Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1336: First battle

The main stone tower!

The Kaiyuan community can be said to know everything, and all that is said is said, and there is no concealment at all.

Whenever the eyes of the Kaiyuan world are blinking, Lin Fei’s sword is a slash, and you are not the leader.

The power of the second order was cut down, and the Kaiyuan bounds who had the undead body could not stop it.

Soon, Lin Fei knew everything.

Among them, the Kaiyuan borderlors also broke the reason why the last Heavenly Lord was dead.

The person behind is the one who is less!

"So, the Lord is eating me?" Lin Fei said.

If it was before, the Kaiyuan community would definitely say that this is an inevitable thing.

But now, the Kaiyuan community does not dare to think so, and one of his own landlords, in the hands of the Emperor, is not cheap, and the Lord is not the same, and is completely abused.

The world projections have been cultivated to the level of the world's storms, and the Kaiyuan bounds can't do it themselves.

This requires a few supernatural powers that can only be built in a chaotic year.

"How could it be that the Lord is coming, and it is also a busy day!" Kaiyuan Jie said.

Lin Fei had a bad impression on the little master.

On the basis of the last sneak attack on himself, Lin Fei hated not to cut a few swords to defy.

"Look at the Lord, the Iron League, hehe!" Lin Fei sneered in his heart, "How to deal with the Kaiyuan borderlord now, it has become a problem!"

The safest way is to kill the Kaiyuan bounds.

But once you kill, you want to integrate the Kaiyuan world, the problem is not small. Iron League will not allow this to happen, if so. The whole world is in chaos.

put it back?

Lin Fei is not very willing.

This guy is obviously not honest, and now he is honest. That is because I am jealous of myself and leave myself. Who knows what will happen.

Thinking about it, Lin Fei didn't think of a safe way.

Finally, Lin Fei decided to let the Kaiyuan border master stay in the world of Dadu.

As long as you are not afraid of turning out the wind and waves on the site!

"Opening a dollar, you are not easy to come once, just stay here for a while, and cultivate your sentiment!" Lin Fei said with a smile, "In order to worry about others disturbing you. I hope that you will hand over everything on your body, let me replace it." You keep it!"

The first thought of the Kaiyuan borderlor is unwilling.

Is this emperor wanting to put me under house?

The Kaiyuan bounds just prepared to open their mouths and saw that the emperor had moved the sword in his hands. The swordsman flashed past, the heart sank, and the back was sweating.

If this is a refusal, Emperor Tian’s **** will definitely cut himself with a sword.

The Kaiyuan community is very taboo!

A sword makes the undead body feel pain, no one can stand it.

Shameless, too shameless!

The Kaiyuan bounds kept cursing. Can not afford any courage and the emperor to fight, the most overbearing knife is useless, relying on himself is not completely abused.

"I like to be quiet, and I am most afraid of being disturbed." The Kaiyuan leader revealed an ugly smile. I had to hand over the storage ring.

"The celestial armor on your body has also been taken off, and you have to change an ordinary sage!" Lin Fei said bluntly, regardless of whether the Kaiyuan lord promised. The other side of the singer is stripped, leaving nothing to open the landlord.

"These days. You live here!"

Lin Fei took a whiteboard with the Kaiyuan bounds and came to the courtyard of a mountain.

"I like this place very much!"

The Kaiyuan bounds are very wrong. Reluctantly lived in.

After Lin Fei was busy around for a while, he left the mountain.

"It's finally gone!"

The Kaiyuan community took a sigh of relief and his face suddenly succumbed. "Shameless guy, you will listen to your words with this emperor, you can dream!"

The Kaiyuan Lord has been trying to escape!

When Lin Fei left, the Kaiyuan bounds flew out to the air, and a force was blocked in front of him. The Kaiyuan bounds screamed coldly, punched out, and there was no treasure, but the strength was still there.

There is no feeling of this punch!

The power in front of us is still in front of us, and the Kaiyuan bounds still can't get out.

"Hell, the Emperor won't believe it!"

The Kaiyuan bounds punched this force, and the attack of hundreds of punches still existed, and he was trapped in this yard.

After half a hour of continuous tossing, the helper of the Kaiyuan border was sitting on the stone table.

"Emperor, you are a jerk!"


"Oh, oh, anyway, you can't go out!"

At the highest level of the stone tower, Lin Fei took back the knowledge of the gods. At the beginning, even if the Kaiyuan realm would think of fleeing, he laid a chaotic array outside the yard.

Losing the support of the real spirit, the Kaiyuan community will think that it can break the big battle.

After the big array was arranged, it blocked all breath, and the Kaiyuan bounds could not send any news, and they could only live in the yard.

People are under control!

Lin Fei wants to let the big world devour the Kaiyuan world and expand the world map in the shortest time.

It is not a time to rest now!

Lin Fei knows how to tell a few wives and tells them that they are returning safely. They don't have to worry about themselves or let them out, but let them continue to practice in them.


Lin Fei stepped out and appeared outside the world of Dadutian. He saw the bridge of the world and turned to enter the Kaiyuan world.


Kaiyuan World, Lin Fei is not the first time.

This time, Lin Fei has a **** knowledge and sweeps through the entire Kaiyuan world. After all, Kaiyuan World is not a big world. With Lin Fei’s current four-step emperor’s realm, God’s knowledge is tyrannical, and one thought can be.

"The Kaiyuan world is indeed stronger than the Dadutian world. There are twenty people in the Guangxu Peak Emperor, and the ordinary four-step Xiandi strong has more than one hundred. The overall strength is several times stronger!"

When Lin Fei swept away a god, he knew how strong the Kaiyuan world was. He had to admit that there are more powerful people in the world where there are bounds.

In addition, the Kaiyuan border masters still have a lot of advantages, and they can naturally get a lot of masters.

This is incomparable to the big world.

But now, all this is nothing in Lin Fei’s eyes. As long as you can do it, you can kill all of this force, but now Lin Fei is not planning to do so.

Killing them is simple and has little effect.

Lin Fei landed on a mountain.

"The first battle will be annihilated, come see me!"

The invisible sound passed out.


Kaiyuan Palace!

This is one of the largest cities in the world.

At this time, in a palace, a fierce bald head, wiping the black long stick in the hand, the whole palace is filled with strong murderous.

"It is the master!"

Suddenly, the bald man looked up and picked up the black long stick and went away.

Other people in the palace did not know what was going on. How did their commanders go out? It seems that they are very anxious.

The bald man is very fast and appears on the mountain in a blink of an eye.

Kneeling on the ground.

"Quiet, I have seen the master!"

The eyes of annihilation are full of fanaticism. (To be continued.)

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