Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 960: Marshal Pioneer

readx (); The captain's face was rather ugly. The young boy obviously did not take him into consideration, or even Feng Yuguo's army.

What is this place? Within a hundred miles, all of them are the sphere of influence of the Fengyu * team, and they are just vanguards, and the army behind them is constantly advancing to the front. Dare to make trouble here, the troublemaker is either a neuropath or a fool, he thinks he is something.

The captain was angry, but instead of stepping forward recklessly, he led several hands slowly back until he exited the house. Obviously, he was not an opponent of that teenager, and waiting for reinforcements was the wisest choice.

"Let's run, this young master, they are the army of Feng Yuguo. It is said that the vanguard has more than 100,000 people. They have gone through like a bandit crossing the border, and they will do nothing. I am grateful to Dade in my heart, but I dare not let my son be in danger ... "

The old man shook his head desolately, facing the army of Feng Yuguo, it was really difficult to raise any hope. With a young man, how could he save their family, I am afraid that they could not be guaranteed.

"The elderly don't need to worry about it, and recuperating at home is that as for the military, I will handle it myself."

Mo asked with a faint smile, the folk customs in the small mountain village are still very simple, kind-hearted, and do not have too many thoughts about crooked ways. As soon as he waved his hand, a green gleam was released and enveloped the family of three old men and old women.

This is the life energy sublimated from his cultivation of the sun, the moon and the heavens, which contains a rich breath of life. In the primitive world that day, he not only cultivated yin and yang qi, but this vital energy is also one of the important gains. This energy is quite mysterious and most suitable for saving people and curing diseases. For a magician, the value of life energy is still above yin and yang qi.

When the green energy enveloped the three people, it was only a moment. The old man and the old woman who had been wounded by the officers and soldiers turned red, and the contusion inside the body was healed. There is no longer any feeling, and the whole person's spirit is radiant, and impurities and poisonous gases are constantly being repelled out of the body. The little girl was bathed in the blue light, and was soaked in light. Her skin became more and more tender and bright.

For Mo Wen, it was just a matter of course. He walked out of the house, there was a path outside. There are also houses on the opposite side. The intestinal path winds all the way up the mountain, surrounded by houses on both sides.

At this time, the entire mountain village was full of soldiers from Feng Yuguo. The village was full of panic and screams, and the air was filled with a panic atmosphere.

"The few of you are not good people. As a soldier, defending the country and defending the country, how can we help the bandit."

The officers and soldiers who left the house were still blocked outside the house. Did not leave, apparently waiting for reinforcements to deal with Mo Wen. Mo asked coldly. With the flick of a finger, an invisible ripple spread out instantly.

For a moment, the officers and soldiers went to the ground one after another, holding their abdomen and tumbling on the ground, seemingly suffering great pain.

"Who dares to hurt my soldier."

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sounded from a distance, thunder sound rolled, full of energy, the man's fashion was thousands of meters away. But in the blink of an eye, he came near and came out of the air.

"Thousand Commanders reads () ;. Save me, wait ..."

The captain tumbling on the ground holding his abdomen saw the parent official coming and immediately cried out for help. He didn't know what was happening to him. He just felt the pain all over his body. It seemed more painful than putting him on the fire.

The commander-in-chief is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a sense of majesty. Being able to serve as a commander in the army is not a general.

"Who are you, sign up."

As soon as the captain arrived here, he immediately checked the bodies of his soldiers, and found that he had no clues about the problems on his soldiers.

"You are not qualified to speak to me, and call your highest general, otherwise, just a few of you, don't blame me."

Mo asked faintly. The commander-in-chief is not low, but a warrior in the realm of fetal breath, but in his current state, ordinary ordinary warriors can no longer enter his eyes.

Although this world is very strange, ordinary troops can practice martial arts, and almost everyone learns martial arts, but in this army, it is difficult to have a peerless master. Wherever it goes.

For him, the people in Yuanshen Realm had little threat, and no one in the army could hurt him. Even when he meets the strongest of Yuanshen Realm, he is not necessarily afraid. Mo asked the first time he arrived, he didn't want to cause trouble, but since he had encountered it, he was not afraid of it. Moreover, it is easier to understand the situation of force in this world.

He faintly felt that this world should be much higher than those inner worlds around the main space. At least he had never heard of any inner world that was so large and the martial arts culture was so strong.

"The Supreme General!"

The commander-in-chief froze a little, and thought that this young man's tone was so great. Their highest general was the commander of Feng Yuguo's Vanguard Army, holding hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in power. Among the generals of Feng Yuguo, The vanguard commander ranks among the top five.

Master Marshal Tang, how could such a kid compare to it.

"I met someone who didn't know what to do."

The captain was sullen, he didn't do it easily, but he tried to figure out the situation. Then, it was just the cautious style of the soldiers. After all, those who dare to make trouble here, as long as they are not fools, are non-generals. Unexpectedly, this young man was so arrogant, and he did not blame him for not taking his vanguard in his eyes.

Even if there is any background behind this young man, he should not blame him for causing trouble. The general behind him has settled down, only to blame this kid for being too arrogant.

The captain didn't take Mo Wen's eyes too seriously. What threat can a teenager have? He is a warrior in the realm of diarrhea. Dealing with such a teenager is like playing.

However, this is not the case.

Just as the commander-in-chief was about to start, a terrible coercion fell from the sky, and the sky and the sky changed. He only felt that his invisible big hand was holding him tightly, making him unable to move, and his breathing was not smooth. The whole person looked like one. Ants who are only watched by the dragon may be trampled to pieces at any time.

"How can it be!"

The commander's face changed wildly, looking at Mo as if stupid, how could such terrible coercion appear on a teenager. Even on his most respected general, he did not feel this horrible coercion.

"Who the **** are you?" The captain finally discovered that something was wrong with reads () ;.

"Call your high generals, my patience is limited."

Mo asked faintly, and at the same time he stepped out and the whole person appeared in the air. For a moment, a huge shadow of Yin Yang fish and gossip covered half of the sky, covering a few tens of kilometers, and also covering the whole village.

In the village, one by one armed, soldiers wearing silver armor flew uncontrollably, one by two, three ... After a while, more than 400 people were suspended in the air, and all were unable to move.


The captain was pale and his lips were blue. He was really scared this time. When had he seen such a weird scene, this young man was not human.

"Give you some incense, call your highest general, otherwise do n’t blame me for the killing."

Mo Wen waved his hand, and the captain flew out like a ball and flew out of the village directly, blinking and disappearing at the end of his sight.

Here is just a small team to come over and sweep, their highest general is naturally impossible here, Mo Wen wants to understand the world, so naturally only their generals are invited. At least, he needs to know where this space he has lived since childhood.

Thousands of people flew hundreds of miles long, and then fell to the ground like a ball, and the body seemed to fall apart. It took a long time to recover.

At this time, the captain had lost the previous prestige, the whole person trembled, and his eyes were full of horror. The young man seemed to be a ghost, so with a wave of his hand, he actually flew hundreds of miles ... I am afraid that only the legendary Yuanshen Realm can have such a means.

He found that the state of the eyes was really serious. A monk in Yuanshen Realm was enough to make the entire Feng Yu Kingdom pay attention to it, and the most grievous thing is that he did n’t even know what happened, and somehow offended such a horror. Characters. If he turns back to blame, he must blame.

"This matter must be reported immediately to Lord Marshal."

Despite the fear in his heart, the commander knew that this kind of thing must be reported immediately. If he concealed it, he fled privately, not to mention whether he could escape the palm of the terrible young man, even if he succeeded. However, the family in the distant Feng Yu Kingdom will also be annihilated, delaying military affairs, which is a big crime enough for Renju.

Isn't it said that the power of Yuanshen Realm will not intervene in the struggle between countries? How come I met myself ~ ~ The commander felt that he didn't look at the almanac when he went out, just stayed in the barracks, and ran out to do what he wanted.

As far as three hundred miles away, in a huge military camp, Feng Yuguo's vanguard was pinned here, but it was the vanguard base camp.

"Report! There will be something to see at the end."

Outside the marshal's tent, a general with a bruised face knelt on the ground and said aloud.

"come in."

A dull, but majestic voice came from the tent. Hu Hong, a prestigious name in Feng Yu Guo, who attacked the vanguard commander of Xiping Kingdom, and was brave and brave, was Feng Yu Guo's sharp sword to attack the city.

"What do you have to report?"

Hu Hongnian passed the age of fifty, but he could n’t see the old look on his face, but gave him a rather capable feeling. Although his tone and expression were very peaceful, he killed the enemy on the battlefield all year round and commanded millions of heroes. Without killing gas. (To be continued.)

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