Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1340: overbearing

"The emperor has actually returned to the world and returned from the ancient sea. It is really hard to imagine!"

"It’s another big battle!"

"Tian Tian is not wise. This way, the Green Snake Lang Jun was so powerful that he couldn’t match it. Now he dares to kill the door again. This time it’s really fierce!"

"That may not be the case. When the emperor left the prestige, the Qingfu was badly hurt, and the nine elders had fallen, and the face of the lord of the house was not so ugly!"

"Qingfu has been arrogant in recent decades, and the emperor is back just right. We can sit and watch the show!"

Everyone in the sky and the city is talking about it.

That scene of the year, until now they can not forget.

Especially the forces that have been oppressed recently, I hope that the emperor will open the killing ring, and will not let the Qing government win the show. See a four-step demon in the Qing government and be killed. Don’t be too excited, as if you are shooting yourself. A bad smell.


"Sister, he is back!"

Bai Xiaofeng has not been a good day in these decades.

When the outside motion came, Bai Xiaofeng knew for the first time that he rushed to a quiet courtyard. There were two four-step demons outside the yard. The yard was full of arrays.

White rain is under house arrest!

Ever since Emperor Tian killed the nine elders of Qingfu, Qingshang Langjun was close to chasing and killing. Emperor Tian entered the Wanguhai and died. The people of Baifu were afraid that Qinghu Langjun would come to the door and directly put white wounds under house arrest.

This house arrest is almost fifty years.

If there is not a father who is white, the identity of one of the nine elders is not as simple as house arrest. This is also done for the Green Snake Lang Jun, and their ancestors in Baifu are not weak.

This practice is also to prevent the green snake Lang Jun from taking people to ventilate.

At that time, Emperor Tian helped Bai Xiaofeng to drive drugs. It has a good relationship with white rain and is almost universally known. Baifu had to be careful on this.

In addition to being unable to leave the yard, the white wounds are no different in peace.

Over the years, the accumulation of white wounds and rains has become thicker and thicker. It is possible to sprint four-step demons. When Bai Xiaofeng came in, she was watering the grass in the yard.

"Who is back?" The white rain is getting quieter and quieter.

Bai Xiaofeng hates the family to do this. Every time I see my sister's appearance, my heart is always uncomfortable, if not for him. My sister will not be locked up here.

"Emperor, the emperor came back, and now he has killed the Qing government, and he killed them with a four-step demon emperor, sister, you don't know, the strength of the big brother is more and more horrible, a sword is on Spike the other side!" Bai Xiaofeng excitedly said.

"Emperor~~~ He is back!"

The white wounded rain that was originally watered was slightly trembling.

"How is he so stupid, Qingshang Langjun sits in the Qing government. Why did he come back!" Bai Yuyu worried, put down the watering things, "No, you must inform the Emperor!"

White rain turned and walked out.

"Miss White. You can't leave this yard half a step!" A four-step demon.

"Get out!"

White injury rain shot two palms in succession, the two four-step demon emperor's face changed greatly at the door, each hard against a palm. Going back seven or eight steps, this stopped. Showing the color of horror.


Heavenly demon on the holy mountain!

The demon kings stood on the foothills and stood up with their hands. His eyes fell on the demon city, his mouth curled up, showing a smile.

"Tiantian really is a person with a big chance. When you enter the ancient sea, you can come out. It is rumored that the sword fairy Baidi was killed by the emperor. It seems that there is something wrong, in just a few decades, less than fifty years. It is really unimaginable that the strength has progressed to this extent. It is no wonder that I dare to kill the Qing government. The sword is really scary!"

The demon king does not want to stop the emperor!

Now the demon king is very curious about the emperor, the last thing he heard, the green snake Lang Jun is personally shot, and finally did not take advantage of anything cheap.

This time, Emperor Tian re-killed back, aiming at the Qing government, the Tian Yao community really hopes to make some movements.

Qingfu continues to expand, and it is about to break the balance. The demon king is not very willing to see this situation.

The demon king is quite looking forward to it!



A figure came through the sky.

The nine elders came together. This is the re-election of Qingfu. Each one is extremely powerful.

"It is the emperor!"

"How is he, isn't he saying he is dead?"

The nine elders came out and prepared to take the people to open the knife, so that they could stand up and let others know the power of their nine elders.

But when they saw the black Emperor, the face became very ugly, how did this ferocious guy come, they were self-sufficient, but they couldn’t compare with the original nine elders.

If it is normal, they will definitely leave.

Now that there are ancestors sitting in the town, they are full of enthusiasm, and the emperor is ferocious again. In front of his own ancestors, isn’t it vulnerable to being vulnerable, just like the escape of the year?

"Emperor, you dare to come to Qingfu, I really thought that we can't help you in Qingfu!"

Lin Fei was too lazy to say anything to them. These guys were even weaker than the original nine elders.


Lin Fei flexed his finger and shot a big sword, and he was intertwined, like a net, covering the past.

The nine elders were angry and dared to ignore them.

Booming ~~~

When the big sword was cut, they changed color, and the treasures were taken out, but they could not stop the cutting of the big sword. The body of a section fell from the sky.

The nine elders were instantly killed!

The big sword gas secret technique, out of the hands of self-discipline, Lin Feiyi repaired to the realm of Dacheng, the nine elders of Qingfu could not stop.

The people of Qingfu opened their mouths.

The nine elders are dead again!

The Emperor is getting more and more ferocious, and even more terrible than that year, but the nine elders were directly killed by Dajianqi.

"Green snake Lang Jun, you come out again, the emperor can open the killing!" Lin Fei bounced his fingers, swords and air.

"Emperor, you demon!" Qing Ningfei flew out, such as the death test, staring at the Emperor, "the ancestors came out, today is your death!"

Qingfu has been cultivated for decades. When Qing Ning almost forgot the Emperor's day, Emperor Tian once again appeared. This time, he easily killed the nine elders with a shot, and the **** vomiting.

In order to train the nine elders, they have spent a lot of resources, and they will be killed in the blink of an eye. No one will be angry.

Qing Ning is almost angry, pressing his thoughts and not shooting, and killing the nine elders with a shot, the secret of the sword, so that he feels jealous.

"You are not qualified to say this to the Emperor!"


The big sword sighed in the air, and did not give the opportunity to speak.

As Lin Fei said, Qing Ning is not qualified to talk to him, and the entire Qing government is no longer qualified except for the Green Snake Lang Jun.

"Green Palm!"

The green body is big, the body is covered with blue scales, reaching a thousand feet to the high, the blue palm is shot against the big sword, and hundreds of palms are taken continuously. The whole person goes back more than ten steps, and the building behind it turns into a piece.齑 powder, barely block the attack of the big sword.

"How could it be so strong!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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