Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1357: Heaven Palace

Endless starry sky.

A black warship dissipates a powerful pressure and is driving, leaving an invisible shadow in the blink of an eye, disappearing into the depths of the stars.

"The two palaces are really good, so good, they have to go to their sites, it is really unpleasant!"

On the deck of the warship, hate the demon emperor's look is rather unpleasant, "it is better to open the place directly, let's go in, why bother!"

The Black Corner Lord, the Heavenly Demon Lord smiled.

"Everyone hopes that this is convenient and easy, but this time is different from the past. The strong people of Xianting and Xianji are intervening. The two palaces must show the means to threaten the strong people of Xianting and Xianji!" The demon king took the lead and smiled.

At this moment, Lin Fei and the demon kings together went to a place designated by the two palaces.

They have been driving for a month in the sky.


Three months later.

The warship stopped driving in the stars and entered a big world.

"We are coming again!"

After the warship entered the big world, the demon kings took up the warship and explained, "The emperor is a friend of the heavens. This place is one of the two palaces. It is a place where the heavens are the master. In order to respect the heavens, no warships are allowed. Flying treasures of the class, flying in the sky!"

Heaven is the master, Lin Fei has read the information, but is the most powerful one, the most recognized one among the several masters.

"Can understand!" Lin Fei nodded.

"Let's go to the Heavenly Palace now!" The demon king laughed.

Four people are gone!


The strength of the Yuanyuan World is beyond the imagination of Lin Fei.

All the way, Lin Fei used the knowledge of God to scan the world of the Yuan Dynasty, in addition to this. The barriers in the world of Qianyuan are extremely strong and unaffected by power.

When the world is in the sky. Lin Fei used a little force to shatter the void. Not here.

Along the way, the number of Xiandi is huge.

Three steps of the Emperor, four steps of the Emperor, almost everywhere, accumulated deep, strong tyrannical, from time to time can see the peak of the Emperor flying over, in the face of their appearance without any change, on the contrary with a trace of arrogance.

"What is it!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor into the world of the Yuan Dynasty. People who are in the world of the Yuanyuan are very upset. "One day, I will become the master!"


The world of Qianyuan is very big.

The four were the strongmen above the Emperor Xiandi, and they flew for a long time before they came to the Tiangong Palace.

The closer to the Heavenly Palace, the more powerful people are coming.

Every strong person exudes the power of the strong.

Not yet to the palace, Lin Fei encountered an old acquaintance in the middle of the road to break the devil leader.

The demon leader saw the Emperor and the demon kings mixed together, and a flash of accident in his eyes, amazed by the means of the Emperor, actually and the demon king. Hate the devil, they are mixed together.

These three are all people on the same level as themselves!

"Emperor's friend, long time no see!" The devil leader greeted.

"There is a lot of work!" Lin Fei responded.

The two chatted a few words and said that if they were not nutritious, they would leave. The demon leader voluntarily reminded, "Emperor, when you come, you will know a message. It is said that someone is peeping at the number of friends in the road, you have to be mentally prepared. If there is any difficulty, you can talk to this seat. !"

"Thank you for your friend!" Lin Fei arched his hand.

"This guy won't be so kind to remind himself. It must be a joke!" Lin Fei secretly said, "If you can't get the news, it's also a demon-minded guy who deliberately spread it out, just to see his own joke!"

Lin Fei looked at the devil leader and left.

On the other side, the devil leader left the Emperor, and he sneered in his heart. "Hey, this seat can't help you, but you can also find something to do with you. So many leaders, strong, this seat will see you pay or not pay. , hey!"

The emperor's flesh is invincible, and the devil's leader is temporarily unable to do so. He can't take the emperor's day and become a joke of others. After the invitation, he will deliberately send a message.

The devil leader really wants to see the wolf how the emperor is.


"The devil is so arrogant, the bad water of a stomach, it must be this guy who released the news." Hate the devil to see the emperor, "Would you like, when the two of us killed the guy, seeing that guy is not pleasing to the eye." You and me, to ensure that he has no return!"

Lin Fei knows that hating the Heavenly Emperor is not long, but knows that this guy is very hard-hearted, always keeps his mind open, and there is nothing to kill and arson.

"Not needed for the time being!" Lin Fei shook his head. "I do qualify in my hand, but not everyone can take it."

"They dare to come, let's kill them, die one or two, and the Heaven Palace will not say anything!"

The demon kings prevented the two from continuing to say, "Emperor, you really have to be careful, the devil leader knows a lot of landlords, the peaks are strong, the war land is only ten chaotic years, and many of the peak emperors want to touch one. Take a chance!"

The black horns also said, "The devil is not very authentic. It is not the opponent of a small friend. It is a poison, and I have to guard against it. As long as we are, they will not dare to come!"


"The front is the heavenly palace!"

Between the heavens and the earth, there is a statue of a black giant with a height of one million feet, holding a giant sword, and the momentum of the Xiao-Shu, covering a billion miles.

The demon kings look serious.

"This is the statue of the heavens!"

Lin Fei was shocked. Although it was a stone statue, it was on the statue. It felt a vast force. It was like a statue of a stone man in front of him. It was a living person. What is even more shocking is that no matter how Lin Fei looks, even I can't see what the master looks like.

"Master!" Lin Fei said.

In front of this statue, Lin Fei once again felt a small breath, could not help but burst into a million-foot statue, in addition to the master, the average person did not dare to stand.

In addition to their outsiders, the people inside the billions of miles are full of fanaticism.

That is a fanatical believer!

"One day, one day, I will become the master!"

Lin Fei regained his gaze and clenched his fists hard.


Someone has greeted them in the Tiangong Palace.

"The demon king, I did not expect you to come this time, intend to go in?"

One of the celestial emperors of the Tianmeng Palace entertained the demon kings. It seems that they are still acquaintances.

"If you don't take risks, people will be old!" The demon king smiled and introduced the Emperor Xiandi to the black horns and other people to know, and then introduced the black horns and other people.

"I have seen friends in the waves." The three men were arched.

Canglang Xiandi is a gray robe, and he is a deacon in Tianmeng Palace. He is not a low status, smiles and says hello, and laughs at Lin Feidao. "You are really young and promising." At a young age, I have already killed Jian Xian Bai Di, Qing Li Lang Jun, and I have been on the list of the 93rd place in the Fengyun list, the leader of the young generation!"

"Daoyou won the prize!" Lin Fei smiled.

Canglang Xiandi was very impressed with Emperor Tian. "You have come to rest, go to rest first, and it will take some time to open the land of war!" (To be continued.)

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