Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 852: Retribution

The people on the square looked at each other, but some people dared to openly provoke the patriarch Yang Gongcheng of the Baili Sect. As the first master of the Taihang Mountains, he now broke through to Jindan Realm. Yang Gongcheng is quite high among the warriors in Taihang Mountains Deterrence.

If nothing else, Xie Rengui will not easily tear his face completely with Yang Gongcheng if he is not forced to a dead end.

Now, a mysterious man who has nowhere to go has actually dared to provoke Yang Gongcheng in public and has a look of contempt. This is in stark contrast to Xie Rengui's withdrawal.

Everyone has an idea about the Dragon City Rune in the hands of the mysterious shadow. No one can resist the temptation of Chongbao. Yang Gongcheng thinks he has the ability to **** the Dragon City Rune. Moreover, still being provoked by the public,

"Don't you dare, since you sent it to the door, then I will accept it."

Yong Gongcheng is afraid of the mysterious shadow, but at this time there should be no slight weakness. What's more, he may not be as good as this mysterious man, who is weak and weak is only known by fighting.

Yong Gongcheng stepped out and took the lead. In the master match, the success or failure lies in the blink of an eye, and the chance of winning is often greater.

However, to everyone's surprise, Yang Gongcheng took the lead and did not appear in front of the mysterious shadow. A breath of terror swept through.

The terrible coercion was like a heavenly prestige, instantly erupting from the mysterious shadow, like a surging wave, directly hit Yang Gongcheng and flew out.

The battle has not yet begun, it actually ended.

Yong Gongcheng couldn't even bear the coercion of that mysterious shadow, it was just one-sided crushing, and there was no comparison at all.

And the mysterious shadow, still standing on the spot, did not move from beginning to end.

on the square. Everyone seemed to be petrified, standing stiffly in place, that terrifying breath. Although it was only a flash, they felt as if they had walked around in front of Guimenguan. The whole body was cold and stiff, so scared to move.

That breath is terrible!

Not only those ordinary martial arts, but also the elders such as Xie Rengui and Yun Pengqing were so scared that they turned pale, their legs were soft, and their standing was a bit unstable.

Yun Pengqing had felt the coercion of the mysterious shadow before, but it was far from being so terrible. He felt it was just coercion. It was enough to kill him thousands of times.

Cheng Zongping was almost sitting on the ground with his buttocks, his face pale and extremely cold, and he was cold and sweaty, realizing that something was wrong in his heart. It was only then that he discovered that the mysterious man didn't do his best on that day.

Wan'er and Wang Qian, who were tied to the cross, stared at each other. They didn't feel the fearful breath. Instead, they seemed to have a spring breeze blowing over them, which was especially warm. The expressions and expressions of the people around are obviously not the same thing.

They knew the mysterious shadow, but they never thought about it. He actually appeared again!

"Wan'er, wouldn't that mysterious person be your relative?" Wang Qian licked her lips with blood stains, her eyes gradually brightened. She was originally desperate, but at this time, there was a strong hope injected into her body. Intuitively, she could feel that the mysterious person came to rescue them.

The feeling of being born out of nowhere, few people can feel that Wang Qian feels the most profound at this time, and she is still tied to the cross at this time, and the sadness in her heart can't be felt.

Was killed twice before and after. The mysterious man came out to rescue him, and Wang Qian was very suspicious. Whether the appearance of the mysterious person is related to Wan'er, because she has no possibility of contacting such a person at all.

"I don't seem to have any relatives ..." Wan'er lowered his head. It seems to want to cover up the scars on the face, the blood in the corner of the mouth has a bitter taste, but the heart is more bitter. She regretted that she didn't listen to Sister Wang Qian's words and concealed the secrets of the Dragon City Rune, otherwise it would not end today.

Everything is a disaster caused by the Dragon City Rune. Sister Wang Qian was also hurt by her. Thinking about it, Wan'er's tears could not help falling.

"Waner, I do n’t blame you. Even without your suggestion, I will definitely say something about the Dragon City Rune. After all, we two who hold the Dragon City Rune are useless. Speak out. In fact, you are not wrong. Zongmen did not embarrass us, but who knows, Bailizong can be so shameless. "

Wang Qian knew what Waner was thinking, and could not help but whispered. In fact, even if they don't speak out for a short time, it is impossible to keep it forever, because the Dragon City Talisman placed in their hands is no different from the waste paper, and they will come out sooner or later.

"Wan'er, don't be sad, the mysterious man appeared again. He must have come to save us. Maybe he came to save you. You will definitely be fine."

Wang Qian doesn't know how to comfort Waner, but can only change the subject.

"But I don't know him at all." Wan'er shook his head.

"If you don't know that, it's not necessarily because of you. You think you are so kind and do so many good things. Maybe you helped others before, but now others will pay you back."

Wang Qian didn't believe her when she said this, because like this horror, Waner doesn't have that chance even if she wants to do good deeds.

Waner's mind was simple, her big eyes blinked twice, and subconsciously thought of Brother Mo, but then she became more and more headed, and she was not very sure. Brother Mo should not be so powerful, it was much stronger than the Sect Master. Strong.

Xie Rengui and Yun Pengqing glanced at each other, and they both saw shock in their eyes. Their vision was far higher than that of ordinary warriors, so they understood the horror of this mysterious person better. A warrior in Jindan Realm was injured by breath alone. What level of cultivation is that?

"Wuzong Realm, only the legendary Wuzong can do it."

Xie Rengui said slowly that although he was not very deep, Jindan Realm was not, let alone Wu Zong. However, you are a sect master, and you have extraordinary knowledge and experience, and you are also aware of the strong at the level of Wuzong. According to legend, once cultivated into Wuzong, the coercion released by them can form terrible intangible energy. That kind of power is called momentum.

Or, only the strong Wu Zong really knew what momentum was and mastered the aggressive power of coercion. Ordinary warriors can only use their own breath to cause psychological damage to their opponents, and the damage to the body is almost zero.

Yun Pengqing's lips squirmed a bit, his eyes were full of enthusiasm. As a warrior, who doesn't have illusions about the legendary warrior peak, a generation of Wuzong, but that dream is too far away, and he can never achieve it.

The breath of terror swept through like a storm.

Yang Gongcheng's body flew up and banged against the stone pillar at the edge of the square. The stone pillar shattered, the five organs were traumatized, and the blood flowed back, and a large gulp of blood was spit out. He covered his chest and abdomen with one hand and looked at Mo Wen as if he saw a ghost.

How can it be! He couldn't believe that he had encountered such a powerful man.

"Just broke into the Jindan realm, you are so arrogant and arrogant, if you are to become a fairy warrior, you must not break the sky."

The mysterious shadow looked coldly at Yang Gongcheng, and the figure appeared silently in front of Yang Gongcheng. The process seemed to be none, and no one knew how the shadow appeared in front of Yang Gongcheng.

"What do you want to do, don't move me, someone behind me ..."

Yong Gongcheng was finally scared. He looked at Mo Wen in horrified expression, and ran away intentionally, but suddenly found that an invisible coercion suppressed him, making it difficult for him to move. He had realized at this time that he met a very, very terrible person ... Wu Zongxiu, this mysterious shadow was actually a Wu Zong.

Originally, Yang Gongcheng had no concept of Wu Zong. After all, the warriors at this level were too far away to reach. Thanks to the martial arts conference, he was also in contact with a Wu Zong not long ago, and the horror was exactly the same as this mysterious shadow.

He never dreamed that he would provoke such a horror figure, as long as he knew it, not to mention Dragon City Rune, even if he had one hundred Dragon City Rune, he would not dare to reach out.

Dragon city symbols are precious again, can they have precious lives?

"Everyone behind you has to die." Mysterious Youying sneered, and with a slight palm, Yang Gongcheng's body flew up with no resistance, and fell directly into Mo Wen's hands.

"What do you want to do, there is Wu Zong behind me, don't mess up, you dare to kill me, absolutely someone will seek revenge on you." Yang Gongcheng trembles, his eyes completely panicked.

"I don't want to do anything, just want to confirm, did you steal my stuff ~ ~ said, the mysterious shadow took out a silver ingot from the clothes, Shi Shiran put him in Yang Gongcheng In the pocket of his clothes, everyone in this action square looked at them, but what everyone did not expect was that the mysterious shadow had just put the silver ingot, and then reached out and took the silver ingot out of the Yang Gongcheng pocket. , Pretending to be surprised and said: "Ouch, you stole my money, I turned it out of your pocket, you dare to steal my things. Are you tired of it, say, did you steal it? To be frank, to resist strictness, and dare not to admit it, I will let you die better than life. "

The mysterious shadow held Yang Gongcheng's body in one hand, and asked with a serious drink, holding a silver ingot in his hand, as if to say that this is stolen goods.

The people on the square were petrified in place. Before, they were scared by the atmosphere of the mysterious shadow, but now they are stunned by the scene in front of them, and there can still be such a thing. Everyone saw before that the silver ingot was obviously put in by the mysterious shadow, and now it is taken out again, but after all, Yang Gong has become a thief who steals things, and all the money is stolen. ...

Such a scene reminds everyone of Su Wan'er's encounter with Wang Qian, and the crimes he wants to add to it are blameless. Now Yang Gongcheng is also treated in this way, only to say that the retribution came too soon. (To be continued)

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