Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1316: You are too weak for outsiders.

"A strong stone man!"

Lin Fei slashed five times in a row, attacking them from different angles. It seems like a normal thorn. In fact, the lethality is terrible.

Lin Fei was really shocked when it was easily blocked by stone people.

The ‘outsiders’ in the stone population, Lin Fei vaguely has different speculations. Are these stone people from other worlds, not the people of the world?

In addition to this explanation, it seems difficult to explain clearly why they said that Lin Fei is an outsider.

"who are you."

Lin Fei holds a six-door Tianwei bursting sword to meet the stone man.

"The third child, you can't do it, it's better to change me to deal with this outsider!"

The other two stone people said with a smile.

"This interesting foreigner hasn't met for a long time, let me be cool and cool!"

The stone man rushed up again after laughing.

This time the attack was fierce than before, the stone sticks smashed down, brought a hurricane, and whistled.

"Foreigners, see how long you can hold!"

The stone man is constantly waving with a stone stick. Without any power of the avenue, the pure power of God, one after another, continues to blast.

Lin Fei continued to use the Tianweibao sword to resist the stone sticks.

Every time the Tianwei sword encounters a stone stick, it instantly feels pressed by a force. If you change it, you don't necessarily have to take it. You have already been shocked by the sword.


Lin Fei continued to withstand hundreds of attacks.

"These stone people have not cultivated the power of the avenue. The strength is so great. It is really ridiculous. The defense on the body is even more horrible. I have not been injured in my stab. I really don't know what it is. I want to know the reason. I am afraid I will overcome it." They are three stone people!" Lin Fei secretly said.

"Hundreds of waves!"

After a fight, Lin Fei knew the way the stone man attacked.

Pure power attack!

Squeeze people!

I want to beat them. The power must be greater than them.

Six Tianwei Baojian synthesized a sword, Lin Fei a sword brought a white mist, twenty times to the limit speed of the heavens, a sword smashed on the stone man.


Hundreds of forces blasted on the stone man, and then waved up.

The stone man blew a strip of cracks on the surface of the stone man, intertwined into a black spider web.

The stone man is constantly being blown back by the bomb.

The other two stone people did not attack.

"This foreigner is very strong. A attack contains hundreds of strengths. It should be the secret of the outsider's secretary. You can play the strongest means in the first place!" said a stone man.

"It should be a mysterious magical power, the third child has to suffer big losses." Another stone humanity, "We have not encountered such a powerful outsider for a long time, and finally can vent it!"

Two stone people are gearing up.

Lin Fei keeps alert. Just a ‘百叠浪’, the stone man should always be hurt!

"Ah, ah, outsiders, you make me angry!"

The youngest stone man, at this time, the dense pit, completely different from before, the gas violently thundering, yelling at Lin Fei wow.

“Stones are shocking!”

After the stone man yelled, it suddenly split. Turned into a piece of black stone, black stone blessed the power, like a meteor to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei’s sword smashed on a stone, and a powerful force broke out on the stone. The sword was shaken and the door of Lin Fei’s face came over, and a cold wind whistled.

"The stone man will also be secret!"

Lin Fei’s sword was shaken out and immediately realized that it was not good. This stone man is more difficult to deal with than imagined.

"A sword reincarnation!"

Hey. The black vortex is presented, and the stones will be shrouded in.

Hundreds of black whirlpools, surrounded by stones.

This sword did not stop the stone man.

The stone man reconstituted.

"The third child, you step back!" said the stone man over there.

"Why, I still have combat power, I can compete with this outsider!" Stone people dissatisfied.

"This alien sword is very powerful, you are not an opponent!" The stone man snorted. The stone man glanced dissatisfied and flew back.

The stone man flew up and did not rush to shoot.

"External people, your swordsmanship is very good!"

"Thank you for compliment!" Lin Fei said.

"If you use this sword method to deal with me. That is not possible, because our stone man defense is the most powerful, your swordsmanship is strong, but want to beat me, still far from!"

Lin Fei arched, "Please advise!"

The stone man took a step and directly broke through the limit speed of the heavens. He punched Lin Fei's face, and the most ordinary ordinary punch. The void actually broke through layers, and it reached the six-day sky.

Lin Fei’s sword in the hands of Lin Fei and the opponent’s fists ran into it, and a powerful force came in. The ancient powers and the power touched each other, and the bombs exploded, and the power continued to the void six.

Only this fight, Lin Fei realized that this stone man is more powerful than the stone man before.

"External people, I can't think of you still practicing ancient power!"

"you know?"

Lin Fei was shocked by this boxing.

It’s even more uncomfortable than a sword and a white emperor.

This is a powerful enemy that is uncompromising.

"You still have to deal with my attack!"

The stone man rushed up again, the left fist blasted, and then the right fist, which was completely the power of opening and closing, directly suppressing the Tianwei sword in Lin Fei's hand.

Tianwei Baojian did not affect the stone people.

Retreat back~~~

Lin Fei retire.

"A sword smashes blood!"

The golden sword wave swept across the stone man.

"The power is good, but I can't help me!"

The stone people flashed a touch of disapproval, this foreigner swordsmanship is good, want to overcome himself, still far from good.


At the end of the passage.

Three stone people are guarded.

Two of the stone people stood by and another stone man kept attacking.

This offensive is all a means of opening and closing, fierce and fierce, and the power of each punch is enough to blow the body of the four-step strong.

Lin Fei started with the help of Tianweibaojian and the stone man. He was very confident in his invincibility. It can be a long time. Whether it is ancient power or Xianli, the power of the road is very expensive.

Ten days after the war, Lin Fei used the power of femininity to trap the stone people and then use the fifth sword method, which made the stone man heavy.

"Admit it!"

In order to deal with this stone man, Lin Fei spent a lot of thoughts.

"Yes, the third child, the second child, have been defeated by you."

The last stone man came out and stared at Lin Feidao. "If you beat me, you can get your chance through this channel!"

"it is good!"

Lin Fei did not dare to despise this last stone man.

The last appearance is always the best.

Lin Fei directly attacked, and a line of swords, attacked along the surface of the stone man.

This stone man defense is stronger!

Lin Fei’s attack fell on the stone man and even a scar could not be left, let him breathe a cold air, how could the stone man’s defense be strong enough.

"Hundreds of waves!"

This is Lin Fei's strongest attack sword so far!

Stone people did not hide.

Directly meet this horrible sword!


The power of the hundred passes waved to the stone man.

Lin Fei’s heart sank, and the stone man’s body did not move, and even did not step back. This is what the first two stone people did not appear.

"It's a bit interesting, but it's still too weak!"

The stone body was shocked, and the strength of the hundred roads was directly shocked by this earthquake. The stone man shook his head slightly. "At that time, there was a powerful sword master. The other sword hurt me, it is much stronger than you." Your swordsmanship is good, but it is not a real swordsman, it is a power!"

The stone man burst out and punched Lin Fei’s chest and flew out.

"I still lack a power!"

Lin Fei was shaken out by a punch, the body's blood tumbling, almost unable to press down, Zhangkou is a blood spout, but still thinking about a problem at this time.

A force that stone people say.

"A sword hurts this stone man, what power is this sword!"

The stone man stepped up step by step. "You are in your world, you are already against the sky, you can compare the peaks and strong, but in my eyes, you are the weakest one."

"No, I am not the weakest!"

Lin Fei saw the killing of the stone man, how can he be willing to die in the other hand.


The stream of light hits the stone man.

When the stone man waved his hand, he could turn Lin Fei's attack and show his powerful side, such as a powerful and invincible giant.

"You guys are too weak!"

The stone man punched on the six-day Tianweibao sword and once again flew Lin Feizhen.

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