Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 928: The body of the sky

Cpa300_4 (); One by one, the forces of Heavenly Dao keep appearing in front of Mo Wen. The power of the evolution of Heaven Dao makes Mo Wen look dazzled and even dizzy. (For the latest chapter, please go to the bookstore-) His heart was shocked, a burst of joy filled his heart, and the power of heaven and earth evolved alive in front of him. At this time, when do you not understand the mysteries of heaven and earth rules?

An ordinary warrior who has just touched the mysteries of heaven and earth above him, it is reasonable to say that he has no chance to touch such a heavenly scene, but at this time he is in the primitive world of the lady of the Sacred Heart and is sheltered by the lady of the Sacred Heart, he can comfortably enlighten the Heavenly Dao The change of the mystery, if it is an ordinary time, he may be just as close to here, he will be wiped out, but at this time, he does not have to worry, even he feels that even if he gets into the thunder cloud that day, I am afraid that he will not be hurt, after all Sacred Heart Lady protects him, it means that this world is protecting him. How can the rules of heaven and nature here hurt him.

What is a rare opportunity? This is a chance of peerlessness, and Mo Wen at this time has no worries.

He flew up immediately, appeared in thunder cloud, Shenhuo, Tianfeng ... Those places where the strength of the Heavenly Dao were relatively close, sat cross-legged, trying to understand the subtle changes in the Heavenly Dao. He believed that he would not be harmed even if he penetrated into the manifested Heavenly Dao, but he knew he was a few pounds, and by virtue of his cultivation behavior, he might feel some breath of Heavenly Dao. I am afraid that the fans will be dizzy and eventually get nothing.

The confrontation between the giant and Tiandao is a protracted battle. It does n’t take ten days to ask. For ten days, he sat motionless like a dead wood, meditating on the mystery of Heaven and Dao when the Giants and Heavenly Dao confronted. Ten days is very short for the practitioners, but in this ten days, Mo Wen realized the prototype of the mystery of fire, and then continued to understand the prototype of the mystery of water, the prototype of thunder, the prototype of wind, and the cloud The prototype of the profound meaning ... even the prototype of the profound meaning of life.

Don't ask. With the change of heaven and earth, the enlightenment of enlightenment is almost divine, and the prototype of the enlightenment is more and more, but he has not enlightened any complete one. Because his current state is not enough, he realized a complete mystery. Involving the abilities that only existed in the presence of Yuanshen Realm, Mo Wen now wants to understand a complete mystery, it is too difficult!

So he simply did not die in a mystery, and the one he could use. It ’s all enlightened.

Is also Mo Wen's state is too low, and his ability is limited. If it appears here that it is a powerful person who cultivates into a deep, not to mention the common mystery, I am afraid that the legendary avenue and even the heavenly avenue may be enlightened. If Mo Wen appeared here when he was in the same world. I am afraid that the harvest will be unimaginable, and it is not a problem to directly repair the road. But this is what happens in the world. It's a blessing to meet, how can one expect too much?

Has fought against the heavenly path of the primitive world for ten days, and the giant giant is obviously unable to carry it. His body is scarred, and the blood flowing from him has produced a sea of ​​blood on the ground, and the **** smell is soaring. I am afraid that only such a giant can shed so much blood.

Mo asked about the giant. There was a touch of admiration in his heart. In fact, from the beginning, he knew that this giant could not fight heaven, but this giant was still stubbornly fighting, and his will was extremely firm. His bruised body had a violent fighting spirit, like a demon like a demon, and it seemed to be embarrassed, but it could make the whole world feel terrified.

At this time, the giant still pushed his own power to the limit. His body is too large, and a little movement can cause the surrounding space to collapse. Mo Wen has seen that this giant is particularly amazing in physical talent. It should be a very powerful race in the ancient times, similar to humans, but certainly not humans.

Suddenly, Mo Wen felt that his chest was cold, and a blue breath suddenly entered his body from the chest position, and then all the way up. Appeared in his eye position.

"Mysterious gossip plate!"

Mo Wen was shocked, and the whole person was stiff. It turned out that there was a change in the mysterious gossip plate. He had been carrying this mysterious gossip plate close to his body, but since the deal with the demon heart in the underground palace, there have been changes. There was no movement, and Mo Wen was no longer immersed in the dream.

At this moment, the gossip plate actually changed again!

Mo Wen only felt that a cool breath penetrated into his mind, and finally condensed in the position of his eyes.

At the same time, the nine-color light on his body, for some reason, shines in a flash, and then he penetrates into Mo Wen ’s body, walking on the limbs and forming a large cycle, and finally condenses in the position of his eyes together.

Mo asked to find that his eyes were a little strange. As for the strangeness, he couldn't speak.

When he looked at the giant, the whole body was shocked. He was shocked to find that he could pass directly through the giant's body. The situation inside the giant's body, but his eyes were like a resolver. The automatically parsed information appeared in his mind. The feeling was very strange and amazing.

Although the body of the giant is huge, it clearly appears in Mo Wen ’s vision from the inside out at this time. The body structure of the giant, the route of the giant ’s power, the blood coagulation of the giant, the strength of the giant, and the muscle contraction The degree of release all appeared in his mind, and even the most subtleties did not escape his eyes.

'S eyes seem to be able to see through the giant, and automatically analyze all the information that he wants to know.

Mo asked some doubts at first, but soon, he was shocked and surprised as a whole: "The giant's body cultivation method can actually analyze the giant's body cultivation method ...!"

He has some incoherent words, obviously surprised and shocked. Everyone can see that this giant is good at cultivating the body. He has a supreme body, and even the sky can be knocked out of the hole by the body. Such a cultivation method must be an unsecret secret that blends into the blood, which contains the innate talent and blood lineage of the giant race. I am afraid that the giant himself cannot tell how to practice his body like this. After all, he can have the current ability. In addition to the cultivation method, the most important thing is his blood lineage. He has an incomparably strong body innately, so he can only get to this step.

But Mo Wen ’s eyes, at this time, he had parsed out all these things originally, and then automatically created a combination of this body cultivation method, which achieved what the giant himself could not do.

"It's amazing!" Mo asked to be shocked, which is far more important than any adventure he got in this world. This kind of creation of a practice in his own eyes, his understanding goes beyond the limits of thinking, and naturally he has the deepest perception, which is equal to a cultivation method created by himself.

The blue light and color light in the eyes did not last long. When a method of refining the body was completely created, the two rays of light slowly disappeared. But Mo Wen completely fell into that kind of practice and could not extricate himself for a long time.

I do n’t know how long it took. When Mo Wen opened his eyes again, the giant had disappeared and the whole world had returned to calm. Only the messy scene on the ground proved that the previous scene had happened.

That giant was defeated!

Somehow, Mo Wen sighed in his eyes. Although he was immersed in the body-building exercises, he also had a faint perception of the situation outside. In the end, the giant was defeated by Heavenly Dao, but returned to the depths of the earth Hide yourself all.

The giant has an endless desire for freedom, but in the end it still can't fight this world, and can only continue to be silent in loneliness.

"He was supposed to be imprisoned here by the Sacred Heart Lady, and I do n’t know how many years he was in prison, but I did n’t see any evil and hostility from him, only an indelible will and a desire for freedom, maybe this giant criminal What was wrong, but the corrosion of endless time has smoothed a lot of things. "

I don't know why, Mo asked some sympathy for the giant.

"Since you have received a supreme practice from you, there will be cause and effect between us. If it is possible in the future, I will find a way to save you."

Mo asked to take back his gaze and look far into the endless sky.

"The body of the sky, the method of refining the body is called the body of the sky."

The moment the giant appeared, he stood upright and penetrated the sky, with a spirit that broke the sky and earth, enough to be called the four words of the body of the sky.


As Mo Wen was about to leave here and find a place to practice the body of the sky, a colorful light suddenly appeared not far away. The appearance of the colored light made Mo Wendu a little stunned, because the colored light was exactly the same as the nine-colored light on him, and it was actually a creature protected by the colored **** stone.

"Gong Biluo!"

"Do not ask!"

The two people called each other's name almost at the same time ~ ~ That kind of feeling is very wonderful, the world is so big, they can actually meet here.

"Why did you appear here?" Mo asked in surprise, he had the Caishen stone gifted by Mo Qingge, so he could enter this primitive place. Ordinary people didn't have this opportunity at all. There is no such opportunity.

Palace Biluo actually appeared here, and also has a color **** stone.

"Don't ask! Yes, you actually have Caishen Stone." Gong Biluo was also surprised, but she was calm on the surface, and her mouth habitually evoked an unruly smile. Only Cai Shen Shi can enter here, otherwise no one can come in. She knows the rules here.

"To each other, I said why did you appear in Dragon City, it turned out to be here. But I am very strange, why did Tianhua Palace let you enter here?"

Before Mo Wen met Gong Biluo in the Dragon City, he originally thought that Gong Biluo was due to the martial arts convention, but the whole martial arts conference did not see Gong Biluo from the beginning to the end. It turned out that she came here. (To be continued.)

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