Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1334: One palm beats the dead peak

"How did I forget this!"

Lin Fei really forgot about this matter.

On the mainland of the sword, Lin Fei observes the swordsmanship left by the master every day. He doesn’t think of anything else in his heart.

In the past ten years, with the arrival of the sword on the mainland, it is not too late to complete.

After hearing the extension for a year, Lin Fei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Opening the world!"

Lin Fei’s mouth repeats the words of the open world, and the Kaiyuan world is a world next door. It is very urgent to annex the Kaiyuan world within one year.

"I was born to be a life!" Lin Fei sighed.


Somewhere deep in the void.

The hurricane whizzes through and does not stop!

I saw a person sitting in the void, the hurricane reached a certain range nearby, if a stone separates.

At this point, the man suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes flashed a touch of joy.

"Go, they finally left!"

The man stood up and disappeared into the void for a moment, appeared on the stars, and looked at the figure a few far away. Under the happy color, he showed a slight color. "Weird, how did they leave, by reason, it should not be This will leave!"

The Kaiyuan bounds are very strange!

Since the last ambush of the Emperor did not succeed, the Kaiyuan bounds returned to the Kaiyuan world, secretly paying attention to the whereabouts of the Emperor, until the other side entered the ancient sea, disappeared without a trace, life and death are unknown.

The Kaiyuan bounds did not have much hope for the arrival of Ditian into the Wan Guhai.

The youngest leader of the Iron League called the Lord and secretly ordered him. Take the opportunity to control the world of Dadu and become another sphere of influence.

There is no emperor sitting in town. The Kaiyuan community is fully confident that with its own influence, it secretly manipulates the world of the heavens and isolates the Holy Heaven College.

When the Kaiyuan leader prepares for action, the five top peaks appear and sit in the big world, the origin is very mysterious, and the strength is not weaker than him.

As a result, the Kaiyuan leader frowned. After some investigation, I came to an amazing conclusion.

They are from Tianyun Building.

This result is called the Kaiyuan Jiezhu for a while uncomfortable. I can't figure out why Tianyunlou will arrange for the peak power to sit in the big world. No matter how you think, there is no reason.

Because of the appearance of the Tianyun Building, the Kaiyuan community did not dare to move. In the past few decades, the movements have been small and there has been little development. The people in Tianyunlou secretly hate to die.

The Kaiyuan borderlors have therefore been told several times by the Lord.

Today, their people have finally left.

The Kaiyuan landlord first noticed that a stone had been moved away. The peak of the Tianyun Building was sitting in the town for one day. The Kaiyuan borderlors did not dare to chase, and they were very jealous of the Tianyun Building.

What's more. In these decades, the influence of Tianyun Building has expanded a lot. The reason is very simple. The other party has mastered a kind of experience Dan, and assisted in the cultivation of mystery. With half the effort, any secret technique that is difficult to cultivate can speed up the time.

This kind of remedy is out. All the worlds are almost crazy.

"Now they are gone, the Emperor can go to the big world, forcing them to surrender management!" The Kaiyuan community has been stunned for a long time, and does not intend to come back in secret, ready to kill the door directly.

When the emperor is at the time, the Kaiyuan lord may be jealous, but it is different now.



A black man and a Kaiyuan borderist stand side by side.

"Yuan San, wait until you attack the Holy Heaven Academy, giving people the illusion of revenge. It is best to make things bigger and better. When the Emperor will come to visit~~~~" Kaiyuan Jiedi said faintly .


The black man stepped out and entered the world of Dadutian.

The Kaiyuan border master with a faint smile, "Yuan San is the peak of the strong, as long as the Santian College is not peaceful, the vitality is greatly hurt, the Emperor is pretending to pass by, help them to drive away the black people, then it is time to become a chapter You can master the world of Dadu, and the Emperor really wants to thank Ditian, who has driven away the people of Tongtianmen and Fenggong, and has many restrictions, hahaha!"

This is the way the Kaiyuan community thinks.

Simplicity is simple, the effect is very good, and it is easy to easily master the world.

The main reason for Kaiyuan is such an excuse. It is convenient to have the following things under the pretext!


Yuan San broke into the world of Dadu.


The breath of the strong peaks is directly applied to cover the entire world of the world. Most people in the world have changed their colors. Many people with low strength vomit blood on the spot.

Four steps of the imperial peak of the imposing power, ordinary people who can stand it.

Yuan San sneered, there is no big world in the world where the landlord is sitting. No one is his opponent. Everyone is as weak as an ant, and anyone kills.

"Emperor, you destroyed my family that day, and today I will ruin your world of heaven!"

Yuan San was false and the voice resounded in the world of Dadu.


Everyone is shocked!

Yuan Sanhua made a stream of light to Shengtian College.


In the main stone tower, Lin Feiyi listened to music, and a strong peak came to seek revenge. Why didn’t he come to the enemy early in the morning, but he left when the five peaks came.

Lin Fei’s knowledge is integrated into the heavens, and the whole world is in the eyes.

"It's him!"

From this point of view, Lin Fei recognized the Kaiyuan bounds who stood in the void.

"Well, you are a landlord. I haven't done it to you yet. You are here first. It looks like this person is clearly arranged by you. I am afraid that it has been for a long time!" Lin Fei flashed a cold mango.

A strong peak who emerged from the top, a Kaiyuan leader hidden in the void, if these two people have no problem, Lin Fei will not believe it.

"The Kaiyuan bounds must want to secretly control the big world!"

Lin Fei immediately understood!

The Kaiyuan bounds are stronger than the top peaks. If they are not themselves, they will not know that the Kaiyuan bounds are hidden in the void. When they are candidates, basically no one will doubt.

Lin Fei is very angry.

Yuan Sanyi Road released the pressure, this kind of big killing thing, I like it very much. Moreover, the Kaiyuan landlord promised, as long as it is done well, then the world will be handed over to him for management, the real one Above the 10,000 people, Yuan San was excited and thought that he would immediately enter the Holy Heaven College.

"The people of Holy Heaven College, come out and die!"

Boom! ! !

The sound of the thunder is ringing.

When Yuan San saw the presence of Shengtian College in front of him, he waved a fist and slammed it, bringing a long river with a length of tens of thousands of meters. The sky was swept away and the sky was covered with darkness.


At this time, there was a cold voice in the whole world.

The tens of thousands of long streams of blasting broke away and disappeared without a trace.

A huge slap appeared on the sky, appearing on the top of Yuan Santou. Just like this, the face was changed. Yuan San’s face changed greatly, and the big palm was shot on him with terror.


On the third day of the Yuan Dynasty, the entire body cracked like a piece of debris and suddenly there was no breath.

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