Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1338: I don’t see the Lord for a long time.

After the riots killed the five commanders, they completely controlled the army of three million immortals.

It can be said that this is the strongest army under the hands of the Kaiyuan community, and it is enough to have the Kaiyuan world to sit in the town, enough to master the Kaiyuan world.

It turned out that as early as a long time ago, the annihilation of the army under the six commanders, trained a lot of disciples, especially the swallowing exercises, is a unique cultivation of spiritual power.

No matter who is cultivating this magical power, the heart will plant seeds of loyalty.

They practiced the devour of annihilation, which is equivalent to giving themselves to the annihilation, but they themselves did not feel.

The riots easily controlled the three million army.

Kaiyuan Palace has a total of eight peak powers, immediately shot to eliminate the violent, swallowed up the five commanders, the violent strength increased a lot, eight top peaks shot, actually can not kill each other, at most, the violent, In the siege, the annihilation also killed one of the top peaks, swallowing each other's flesh and blood and the gods.

During the period, Lin Fei shot once and killed two top peaks.

There is no pressure in the violent annihilation. In one fell swoop, the remaining five peak powers will be swallowed up by smothering, which will lead to thunder, and through the terrible thunder, and become a four-step empire.

After the realm was promoted, the annihilation of the immortal army took control of the Kaiyuan Palace.

All opposition forces have lost their lives in front of the immortal army.


Lin Fei left after the annihilation became a four-step demon.

There are still twelve peak emperors in the Kaiyuan world. There are hundreds of four-step emperors. It is not a threat in the eyes of annihilation. You can swipe them.

Moreover, one hundred four emperors. The annihilation can completely enhance the strength again.

Lin Fei left with confidence and believed that the annihilation would handle the Kaiyuan world. It doesn't take long to completely control the Kaiyuan world.

Lin Fei ordered the annihilation to collect some materials such as the star stone, and prepared to exchange for the best points.

After leaving the Kaiyuan world, Lin Fei did not return to the big world, but prepared to go to the world of the demon, to kill the green snake Lang Jun, in addition, it is to attract attention.

As long as Lin Fei is in the world of Dadu, the situation of Kaiyuan World will be known, and the Kaiyuan community will not appear. It’s hard to keep up with any ideas.

This is not what Lin Fei wants to see.

Lin Fei is ready to pull hatred, as long as he appears in the world of the demon, everyone's eyes will be concentrated in the world of the demon, thus ignoring the world of Kaiyuan.


“Looking at the news from the Lord?”

On the way to the world of the demon, Lin Fei stood on the black wind, and noticed that a piece of jade in the storage ring had a movement, and took it out to see it. It was the communication jade that was received from the Kaiyuan community.

"The Kaiyuan lord said that it is not a fake, and that the lord and the lord really remember the big world!"

Lin Fei used his knowledge to trigger the jade. There was a sky in front of him, and the handsome appearance of the Lord appeared on the sky.

"Kaiyuan, this has been so long, how do you control the world?" How many times have you spoken to this young master? This young master is very disappointed with you~~~"

The sorrow of the Lord on the sky is a violent anger, apparently dissatisfied with the speed of the Kaiyuan lord.

After the roaring, the Lord continued. "You are coming to the ghost town right away. There was an accident. The jade brand of Jian Xian Bai Di was broken, and he was suspected of being killed by the strong. There are rumors that Tian Tian is alive from the ancient sea ~~~"

The sky is gone, and the Lord has disappeared.

"Iron League's intelligence system is very powerful, so I will explore it soon!" Lin Fei said, "Ghost town, it seems to be an unmanned star, and the Lord is sure to ponder the way to deal with me, simply do not stop. Will reduce the backbone!"

For the secret sneak attack on his own singer, Lin Fei naturally has grievances, and now he is thinking, naturally can not let go.

The Lord is the most favored in the Iron League, and he is also a card in his hand, which can play a role at a crucial moment.

If the Lord is at the headquarters of the Iron League, Lin Fei may have no choice. But at this time, in the no-stars of the ghost town, what is it like?

Lin Fei changed his direction and urged the black wind to go to the ghost town.


Ghost town!

A big city on an unmanned star.

There have been large-scale battles on this star, destroying all the things of the stars, and the stars are full of dead air everywhere, without any anger.

The immortal who is inferior in strength will immediately be surrounded by death, and will be eroded and turned into a white bone.

The young master is standing on a large platform. On the left and right sides of the platform, there are eight black armies standing, all of which are four-step emperors.

It can be seen that the status of the Lord is not low.

"The Kaiyuan thing that doesn't work, it won't come for so long!" The eyes of the lord's eyes flashed with anger, "I actually want the Lord to wait for him, so I have this!"

The Lord is not angry with the Lord.

For nearly 50 years, I can't master a big world, it's just waste.

琅琊 主 主 主 天 天 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There was a connection, and a large piece of things was smashed that night.

I was going to take it down slowly, and I thought that the Lord was coming back.

The Jian Xian Bai Di, who had been in the overseas face of Wangu, had no trace.

After that, the name card of Jian Xian Bai Di has been broken.

This news will only be known to the upper-level people. After the master knows it, it will change color immediately. When Emperor Tiandi entered the Wan Guhai, the Lord was happy for a while and entered the place, thinking about living out.

It was only forty years, and Emperor Tian came out, and the strength increased greatly. The Jianxian Baidi was killed, and the Lord felt a certain pressure.

This is the message to the Kaiyuan community to let him go to the ghost town.

The usual open-minded landlord, this time set up a shelf, delaying the trace, the Lord has already planned to knock and open the Yuanjiezhu.

If it is not for the support of the latter, the Kaiyuan world is probably as backward as the world of Dadu, and it belongs to the bottom of the world.

"It seems like someone is coming in!"

There was a wave of turbulence in the ghost city, and the Lord was aware of it.

It should be the Kaiyuan community.

The young master thinks this way, and he doesn't use the gods to look at it. After all, this place is usually nobody, and now it is the Kaiyuan realm.

There was a huge wave in front of the dead air.

A young man in black came in, and the floating air was shattered by large blocks, and he couldn’t get close to each other.

"Looking at the Lord, I haven't seen it for a long time!" (To be continued.)

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