Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 961: Heavenly Ruins

"General ... Lord General ... something big happened ..."

The commander panicked and stuttered. If his guess is correct, the young man is the power of Yuanshen Realm, not to mention himself, I am afraid that General General and the entire Vanguard can't afford it.

Although the army is strong, the mighty man of Yuanshen Realm has long been detached from the world, and no amount of army can threaten them. The first rank of the Admiral in the Million Army, for the mighty people in Yuanshen Realm, is just like searching for something. They want to kill whoever they want to kill.

"What is panicking."

Hu Hong frowned slightly, and the air in the entire military account suddenly froze, a suffocating air swept across the air, the temperature dropped sharply, and the ice was bitter.

The captain's body trembled, and the original trembling body solidified under this killing gas, and no longer dared to tremble. Under extreme tension, the heart calmed down instead.

"What's the matter?" Hu Hong said lightly.

"Sir General, it's like this ..."

The captain originally told what happened to Xu Village. Although he was inexplicable in many places, there was no doubt that they caused a terrible existence.

"The Mighty One in Yuanshen Realm? Are you sure that the teenager really did this?"

Hu Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression serious. When the subordinate said that the young man was probably a mighty person in Yuanshen Realm, he was also taken aback. Any monk in Yuanshen Realm is a high presence for them, and the ordinary army simply cannot afford it. However, Hu Hong has been ups and downs for decades, and he has seen some of the mighty people in Yuanshen Realm, but he will not change his mind.

What's more, his subordinate is only a warrior in the fetal breathing area, and the power of Yuanshen Realm is still a long way away, and the judgment is correct. Still two things. After all, there is no difference between an ordinary Wuzong and a Yuanshen Realm, which is equivalent to this captain.

Perhaps that young man was just a little more powerful Wu Zong. There are so many geniuses in this world. As for the power of the young Yuanjingjing ... can such a character be met casually?

"Does that person want to see me by name?" Hu Hong said.

"Yes." The captain bowed his head. Dare not look at Hu Hong.

"Since he wants to see him, I'm afraid he won't be able to see him. Doing so, most of them are fearless and should be a person with a little history.

Hu Hong got up and walked out of the military account. The other party asked him by name. If he did n’t go, he would n’t be able to understand things. And he also wanted to see who it was. So arrogant.

Xu Cun has returned to calm at this time, but after all the households were scared before, they dared to hide in the house one by one. As for Feng Yuguo's soldiers, Mo Wen ran out of the village and hung in the woods outside the village.

Mo Wen stood on a canopy, standing with his hand down, waiting quietly.

Soon after, there was a burst of breaking wind in the distance, and the person was not someone else. It is the pioneer marshal Hu Hong and the captain of the seat.

"Your Excellency want to see me?"

Hu Hong saw Mo Wen from a distance, and recognized him at a glance, without the need of a thousand commanders. He came out of the air. In a blink of an eye, it spanned more than a dozen miles. It was fast, and the distance of three hundred miles was only a tea time.

As the general of Feng Yuguo, Hu Hong's cultivation is not low, and has already entered Wuzong Second Realm, only one step away from Wuzong Three Realms.

"Are you the pioneer commander of Feng Yuguo?"

Mo Wen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Come on, I have something to ask you."

"Your breath is so big, I don't know if Feng Yuguo can have any regrets for you. Let you be so active."

Hu Hong fell on the tree branch opposite the teenager, his eyes flashing with light. Unblinking stared at Mo asked. He also wanted to know the specific behavior of this teenager. Whether it has really reached the point of Yuanshen Realm. If he is really a mighty person in Yuanshen Realm, he would not dare to make it, and what the boy said is what he said. But if not, he is the general of Feng Yuguo, holding hundreds of thousands of troops, but it is not that he can provoke provoking.

"In this world, the weak is strong and the food is strong. The words of the strong are rules, and the weak are slaves. Just as you can wantonly harm the people, why can't I step on your Feng Yu Kingdom."

Mo asked faintly that for such an army, such a commander, he did not have a slight favor. He is strong enough so he can stand here and speak, otherwise he would have been killed by this brutal army.

"But do you not take my Feng Yuguo into my eyes?"

Hu Hong narrowed his eyes slightly. The territory of Feng Yuguo was thousands of miles, and he could not stand for hundreds of years. Does anyone who wants to step on it can step on it? Even if the power of Yuanshen Realm is rare, few people would say such things. They Feng Yuguo are not soft persimmons.

"My eyes grow on me. If you don't want to put it in your eyes, it's not you. It's you. Don't blame me if you twitch."

Mo Wen glanced at the vanguard commander, and a sudden terror like Ruyuan burst out from him. Hu Hong felt that there was a mountain in the void that pressed him down hard, and he could no longer make a loud noise. Standing on a branch, he fell directly to the ground and gnawed the dirt.

The terrible coercion was everywhere, Hu Hong struggled for a while, but could not get up from the ground.

He can't move by pressing him on the ground with coercion alone. What exactly is this cultivation? Hu Hong originally thought that this teenager was not like the mighty person of Yuanshen Realm. After all, this teenager was too young, and he didn't have the spirituality of Yuanshen Realm, but it looked ordinary.

However, all the powerful people in Yuanshen Realm have a very strong aura on them, which is a special temperament that is high above the body and reborn, but this young man does not. He originally thought that this young man was a Wu Zong at most, maybe there was a little background behind him, so he didn't pay too much attention in the beginning.

But ... the coercion is so terrifying, except for the power of Yuanshen Realm, who can do it!

"Are you the predecessor of Yuanshen Realm?" Hu Hong looked at Mo in a panic and asked. The Donghe House where Feng Yuguo is located is only a small and remote office in Quzhou. It's quite rare, but everyone who is a little famous is aware of it, but this young man, he has never heard of it.

Mo Wen waved his hand, and Hu Hong was drawn to him by a force. It was no different from the previous soldiers. He was suspended in the air and did not move at all. As a commander, this appearance in front of the soldiers was quite embarrassing.

"I have a few questions for you now. You only need to answer them. If you are satisfied with me, you will not be embarrassed. If you dare to say insincerely and not true, then don't blame me for being cruel." Mo asked coldly. .

"Senior, can you let me go. If you have any questions, you know, you will know everything." Hu Hong said a little embarrassedly, surrounded by his soldiers, commanding a commander of the army, so majestic. . But at this time, Hu Hong had no choice but to ask Mo.

"Huh, I ask you, where is this?"

Mo Wen waved his hand, and the power that bound Hu Hong disappeared, allowing him to stand on a branch and talk to him.

"Returning to seniors, this place is Quzhou Donghefu, located in the middle of Xiping State, to the north is Feng Yu State, to the south is the legendary ruins of Tianjue, to the west is connected to Wangluo Forest, to the east is Kudat Range. "

Hu Hongluo said immediately after thinking about it, making it clear to the southeast and northwest. In the face of the power of a Yuanshen Realm, he did not dare to be negligent. At the same time, he was whispering in his heart. Isn't this strong man of Yuanshen Realm not from Donghe or even Quzhou? It is no wonder that he has never heard of such a young Yuanshen Realm in Donghe.

"Heavenly ruins, where is that?"

Mo asked a raised eyebrow, some thought in his eyes. He was inexplicably teleported here, and the location of his hometown was unknown. But he wanted to come. The place where his hometown is located is very special. There are almost no human beings in it. If he is sent out, he will probably not be too far away from the place where his hometown is. But he didn't know much about where he used to live. He only knew that there was a large snow field, and then there was the sea ...

"The ruins of Tianjue are the original ancient sites that have been preserved in the ancient times. They are quite mysterious and dangerous. It is said that the ruins of Tianjue are quite large, even if the entire Quzhou is far from the ruins of Tianjue. Beasts, there are crises everywhere. There has always been a legend that even monks in the Xuanjing Realm dare not go too deep into the ruins of Tianjue. "

Hu Hong looked at Mo in a strange way, and the Tianjue ruins are one of the three ancient ruins in the world. They are well-known and almost unknown to everyone. This young man is not just a person from Quzhou. Why do n’t he even know the ruins of Tianjue?

"Is there a mighty person in Taixuan Realm?" Mo Wen was shocked in his heart. This world even has strong people in Taixuan Realm. The cultivation civilization is quite high ~ ~ The palace master and several deputy palace masters are only too mysterious.

"The powerhouse of Taixuan Realm is a legend. Not to mention it. I'm afraid no one in the whole Donghe Mansion has seen it with my own eyes. However, the legendary powers of Taixuan Realm, such as Venerable Purple Sea, Queen Tianxue, Fuyao Mountain The Lord ... their legends existed throughout the ages, and some even spread for thousands of years, there should be no fakes. "

Hu Hong shook his head, Tai Xuan Realm was just a legend, too far away from them. But the world is so big, he believes that there must be the existence of Tai Xuanjing. After all, the experiences of those powerful people are all included in the history books. The history books are most true to the truth, but they will not be faked.

"How much do you know about the Tianjie ruins?" Mo asked.

"My knowledge of the ruins of Tianjue is from ancient books, and I know very little about it. The Xiping Kingdom is to the south, and it is a forbidden place for human beings. No one dares to enter the ruins of Tianjue. It is said that there is a The famous Tai Xuan Jing was able to break into the depths of the Tianjie ruins and explore the secrets inside. As a result, he never came back. I know that the outermost periphery of the Tianjie ruins is a huge virgin forest. In a larger ancient desert, nothing else is known. "

Hu Shuo shook his head. He did not know why the teenager was so interested in the Tianjue Ruins, but he did not know much about the Tianjue Ruins. (To be continued.)

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