Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 853: The wicked have their own wicked grind


"This is ... too domineering!" Wang He swallowed a spit, staring at the mysterious shadow with a stunned look. It turned out that it was okay to plant blame ...

Xie Rengui laughed bitterly. This is powerism. In the face of absolute power, you have no reason at all. The same is true of Yang Gongcheng before, except that this mysterious shadow still governs its own body with its humanity, but it is more domineering. That's it.

Thinking of his previous situation, he felt that the retribution would always be there, and the emotions of who the sky had spared.


Yang Gongcheng stared at the mysterious shadow in front of him, even at such a short distance, he still could not see the appearance of this mysterious shadow. Being almost accountable by the mysterious man, he almost suffocated himself, is that too shameless?

"Why, my silver ingot is on you, don't you admit it?" The corner of the mouth of the mysterious Youying evoked a bit of evil energy, and the cold light in the depth of his eyes trembles Yang Gongcheng.

"Succeeding the king and defeating the enemy, I fall in your hands and I admit my fate. But it is impossible for me to admit this guilt."

Yong Gongcheng was also stubborn. If the patriarch of the Baili Sect really recognized that he had stolen it under power, then he would not have a face in the Taihang Mountains.

"Really? The dead duck's mouth is tough, then I can only use the sentence." The mysterious shadow seems to have expected Yang Gongcheng to reply this way, Xie Xie smiled, and then threw him on the ground, and said lightly: "Come, Beat me until the confession. "

He said that the whole square suddenly died down. Yang Gongcheng, the suzerain who actually called them to fight the hundreds of miles of the ancestors, who did this hand except for the mysterious man?

For the disciples of Wuhumen, even if they lashed Yang Gongcheng very much, he was afraid that everyone would turn Yang Gongcheng hard. But really, no one really has this courage. Anyway, Yang Gong Chengdu is the first master of the Taihang Mountains. Now he is relieved to smoke him. Can it be later? Also don't mix in the Taihang Mountains.

As for the people of Bailizong, they dare not beat their own suzerain. at this time. All the people of the Bailizong stand in the same place. His face was pale and he knew he was in a bad situation, but he dared not act arbitrarily.

"Why, no one dared to fight?" Mysterious Youying smiled coldly, glanced at the field, his eyes were mainly aimed at those of the five tiger gates, everyone seemed to feel the ridicule contained in the eyes.

Don't dare to resist when Yang Gongcheng is prestige. Don't you dare to do it now?

"I come!"

A voice rang out from the crowd, and everyone's eyes looked away. No one expected that the speaker was actually the lord of the Five Tigers, Xie Rengui. Before that, Xie Rengui had tolerated Yang Gongcheng everywhere and was bullied to his head. Suddenly, now how to disregard the identity of a patriarch of the faction, and personally come off as a thug.

"Xie Rengui, are you looking for death?" Yang Gongcheng looked ugly. I feel like I haven't had as much humiliation in my life as today.

"I have been with you for a long time." Xie Rengui looked at Yang Gongcheng blankly, and then picked up the whip and pumped it. The whip in his hand was not an ordinary whip, but a cold iron casting. It was extremely tough. Yang Gongcheng's body is deep in the bone marrow. Pain Even a warrior in Jindan Realm is unbearable.

Ah oh ...

The screaming continued to sound, Xie Rengui didn't mean to keep his hand at all, every whip went all out, he was a warrior at the peak of the fetal breath, and a whip could open a gully on the ground. There is no resistance, only to be whipped.

"Do you promise to admit it?" Xie Rengui sternly shouted, incessantly in his hand, whip after whip, seeming to vent.

"Ah ... don't admit ... Ao ... Xie Rengui ... You are ... looking for death ..." The screaming continued.

"Dare not admit to stealing something, I will kill you ..."

Ah oh oh ...

The mysterious shadow has appeared in the center of the square at this time. Wan'er and Wang Qian were trapped by the cross. He was a little bit free, and the chains trapped by Wan'er were all broken. Without the shackles of the iron chain, Wan'er's body stood Unsteady, plant directly on the ground.

The mysterious person stretched out his hand to hug her, and then waved his hand, a cyan ray of light shone from his hand, and enveloped Waner. At the next moment, an amazing scene happened. I saw that the wounds on Waner's body healed with the speed of the naked eye. It was only a moment's work. The scars on her body were completely recovered, and no scar was visible.

A mass of invisible gas dragged Wan'er's body and sent her to Mei Jingxuan, and Mei Yuxuan quickly hugged Wan'er in his hand. At the same time, his heart was terrified. This mysterious person was really to save these two The girl came, and this means of instantaneous healing scared her.

No wonder when they were ambushed in the forest that day, the mysterious man would appear to save them. I am afraid that a group of them was still exposed to Wan'er's light, otherwise they would have died in the hands of the people of Bailizong.

Wang He was also shocked with cold sweat, but fortunately, they did not do anything to these two girls, nor did they try to **** the Dragon City Rune, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

After the mysterious black shadow saved Wang Qian in the same way, he returned to Yang Gongcheng again. At this time, Yang Gongcheng's skin had been flared, and all the clothes on his body shattered, and he fell to the ground and wailed.

However, this person is also tough, no matter how Xie Rengui whipped, he will not admit it.

The mysterious black figure snorted coldly, a finger flicked, a few blue lights flew out, and instantly penetrated into Yang Gong Cheng's body.

At the next moment, the horrible howling sounded loudly, several times stronger than before. I saw Yang Gongcheng curled up, trembling on the ground, and his face was twisted together. Can feel it.

"Why, don't you admit it yet?" Mysterious Shadow Shadow abused.

Que was a trick. Before Yang Gongcheng used Waner and Wang Qian as two women, who could have imagined that he used it on himself so quickly.

"I ... inherit ... under ... recognize ... inherit ..."

That kind of inhuman pain makes Yang Gongcheng a little bit unspeakable. Every word he says is quite strenuous. He now has a blank mind, and there is only one thought, that is death. As long as he can die, he is required to admit that he is willing to do anything, only to die.

The people on the square were air-conditioning one after another, and everyone could see that Yang Gongcheng had a better life than death.

"Acknowledge early, don't you save yourself from the pain of skin and flesh."

The mysterious man said lightly, and at the same time waved his hand, Yang Gongcheng's body flew up.

"Since you admit to stealing my things, then die for me."

There was a muffled sound, it seemed that a watermelon was crushed, Yang Gongcheng's body exploded directly in the air, blood and blood were flying, and the patriarch of the hundreds of miles of the sect died like this, just because he was too arrogant.

The people of Bailizong are all faceless, looking at the mysterious shadow in horror. The lord of the court said that if they kill, then kill them. How can these people survive?

"Last time you were killed, but you do not know how to repent, it seems that I am too kind to you."

The mysterious shadow slowly looked towards Cheng Zongping and the elders of the Bailizong, who had appeared in the forest. Almost all the people of Bailizong who appeared in the forest this time were here.

Cheng Zong was pale, he was very malicious to others, but he cared about his life. He never thought that death would be so close to him. When the Sect Master died in front of him, he realized that this mystery People really kill people.

"Adult forgiveness ...!"

There was a thump, and several people of Bailizong fell to their knees in fright, kowtowing to the mysterious shadow.

Fu Yu even lay on the ground, burst into tears and grabbed the ground, regretting all kinds of things, saying that everything Yang Gongcheng instructed her to do so, she was also the victim Yun Yun.

Everyone who looked at the five tigers looked at each other, who could have imagined that after so many years of majestic power, Bailizong would fall to this point.

"All the people who participated in the forest interception operation that day, all self-repaired, or died." The mysterious man said lightly, he did not kill indiscriminately, but for some people, he was not prepared to let it go.

Those who have participated in the forest interception operations have heard a drastic change in their faces and have abandoned themselves for repairs, which is almost a price they cannot afford.

"Why, do you have any objections?" The mysterious shadow faintly said.

"Senior, you have a lot of adults, can you go around us a way of life?" An elder of the Great Lizong said ugly face, he also participated in that day, this is the second time he saw this mysterious person.


The mysterious shadow did not speak, but just snorted. At the next moment, a cloud of blood mist burst on the square, and the elder Bai Lizong, who spoke out, burst directly, crushing his bones. No one knows how the elder Bailizong died,

"I have given you a way of life, what else do you need?"

A fear storm swept across the square, and everyone was silent, and for a moment, the square fell into a deadly silence.

Cheng Zongping, who had not spoken, suddenly raised a bit of viciousness and madness. He grabbed the elder of a hundred lizong around him and then threw it at the mysterious shadow ~ ~ Stomping the ground, rushing like an arrow off the string, desperately flew down the mountain.

Self-defeating Xiuwei, it would be better for him to kill him, without Xiuwei, he would definitely not live for three days because he had too many enemies.

The mysterious shadow stood still and did not even look at Cheng Zongping, and seemed to let him escape.

However, Cheng Zongping paused strangely before flying out, and then burst violently, just like the elder Bai Lizong before him, crushing his bones into a blood mist.

A hundred lizong people looked at each other, fear reached its peak, especially those who participated in the forest interception, the eyes are full of despair.

Faced with this kind of repression without resistance, everyone had no choice but to abandon Xiumeng silently and withdraw from the Five Tiger Gate silently. Who would have thought that they came out with enthusiasm, but left in this way.

"Senior, please don't let Fu Yu, a vicious woman." Wan'er somehow ran out and stopped Fu Yu who was running away. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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