Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1353: Swallow two worlds

The two were completely integrated and it took ten days.

During these ten days, the earthly world of Dadutian has undergone earth-shaking changes. The mountains and rivers are all evolving, and the heavens and the earth are everywhere.

The practice of one month in the past can now be done in the world of Dadutian for ten days.

Native immortals benefit endlessly.

This kind of great movement, so that many immortals in the surrounding world daring to join in to join the world.

In the face of a large number of immortals joining the world of Dadu, the world's world leaders did not dare to squat, and the Emperor of Heaven, the right, they have no courage for the time being.

In desperation, they had to issue orders, and it was forbidden for the immortals to travel to the world.

As everyone knows, the order is that the number of people who have gone to the world of the gods has turned up several times. All the immortals have seen that there is no future in the world.

The Dadutian world is like a rising sun, letting them see hope.

This is what Lin Fei didn't expect!


tenth day!

Lin Fei opened his eyes and opened his mouth, and the fairy was rolling like Changhong.

"The integration of the two worlds, I can't think of the fact that I have such a big advantage, the ancient gods in the body are even more powerful!" Lin Fei was full of strength at this time.

Now, with a sigh of relief, you can make the four steps of the Emperor can't stand it.

Lin Fei’s mind was moved and returned to the stone monument of the Holy Land Academy. The time in the original stone tower was accelerated and once again improved. In the next year, it could reach a thousand years, outside ten years, inside ten thousand. Year's time.

The change of the main stone tower, Lin Fei was expected.

This kind of big change, Lin Fei is very excited, ten years, enough to cultivate a large number of talented disciples under a lot of resources.

Lin Fei is a god, and he sees the whole world in the eyes.

Today's Dadutian world is full of vitality. It is not the original lifelessness, and people can't see hope.


Half a year after the integration of the two worlds.

The central location of Dadutian World. Countless mountains flew, and the palaces of the vastness flourished to form a palace.

In the sky, Lin Fei waved to the palace and formed a palace.

Imperial Palace!

Formally become!

In the palace complex, above a dazzling palace, two golden characters, the emperor's palace. It is glaring and eye-catching.

This is the holy mountain of the world from now on!

Lin Fei waved his hand again and hit a flag of the road into the void. The void radiated a burst of volatility and finally restored calm.

Everyone knows that just now, in this area, it has been arranged.

"Congratulations to the owner!"

“Congratulations to Emperor Tiandao!”

Not far away. Many strong people flew up and congratulated Lin Fei.

Lin Fei accepted them one by one and invited them to be guests.


Imperial Palace.

Lin Fei re-lived the place.

The main stone pagoda was not moved and stayed at Shengtian College, and Lin Fei removed the post of dean and handed it over to others.

The integration of the two worlds, Lin Fei is no longer an ordinary landlord. In the heavens and the world, it is also famous, and everyone will be called a friend.

Now no one in the whole world has dared to question his strength.

The Demon Lord’s first battle was passed down, and the whole world was sensational.

This time everyone is convinced that no one dares to despise, and the status of Emperor Tian, ​​they need to look up and look up, instead of gesticulating before.

Those who have been looking for trouble before. For example, the former Palace of the Winds, the palace of the Thunder Palace, have come to the door to congratulate, in fact, to apologize.

Lin Fei now has this qualification.


The two worlds merged one year later.

Everyone thinks that the Emperor will be quiet for a while, and it is expected that the world will be paralyzed again and again. Emperor Tian excuses the world chaos and the situation of the landlord. Intertwined with the world, suppressed internal civil strife.

This suppression, Emperor Tian began to make the world of the world once again merge the heart of the world.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was alone!

Only this time, everyone dare not say anything. It is because the reason for the Emperor is sufficient, and people can't find a reason to accuse the Emperor.

As for the integration behind, Emperor Tian directly came to a sentence, people are willing!

In this sentence, Emperor Tian merged with another world.

After the Demon Lord of the Iron League knew that the Daxie Emperor was a shameless generation, it was a shameless integration of the world, and the body of the Emperor Tiandi, the demon leader, did not fold the Emperor.

Continuously merging the two worlds, the devil leader is very angry, and once again comes to the world of the world.

Everyone thought that this would be a time of great war. The demon leader did not do so. The two did not know what to say. Finally, the devil leader did not leave without saying a word.

This became a mystery!

In this kind of thing, it is really incredible that the devil leader did not actually take the shot.

The Dadutian world mastered by Emperor Tian directly integrates the two worlds, and the area is once again expanded. The local people have endless benefits once.


After the world is merged again.

Emperor Tian did not have any movements, accompanied his wife and daughter every day, and did not make any excessive things.

Gradually, no one pays attention to the big world.

Everyone thought that this was the devil's leader who had lived in the emperor's day, which made him dare not come again. The neighbors of the neighborhood finally got a long sigh of relief.

In the face of such a hegemonic neighbor, the nearby landlord is a grievance.

How to spread such a neighbor!

Fortunately, this neighbor has finally stopped, no longer shot on them, but knows that the world is in control, there are always immortals running to the big world, the face is even worse.

This is still something they can't stop.

Everyone was a similar landlord before, and now they are showing two extremes. They will swear by Emperor Tian and don’t know how many times.


"I can finally retreat!"

The highest level of the main stone tower.

Lin Feipan sat down, and as the Metropolis World swallowed up two worlds and expanded the map, the first task released by the system was temporarily completed.

"I am now in the second level of strength in my body. Now it is time to merge into a whole new force and push the power to the third level!"

This is the main goal of Lin Fei’s retreat this time!

"The strongest thing in my body is the ‘true avenue’. Now I have the power of the gods and the ancient powers. As long as I integrate into the ‘I’m the avenue,’ my power will become pure as one!”

After experiencing a different world and seeing the dominant swordsmanship, Lin Fei accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Now is the time to break through!

The second level of power, Lin Fei is not satisfied with this, I believe that after the integration of ‘true avenues’, the power can completely break through again.

Lin Fei waved his hand and a lot of best experience Danfei came out.

In order to break through the integration, Lin Fei exchanged a large number of best experience Dan, I believe that it can be broken.

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