Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1337: Kaiyuan chaos

When the system first released the world hegemony mission, Lin Fei will release the 12th war.

The 12th war will want to enhance its strength, and it needs to be swallowed up. The stronger the better, the more the world can't satisfy them, and the other worlds are completely different.

The first battle will be annihilated, and Lin Fei will be arranged in the Kaiyuan world.

Every warrior, Lin Fei is arranged in a different world, and each other can quickly improve his strength without any restrictions.

"Get up!"

In just a few decades, less than 50 years, the violent strength has greatly improved.

At the beginning, the annihilation was the first battle, the strongest one, plus the tyranny of the body, the strength is not terrible.

This time I saw the annihilation, and the strength was already at the peak of the three steps.

This speed is not generally fast.

The violent station stood up.

"Master, is it ready to start with the Kaiyuan world!" The violent war reveals war.

Lin Fei knows that annihilation is the kind of fighter, very fanatical, the twelve wars, born to be a fighting race, only the constant fighting, their strength can be improved the fastest.

Kill and kill!

This is what the annihilation needs to do.

"Oh, it seems that you are broken!" Lin Fei smiled.

"It has long been ruined. The guys in Kaiyuan World, I have long wanted to explode them and swallow them up!" said the violent murderous god.

"Talk about your situation!"

The annihilation has long been said, but I dare not speak.

"Master, since the beginning of the year, I have become a rogue. I joined an armpit ~~~" The violent talk said, very detailed.

Lin Fei can actually use the gods to see. But not doing that.

The twelfth battle will be like a son, no different from people. Lin Fei disdain to do it.

It was originally violent to the Kaiyuan world. I didn't want to join the big gates. Instead, I became a rogue. Any world has a rogue existence. They fight home and rob, and they do nothing, and this just meets the requirements of annihilation.

After joining the armpits, the violent rushed to kill and rushed to the front. Quickly stabilized the pace, the strength is also exceptionally fast, two years to break through the bottleneck, promoted to a new realm. After the strength increased, the violent directly destroyed the leader of the armpit, became the leader, and began to fight around.

Others can't do this, and the annihilation is completely ok, ten years. It has become a big force.

The large gates of Kaiyuan World did not allow this kind of existence, and began to encircle the battle. The annihilation was the surpassing of the Vietnam War and created a great reputation. It lasted for ten years.

Later, the people of Kaiyuan Palace came forward and recruited the annihilation to become the people of Kaiyuan Palace. In other words, it is to eat with the landlord, and those big gates can't help.

The annihilation became the person of the Kaiyuan Palace. I often went out to fight and accumulated qualifications. In the end, he became one of the six commanders of the Kaiyuan Palace and led a party.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei laughed after listening, and it was most appropriate to arrange for the violent coming in.

After being praised by the master, the violent excitement was very exciting. "This is what I should do. If I am not afraid of the big tree, I have already killed the other leaders!"

The status of annihilation is not low, Lin Fei is really surprised.

"You should be promoted to the four-step demon!"

"I still have a distance, I need to swallow four steps, I can pass this threshold!" The murder replied.

The annihilation of the body is extraordinary, and it becomes a warrior. The final step is not difficult. In particular, under the leadership, many things cannot be done brazenly, affecting the strength.

"However, I can now reach a four-step realm!"

The stronger the violent strength, the more satisfied Lin Fei is.

"This is the best experience Dan, specializing in the cultivation of mysterious magical powers. These days you will cultivate a powerful mystery to Dacheng, and then break through to the four-step demon emperor, then you can take the shots!" Lin Fei took out the best experience Dan handed it to annihilation.

"Master, you are so powerful, I heard that the experience of the Tianyun Building auction has passed through the heavens and the realm of the world. The leaders of the Kaiyuan world talked about the experience of Dan every time!" The violent eyes are even more fanatical," I can't think of it, I can actually use the best experience Dan to cultivate mystery!"

The owner can get this kind of thing.

"The ordinary experience Dan is not very effective, these days you will practice the secrets!" Lin Fei smiled.

"As long as I have successfully cultivated a few secrets, I can kill them with the Emperor Xianfeng!" The violent pat on the chest guarantee.

Lin Fei laid a pattern on the mountain peak, leaving enough talent experience Dan, let the annihilation of the secret technique to Dacheng, and took out the Tianqi Shenguan, speeding up the flow of time.


The riot did not disappoint Lin Fei.

A month later, the violent out of the Apocalypse God, the strength is ten times stronger than before, with the chaos of the gods, the chaos gods, the peak of the Emperor can not stop the violent attack.

"Master, I have already cultivated a few powerful mysteries!"

The violent road is excited when it comes out.

If you don't have the best experience, you need to practice at the Dacheng realm. It takes at least a few thousand years, even hundreds of millions of years, and it is now completely shortened.

"You can now have a few peaks in the top?"

"I show my secrets and unfold my body, and I can fight against the six peaks of the emperor at the same time!" said the violent.

Against the six peaks of Emperor Xian, Lin Fei is not unexpected.

The annihilation can be done.

"As long as I fight while I devour four strong players, my strength will become stronger and stronger. At that time, ten peaks of the Emperor will be shot, but I can't help me!"

Lin Fei is getting more and more surprised.

The twelfth battle will be a well-deserved reputation. It is no wonder that the insect mother pays so much attention. In the lower bounds, it did not make it to be cultivated. It is estimated that it would fly up and train the 12th battle. Finally, this method is cheaper for Lin Fei.

There are a total of 20 peak emperors in Kaiyuan World, and a hundred-step four-step powerhouse. When the annihilation is over, you can deal with the six peak emperors. As for the other four-step emperors, you can kill them in the eyes of annihilation.

"If you go back now, you can take your people. Go out and kill the four-step powerhouse. I want you to control the Kaiyuan world." Lin Fei’s current work is to lift the power of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Master. You can rest assured that in addition to those peaks and emperors. Kaiyuan world can no longer threaten me!" The violent war is overwhelming.


The violent turn turned into a streamer.

"When the annihilation masters the Kaiyuan world, you can collect the stars and collect all the things that can be exchanged!" Lin Fei said, Lin Fei did not decide to leave.

Twenty peaks are not a small force.

Lin Fei needs to look at it and avoid it!


The annihilation returned to his palace.

"Call all the battles will come!"

There is a large army of 500,000 immortals in the ruins of the Kaiyuan Palace. There are ten warriors in the army, and each battle will hold 50,000.

"Follow the order!"

The violent turn turned to sit on the throne, with no expression.

quickly. Ten warriors are rushing to come, do not know what happened, it is worth to call them so urgently to summon them.

Among the ten warriors, two of them were leisurely and leisurely, and the faint appointments were incompatible with the people around them.

"Command, don't know what you are doing to summon us?" Shi Jun war said, this person is one of the two, with a leader behind him. Usually face violent disrespect, not afraid of violent daring to do to them, in their eyesight, annihilation is the leader of the gangster. Why sit in this position.

The other eight battles will be cold-eyed, and the eyes will flash a smudge from time to time.

The violent laughter, "Ha ha ha. Shi Jun, Su Wu. You two little devils, holding the leader to support the waist. Actually dare not put this command in the eyes, today you will take the knife!"

"you dare!"

The two were furious, and they later led the way, and the violent horror came.

The violent squad slammed into a bullet, and two black streamers popped up. The tyrants were extremely strong. They were bombarded on two people. The two were also three-step celestial emperors. The flesh was blown apart, and the gods escaped, annihilating a mouth, and they would be embarrassed. The two gods swallowed up.

Eight warriors will breathe a sigh of relief.

The commander was stronger than they thought, killing two warriors between the fingers and eating the gods.


Eight warriors will kneel down.

"Leading the mighty!"

"Leading the mighty!"

After a wave of violent, I sat down again. "Today, this commander has to do a big thing. Now you will go down and solve all the people who have been placed in the five commanders. In addition, the 100,000 troops of Shi Jun and Su Wu will also be smoothly controlled. Live ~~"

What was left was the confession of the confession, and they were passed on to the devotees of their cultivation and cultivation.

"Go, please ask the five leaders to come over and say that this command has received a batch of experience Dan, ready to share with them!"

The annihilation was another order, and the person was arranged to inform the five commanders.

Don't look at the annihilation and killing, but it is not a reckless person. As long as you master the army of three million immortals, you can have the capital. Now the violent thing is to kill five leaders.


Lin Fei has not left in the void.

"The violent is not a brave, or know how to do it!"

At the beginning, Lin Fei felt that the annihilation would directly kill the past, and now it is done in an orderly manner, only to know that annihilation is also a qualified leader.

As the catastrophe expected, the five commanders heard the incident and were tempted on the spot. They suspected that the violent place was black and black, and provoked a strong opponent, and wanted them to help.

If it is something else, they can't look at their eyes, but experience Dan can help to cultivate the mysterious secrets, now the most prosperous thing.

The five commanders did not suspect that there were fake joint meetings.

In their view, five people went together, and the annihilation did not dare to do anything. He could not fight five of them.

In fact, they are wrong.

When they entered the palace, the violent squad opened the big squad and directly started. One person confronted the five commanders, and they couldn’t lift their heads. The powerful sorcerer was displayed, and the five were killed and swallowed up.

The man who smashed the outside of the hand slammed the manipulator.

Three million immortals, easily fall into the hands of the annihilation. (To be continued.)

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