Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 972: Dominate

readx (); Demon Guard Road!

Mo Wenzhi's wisdom, wouldn't he know the purpose of Xuesha Palace, but he couldn't think of it, this sect that had a bit of grudge against him, actually wanted to put him to death.

Regarding the sect of the Blood Fiend Palace, Mo Wen originally didn't have much thought, nor did he mean to be enemies with it. But things on the rivers and lakes are sometimes really involuntary. You do n’t treat others as enemies. Others treat you as enemies. I wish you could die immediately.

"Huh, Lord of Blood Rud Palace, Blood Fiend Palace, why don't you tell us Xiping Kingdom when you come from afar, there is a distant welcome, there is a distant welcome."

As soon as Zhang Huishan came out, he saw that three monks were born in suspension, and when he fixed his eyes, he immediately recognized them.

The Palace of Blood Fierce is the power of Xiaben Government, which is adjacent to Donghe Government, and unlike Donghe Government, there are several major forces in Donghe Government, and there are several countries. However, the Xiaben House is the sole leader of the House of Xuesha, occupying the land of a house, but it is a very powerful sect around it. And the only country of Xiabenfu, Xuesha Kingdom, has a deep relationship with Xuesha Palace.

"Zhang Huishan, I am here to do business, I hope you can do it conveniently."

Blood Ruo glanced at Zhang Huishan faintly, and couldn't help it. Zhang Huishan greeted him with a smile, but he was still warmly posted on his cold butt.

"Zhang Huishan, our Hall of Blood Evil is here, but the Demon Guardian Road, you people in Xiping Kingdom are better not to intervene, otherwise we can't be sure if your Xiping Kingdom has colluded with the evil door."

Among the three people, the old man in black robe on the left said coldly and arrogantly, and did not take Zhang Huishan's attitude in his eyes at all.

The people in the Blood Fiend Palace have always acted arrogantly, and every Xiping country is indeed not qualified to be in the eyes of the Blood Fiend Palace. Any one of them may be qualified to sweep Xiping State.

Zhang Huishan looked very ugly. He smiled and greeted him, but Xuesha Palace did not give him a face. No matter what he said, he was also a monk of Yuanshen Realm. But the representative behind it is also Hong Hongzong.

"The same way in the Hall of Blood Sha, our Xiping Kingdom's loyalty to the Tianhua Palace can be used as a reference. Don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Huishan's face also became cold. Anyway, this is his territory of Xu Hongzong. As the elder of the Hongzong Emperor, how could he be weakened by the large public?

"Since you, Hong Hongzong, are not in the same direction as the evil gate, then I hope that you will not help this evil gate, or else it will be unclear by then."

Another old man in white clothes on the right said lightly that the two of them stood behind the blood rud. Just like black and white.

In fact, the two of them are also quite famous in the Hall of Blood Fiends. The area around them dubbed them black and white, and both of them were high and deep. They were both monks in the midst of Yuanshen. An ordinary monk of the late Yuanshen.

It is said that the two met each other when they were young, and the relationship was so good that they were almost inseparable. Eat, drink and sleep together, the tacit understanding between the two becomes deeper and longer.

"That is not necessarily a demon for young heroes ..."

Zhang Huishan took a deep breath, and he naturally saw at a glance that these people in the Blood Fiend Palace came to the young man. So the teachers were so excited that even the Master of the Blood Fiend Palace personally shot, actually to deal with a teenager.

The lord of the Blood Fiend Palace broke through to the late Yuanshen long ago, and is now the peak of the late Yuanshen, only one step away from Yuanshen Great Consummation. It is said that he once played against the strong man of Yuanshen Realm. And he retreated and escaped smoothly.

"Isn't it a demon? Huh, Zhang Huishan, you can think clearly. A person holding a murderous creature like Wanshenwa is not a demon. Are you trying to hide this evil door in front of my bread, believe it or not? You cleaned up together. "

The blood ruddy turned his head slowly, his eyes flashing scarlet blood, the tone was cold, and he could not help shaking.

Zhang Huishan lips whispered for a long time. After all, he did n’t dare to say a single word. Bloody killing him was a breeze. Although both were monks in Yuanshen Realm, they were different in different ranks. There is no difference between a monk and a chicken.

"Come on, you Xiping country better not help this kid, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Blood Ru's waved his hand, and a thick spirit pressure came out, directly hitting Zhang Huishan for thousands of kilometers. A Zhang Huishan, he did not put it in his eyes, a little trouble is that the entire Xiping Kingdom, including the Hong Hongzong behind him, maintains no question, then they will have some difficulties if they want to succeed. After all, this is the land of the Xiping Kingdom, and things are too much trouble for them.

Although the Blood Fiend Palace is strong in the surrounding area, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand, and there are many sect gates stronger than the Blood Fiend Palace. Some rules must still be obeyed. If there are no taboos, he would have led the annexation of several small countries such as Donghe.

Anyway, here is the Xiping State, not their **** state. If you ca n’t stop Zhang Huishan from doing things in the first place, then it will be difficult to do next, and it may even make Mo Wen escape.

Fortunately, however, that Zhang Huishan directly counseled, and did not have the courage to tear his face completely with the Blood Fiend Palace.

Mo Wen stood quietly, but looked at Zhang Huishan from afar, and then ignored it. No wonder Xiping Congress was bullied by Feng Yuguo like this. If a person lacks the guts and the spirit of struggle, who is the one who is bullied?

"Do not ask, it is honoured to let the lord of my hall of blood-scarring palace kill you personally."

Blood Ru looked at Mo Wen and looked at him up and down, as if looking at a lamb to be slaughtered. That look, quite a bit of the taste of Jiangshan. Those who don't know, thought he was the master of the Tianhua Palace, and he was alive.

"You are narcissistic."

Mo Wen shook his head. He didn't like the dominating gaze of Xueru, but he also knew that he was not yet a rival of Xueru.

"As a person who can control your destiny, shouldn't I be narcissistic in front of you." Blood Chu said lightly. The joke was a bit cold, and Mo Mo smiled when asked.

"The Palace of Blood Fierce, I remember it. This sect and palace master who can control my destiny, we regret it."

Mo Wen's figure disappeared directly from the original place. Since he is not an opponent, he will naturally not blindly desperately. That one blood is enough to kill him, not to mention two old things with extraordinary strength.

Xipingguo can't count on it, so he can only rely on himself.

"Run away? Dreaming!"

Blood Chu sneered, the **** cloak on his body suddenly flew up, and instantly turned into a piece of blood red covering the entire city of Li'an, but Mo Wen, who disappeared quietly, seemed to have been hit by something and appeared in the air. .

"Every little guy, actually wanted to escape in front of me."

The blood sea was surging, and the blood was rushing to the sky, but the blood rud was like a fish in the blood sea. When he stepped out, he appeared directly in front of Mo Wen. He stretched out his hand and patted Mo Wen gracefully. It looks like it's not fighting, but shooting flies.

Heavenly body!

A wild and fierce breath rose into the sky, Mo asked the whole person was huge, and the form of two arms and four arms appeared again. Compared with before, it has solidified a lot. Although it is still very different from flesh and blood, it can still clearly distinguish the facial features. It looks exactly the same as Mo Wen, but it is an energy structure, which contains quite amazing and arrogant. power.

The body of the sky is the physical exercise of heaven, and it is endlessly magical. When the two arms and four arms are trained, it will be turned into a real flesh and blood body, which is thousands of times more mysterious than the energy body.

But Rao is so, the power of the sky battle body is also amazing.

I saw the sky snake **** spear quietly appeared in Mo Wen's hands, and collided with the palm of the blood rud. In an instant, it was like nine days of thunder and thunder, thunder and thunder, thunder and lightning flooded the sea of ​​blood, and jumped wildly, thunder sea swallowed the sea of ​​blood.

And in the Leihai Center, a terrible wild atmosphere erupted, permeating Changhong.


Blood Ru only felt a brutal force rushing in the face, and was instantly shocked to retreat for hundreds of meters. Originally, he thought that with that hand, he could capture Mo Wensheng alive, but he was unexpectedly shocked.

A spear knocked back the blood, Mo Wen waved a spear again, directly tearing the sea of ​​blood covered in Li'an City, and his figure was transformed into an arc, which disappeared in place instantly.

"Good guy, chase me."

Blood Chu was furious, he didn't think that this Mo question was so powerful. Originally, he thought that this Mo question was threatening, so he wanted to kill it in the cradle, but he didn't think that the threat was far beyond his imagination. The shock that broke out just now, the monks in the middle of the ordinary Yuanshen may not be able to achieve it, and he was shocked by the lack of attention.

Black and white Shuangsha did not expect that the owner of the hall personally failed, but failed to prepare just now. At this time, it was too late to intercept, and the moment turned into two escapes, violently chased in the direction of Mo Wen's escape.

Don't ask cold face ~ ~ There is wind at the foot, and then escaped hundreds of miles.

The appearance of the Blood Fiend Palace was an unexpected accident for him. He was out of control and could only flee for the time being. Although he could not beat it, he was still sure to escape.

Among the seven flames of flame, Lei Yao and Feng Yao are both good at speed, and Yun Yao is good at contingency. He has cultivated to a very high level in the original space as early as this three-bright method, and later realized the corresponding mystery, he can use The power of heaven and earth, combined with each other, can exert incredible power.

After all, the seven flames of the flames are the magic skills of the star emperor. At least they are all supernatural powers. I am afraid that they are not small supernatural powers. With the fame of the star emperor, the road supernatural powers are possible. Although, he has only learned a fur now, but it is definitely not an ordinary supernatural power to compare.

When you step on the thunderbolt, the body and the wind melt, and the shape changes, making it difficult to capture the traces.

"Good guy, what kind of escape is that, even I can't catch up."

A blood of light chased closely behind Mo Wen. As a monk in the late Yuanshen, Xue Chu was also astonishing in speed. He left the two Yuanshen in the black and white and the two Yuans far behind in the mid-term, but still chased a little. Don't ask. (To be continued.)

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