Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1339: Qingfu, I am coming again.

"Opening the landlord ~~~ Hello big~~~~"

The younger subconscious thinks that the Kaiyuan realm is coming, ready to beat and beat the Kaiyuan border master, but when he sees the black man in front of him, his eyes are coming out quickly, and the words behind him are blocked.

"Emperor, you ~~~ how come you!"

The Lord has never returned to God, guessing that the Lord has never hoped that Emperor Tian can come out of the ocean, so as not to affect his plan.

When the emperor stood in front of him, the Lord did not return to God.

I can't imagine how Emperor Tian came here!

How did he know that he was here in the ghost town.

"This place is beautiful, can you come to the emperor why can't you come?" Lin Fei looked at the faint lord.

The young master was really scared by the appearance of Emperor Tian, ​​and soon recovered. This is a beautiful place. It is clearly a dangerous place. The place where the immortal does not come, he said it, "Emperor, you will open the world." How is the Lord!"

The outsiders did not know that the Emperor had come here, and the Lord of the Lord immediately realized that the Kaiyuan lord had an accident. Emperor Tian must know his whereabouts from the opening of the Yuan Dynasty.

"The Kaiyuan borderlor said that it was too tired recently, so I went to Shengtian College to cultivate for a while, so I entrusted the Emperor to come over, is it really unexpected!"

From the very beginning, the Lord did not think of the Emperor as a matter of course. It was nothing more than luck, winning the position of the leader, and having today's achievements.

"Emperor, you are so courageous, actually dare to imprison the Kaiyuan bounds!" Yan Shao main face is cold, he does not think that the Kaiyuan real estate will take the initiative to cultivate for a period of time. You should be a three-year-old child, "This is the lesser to persuade you. Immediately put the Kaiyuan lord, or you are doing the right thing with the entire Iron League."

The Lord did not go to think about how the Kaiyuan lord was imprisoned. Now the Lord is aware of a great opportunity to come and pick up a good opportunity for Emperor.

To dare to imprison a landlord is tantamount to destroying the rules. Even if the Lord does not take the shot, as long as the news is sent back, the Emperor will not have a good fruit to eat.

Lin Fei also thought that the Lord had a lot of power. It turned out to be a fox and a tiger. It was very disappointing.

"You can't control this." Lin Feidao, "Now the Emperor wants to ask the Lord to be a guest. Let's have a feast to treat you!"

When the Lord was talking early, he informed the eight four-step Emperor of the gods and shot and suppressed the Emperor.

"Emperor, you are very courageous, but also want to ask the Lord to be a guest, it depends on whether you have this ability!" The young master gave them a look, "on, will suppress the heavens, bring Return to the blood league!"


Eight black people are turned into eight streams. The bright light came out.

The magical magical weapon hits the Emperor!

They are all four-step celestial emperors cultivated in peace. They are very powerful and not far from the peak fairy. No accidents. In the future, it will be the peak emperor.

"World Storm!"

Lin Fei directly launched the world storm, and a huge hurricane swept away and hit them. It's faster than their gods.

Booming ~~

Eight black armor bodies were shocked.

Lin Fei’s hand appeared on the sword, and a sword smashed through them. It was suddenly split and fell from the sky. Surrounded by death, turned into a white bone.

"Look at the Lord, now you are taking the initiative to go with the Emperor, or the Emperor personally shot!"

The Lord has not yet prepared to shoot, and the people he brought are completely annihilated, especially the world storm of the monks, and the main face of the earthquake is whitish.


The main strength is less than the peak Emperor.

Killing the eight men around him can't do this kind of calmness, but the other side has done it.

"Emperor, you kill the Lord of the Lord, the Iron League will not let you go!" The retreating 琅琊 主 主 不 不 不 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮 惮

The world storm that his father did not cultivate, how can he cultivate successfully, this time is too short.

"Are you going?"

The hurricane swept again, the scope was getting bigger and bigger, and the Lord was shrouded in it. His face was pale, and the genius of his body could not stop the hurricane attack.

"Go down!"

The two arms skyrocketed and caught the Lord.

The young master who suffered serious injuries took out a Tianweibao knife and slammed it into Lin Fei’s arm. The Tianweibao knife of the Shaozhu’s master was shocked out, but he could not leave a scar.

Lin Fei’s one arm was punched on the Tianweibao knife, and another arm was slammed on the face of the lord, and he flew for tens of millions of miles, kneeling on a ghost town, and a huge ghost town was razed. Flat land.

"Impossible, for forty years, how can the strength of Emperor Heaven reach this level!"

In the crater of the ghost town, the Lord vomited blood, his eyes filled with shock, and when he got up, he was ready to escape, and his arm was photographed again.


The whole earth trembled.

"The last time you attacked Emperor, it was cool!"

Lin Fei appeared in the sky above the tiankeng, two arms patted the tiankeng, a huge crack, and stretched out in all directions, shocking.

The squats in the tiankeng trembled all over the body, and the undead body was smashed by as much as 50%, and the remaining 50% could not last too long.

Lin Fei’s arm was once again caught, caught in the squatting master, caught in the melting pot of the heavens and the earth, imprisoned him inside, and was not afraid of any troubles, and squandered the Lord’s things. Lin Fei smashed down and put a whiteboard. The Lord is shut in the Lord.

"Let's let the Lord go out!"

In the melting pot of the heavens and the earth, the gods are turned into cages, and the Lord screams.


In the cage, the sacred fire turned into a giant of the fire, holding a long whip and pumping it over. The smuggling of the Lord was a burst of pain from the depths of the soul. After a hundred times, it was dying.


Grabbing the Lord, Lin Fei was imprisoned in the melting pot of the heavens and the earth.

This place, outside of the world, no one knows, no one can go in, let alone come out from inside, even send a message,

"Insufficient forgiveness to open the borderlord, I can seize the Lord!"

In such a place in the ghost town, Lin Fei had nothing to worry about. One turned away from the ghost town and went to the world of the demon again.

In the melting pot of the heavens and the earth, as long as the Lord does not open the mouth, the giants of the fire that Lin Fei left will raise the whip, and the fire will not only deal with the flesh, but also affect the Yuanshen. It can be described as double pain.

When Lin Fei came to the world of the demon, the young master was completely honest, and he did not dare to speak, lest he would be a whip and suffer.

Once again, I came to the world of the demon, Lin Fei was not.

When I left last time, although the strength is very strong, but compared with the peak of Emperor Xiandi, there is still a gap, at least the flesh is not too strong.

Now Lin Fei’s body is standing still, no one can break the defense.

"Green snake Lang Jun, I hope you are looking for you everywhere in Qingfu, the province!"

Lin Fei converges and flies toward Tianhui City.

The news of the death of Jian Xian Bai Di spread, Lin Fei knew that he would be suspected, worried about the release of the atmosphere, scared the green snake Lang Jun, and then want to find him again, it is not easy.

Now that he is ready to deal with it, Lin Fei is ready to hit the commandment and not give Green Snake Lang Jun the opportunity to leave.

Lin Fei was very fast, with a black wind, and he came to Tianhui City in a blink of an eye and appeared in the sky above Qingfu.


Originally strong.

However, a few decades ago, the nine elders died in the hands of Emperor Tian, ​​and lost nine strong people. The impact on the Qing government is not small. If it is not the last demon world leader to stop, the strong people of Qingfu still do not know to die. How many.

Later, there were rumors that Qingsong Langjun personally chased the Emperor Tian, ​​and had entered the Wan Guhai. Finally, he lost the trace of Emperor Tian. The Qing snake Lang Jun was furious and showed his terrorist strength. He killed many strong people to vent their anger. Later, Qingshang Langjun personally sat in the Qing government, and the parties outside the park stopped.

There are green snakes, and they don’t dare to do anything.

Losing nine elders, Qingfu has Qingshang Langjun sitting in the town, frantically expanding, and the scope of influence has expanded a lot, invisibly improving a lot of strength.

The demon king did not say anything, it seems to default to the behavior of Qingfu.

In just a few decades, the strength of Qingfu has resumed, and the nine elders have re-elected, and their strengths are lacking, but they are not far behind.

The heritage of Qingfu is still very deep.

Lin Fei swept away with the gods, and the light was upright, and the Qingfu was swept up and down. The entire Qingfu, the peak of the demon emperor was not many, but there were also more than ten peak demon emperors, and the four-step demon emperor reached as many as seventy or eighty. There are also a lot of demons in the following three steps. It can be said that the strength is tyrannical, and the strength of a small world is not bad.

"Who dares to make a trip in the Qing government!"

A four-step demon emperor flew out, murderous, and waved a fist.

"Great sword!"

Lin Fei grabbed it with his hand, five Jianshan, Gao Wanzhang or so, directly cut to Qingfu, the overbearing sword, filled the sky above Qingfu.

This is one of the secret techniques learned on the nine stone tablets.


The four-step demon screaming was cut into two and had no breath.

Booming ~~

The five big swords are like the mountains, and the big green house is cut into five parts on the spot. A large number of palace buildings collapsed. When the strong one flew out, the horse was cut in half, and the blood flowed into the river, leaving five roads. Deep unfathomable deep ditch, leaving a sword that does not scatter.

"Green snake Lang Jun, your old man is coming, don't plan to come out to meet!"

Lin Fei’s voice echoed in the sky above Tianhui City.

The swordsmanship of the five great swords, the whole day of the demon city has noticed, the top strong people have changed color, these five big swords are horrible, a sword will kill a four-step demon, who is it? Hands-on, that is the Qing government.

But when they have swept the gods, they will change color again.

It's him!


At that time, the emperor who was in the Tianyun Building!

How did he appear here!

Emperor Tian appeared in Qingfu, and once again shot, showing a sharp sword attack, so that they will not react for a while, Qingfu, but there is a green snake Langjun sitting. (To be continued.)

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