Fu Jingyun" 's voice is very sharp, very different from his previous voice. Mo Wen knew that Fu Jingyun was dead, but this body was just being used by others.

Empty flower!

Don't ask me a shock ~ ~ looked at the huge flowers above the sky horror.

When he first came in, he felt that the huge flowers in the sky were a little strange and familiar, but he couldn't remember the specific flowers.

At this time, being reminded by "Fu Jingyun", a large amount of information about empty epiphyte appeared in my mind.

In Ji Wuya's heritage, there are a lot of detailed records about the empty vacantium. One of the greatest wishes of this old man was to get an empty vacantium. Unfortunately, he didn't get his wish until he died.

The empty flower, placed in the heavens and the world is a famous scary fairy flower. This flower, even if it belongs to the most top-level fairy medicine in the Xianjie medicinal materials, it is very difficult for the heavenly saint to get one. Mo Wen did not expect that the empty epiphyllum would actually appear here.

No wonder, Xieyueyun Island is suspended in the air all the year round. Everything is due to the air bloom, and it is not because the rules of the Heavenly Dao have changed to cause the island to float.

(To be continued.)

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