Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1352: World fusion

Lin Fei said with a smile, and he is not worried about what the devil leader is doing, but it is nothing more than that.

I can't say it before, because it is because the devil's leader is strong, and when he is angry, he is strong and is not threatened.

But now it's totally different.

The devil's lord has already been unable to do anything, and the two are at the same level, then everything is fine.

Upon hearing this, the face of the demon leader changed slightly and immediately returned to normal. However, the people behind him glared at him and couldn’t hear anything.

Anyway, now the Lord is in the hands of Emperor.


Not at all!

The leader, Duna, can’t help the Emperor, and it’s easy to grab back the Lord from the other side, even if they are shot.

"That's why I would like to thank the Emperor of Heaven for helping me to save!" said the demon leader. "The dog has a bad temper and does not know how to offend people. After bringing this seat back, it will be strictly disciplined!"

How did the son fall in the hands of Emperor Tian, ​​the devil leader did not have to think about it.

It was clearly that the son had offended the Emperor and was left in the other hand.

Lin Fei knows that the demon leader will say this, "The leader is coming from a thousand miles, not to sit down in the cold house, but also to drink tea!"

"it is good!"


All the strong masters outside the starry sky have changed color.

The leader of the Iron League is not a god, and the strength of the Emperor is more terrible than they think, and the unarmed armor uses the flesh to resist the attack of the demon leader.

Who did it!

Emperor God did it!

These powerful leaders have sent their messages to their friends.

Such a big thing will spread sooner or later. It is equal to the real power of the heavens and the world, and it is enough to be the same level as the demon leader.

The message was passed. The speed spread.

The demon leader is influential in the heavens and the world, and controls so many worlds. At this time, there is no such thing as a rising heaven.

The two palaces have a good eye!

Not long after, the matter spread as quickly as the wind.

The thirteenth-ranked Emperor Tianneng of the Fengyun list is quite similar to the devil's leader.

What is even more terrible is that the flesh, tyrannical to the devil's leader can not break, and finally gave up the shot, to the world of the world.

Emperor Tian is famous again!

Two palaces, three halls, four gates, such a large force, have known such a person. The rapid progress has broken the record of cultivation in the world.

Practice the first person!


The Lord was placed under house arrest in a yard.

Everything on the body was taken away, and the whole thing was around the yard. This is definitely a nightmare for him who is proud of his heart.

"Emperor, you bastard, waiting for my father to come, I will cut you into eighteen paragraphs, no. I will also take your gods out and burn them for 10,000 years with the silence of the sky!"

The lesser eyes of the Lord said.

This day, the Lord does not want to continue.

"Bastard, it’s a jerk, this little master will marry your skin sooner or later!"

Going back and forth a few steps. The Lord lost his anger again.

"Xunzi, don't apologize to Emperor Tiandao!"

A burst of anger came, and the devil leader appeared next to the Lord. A slap in the face, the Lord will be turned over to the ground.

"Father. Help me to teach the Emperor!"

The Lord did not realize what he had just said and saw his father appear. The first one is to vent and find the troubles of Emperor.

The face of the devil's leader is not good-looking. Turning his hand is a slap in the face, and he will shoot the master. "You know what you are talking about!"

The young master responded, and after the two palms were pumped, the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"Father ~~~"

The Lord did not understand how the father would beat himself. This is something that has never happened before.

"Tiantiandaoyou, the dog is not sensible, let you laugh!" The devil's first tie apologized, glanced at his son, yelling at your temper, people have not killed you already good luck.

"Young people, a bit of temper is normal!" Lin Fei walked out of the void.

The young master saw that his father and the emperor were together, and his eyes were widening. What happened? Why did they come together? The father did not come to take me away.

"Oh, don't come up to apologize!"

The Lord is very clear about his father's temper and can make himself apologize. It must be because his father is jealous of what the other person is, and this makes him apologize.

But let yourself go to apologize with Emperor Tian, ​​and the Lord can't open the mouth. This guy not only killed his own people last time, but also took his own things away. Now I have to apologize?

The father spoke up, and the Lord did not want to apologize, and apologized to the **** in the mouth before, and asked the Lord to complain.

"I am sorry!"

The Lord lost his head.

For the first time, the lord said that he would apologize, and he couldn’t wait to crack a crack in the ground so that he could get into it.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, so that the son is young and doesn't understand things. If you are older, you will be sensible!" Lin Fei blinked and smiled.

There is a father, and the Lord can only hold back.

The devil's lord had great expectations for his son, the lord and the lord. This brought the following son to personally come. Now, compared with the Emperor, his son really differs greatly.

"The Emperor Tiandao friends, the dog is here to bring you no small trouble, this seat will personally bring back to discipline, it will not stay for a long time!" said the devil leader.

"Oh, the Emperor suddenly remembered it. In the beginning, in order to save the son, he spent several of the top treasures, but he was distressed." Lin Fei was a serious man. "Now there is no top thing, and the leader is not rich, it should not Care about these top prizes!"

The Lord’s almost breathless gas didn’t come up.


Obviously, you were the first to chase down the Lord, and now you say it from your mouth, and become your own savior. You really think we are bullied.

"This is what it should be!" The devil's leader's eyes were slightly pumped.

"The person who chased the son of the son, the strength is too strong. If the Emperor is not lucky, it is estimated that he will not survive!" Lin Fei wants to break the devil leader. Just to get some top-notch from his hands.

People are rich and rich, paying a little top-notch. Relatively killing the Lord, the cost is obviously not big.


“Being free to be a guest!”

Under the stars, Lin Fei’s voice is very far away.

The lord of the warship, the eyes almost fired, originally had to ask for the previous things, and the shameless Emperor Tiantian ‘no’’ was swallowed.

"Father, Emperor Tian is so embarrassed!"

The devil leader is faint. "The guy is a shameless person. You should not offend him in the future. Before the father has no breakthrough, you are sure to be right with him!"

The young master was shocked. "Father, he is just a rising landlord. Why are you so jealous of him, even if he is ranked 93rd on the Billboard!"

"For the father and him to fight a big fight, his body is invincible, the father can not break open, you say it!"

The main heart of the earthquake is a shock. When the head is awesome, "How is it possible, his strength~~~~"

Now as long as it is not a fool, I understand what it is.

"Father, you can rest assured. I will not provoke him again in the future!"


"Lord, you are so deceiving the devil leader, in case he hates it!"

Kaiyuan Xiandi experienced all this from beginning to end.

I have been worried that Emperor Tian could not cope with the devil leader. But everything that was later made the eyes of the Kaiyuan Xiandi look stunned, this level of the strong. A finger can pinch himself, and as a result, there is nothing to do with the Lord of Heaven.

This is what Kaiyuan Xiandi can't believe.

Until the devil leader left. Kaiyuan Xiandi really realized that he had followed the right person this time, and the resentment in the middle of the pit was suddenly disappeared without a trace. Following such a landlord, he always lived in a lot of landlords. I don't know how much better.

"Oh, it is estimated that he has long hated this emperor!" Lin Fei smiled. "But he remembers how he hates it. Now he can't help the emperor. This loss can only be eaten!"

Lin Fei is in a very good mood. He gets three top treasures from the hands of the demon leader. One of them is attacking, and the other is defense. The distressed leader is distressed and fake.

It is not too much for Lin Fei to extort things out of his own. It has already given the face of the devil leader. If the average person has been killed, it is not good luck.

After the demon leader and his party left, the people who had seen the excitement were scattered, and no one dared to stand up.

The name of Emperor Tian became a taboo existence.

On the last day, there was a shock under the stars.

The two big worlds have finally merged together. After the integration, there has been no open world since then.

As soon as the world merged, the original world map of Dadutian began to expand directly. In the billions of miles, the beginning of hundreds of millions of miles began to expand, the heavens and the earth were spewing, and the whole world was in great change.

"Ha ha ha, Laozi actually promoted!"

"I am promoted too!"

"Xian Wang, I am also a fairy king!"

The world is a fusion of people who benefit from the two worlds.

Those celestial beings absorbed the heavens and the earth and began to be promoted to become mysterious.

The integration of the two worlds, the people who are in the homeland, the benefits are unimaginable, the fairy, the fairy, these immortals have been upgraded, the stronger the strength, have been a certain improvement.

In addition, the monsters of Dadutian World have also succeeded in transforming into a head-shaped monster.

These people are promoted, and I am more grateful to the Emperor of Heaven!

If there is no landlord, many people who have been unable to advance for a lifetime will benefit, and they can sprint a new realm, and their hearts are full of gratitude.

The original people of Kaiyuan World have also benefited.

Lin Fei who has benefited the most!

The moment of integration, the rich heaven and earth fairy, directly injected into the body of Lin Fei, Lin Fei is the one who refuses to enter, let the body enter the body, the ancient gods began to climb.

Lin Fei’s strength has climbed.

"It's so cool!"

The ancient divine power that has not been promoted is rapidly improving.

Heaven and earth fairy qi is the original power, the benefits can not be imagined, as the landlord, Lin Fei gets the greater benefits, and Lin Fei's body is powerful and invincible, such as the bottomless hole generally absorbs the heavens and the earth. (To be continued.)

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