Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 973: Goodbye Ziguang

The blood is very shocked, this Mo question is not only young, has extraordinary potential, but also the magical secret of cultivation of immortals is also unpredictable. He couldn't catch up with him. I'm afraid he would be thrown away soon.

"Damn! Never let him run away."

Blood Ru clenched his teeth tightly, missed this opportunity, and it is difficult to say whether there is any chance next time. With this threat of no question, the hidden danger is too great, and he must be raised and lowered with his hand to quickly solve him.

Several people chased and fled, except for Li An City in the blink of an eye, Mo Wen turned into a black spot, faintly looming at the end of the sky, it seemed that it would disappear in the next moment.

At the moment, I couldn't wait for blood to think about it. I saw a string of blood-red beads flying slowly out of his wrist. There were twelve beads in the string, which were Buddha beads. The texture was red and bright, and there was blood in it. The sea is rolling.

Blood Buddha beads! The treasure of the Town Hall of the Blood Fiend Palace is enshrined in the Blood Fiend Palace for generations, and only the Hall Master can use it. This treasure is supported by the monks of the Blood Fiend Palace from generation to generation, and it is already very close to the level of the Lingbao.

Bloody sharp nails pierced his wrist, and a large amount of blood suddenly burst out. The plasma seemed to have spirituality, automatically condensed into a blood dragon, and then plunged into the blood beads to disappear.

The main face of the Blood Fiend Palace was instantly white, and a series of laws and regulations were displayed in his hand. The blood Buddha beads suddenly had a lot of light, the blood shines into the sky, and there is a domineering to swallow the world.

"Forcing me to use this trick, I don't believe in killing you."

Blood Rug secretly gritted his teeth, this is the taboo secret technique of Xuesha Palace, with blood raising pearls, his cultivation practice has been backed up for at least fifty years, and he will definitely not use this trick unless it is a last resort, because it is very likely to be cast this time It made him unable to enter the realm of Yuanshen Daquan in his life.


The blood Buddha beads disappeared instantly, and at the end of the sky, a huge blood Buddha appeared. The blood Buddha is like a mountain, with a height of tens of thousands of meters, fat and doodle, with a smile on his face. Like a Maitreya Buddha, there is earth-shattering murderousness in his eyes, blood shining thousands of miles.

Mo Wen stared dumbfoundedly at the giant Buddha above the sky. The violent threat made his entire heart cool by half. The terrible coercion enveloped a thousand miles. He could not escape anyway.

What is this means? I am afraid that the monks of Yuanshen Great Perfection do not have this skill!


"Do not ask, die!"

The huge blood Buddha mouth uttered words, and then slammed down, the huge palm covered at least a few hundred miles, and in the process of descent, it was still getting bigger. Thousands of miles.

No matter how fast Mo asked, he could not escape such a slap.


He took a breath of gas, under the giant palm. He felt a breath of death approaching, if it was a carelessness, it would probably be planted here.

He quickly turned his wrist, and there was an ancient rune in his hand. This is the thousand-mile rune he got from the forbidden land of the generous faction. The thousand-mile rune is the level of the spirit rune, and only the monks who fight the transit can refine it. The level of the spirit symbol, and Mo Wen's hand is a treasure passed down in the Middle Ages. I am afraid that the original grade is more than five grades.

"That's too late!"

Mo Wengang was just about to mobilize the charm. I knew that it was too late, and there was also a process for prompting the charm, and in such an environment, the process required for the activation of the charm was longer. Perhaps he hadn't waited for him to teleport away, and the huge blood palm fell on him.

As long as I knew it, I should have used this thousand miles before. Mo asked secretly regretting that he thought he could jump away with his own speed. He didn't think that the blood rud still had this trick. Not to be underestimated.


Mo Wen gritted his teeth, and the power of his blood and blood turned crazy, pushing the heavenly body to the extreme. The sky snake **** spear in his hand also released an arc, and the power of the heaven and earth transformed by the Thunder Profound Congregation blinked. A thunder vortex formed around him.

"Lei Yao!"

Among the three Yao methods, Lei Yao is undoubtedly the strongest offensive force. At this time, Mo Wen holds the sky snake **** spear and hits the huge blood palm with one blow. The sky snake **** spear is completely urged by the power of Lei Yao. A huge sky snake phantom appeared quietly, hovering above the nine days, actually no smaller than the blood Buddha.


Mo Wen's strongest attack hit the blood Buddha giant palm, but the result was that he was directly slammed into the ground, leaving a deep pothole on the ground, and the blood Buddha giant palm is only slightly After shaking, the air stopped for a moment, and then continued to fall.


Blood Ru looked greedily at the sky snake phantom above the sky. Before he came, he heard that Mo Wen had a rare spirit treasure in his hand, but it was a treasure more powerful than blood Buddha beads. He was so fast Arriving in Li'an City, at least half of the reason is not to ask about the treasures on his body.

"Ling Bao, is it possible for you to wait for such a minute cultivation to be able to exert it? That Ling Bao you may not have even exerted 1% of its power, but Rao is so, and actually resisted the blood Buddha's blow. I If you can get that Lingbao, I am afraid that the ordinary Yuanshen Great Perfection Monk is not my opponent. "

Thinking in his heart, the greed light in the eyes of Blood Ru was getting stronger and stronger. He spent 50 years of cultivation to practice the bleeding Buddha forbidden law, but Na Mo asked such a little cultivation, but he blocked the blood Buddha's blow with Lingbao. This shows the power of Lingbao.

Mo Wen flew out from under the ground. His body was still flashing with thunder, but his complexion was extremely pale, his breath was disordered, and his blood was stained with red. Blocking the blood buddha's blow, he was seriously injured. If it wasn't for the powerful body of the sky, if he changed a person, he might be killed directly.

Is it possible that the monks in the late Yuanshen Realm were so powerful?

Mo Wen didn't know that the blood cues only displayed this magical power at the cost of fifty years of cultivation. Not to mention the late Yuanshen, I'm afraid that the monks in Yuanshen Realm's consummation may be killed if they are not careful. In the later period of Yuanshen, if you don't have any skill, you will die under this ban.

If it weren't for his threat to the Blood Fiend Palace too much, Blood Ru wouldn't be so desperate.

"Little beast, you are in danger."

Seeing Mo Wen's serious wounds, he laughed. Once Mo Wen was killed, not only did he cut off a serious problem, but also the treasure on his body ... It is said that this person was related to the man hundreds of years ago, but he was his heir.

So, is that thing also on him? Thinking of this, the whole blood ruin seemed to be burning, and his mood was agitated, and he felt the opportunity of his blood brilliance and radiance. After all, that thing in that man's body had a few storms in Penglai Wonderland, otherwise the man would not have so many enemies.

Mo Wen clenched the sky snake **** spear, his body was hit hard, but at the same time, a green light poured out from the body, constantly repairing his injury, that is the life force, from another body Energy is energy sublimated by absorbing a large amount of initial energy. Unlike Yin-Yang Qi, this energy has no attack power, but it contains a majestic vitality, which is the best thing for life-saving healing.

Regarding life energy, Mo Wen found a profound understanding in Ji Wuya's inheritance. This energy is the foundation of the creation of all life and the necessary thing for the origin of life. As long as the energy in his body is pure and strong enough, even if he has only one amputated limb, or even a cell, he can reshape the body and resurrect from death.

"Go to hell."

It was impossible for Blood Rud to ask Mo too much time, the spiritual power of his body poured out, and almost all the energy in his body was drained in an instant, in an attempt to kill it.


The huge palm of the blood Buddha suddenly accelerated to take pictures, and his arm shook and jerked into three. The three palm shadows overlapped and pressed hard.

"Three strengths!"

Mo asked, his face was white, the blood Buddha actually shot three palms in a row, which is very similar to the skill of the stack wave. With a palm stronger than a palm, he can't even follow one palm, let alone three palms in a row?

"Son of a bitch!"

Mo Wen scolded in his heart, turned his wrist, and a simple charm appeared in his hand, and there was a faint flash of lightning on it. It was the five Lei Run that Mo Wen got. This Wu Lei Fu Mo question has never been used, and the grade is not clear. Anyway, what has been handed down from the Middle Ages, now most of the power has been lost.

However, he estimated that the remaining power should also be equivalent to the power of the fourth-level spirit amulet, at least they are the power of a powerful person who has a perfection of Yuanshen Realm.

This magical charm has never been used as a hole card and has not been used. It seems that it cannot be retained now.

"War, I don't believe you can leave me here."

Mo asked the spear, pointing at the sky, and jumped up, taking the initiative to think about the giant palm of the blood Buddha. The sky snake **** spear in his hand ~ ~ turned into three, one thunder roared, the bright thunder was turned into a thunder snake, and the sky screamed, the wind dragon turned up, and a huge giant appeared suddenly between heaven and earth When the dragon turns into the wind, a thousand clouds converge, and the change is unpredictable, just like seeing the bottomless cotton wall.

One spear integrates all three Yao's methods into it, which is Mo Wen's greatest achievement in recent practice and his limit. Other magical mysteries, such as the ice field, where the giant flames are placed in such battles, have no use at all. The three-brilliance method is Mo Wen ’s most practical attack.

But the Yin and Yang Qiankun move is not good at attacking. The scene at the moment is never going to be let go. Can he prevent it once or twice, can it also prevent ten times and one hundred times? Only by destroying the deity of the blood Buddha with absolute power can he get away smoothly.

"Not self-restrained."

Blood Chu sneered, even if he can block a palm, can it block the second and third?

It seems so on the surface, but the heart of the blood is very shocked. The magical power of the kid is incredible, I am afraid that it is all the magic power of the Tao.

The law of Sanyao is like three old, bravely hit the blood palm, for a time, the whole world seems to shake. (To be continued.)

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