Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 929: Demon Heart Heritage

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The appearance of Gong Biluo in the original space of the Sacred Heart Lady is absolutely unexpected. Mo asked very puzzled how Gong Biluo got the Caishen stone and how to enter here. He can be sure that only Caishen stone can enter here, and the palace There were also nine-colored lights on Biluo. In addition, ordinary people who want to enter here must also pass through Tianhua Palace, otherwise they cannot enter even if they have Caishen Stone.

"Who gave you the Caishen Stone?" Gong Biluo was also puzzled. Mo asked how to get the Caishen Stone? Something like Caishen Stone, a rare thing in the world, even if some gods can't get it, don't ask how it came from your hand?

"Give it from a friend of Tianhua Palace." Mo Wen smiled and said that the primitive world of the Sacred Heart Lady is too big to meet Gong Biluo here. It is definitely luck in luck.

"A friend of Tianhua Palace?"

Gong Biluo looked at Mo with some doubts, and said lightly: "You may not know the preciousness of Caishen Stone, let alone any friends of Tianhua Palace, I am afraid even the owner of Tianhua Palace cannot get it out."

Her meaning is obvious, Mo Wen concealed her in this matter. Although she didn't know why Mo Wen was hiding her, Cai Shen Shi was definitely not available casually.

"Why did that friend of Tianhua Palace have Caishen Stone? Then I don't know." Mo asked very innocently. Caishen Stone was indeed given to him by Mo Qingge. Although he also realized that Caishen Stone was precious, it was the case. .

"Well, it's also a chance that you can enter here." Gong Biluo nodded, and didn't mean that.

"So how do you get the Caishen Stone?" Mo asked curiously, since Caishen Stone is so precious, it is reasonable that Gong Biluo with no background should not be able to get it.

"Do you still remember that when we were in the underground space, we were taken away by the demon **** demon heart in the demon heart palace?" A strange light flashed in Gong Biluo's eyes.

"Of course I remember that when my life was suspended, I almost couldn't live out anymore." Mo Wen nodded, they got Ji Wuya's inheritance in the underground palace, and they met the terrifying demon demon heart.

"My Caishen stone is the demon heart." Gong Biluo said faintly.

"You got something demon heart?" Mo asked surprised.

"Well, when the demon heart saw me as a rare moonless body. So I wanted to take me away, but the soul of the world was destroyed by you, and we all survived. Yin and Yang are wrong, demon heart Take me away. Her inheritance also appeared on me, and the final result was that I got the inheritance of the demon heart and knew some of her memories. But I hadn't awakened these memories at that time, and then I hid silently. Xiu, I knew everything about the demon heart. The black jade throne in the demon heart temple was the treasure of the demon demon heart. It finally fell into my hands. "

Gong Biluo said that because she got the complete inheritance of the demon heart, the Black Jade Throne also automatically recognized her as the master. After she disappeared for a while, she was accepting something inherited from the demon heart.

"Inheritance of the demon heart!" Mo asked his eyes lit up, but the demon **** demon heart is a terrible existence, at least it is also a strong player in the Dadao realm, and has its own **** number, and may even reach the heaven realm.

"The Caishen stone in my hand is the demon heart. A treasure like Caishen stone is not in the hands of ordinary gods."

Palace's pale faint way, just because Cai Shenshi's peerlessness is rare, she didn't believe that the Cai Shen Shi in Mo Wen's hand was given by the people of Tianhua Palace, because no one in Tianhua Palace was qualified to own Cai Shenshi.

"Did you come to Dragon City this time for the original space? Yes, it's definitely a first-class adventure in the world." Mo asked with a smile, Gong Biluo could get such a chance. He was naturally happy.

"No. I have always been in the Dragon City, and later the Dragon City opened to the outside world to hold a martial arts conference. I guess you might come to attend, so I came out of the original space to find you. Sure enough. You came to the Dragon City, I originally wanted to find An opportunity to bring you into the primitive world, but came in without you. "

Gong Biluo also felt a little funny. There was such a coincidence in the world. She originally wanted to wait for the martial arts meeting to end, and then secretly brought Mo Wen into the original space. I don't want them to meet in this accidental situation.

"Wait, you said that you were in the original space before, and then came out to find me, and now you are back in the original space?" Mo asked immediately grasping the problem in Gong Biluo's words. She actually came out and came in again, isn't that just entering the original space at least twice? It is not that the Caishen Stone can only allow a person to enter once, and there will be no more opportunities in the rest of his life.

"You are as clever as ever, yes, I can indeed enter here many times, even before you came, I have been in this primitive world." Gong Biluo laughed.

"How did you do it?" Mo asked the surprise in his heart, he could enter multiple times, and could stay in it all the time? From Gong Biluo's words, he knew that Gong Biluo stayed in the original space for more than three years. She can enter here many times and have been able to stay in it for so long. This completely broke the rules of the original space.

If he can stay here for a long time, the benefits for him are unimaginable. No wonder when he met again, he felt that Gong Biluo had some mysterious changes. Many times he couldn't see through and felt very mysterious. Now think about it, if Gong Biluo has been staying in the original space, you can imagine how terrible her strength is now.

"I can enter the original space of the Sacred Heart Lady repeatedly, because I have inherited the bloodline of the demon heart, and I am afraid you will have a happy time."

Gong Biluo sighed, she could enter here repeatedly all the time, but Mo Wen couldn't. She looked at Mo Wen's excited eyes, she felt a little powerless.

"Huh? Why." Mo asked strangely, can it be because of the inheritance of the demon heart? This is not in line with common sense. According to Mo Qingge, even if the powerful person who comprehends the Tao of Heaven can only come in once.

"You know, the demon heart is a strong man who has existed since the ancient times. She lived until the middle ages before she fell in the war. She is a very terrible existence. She has already realized the heavenly path and belongs to the supreme generation of the demon world. Of course, these are not the reasons why she can always enter the original space. The real reason is her blood. Simply put, she has part of the blood of the Sacred Heart Lady, which can be said to be a descendant of the Sacred Heart Lady. "

Gong Biluo said, indeed, even a strong man who understands Heavenly Dao cannot enter here many times. The demon heart at that time could do it, because she has the blood of the Sacred Heart Lady, and the rules of this primitive world are easy to approach her. So she was allowed to enter many times.

And because she inherited the inheritance of the demon heart, including blood lineage inheritance, so she can be like the demon heart of the year, can stay in the primitive world.

"It turns out so."

Mo Wen nodded in surprise. The demon heart was a person from the ancient times, and the Sacred Heart Lady belonged to the endless remote Taikoo. It is said that there was a big fault from the ancient times to the ancient time. What should have happened during the period caused the relevant The traces of Taikoo are completely erased, and there are no records today. And from ancient times to ancient times, there is also a fault of an era.

In fact, the end of each era is accompanied by a big event. For example, the dividing line between the ancient and the ancient times is the day of the fairy. From the Middle Ages to the Modern Times, the dividing line is that the original world was almost broken due to war, and all the immortals were withdrawn from the original world.

The blood vessels that spread from the ancient times to the ancient times are indeed not easy.

"You don't have the blood of the Sacred Heart Lady, so this world does not allow you to enter many times." Gong Biluo said helplessly.

"Anyway, being here is a big adventure, how can you be too greedy." Mo asked with a free and easy smile, who in the world can do everything, at least Gong Biluo can have such an adventure, he is very happy. Being able to stay in the primitive world, her future achievements can be imagined.

"Don't be angry, with your talents, as long as you work hard, your future achievements will be very high, and you won't be surpassed by me too far, and even your own wife will not be as good as that time, but it is not a good reputation." Gong Biluo I ’m afraid Mo asked if there is a gap in my heart, and I deliberately laughed ~ ~ You got it, you got a bargain and you were good, why was n’t it me that got the demon heart inheritance? "Mo Wen rolled his eyes, thinking that the palace blue sky was stronger than him. After so many experiences, he still did not surpass her."

"I'm not convinced? Do you have a Moon Demon Body? Do you think that the demon heart can be regarded as you?" Gong Biluo laughed, and the target of the demon heart was her, but did not take Mo as one. What happened.

"I don't have a moonless body, but my woman is a moonless body, and she has also inherited the demon heart demon god." Mo asked proudly, not being hit by Gong Biluo at all.

"Less smelly, who is your woman." Gong Biluo smiled in his heart, this is too much to ask ...

"I didn't say anything, you admit it yourself." Mo asked shrugged.

"Okay, don't envy me anymore. You have the world in the world, and everyone in the world can only envy you." Gong Biluo asked blankly.

"Heaven and Earth, what?" Mo asked curiously. Before Gong Biluo said that Heaven and Earth had destroyed the spirit of the demon heart, he guessed that it might be a mysterious gossip disk, but he didn't have time to ask.

"I guess you don't know, it's really **** luck." Gong Biluo shook his head, with the supreme treasure on his body, but I don't know why, I am afraid that there is no one in the world can ask such a wonderful flower.

"Do you know the ten greatest treasures of Taikoo? The one hanging on your neck is one of the ten great treasures of Taikoo. Thank you for having a heavenly earth, otherwise we wouldn't be able to walk out of the hall of demon heart alive." Gong Biluo some After the fear, after the demon heart inherited, she knew how terrible the demon heart was. (To be continued.)

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