Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1315: foreigner

A palace!

Lin Fei saw a palace, a magnificent palace.

It is not necessary to be surprised to see a palace. Lin Fei was surprised that the palace was on a corpse, the body of a giant.

On the palace, a black iron lock was tied to the body and entangled.

“How is it possible that there will be such a palace in Wan Guhai?”

Lin Fei was really shocked.

The palace was stunned by a body, which was a big surprise. If it was swayed by a basal sin, it would be normal, nothing to be surprised.

Lin Fei tried to use the gods to see.

When the gods are close to the palace, the palace will have a mysterious power, blocking the knowledge, so that Lin Fei can not see the specific situation.

For this inexplicable existence, Lin Fei suppressed his curiosity and did not go to see the palace.

Leave this palace directly!

Not far after going out, the previously floating body was gone, replaced by the huge body of the palace.

A palace, a corpse, continued to appear in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could not help but frown.

"How can there be so many palaces in this place!"

Every palace was crushed on a corpse. Each corpse was almost a strong man. After death, it was used by the palace. I am afraid that they did not think of it.

Lin Fei looked back and looked back.

In that faraway place, there was a tyrannical sword, as if there was a fierce battle with what was going on.

"It’s the old thing of the sword fairy Bai Di, so catch up with it so soon!"

Can attract such a big move, Lin Fei did not want to know that it is Jian Xian Bai Di, must be close to a corpse, attracted an attack with a sword master.

Jian Xian Bai Di once again caught up, Lin Fei knows that he can't get away from each other in a short time.

Right now, I want to get rid of each other and only enter a palace.

Although these palaces are full of strange atmosphere.

This is the only way to get rid of Jian Xian Bai Di.

Lin Fei did not hesitate to fly directly to the nearest palace. Six Tianwei Baojian is in hand, as long as there is any change, immediately dispatched to kill.

There was no danger until the palace was approached.


Lin Fei is about to approach the palace. He is preparing to open the palace gate. He sees the door of the black palace slowly opening, such as a huge **** entrance appearing in front of Lin Fei.


Lin Fei rushed into the palace gate. Once the person entered, the palace gate was closed again.


After Lin Fei entered the palace, he was greeted by himself as a huge passage. It looked endless and there was no end.

Twenty times the limit speed of Tiandao flies forward.

Flying for a long time.

Lin Fei never saw the end.

After that, put on a black wind. The passage still has no end.

This Lin Fei brow wrinkled deeper.

During the period, Lin Fei tried to attack the channel, but the channel was as strong as the mountain. No matter how attacked, there was no change at all, and the idea of ​​Lin Fei’s breaking the channel was completely eliminated.

Can only fly honestly!

At least now there is no sword fairy Baidi who is chasing himself behind.

At the end of the passage, Lin Fei is not anxious to know.


"What happened? How did the breath of the Emperor disappear?"

At this time, Jian Xian Bai Di was wolf-stricken, and once again sensed the weather of the emperor, and found that the other party was not in this place, completely lost the breath, and could not find it anymore.

Before, Jian Xian Bai Di has been chasing the Emperor, and actually locked it with special means, as long as it is in the heavens. Jian Xian Bai Di can find each other.

It is for this reason that Jian Xian Bai Di is very calm, and Emperor Tian is a mouse in his eyes, and will fall into his hands sooner or later.

However, not long ago, Jian Xian Bai Di completely lost his grasp of the traces of the Emperor.

"Did he die?"

Jian Xian Bai Di thought.

In addition to this explanation, it is really difficult for Jian Xian Bai Di to imagine how Emperor Tian will disappear.

Wan Guhai is known as the place where the masters must be cautious, and Jian Xian Bai Di is also the first to come in. I saw the terrible attack with the sword master.

It is also a matter of reason that Emperor Tian is in trouble here.

Emperor Tian died so badly, Jian Xian Bai Di did not have any happiness.

"No matter what, Emperor Tian died to see the corpse. Live to see people." Jian Xian Bai Di is not easy to give up.


A few days later.

In the channel, Lin Fei encountered the first wave of danger.

Stone people appear in the channel!

These stone people are about eight feet high, and the color is composed of stones. When they appear, they are dozens of stone people, and they are attacked by Lin Fei.

It looks like a stone, not slow!


In Lin Fei’s eyes, the stone man is too slow.

Lin Fei's six-day Tianwei Baojian turned into a streamer, and they flew them out one by one. The stone man who flew out of the army once again succumbed, and there was not much crack left in his body.

"The things in Wan Guhai are not simple!"

The stone man's attack is simple.

Lin Fei continued to use the sword to fly them out. Tianwei's sword was put on them. The stone man would release the light and block some of the power, so he was not killed by a sword.

After a long time, Lin Fei found a way to kill them.

As soon as the stone man was killed, it fell into a pile of stones.

Inside the stone pile, Lin Fei found a black bead, similar to the beads of the ice blue monster found before, but one is black and the other is ice blue.

Lin Fei suspects that the two species are from the same place.

Every once in a while, there will be stone people. At the beginning, it is a step in the realm of the emperor. To the recent appearance, it is already a four-step emperor level.

Lin Fei has some difficulty in dealing with it.

The stone man became more and more powerful. Lin Fei realized that the passage was coming to an end, and the attacking stone man was getting faster and faster. The six-way Tianwei sword was constantly interspersed in the stone man.


There was a voice in front.

The remaining stone people gave up the attack and left back directly from the battlefield.

"Do you know that it is not my opponent to leave!" Lin Fei thought.

Three people were shot in front of them, and they were all stone people.

"For outsiders, if you want to go in, you must defeat us!"

The strength of the three stone people is even stronger than that of the previous stone people. Each one is a four-step peak of the Emperor, and the three people show up as the first one.

"Boss, I will go first!"

The stone man on the far left is the most excited. The first one is killed. His weapon is a stone stick. He is kneeling down to where Lin Fei is.


The stone sticks slammed down and a wind blew.

Since these days, Lin Fei has had an understanding of the stone people. One of the swords has been picked up. The sword tip is picked on the stone stick, and the stone stick is picked up to the side. The other five swords directly **** the stone man. Chest.


Lin Fei stabbed five times in a row, and the stone man went back five steps in a row, and this stopped.

"You are very powerful, outsiders!" The stone man laughed.

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