Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1318: Promise ice

Stone people are not afraid of what tricks the other side is playing.

These things are not a secret at the level of the peak power.

At the beginning, the stone man was also known from the outside population, but now it is said again.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Lin Fei is understand.

There are too many forces to practice, and it seems that it is not a good thing.

No wonder the stone man dares to say this. After all, it is not an easy task to integrate the three spiritual forces. Lin Fei now barely knows the entry.

"So, the deeper the strength stage, the stronger the strength will be?" Lin Fei asked.

Stone people have little interest in the cultivation of foreigners. It is hard to see an outsider and not want to kill too soon.

"Yes, when the sword master was used and the strength was cultivated to the seventh stage, a random sword broke my defense and passed through our three brothers." Stone man said with emotion.

"Is that person a master?" Lin Fei asked.

After practicing to the seventh stage, Lin Fei can imagine the horror of this person.

Jian Xian Bai Di can not do a sword to break the stone man's defense.

It is not Lin Fei who looks down on Jian Xian Bai Di, but the potential of Jian Xian Bai Di is limited. This step has already entered. To reach a very deep level, there should be no such ability.

"Not a master, but it is already very powerful!" Stone said. "If you have passed me, I believe you will have the opportunity to know the answer. Now you have no chance!"

"Qingtian Yijian!"

The stone man snorted and the whole body turned into a black sword composed of a stone, and he smashed it from a different angle.

This sword is very strong!

Lin Fei did not dare to resist.

The hair is erected and I can already feel the terrible power of this sword.

“Wanli Mountain River!”

The Wanli Mountain River was on the top of the head, and the black wind moved, and the whole person flew backwards.

A stone man slammed on the Wanli Mountain River, and a large tract of illusion collapsed. The Wanli Mountain River was also shaken out, and there was some damage in Lin Fei’s hand.

"Your struggle is useless!" The stone man chased it up.

Standing on the black wind. Lin Fei has opened the Need for Redemption System.

The most important thing at the moment is to defeat this stone man!

The best exchange system is the last resort.

Tianyun Building provides a large number of star stones, Lin Fei exchanged a large number of best points, the fusion of the gods used a lot, still has a huge number.

"Ice Ice!"

Lin Fei opened the page of the ice system.

The stone man personally admitted that unless it is the bead of the hail king beast, it can cause harm to him.

There is no shortage of the best things on the best system.

Lin Fei believes that there will be people who deal with the stone.

Ice system.

The exchange here is related to the ice.

"A thousand years of ice, a thousand points!"

A good thing for refining medicinal herbs in the cold years. At this time, Lin Fei did not care, and continued to rummage.

"A million years of ice, 100,000 points!"

"Hundreds of years of ice, one million points!"

The ice on this page is really not small.

"Cold and chalcedony, two million points!"

There are too many things. Lin Fei’s eyes are dazzling, I don’t know how to start.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to have too many things.

Lin Fei looked at the following introduction, the stone people kept catching up, the distance between the two people is getting closer and closer, and there is no time for Lin Fei to choose.

"This is good!"

Choosing to choose, Lin Fei will focus on a kind of ice material.

"The Promise Ice, 500,000 points!"

This ice is a special ice. Produced from a place called Promise, the temperature is even more terrible than ordinary ice.

Lin Fei has never heard of the Promise, but it is conceivable that Promise should be a very cold place.

To promote the Promise Ice, you need a powerful body, or you will be affected.

Lin Fei bought it with pain.

Through the space, Lin Fei felt the terrible cold, even more terrible than the cold of the hail beads. If it is not the operation of ancient powers, the body has been frozen.

"Qingtian Yijian!"

The stone man once again launched a sword of terror.

The mighty stones gathered into a black stone sword, which broke out the limit speed of the heavens and came from a sword.


Lin Fei bites his teeth and can't take care of it.

It’s not a good luck.

The cold ice is caught in the hand, and the horrible chill is almost to freeze Lin Fei. On the spot, it is pinch. A chill was spread out around him.

Lin Fei released the fire of heaven and earth, turned into a huge stove, and people broke into it.

The stone man did not regard the other person as one thing, and the terrible chilly hoarfrost was attached to the stone. There was a horror in the eyes of the stone people, and it was impossible to imagine that there would be such a terrible treasure in an outsider.


The cold is like a flood passing through the stone man.

The stone man had no time to retreat, and his body was wrapped in hoarfrost. He could still move at the beginning, and then he could not move, stay still and stay in the passage.

"It's so cold, I am freezing me!"

In the stove, Lin Fei's body trembled, and the fire turned into a fire dragon, wrapped around Lin Fei, which felt much better.

"The 50 million points of the Promise Ice is terrible. If there is a melting pot of heaven and earth, I really have to be frozen into an ice cube!"

This kind of chill can not be compared with the beads in the body of the ice beast.

This is cold to the gods.

When Lin Fei touched a small moment, he flew into the melting pot of the heavens and earth, so he was still hit hard, and his body trembled.

"I don't know how the stone man is!"

Through the fire, Lin Fei looked at the movement outside and did not dare to go out.

In the passage, a stone man ice sculpture stands in the passage, and the whole passage emits a cold chill. The chill is constantly rushing to the heavens and the earth, and after a wave, it is blocked by the fire.

"This is the end of the game!"

Lin Fei sighed with a sigh of relief. It was really that this stone man was too strong, and he was invulnerable and defensive. Even his swordsmanship could not break the defense.

After observing for a long time, the stone man did not break free.

Lin Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief, urging the black wind to rush forward.

There is a world of fire and body protection, the residual chill has not caused too much impact on Lin Fei, all the way to the end of the passage easily, saw two other stone people.

At this time, they were also wrapped in hoarfrost.

Lin Fei secretly sucked in a cold air, the power of the Promise Ice is so terrible, this release of even the stone people have been affected.

After another flight, the front channel showed a bright light.

Lin Fei knows that it is the end.

After flying in the channel for so long, Lin Fei really wants to know what this is in front of him, and it is worthy of three stone people stationed in this channel. I will hang it in a little bit.

I was very curious about what was at the end, and now I have a chance.

Lin Fei plunged into the light.

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