Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1355: Three strongmen go to the door

The outside world is almost five hundred years old, but in fact it has been more than 140 million times.

Lin Fei can't help it for a while!

Cultivation into a strong is time piled up!

And this seems to be the beginning, and the time to practice retreat in the future may not be less than this.


Nearly five hundred years of cultivation.

Lin Fei's exit, the Lonely Emperor, the Kaiyuan Emperor, they all ran over.

In the past five hundred years, they have made great progress. The eternal demon emperor has already been the peak of the four-step magical emperor. With the strong flesh, the entire world of the world can rank second in addition to the violent.

After Lin Fei went out, he first asked about these five hundred years, but fortunately everything was orderly.

In the big world, many people have joined the world of Dadu, and they have seen the development potential. In the world around them, they belong to the most powerful world.

"Master, you have retired for five hundred years, Miss Liu of Tianyunlou, came to the door several times, left what you want, and said that the master retired and contacted her!" said the silent emperor, and Take out the storage rings one by one.

Lin Fei put away the storage ring, which is full of star stone. For him who is now poor and white, the star stone comes very time.

In addition to these, Lin Fei asked about what happened in the days of the five hundred years.

"Bound Lord, you have retired for 500 years, and all the worlds have a big event!" said Kaiyuan Xiandi.

Lin Fei sat on the throne, "Speak and listen!"

"The fairy tales that have long since disappeared have once again appeared. Some people have spurred the immortal treasure of Xianting. It was once on the tenth floor of the Nether, which was the time when the Lord retired for two hundred years. When it appeared for the second time, it was It was four hundred years ago. It was in the cursed land of the three most dangerous places in the heavens and the world.~~~~

Did Xian Ting appear?

This is indeed a big news.

Xianting, that was the supreme treasure of the year, and later in the war, disappeared without a trace, has never appeared.

"Master, Xianting was born. I heard that the two palaces arranged the Xianzun strong, trying to collect Xianting, but it was only hit by Xianting. There was even an amazing news that Xianting had a dominance!"

The two palaces are dominated by the town, and at the same time there are people who are strong and strong, and belong to the strongest forces.

Actually, you can’t be Xianting.

"There are chaos in all the worlds!" Lin Fei said. "For the time being, this has nothing to do with us. People who have two palaces are falling in the sky!"

This kind of big event, Lin Fei does not want to get on the body.


This retreat came out in five hundred years.

Lin Fei was originally prepared to relax for a while, only after a month. The people of the Iron League have come to the door.

Emperor Palace on the holy mountain.

Lin Feizhao met the two messengers.

These two messengers did not dare to look at the atmosphere in front of Lin Fei. After more than 140 million years of cultivation, Lin Fei had a crush on every move, making it difficult for them to resist.

"Let's say. What is the word of the devil's leader to say to the emperor!"

Lin Fei did not believe that the devil leader would be good at the door.

This is definitely a conspiracy waiting for myself.

"Our leader invited the landlord to the Iron League to discuss a major event, about the land of war!" The two messengers were difficult to suppress, and said with a hard scalp.

Lin Fei is amazed. I have retired for almost five hundred years and counted it. The land of war is about to open.

What does this have to do with myself?

"Go back and tell your leader, and say that the Emperor has no interest in this meeting!" Lin Fei waved. The two messengers were shocked and found themselves under the stars.

"What should we do now?"

"Only report it!"


"Iron League, a brilliant palace.

The demon leader was sitting on the throne and listening to his report.

"This is not coming!"

For this result, the devil leader was very surprised, and he said, "Is he not interested in the land of war?"

The devil's lord invited Ditian to discuss the land of war. In fact, he did not have any kindness, but with the appearance of Xianting, there is a big hand in the invisible.

In addition, the devil leader is more secret to get the news.

The land of this war, compared with the last time to be cruel and eternal, has been in the hands of the two palaces of the war, there is external force intervention, and this external force is the Xianting of that year.

It is rumored that after a long period of retreat, Xianting cultivated a large number of masters, and wanted to send a group of strong people into the land of war in the land of this war.

The land of war has opened and the situation has become severe.

The devil's leader will only want to pull God's day. The key moment is used to attract firepower. The only thing I didn't expect is that the Emperor is not hooked. This is a trouble.


"The fusion of two worlds, today's Dadutian world, has been alive and well, this is a good means!"

Beyond the big world, three people appeared out of thin air.

"Black Point friends, you don't want to look down on this person, the devil leader can eat a loss in his hand, in desperation, let the world, let it swallow!" The white demon king of the white dress laughed.

It was the black horns who spoke before, but the strong ones who were no less powerful than the celestial demon.

"The name of Emperor Tian, ​​the name of Zhentian Wanjie, and, it is worthy of the demon brothers so valued, who will despise!" The black horns of the head of the head with double horns, not the human race, but the Yaozu.

"I heard that the Emperor Tiantian retreats for 500 years, I don't know if there is a breakthrough!" The young man with black wings said faintly, "rumor, his body, the devil leader can not break, I I really want to try, if the body of the Mozu is strong, or the human body is strong!"

The demon king smiled, "There will be opportunities!"

The three men stepped into the big world, step by step, and appeared in the sky above the palace.

After they appeared in the sky, whether it was the demon king, the black horns, or even the last hateful emperor, each of them was shocked.

"I did not expect the emperor's palace, actually arranged a rare chaotic array, refining the flag with the chaotic **** stone, this Emperor Tianjie is really a luxury!" "With this big array, I don't know how many people will be killed!"

Chaos array is already the top line!

Their eyes are very poisonous. At a glance, I recognize the difference in the big array.

"Districts, let the three guests laugh!" Lin Fei walked out of the void.

"If you are a small array of districts. Then the whole world is boundless, there is no other way to get into the eyes!" The demon king laughed.

The Emperor Palace arranged a chaotic array of ups and downs, and Lin Fei could pass through the peak of Emperor Xian, and could not hold the strong like the demon king.

"Tianlu Daoyou laughed, please inside three!"

From the time they appeared, Lin Fei noticed it.

The strength of the three people is too strong, Lin Fei naturally sensed, even if they did not intend to do anything, the breath of the leak. Enough to be shocking.


"This is the black horned landlord, he is the hated devil, all my good friends!"

Emperor Palace, in the back garden under a towering tree.

Lin Fei warmly welcomed three people.

The demon kings sat down and introduced the two to Lin Fei. They can become friends of the demon world. They are generally at the same level.

Lin Fei’s Zhenyi Avenue is in the third stage, and it has been able to sense that the power of the Heavenly Demon Lord is also in the third stage. It is already a peak, and it is a step away from the fourth stage.

"In the next day, I have seen two friends, and I will do it first." Lin Fei took the glass and drank it.

The Black Corner Lord also picked up the glass. Laughing, "I have been in the name of the Emperor, I have been leaning for a long time. Especially the guy who broke the devil leader is eating in your hand, let's have a drink!"

Hate the Emperor also picked up the glass. "Tiantiandaoyou, I heard that you are physically strong. The devils are all incapable of taking you. When are we going to learn from each other? Our Mozus are born to like to fight with powerful people!"

"The devil's body is very strong, and I want to give it a try." Lin Fei replied with a smile.

"Well, it's refreshing, I like your refreshing temper!" Hate the Emperor and drink it.

The demon king secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Among the two friends, the most worried about hating the demon emperor, the devil's temper has always been very proud, very despising others.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the two!

The demon king found that the heavens strengthened even more than five hundred years ago.

The power in the body has not leaked out and become more mysterious.

After the 30s.

Lin Fei asked, "Heavenly friends, you should not be looking for a drink today!"

As a result, the three became dignified.

"On the last narrative, Emperor Tiandao knew the land of war, and this time we came, we hope that the emperor will be friends, and we will form an alliance and help each other!"

"Three friends, the strength of the sky, my strength to join your team, I am afraid that it is useless!" Lin Fei was shocked, did not expect, three strongmen to the door, is to invite themselves to join their team.

The main corner of the Black Point, "Emperor Road Friends, you and the Devils leader, do not fall, it is worth to join our team, although your avenue force is only the second stage, with your body, enough to the Avenue The third-order person contends, ask, the heavens and the world can find out a few!"

Lin Fei did not believe that they were looking for this because of this.

"I want to know the real reason!" Lin Fei asked at the door.

There must be something inside that is unknown.

"Xian Ting appears, you should have heard it!"

"I know that Xian Ting has appeared twice. Could it be that Xian Ting wants to insert a foot?" Lin Fei hit the blood.

"Yes, it is because of the appearance of Xianting, and the immortal treasure of Xianting, who dominates the town, and cultivates a large number of masters. This time they are preparing to arrange for them to enter the war. In addition, Xianting is even more Cooperate with the people of the land of immortality and plan to kill in the land of war!"

This is why the demon kings came to the door.

"They also cooperate with the land of the abandoned land?" Lin Fei took a breath.

Abandoned land, it is a special place. It is rumored that Xianting was defeated in the past. Many strong people were so powerful that they could not be killed. They were exiled to the land of immortality, and the land of immortality was exiled by many powerful people. Some of them were exiled when Xianting was there.

In this way, Lin Fei realized that the land of this war was full of crises. (To be continued.)

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