Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1333: Get rid of

This sword is a sword!

The power of the sword left by the ruler is not blown.

In order to learn the first two styles, Lin Fei spent a lot of time and the best experience stone, successfully learned the two swords.

Are you not using a sword very powerful?

I will use the sword to kill you!

Lin Fei is as simple as that!

The Huanghuang sword was so blasted on the sword fairy Baidi, and it was quickly blocked by the green light. The sword fairy Baidi retireed away, and the moment it reached the end of the lock-empty range, it could not change its face.

"damn it!"

Jian Xian Bai Di remembered that he had locked up the air in this cloth, preventing the Emperor from taking the opportunity to leave. He did not expect that it would become a hindrance to himself.

"Old things, you are the first sword fairy, mention your name, no one knows no one, why bother to go, you have been waiting for me for decades, we have to be close to each other!"

The lazy voice rang behind the sword fairy.

The old man didn't want to be close to you!

The green light of Jian Xian Bai Di dissipated, and a defensive treasure was so consumed. Don't mention too much pain, and then get close to yourself, you don't have to leave this.


The lockout is very powerful, and the sword fairy Baidi can't break it. It can only collect the flag and leave.

Lin Fei will not let Jian Xian Bai Di leave.


The second sword is coming!

A sword is coming!

Lin Fei is going to experience his last experience.

When I saw Emperor Tian’s shot again, Jian Xian Bai Di once again felt the terrible sword attack, and once again took out a defensive treasure, which was also a one-time consumption.

There are two pieces in the body of Jian Xian Bai Di.

This is absolutely useless in times of danger, and now there is no way.

The treasure broke open and blocked a wave of attacks!

"You have a lot of defense treasures, I don't know how many times you can block!" Lin Fei smiled and shot again. The more Jianxian Baidi was hurt, the more happy he was.

The sword fairy white emperor's body is powerful, but it can't stop this sword attack.

In addition to consuming defense treasures.

But this kind of thing is not the cabbage on the street, you can buy it everywhere.

"Emperor. You don't want to force people too much." Jian Xian Bai Di once again used a defensive treasure, the body has no defense treasure, staring coldly.

"Ha ha ha, the pressure is too much, I am just the person who is the person of his own way, why did you not stop talking, I am just returned to you today!" Lin Fei said.

"You are pushing the old man and you jade and burning!" Jian Xian Bai Di angry.

Lin Fei does not eat the set of Jian Xian Bai Di. "Jade is burning, I like it. If you have the ability, you will blew it up. I really want to know if you can break my body after you blew it!"

In addition to the strange things in his hand, Jian Xian Bai Di could not deal with Emperor Tian.

In addition to blew!

This kind of attack of jade and stone burning, Jian Xian Bai Di will not be used without going to the road.

Lin Fei said that he would be half-dead. Jian Xian Bai Di almost did not slow down, everyone heard the self-explosion, the first idea is to stop, there is Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei has confidence in himself.

"You still blew yourself earlier, I will go back soon!" Lin Fei smiled at the sword fairy Baidi. "You might as well blew yourself. I will treat you as a coward, and I will not dare to come out!"

There are a hundred curses in the heart of Jian Xian Bai Di, the heart of the heart, "the paralyzed, have the ability to blew a little, say so easy, the old man has a good life, self-destruction can be gone!"

This shameless person. The first time I heard it, Jian Xian Bai Di, wouldn’t you give the old man a step?

The strength of the Emperor is rising too fast!

This is the strongest body, everyone must have a headache, Jian Xian Bai Di does not dare to blew himself, in case of self-destruction, can not kill the emperor, the loss is their own life.

Jian Xian Bai Di is very heavy on his own life.

"Emperor. The old man admits that it was wrong to chase you at the beginning, and it would be a big apology to pay ruling, and it will be fine!" Sword Xian Baidi regretted how to lay a large array of locks. I can hang myself this time.

"No? Your face is really thick. If it is not my luck, this is the case in life. Can you solve it in one sentence?" Lin Fei shook his head. "It was just the first type. Now try the second type."

Lin Fei did not intend to let go of Jian Xian Bai Di.

Today must kill the sword fairy Bai Di.

The second type, the sword goes like the wind.

This sword is even more strange than the previous sword. It is much more different than the swordsmanship of the sword fairy Baidi. It is hard to prevent, and I don't know how to resist it.


Jian Xian Bai Di only feels the wind blowing.

Tear off ~~

The protective body of the body that has never been broken, was directly torn open, leaving a wound on the chest, leaving a sword.

"No block!"

Jian Xian Bai Di is already in defense.

Tear off ~~

Tear off ~~

In the face of this sword, Jian Xian Bai Di could not stop the attack from all sides, until the attack position was shown on the body, there was no killing before.

In less than a moment, Jian Xian Bai Di was full of wounds.

Every wound has deep bones, and the sword has not been scattered for a long time. It can't be recovered for a while, and the whole body is like blood, as if it crawled out of the body.

The scary thing is that the attack has not stopped.

Jian Xian Bai Di is powerless.

This sword can not stop him, the body can not stop this attack, he has studied for so long time swordsmanship, do not know how many times stronger.

"The old man will not lose, he will not lose to a younger generation."

Jian Xian Bai Di screamed inside, desperately struggling, directly taking out a strange object, containing terrible attacks, is also one of his killers.

"World Storm!"

The wind whistling, blowing from the sword fairy Bai Di.

The face of Jianxian Baidi is pale in an instant, the strange things in his hand can't be used, and the body is constantly shaking. "World storm, your world projection has reached the level of world storm!"

"This is all your credit!"


The huge storm has rolled over!

Lin Fei will not let Jian Xian Bai Di have the opportunity to display strange things. The whole person stepped out and appeared in front of Jian Xian Bai Di. "You are not the first dead person. Someone will catch up later!"

"Don't ~~~ kill me~~~"

The sword fairy Baidi made a desperate voice. Lin Fei’s sword pierced the eyebrows of Jian Xian Bai Di.

The power of the world storm has hit the Sword Immortal White Emperor.

Even if he is the peak sword fairy is the same!

The world storm must cultivate seven or eight chaos before it can cultivate successful terrorist tactics. The average person can not cultivate, and it may not be halfway.

Lin Fei is an exception!

When Jian Xian Bai Di died, Lin Fei took the storage ring and released the hair ball and swallowed the Jian Xian Bai Di. During the sweeping of the storage ring, there is a strange thing inside, containing the strange things of attack, plus a hand, there are two strange things.

"This lockout is good, it belongs to me!"

Lin Fei was welcome.

After killing Jian Xian Bai Di, Lin Fei thought for a while. This guy must die, and Jian Xian Bai Di is dead. I believe that those who dare to shoot in the heavens and the world must also look at it.

For the two palaces, Lin Fei is also very unhappy.

The Fengyun list doesn't fall in love with you. You just want me to go and have to do the assessment. Who is willing, the fire in the two palaces is not small.

Now I have killed a lot of swordsman Bai Di.

"In the beginning, Green Snake Lang Jun also chased me, how can I also kill the Green Snake Lang Jun, maybe the demon kings still owe me a favor!" Lin Fei thought.

Right now, Lin Fei decided to go back to the big world to see the situation.



Dadutian World.

Lin Fei communicated with the world of Dadu, and returned to the highest level of the main stone tower.

This is one of the rights of the landlord.

The general landlord is not good at killing, and this is an important reason.

Go back to the big world. Lin Fei used the rights of the landlord to check the situation of Shengtian College, and did not want to see the situation in the imagination.

Lin Fei instantly saw the Santian College from the top and bottom.

The entire college was just like when it left, there was no blockade outside, and the big array did not open. It looked calm.

Lin Fei saw the stone tower again, and many college disciples were practicing, even on one of them. Lin Fei saw her daughter Lin Le, who was fighting with the monster.

In just over forty years, Lin Le’s strength has been upgraded to the early stage of Xian Wang.

There is time to accelerate here. For this realm, Lin Fei is not too strange.

In addition, Lin Fei saw several wives who are also practicing, very hard. Seeing this situation, Lin Fei’s heart raised a trace of embarrassment.

In these decades, a few wives are afraid that they are always worried about themselves!

Their strength has improved rapidly.

Every one has reached the level of Xianjun.

When he left, Lin Fei left a lot of resources. Enough for them to cultivate.

"There are experts who sit in the college!"

Lin Fei is the leader of the land. Any movement can be seen. He saw several strong people in the void, each of them is a strong peak, and there are five.

Seeing this situation, Lin Fei could not help but feel an accident.

These top peaks did not know, and they did not see any hostility in them, realizing that they were sent by someone and stationed here.

Can drive five top peaks, but not the average person can do it.

"Go back and tell your master, and say that Emperor God owes him a favor!"

Lin Fei’s voice sounded directly in their hearts.

The five top peaks changed their faces, realizing that they were talking, and they were amazed on their faces. When they stood up, they left the world.

"If you didn't guess wrong, it should be the person of Tianyunlou!"

The only thing that has cooperation is Tianyun Building. Lin Fei is not difficult to figure out. I believe that they will gain huge benefits from the experience stone, otherwise they will not arrange for the strong to be stationed outside the college.

This person, Lin Fei still has to pay back.

Arranging five top peaks, Lin Fei can also imagine how terrible the power of the Tianyun Building is now the tip of the iceberg. Only they can drive the top of the peak.

Seeing that the world is full of things, Lin Fei is relieved.

"Hey, the system reminds that the hegemony task delay is not completed!"

"Hey, beyond the player's appearance, the mission is extended for a year, and you must swallow the Kaiyuan world next door!"

At this time, the system heard a warning sound.

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