Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1356: The change of the land of war

"Let me think about it!"

The demon kings made a secret, and Lin Fei was shocked. There were such twists and turns, not to say that I didn’t know, and it was really scary.

The foundation of Xianting is unimaginable. It is no wonder that the masters of the original can not win the immortal treasure of Xianting.

The strongest of such places in the land of abandonment are ready to intervene in the land of war.

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly realized that it is no wonder that his demon leader will kindly invite himself to discuss major events. If he guessed it correctly, it should be because of the reason why Xianting and Immortal land intervened.

Lin Fei did not rush to promise.

Arrange the three people in the demon world to live in the Imperial Palace.


"Do you say that Emperor will promise?"

After Lin Fei left, the black horns asked.

"Yes, it will be!" The demon king is very sure, "This time the emperor reappears, the strong land of the abandonment has been shot, the land of war no longer limits the hand of the two palaces, such a grand event, the emperor will go No one will refuse it!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor, "The Emperor and my Mozu are a class of people. They are young and have a chaotic array of tactics. The Xianting Strong, the Abandoned Land Strong, even I want to They are higher, let alone the gods!"

The three nodded again and again!

In the same year, Xianting dominated the heavens and the world, and the land of the abandonment was an ancient existence. Many exiles were exiled, and there were many such great peers.

There are even rumors that the strongest person in the land of the abandonment can face the master and not lose, becoming the strongest fairy.

"The immortal treasure of Xianting, the power can not be imagined. Actually, you can shuttle the land of immortality and cooperate with the strong people in the land of immortality. A **** storm will begin!"


"Xian Ting, the land of immortality. The heavens and the world began to be chaotic!"

Lin Fei returned to the palace to digest the news brought by the demon kings.

Whether it is Xianting, or the land of immortality, it is a well-known existence. Lin Fei has heard about it, even when Xianxian arranged for people to recruit themselves.

"Do you want to go to the land of war?" Lin Fei said.

In the subconscious, Lin Fei is very yearning for the land of war. There are only one chance for the ten chaotic years. This time, not only the two palaces, but also the Xianting of the year will arrange for the strong to enter. The ancient land of abandonment will also arrange the strong, and the land of war will become the place of the wind and cloud.

Lin Fei himself is also tempted by this rare event.

"Go, you have to go!" Lin Fei is hesitating, and the body of the "True My Way" is a war of the sky, and the towering trees are shaking. "How can I retreat when I practice the 'I am the way?'"

‘The True Way’ sent a war, and Lin Fei decided.

This land of war is set by yourself!


Two days later. Lin Fei finds the demon king and tells them their own decisions.

"I know that the Emperor Heavenly Friends Association promised!" The demon kings breathed a sigh of relief, and there are not many people worthy of their attention at this level. Emperor is one of them. Especially the kind with potential.

In the future, we can even break through to the fourth level. Maybe ~~~~ can become a fairy.

"Xian Ting, the land of immortality. Masters gathered, ten chaotic years. It is too regrettable not to go." Lin Fei said, "Three people go to the door. You can't let the three disappointed!"

The three laughed.

"Emperor, it is better to hit the sun on the day of the election, just as we fight the flesh, whether it is our strong devil, or your people are strong!" "Hate the demon emperor step by step, warfare."

"Let's go to the void!"

Lin Fei laughed, tearing open the void and rushing into the endless void.


The demon king and the black horns master smiled into the void.


Void Five Heavens!

The two men went all the way, and the hurricane whistling, and the two flew out of the flesh, and a large hurricane collapsed.

"The two are fast!"

Booming ~~~

The demon king and the black horns come to the void five heavens, and the two are fighting in the distance.

"Hate the devil is the strongest is the flesh, the emperor's invincible realm, the Megatron all the world, the two are the body of the body, do not know who will win!" Tian Yaojie main road.

"Now it seems that the two are equal!" said the Black horned landlord. "The Terran can cultivate the body to this extent, and there are very few. I really don't know how the Emperor cultivated!"

The void is constantly collapsing.

Lin Fei and Hate Heavenly Emperor turned into two giants, and they rushed to the air with their hands and fists, and they smashed the waves and smashed the waves around them.

"Killing boxing!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor is very confident in his own body, turned into a giant attack, only feel that he is on a hard stone, let him attack, and always can not break the general body of this mountain.

Finally, hate the devil to use his own hegemony!

The offensive has become fierce!

"The body of Emperor Tian is so powerful that it forces the hateful emperor to use the "killing boxing method", which is a top-notch boxing method." The black-horned lord shocked, "The third stage of strength cooperates with the killing boxing method. I don't know how many masters have been killed, and the achievements hate the devil." The name of the emperor!"

"We recruited the Emperor to join the team, and there is no harm to us." The demon king is very optimistic about Emperor, "

Now you should understand the power of the Emperor! ”

The question of the beginning of the black corner ring was completely gone.

"kill and kill!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor to display the shocking ‘killing boxing method’, and the killing of the sky is turned into a black river.

Lin Fei faced the boxing method of hating the heavenly emperor, and he was able to use his six arms, shooting left and right, and defending before and after. He never fell into the wind.

"Don't fight, don't fight, Emperor Tiandao is too abnormal!"

A set of ‘killing boxing’ was hit, hating the demon emperor’s inability to take the other side, no longer shooting, and the eyes were shocking. This was the first person to calmly resist his ‘killing boxing’.

"Hate the heavens and friends if you try your best, you can't stop it!" Lin Fei arched.

Incorporating eight hundred gods, in the face of the ‘killing boxing method’ of hating the heavenly emperor, Lin Fei’s body was hit hard. The collapse is still early, and the demon's body is powerful. It is also out of Lin Fei’s imagination.

"On the basis of the flesh, our devil is not as good as the emperor." Hate the demon emperor shook his head. "All along, I think that the Mozu body is extremely arrogant. Now I know that there are people outside, there are days outside the sky. Fortunately, I am not an enemy of the Emperor of Heaven. Whoever encounters such an enemy, I believe that person will regret it!"


"Ha ha ha ha ~~"


After some discussion, the demon kings and other three people left together. Go back and prepare to go to the land of war.

After Lin Fei and Hate the Emperor of the Emperor, they had a better understanding of the level of their own body. The power of the second stage was almost instinctive.

In addition to the power of the third stage!

"The land of war is really what people expect, the masters of Xianting, the land of immortality, the strength of my body, even if I encounter the strongest of the fourth stage. I can also block the first block, I want to kill. Yourself!"

Lin Fei secretly said, "If you have enough talent points, you can improve the sword. You will push the power to the fourth level, but now it is powerless!"

The Tianxing Stone sent by Liu Ziyue of Tianyunlou is still unable to meet the consumption of Lin Fei.

Unless you go to collect a few stars and stars!

This kind of thing cannot be done. Lin Fei does not believe that it is easy to run.


half year later!

The two palace emissaries came to Dadutian World and sent an invitation letter.

Invitation to enter the land of war.

This invitation letter. In addition to the landlord, as well as the top family. A first-class family, an invitation that no one else can get.

When the invitation letter arrived, Lin Fei had no time to check it out. Liu Ziyue of Tianyun Building went to the door.

"Miss Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Lin Fei hosted Liu Ziyue!

"Yeah, you have been retreating for almost five hundred years, it is really long enough!" Liu Ziyue looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei’s ‘噔噔’.

What is this look! It seems that I have done the same for you. Fortunately, several wives have retired in the stone tower to practice. If they see something, they may say something.

"Miss Liu, I don't know why you came here!" Lin Fei directly focused on the subject, for fear that Liu Ziyue would lead to other things.


Liu Ziyue giggled. "Our Tianyun Building intends to make a deal with the landlord, a transaction that is beneficial to you!"

"I am very curious about trading!"

Lin Fei did not believe that Tianyunlou was so kind and traded with himself, just after the departure of the two palaces.

There is no greasy in this, Lin Fei does not believe in killing.

"I believe that the landlord must have received an invitation from the two palaces to go to the place of war. The transaction of our Tianyun Building is very simple. I want the landlord to bring a few people to the place of war." Liu Ziyue smiled.

"You are very well informed. The two palaces have just left, you will know!" Lin Fei was not surprised at this. "I am curious, what can you use to impress me!"

The land of war must have an invitation to enter.

An invitation can bring ten people, and how many invitations are sent by the two palaces. No one knows how much the value of an invitation can be imagined.

"Nature is something that the Lord is satisfied with!" Liu Ziyue hangs on Lin Fei's appetite. "In addition to our Tianyun Building, there are few people in the world who can get it!"

"Then trouble Miss Liu took it out and took a look!" Lin Fei smiled.

"Give you!"

Liu Ziyue took out a box from the storage ring and pushed it with his hand. He fell on Lin Fei’s hand and opened the box to see it. Inside was a map.

Lin Feigang thought it was a map. When he took it out, he couldn't help but change his color. He looked at Liu Ziyue and sighed. "You are prepared, I don't know if you want me to bring in a few people."

"three people!"

Three people, Lin Fei can still accept.

"When the day of departure, you bring someone over." Lin Fei couldn't refuse the things on the map. "But, in the first place, I only bring them in, nothing else!"

"Let's have a good cooperation!" Liu Ziyue stood up.

"The next time there is such a good thing, you can go to the door, not the big opening of the lion, I can promise you!" Lin Fei put away the map.

"Whether the things on the map are in the original position, it is hard to say that it is the place of ten chaotic years. You can only see if you are lucky." Liu Ziyue said again.

"I am a lucky person!" Lin Fei smiled and asked, "I don't know if you have Tianyunlou, there are some information about the land of Xianting and Immortal!"

"As long as you can afford the price!" Liu Ziyue laughed like a curved moon, "I believe in the landlord, I will not care about this!"

"I want the most detailed, the price is not a problem!"

The land of war gathers the strongest forces in the world, including Xianting, and the land of immortality. Lin Fei naturally has to do his homework first, so he can plan ahead.


"Liu Ziyue is really dark enough. Fortunately, experience Dan is not worth it!"

After Lin Fei’s premature death in Liu Ziyue, he paid a lot of experience Dan and got several detailed materials, including the land of Xianting and Xian.

Two palaces, three doors, four halls, this top power, Lin Fei also got a detailed information.

Lin Fei is still concerned about Xianting. There is very little information about the outside of Xianting. The first information is about Xianting.

The information collected by Xianting is far more detailed than the outside rumors.

Tianyunlou's records are very detailed. Now Xianting is mastered by a master. It can motivate the immortal treasure of Xianting. The specific origin is unknown. It is only the record that the master is the master of a breakthrough in the past.

Under the dominance, there are a total of 16 sages.

This made Lin Fei very shocked. How many resources were collected by Xianting in the past, and actually cultivated 16 sacred sages. The whole world was only threety-six sacred, and the private ones were only one. There are less than one hundred, and there are sixteen cents in Xianting, almost one-sixth.

In the data, even the records, master the mastery of the immortal treasures of Xianting, this supreme treasure can shuttle through the void, the master can not suppress, is equivalent to a mobile fortress, with invincible power.

"One master, sixteen centuries, the strongest of the following are thousands of people, and there are more than a hundred people from the breakthrough. It is an amazing force." Lin Fei was shocked. "That's no wonder." Dominating cooperation with the land of immortality, and cooperation, there is power against the heavens and the world."

The information of Xianting is not detailed, and it has improved a lot compared with the information of the outside world.

Lin Fei opened the information of the abandoned land.

This information is more detailed than Xianting, and the overall strength is not weaker than Xianting.

The land of immortality, the strongest is the three strongest immortals, exiled for hundreds of chaotic years, the year is the dominant force, the land of the abandonment caused their strength to fall, and finally the fairy power, so There are three immortal strongmen, namely, the Taoist sage, the sacred sage, and the sacred sage.

These three strongest immortals, the combat power can be comparable to the master.

In addition to the three strongest immortals, there are a total of twenty-three elites in the land of immortality. The overall strength is not weaker than Xianting, but they cannot break the land of abandonment.

Looking through the information of the abandoned land, Lin Fei couldn't help but **** a cold air. The cooperation between Xianting and Immortal Land can be described as a strong alliance, with the strength against the heavens.

In the land of war, Xianzun can be cultivated, and the two palaces cannot be stopped now. It must be a **** killing. (To be continued.)

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