Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1358: Tianxiang Pavilion

Canglang Xiandi took four people to a magnificent palace.

On the way to the time, everyone knows that they will be arranged to a place of residence. For the opening of this war, the Heavenly Palace is ready and the arrangement is properly done.

"There is a law outside the palace. You only need to use this token when you go in!"

Canglang Xiandi took them to their residence, took out four tokens and gave them to four people, simply telling them how to use them before leaving the palace.


In the palace, there are several small palaces.

In every small palace, there are two maids in the realm of Jinxian. Lin Fei has nothing to be surprised. Tiangong Palace, one of the two palaces, is not embarrassed if there is no ostentation.

Rest after one night.

Early the next morning, the demon kings and their three mysterious secrets came together.

"Is it better to rest last night?" asked the demon king.

"Fortunately!" Lin Fei laughed. "You are ready to go there!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor smiled. "It’s hard to come to the Heavenly Palace. You can’t squat. You have to go out and relax. By the way, tell you a good news. Tianxiange has a selection of squadrons today. Are you interested in seeing it together!”

"Tianxian Pavilion?" For this kind of place, Lin Fei really didn't know. When he saw the hateful demon squinted, he seemed to understand what it was.

The Black Corner Lord also said, "Tianxian Pavilion is a good place. This time we will take the wind for you, you can't help but appreciate your face!"

"So, I must go?" Lin Fei smiled.

"of course!"


From the Heavenly Palace, they appeared on a street.

In the heavenly palace. Flight is not allowed, and. Everyone who can come to the Heavenly Palace is the Emperor of the Peak. They are famous in their world, who would like someone to fly over their heads.

"You are a poor ghost, don't come if you don't have money!"

Lin Fei and the demon kings, they just turned a street, they saw a three-step emperor, was thrown out of the gate and thrown into the street.

The immortals who walked on the street did not look the same. It seems to have become accustomed to.

The three-step Xiandi, who was thrown out, stood up and took care of his clothes. He was indignant. "Oh, it’s not money. The Emperor will have money sooner or later. At that time, you guys who want to see people with low eyes will not laugh." come out!"

Lin Feiyi, is this still a three-step Xiandi?

Any one of the three steps of the Emperor. Being thrown out of this way, thrown into the street, I am afraid that I will be angry, the first will be flattened to the ground.

"You must be very puzzled!" Hate the devil smiled. At this time, there was no murderousness before, and it completely changed like a person.

"A bit!" Lin Fei nodded.

The demon king and the black horns are laughing and not talking.


"Ha ha ha, now I know!"

A tastefully decorated room. The food on a table is scented, and several people have glasses in front of them. Hate the Heavenly Emperor smiled and said everything.

"This place is not for anyone to come. If you don't say anything else, let's first say that this pot of jade female spring, you need 30 million real spirits, how taste!" Hate the demon emperor again.

Lin Fei suddenly realized that this is not the same as the clubhouse on the earth?

A pot of succulent, 30 million true spirits, really not cheap.

"Emperor, don't say that my brother didn't tell you that this place is not strong enough to come in. If the three steps of the emperor dare to move, they will be directly killed, and no one will dare to say anything afterwards!" The emperor said again, "Come, the brothers will give you a cup, you are the first person I am so cool!"

Lin Fei took a drink from the wine glass and the body was warm and warm. It was very comfortable. "The wine is really good, but it is a pity that it is of no use to people like me!"

"Right, hate the heavenly brother, this Tianxian Pavilion, what is the background in the end!" Lin Fei was very curious.

The demon king smiled and said, "This Tianxiang Pavilion is sitting behind a fairy, you understand, and it is a female fairy, named Luo Shuixian!"

The sacred lord also said, "This Luoshui Xianzun is one of the 36 heavenly sects of the world. It does not belong to any forces. I don't know why Tiange Pavilion was established. You said, the creation of Xianzun. Tianxian Pavilion, who dares to make trouble, there was also a peak emperor, a step away from Xianzun, eating a king meal in Tianxiange, wounding many people, Luoshuixianzun three shots to kill the Xiandi."

Lin Fei was shocked!

The founder of Tianxian Pavilion is actually a woman, or a female fairy.

"Great!" Lin Fei drank another glass of wine.

"The fairy of Tianxian Pavilion, beautiful and moving, chess and calligraphy, all without precision, what type do you want, every time I will sit in Tianxiange, listen to the little song!" Hate the devil is proud.

Lin Fei finally understood that the three people have to take care of themselves here, perhaps they want to come!

"Drinking, everyone drinking!"

"Taste this delicious food, this is the dragon meat, that is the phoenix liver!"

The demon kings greeted Lin Fei.

A Tianxiang Pavilion with Xianzun sitting in the town, Lin Fei is not surprised by the delicious meat such as dragon meat. Since some people treat guests, they don’t eat white.


This is a banquet, Lin Fei eats very cool!

Each dish contains powerful blood, so that these strong people can not refine. If you change a fairy with poor strength, you must be blasted.

"The wine is full, we go inside, look at the time, the selection of the flower is coming soon!"

Lin Fei went with them anyway.

"This is the place to eat, the inside is lively, wait for you to open your eyes!"

When Lin Fei heard it, he knew that there was no shortage of hateful devils.

"We are four!"

There is a hole in the Tianxiang Pavilion.

Hate the demon to take out a black card, four people brushed away 20 million true spirits, the gatekeeper opened the channel, put them into four.

"This is the arrangement of Xianzun, and the outsiders will not come in. Don't even mention it!"

At the end of the passage, there is a fairyland. Qiongtai Singu, the sound of the fairy voice. Fairy blouses, temptations, continue to stimulate everyone.

"How, good!"

Lin Fei nodded. "It's very good. It's 10,000 times better than the place I used to go!"

"I am very sure of that!"

Lin Fei is talking about the clubhouse on the earth. It can't be compared with this, just a few fairies that have passed. It makes people feel heart-wrenching, and it is a blessing.

Hate the devil to let a maid of the Xuanxian take them to a seat.

This seat is a small palace.

Sitting in the palace, you can see everything outside, and in the fairyland, there are hundreds of such palaces.

"See the middle of the table is not there, wait until the next election is held on it!" The demon king pointed to the place not far away, "this place usually chooses the flower, is also a place for some friends to trade goods, plus It is Xianzun who sits in the town. Over time, many friends like to hold it in Tianxiang Pavilion!"

Lin Fei is not interested in choosing the squad, but he is interested in changing things.


Lin Fei arrived in the palace not long after.

Some of the nearby palaces have entered, and it seems that everyone is rushing to the election.

Not long after. A woman in a red tulle in Tianxian Pavilion came to power, and she was full of enchanting movements, and she also reached the peak of Emperor Xian.

"Welcome everyone to join today's selection!"

The red tulle woman came up. The enchanting and moving people, many people have changed their eyes. But when I heard about the origin of this woman, I flashed a slap in the face.

"Everyone is waiting for the urgency. Now let the three five fairies come on stage!" Tulle women clap their hands and drop a sea of ​​flowers on the sky.

Although Lin Fei is not interested in the squad, he is very curious about how to choose the squad.

This kind of flower has never been tried.

The five fairies have been accompanied by the flower sea, with a veil on their faces, a curvaceous curve, and a glimpse of white, tempting.

"Good guys, all are the realm of the four steps of the Emperor!"

The five fairies have shown their own good side, which makes people open their eyes. Even though Lin Fei doesn't know much about music, he can also hear the movement of this piece.

"Emperor, you have to fight for it right now, are you going to go up?"

Lin Fei wondered, "When the squad has not been chosen, how do you start to fight for the squad? Is it wrong!"

The five fairies have not yet selected the squad, and it seems that they have not yet reached that point.

Hate the devil, proudly laughed, "You don't understand this, the selection of the flower is actually a squad. The selection of the squad here is not the same as elsewhere. For example, if you look at the fairy, there will be a token of a squad. As long as you grab this squad token, hold on for a certain period of time, and then give this token to one of the fairy, the fairy is today's squad, but it is not your imagination, how much money you choose to be so vulgar!"

Lin Fei laughed, "This ~~~ is really interesting!"

Now Lin Fei has to admire the person who came up with this method.

In this way, it is better to say that a battle is more different than a vulgar money.

"Emperor, do you want to try it!" Hate the demon emperor, "As long as the fairy has a squad, the fairy is yours, they are all finished, many strong people are directed at them, even You can redeem for them and raise them at home."

Is this not a junior?

"I still have a look!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor said, "I have missed the time on several occasions, and I have to try it today."


"Selecting the flower is starting now!"

The five fairies stood on the high buildings not far away.

The woman in the red tulle stood not far away, handing a red token to the five fairies, throwing them down and starting today's election campaign.


"I will throw it right away!"

"This time, I won’t stop Laozi!"

Many people in the palace have already geared up.

Five jade hands of five fairies grasped the red token, and Yan Yanyan threw out the red token and turned it into an arc on the previous stage.


At this moment, many people in the palace have shot.

"Hate the sky fast!"

Sitting next to the hate demon emperor flew out, Lin Fei cried.

"This is just a place to hate the demon emperor, to relax!" The main demon world, "to our realm, it is not good to practice all day, you need to work and rest!"

Lin Fei also thinks so. (To be continued.)

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