Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1317: That's it

"Hey, the boss is really powerful. The foreigner who is pressing can't breathe. It doesn't take long for him to kill this alien!" This is the first stone man to be defeated by Lin Fei.

"This is also used to say that the foreigner has been forced to end, can not persist for too long, if not cultivated to the invincible body, can be comparable to our stone people's defense, has long been suppressed by the boss!" The second defeated stone man Said.

These two stone people are very proud.

The task they are stationed here is to block any strongman from entering the end of the passage.

There have been few people who have been able to sneak in front of them.

Sometimes even the boss is not required to shoot, and one of them can kill the outsider.

This time it was an accident.

This young outsider is stronger than imagined.

Even under the attack of the boss, with the sword in his hand, he was able to survive and was not suppressed by the first time.

"It was the last time that person was amazing!"

"Yeah, that person is terrible. With a sword master, a sword will smash me."

The two could not help but recall the scene.

At that time, they were young and victorious. When they saw an outsider appearing, they rushed straight up. As a result, when they raised their hands, a sword smashed their bodies and showed a powerful sword.

The man and the outsider in front of him want to compare, do not know how many times stronger.



Lin Fei manipulated six Tianwei swords and resisted very hard.

This stone man is too strong.

A shot is a terrifying battle.

Any attack was ruthlessly broken in front of the stone man.

If it is not invincible in the flesh, Lin Fei has already smashed the flesh, don't mention it until now.

"Foreigners, admit defeat!"

The stone facelessly attacked Lin Fei.

"No, I won't admit defeat, I will beat you!"

Lin Fei will not admit defeat.

Not defeating this stone man, Lin Fei will not stop without going through this passage.

"Why are you here again?"

The stone man's attack is getting fiercer and the body is shaking. Using the magical means, it is directly three-headed and six-armed, and six arms are constantly being beaten down.

Lin Fei suddenly felt pressure.

The attack on both arms is already terrible. The three-headed and six-armed arms are more terrible than imagined. Every punch is blown down and it is very difficult to resist.

Lin Fei Festival retreated.

As said, the gap between himself and this stone man is not small.

"Don't you really beat this stone man?" Lin Fei asked himself.

This is the most powerful enemy that Lin Fei has ever encountered.

Even the sword fairy Baidi is here. If you meet a stone man, I am afraid that it will be the same idea as Lin Fei.

This is a powerful enemy!

"A sword reincarnation!"

Lin Fei's sword trembled on his hand, and he pulled out a black whirlpool, trapping the stone man in it. The sword changed and he took out the trick of ‘百叠浪’.

This time directly used 50% of ancient power.


The terrible power is crushed on the stone man.

"This will always hurt!"

Lin Fei gasped. A sword uses 50% of ancient powers. He never believes in things that have never been seen before. Stone people can still block their own swords.

"Your resistance is useless!"

A horrible sword was gently shaken by the stone man.

Stone people are well protected.

"Your attack is noisy, not complete, all kinds of power are there. You are destined to hurt me!" The stone man shook his head, his hands slammed forward, the two arms soared, you can see a piece of stone, toward him The blast came.


There are countless stones.

Constantly rushing to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had no time to smash the stone, and he had a stone attack. Every stone slams on the body, leaving a mark.

"The power of miscellaneous?"

Lin Fei has always been very confident in his own strength.

However, it was said by the stone man that he could not help but doubt. Is your own power really complicated?

Is it really the reason for the miscellaneous, can not play the true power?

Lin Fei’s mind flashed countless thoughts.

At this time, Lin Fei also encountered a great crisis.

This is a threat from the stone man.

Lin Fei's powerful body has already felt severe pain. It is filling the whole body, and there are also cracks on the surface of the body. These cracks are getting more and more, and it takes a long time to form a piece. At that time, the flesh will burst.


The stone man is another fierce attack.

Lin Fei’s body was blown up and punched into pieces, pieces of debris. Turned into a black cloud, once again formed a brand new Lin Fei.

"External people, even if you have an undead body, you will die here today!"

The stone man was not surprised and killed again.

After the invincible body was broken, Lin Fei was not hurt. He never thought that the first undead body was used in this place, and the body was broken by a stone man.


Lin Fei kept going backwards.

Stone people are not hurrying to chase and kill.

Lin Fei is in a very embarrassing situation.

"This stone man is not dead, my sword attack, it is useless to him, the ancient power of the body will be left around 30%, 50% of the ancient power can not cause damage to the stone people, don't mention the remaining 30%!"

Lin Fei has no treasures to deal with this stone man.

Top quality things are not so easy to get.

Lin Fei didn't touch those things at first.

"Right, ice blue beads!"

The beads are cold and terrible, and Lin Fei has never forgotten.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, try to say that there is always nothing wrong with it. Take it out of the melting pot of the heavens and earth, and sham a trick, throwing out ice blue beads.

The stone man couldn't prevent a punch from smashing on the ice blue beads and smashing the ice blue beads.


A chill filled the air, and instantly wrapped the stone man and frozen him into an ice stone man.

Cold chill, Lin Fei did not dare to approach.

The power of ice blue beads is something that is unimaginable.

Stone people are so powerful that they are frozen on the spot.

Hey, hey!

The stone body was shocked, and the ice on his body was shattered. He walked out of it and looked at Lin Fei. "I don't think you have the ice bead of the ice beast, but this is not the bead of the hail king beast, it has little effect on me! If you have the beads of the hail king beast, then you will win!"

The ice blue monster is originally called the ice beast.

Lin Fei knows what the ice blue monster is, and the ice blue monster and the king beast.

Without a hit, Lin Fei had to retire again. Originally wanted to give him a fatal blow with ice blue beads, it seems impossible now, let him be disappointed.

How can we deal with this stone man?

Lin Fei can't think of any way.

Wanli Mountain River!

Lin Fei sacrificed the Wanli Mountain River, and the rumbling Tianwei came, directly wrapped around the stone man, and would be trapped in the passage. I can't catch up for a while.

"It's useless!"

The stone man was temporarily trapped.

Lin Fei sighed with relief, and the Wanli Mountain River was made of special materials, and with Tianwei, there should be no problem in trapping the stone.

Stone people can't get out of time.

During this time, Lin Fei found a way to get rid of this stone man and leave the passage.

"Can I start with the power of the miscellaneous?"

Lin Fei sat on a black wind. Flying to a great distance, this stopped and thought about this important issue.

All along, Lin Fei has three kinds of strength.

One is Xianli.

One is ancient power!

Another kind of power.

Three kinds of strength in the body, Lin Fei has not felt much, but after the stone man said, realizing the power in the body seems to be a problem.

The three forces seem to be quite complicated. Not the power of the whole.

Lin Fei tried to calm himself down.

"It seems that Jian Xian Bai Di is a kind of power!"

Lin Fei, who calmed down, is aware of this problem.

From the masters of some hands, it is obvious that they are all cultivating a kind of power, such as the green snake Lang Jun of the day, this guy is pure power, and then the sword fairy Baidi is also a force, and then When the first demon king. It is also a kind of power.

Is it that my three forces merge into one?

Become a powerful force?

Lin Fei came up with such an idea.

For this level of cultivation, Lin Fei is really not very clear, since the stone people say so, they must know what. If you can get some details from his mouth, then it would be better.


There was a roar in the depths of the passage.

Lin Fei realized that the Wanli Mountain River had been blasted out, and his mind was moving. The Wanli Mountain River flew back and fell on his hands. The Stone Man regained his grip.

"I said, you are wasting your time!"

The stone man said in a hurry, in his eyes, this foreigner is very fragile, and will die in his hands sooner or later.

This time, Lin Fei stood on the black wind and did not leave.

"Don't run?"

The stone man thought that this foreigner would run.

"You are not saying, you will die in your hands sooner or later. If so, why should I run!" Lin Feidao.

Stone people think, this is indeed the case.

"Before I die, I want to know why you said that the power in my body is complicated, so that I can die." Lin Fei asked.

Stone people can't bear to kill each other so quickly.

"Look at what you are waiting for, I will tell you!" Stone people don't mind saying, "I can feel that there are several forces in your body. In the first few realms, it is very useful. The more power there is, the less powerful it is, because the power is staged!"

Lin Fei thoughtfully.

"How to explain this!"

"Any kind of strength cultivation is divided into several stages. For example, the power of the avenue is divided into ten stages. If the power of the avenue does not reach a stage, the power will be multiplied, and your power will be mixed. For the entry stage, this is why you can't break the defense of our stone man!"

Lin Feixin moved. "Is this the difference between the peak powerhouse and the general four-step powerhouse?"

"This is the case in your world!" the stone man admitted. "If you know it is too late, your body's strengths all merge into one, it is very difficult, you are destined to die here!"

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