Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1798: Super alloy hull

The eight gods have never thought that the other party will say such words.

"Don't be fooled, this kid must have enough power, and delay the time!" God of Heaven smiled. "This time I will be able to kill him on the spot!"

Everyone is heartbroken!

One day and one night of fighting, they do not know how many times they died, and each scheduled attack is easily broken by the other side.

It’s hard to find opportunities now, and they don’t doubt the words of the **** of heaven.

"Kid, you killed us so many times, now it's your turn, don't know if you can keep coming back!" Xiu Tian Shen Zun sneer, "I am afraid, you have no ability with this, a small one." God Wang Fengfeng, dare to let go!"



Eight gods respected each other.

Give the other party time to refine the **** stone, or save it.

Kill it first!

They are angry with this boy in this heart.

If you don’t kill this kid, they will be uncomfortable in their whole life. Only when they kill each other will they feel better. Once this kid is promoted to be a god, they are afraid that they will have a good day and even be killed in the future. Probably.

This point, they see very clearly.

Although I know that the other party is very strong, the eight gods are not in the heart. If they are long-term, the winner must be them.


"Several guys looking for death!"

Lin Fei sneered, waved, a silver-white warship, in vain, in front of a terrible atmosphere. Head-on rushing to the eight gods.

"It's that weird warship!"

"It doesn't seem to be!"

"Everyone is still careful, this kid is weird!"


The eight gods are quick to respond.

Lin Fei jumped up. Standing on the silver-white war ship, the smooth lines. Very satisfying.

"Crash me for them!"

Lin Fei ordered the war to attack.

"Roger that!"

The silver-white war ship is more aggressive than the previous black, and it is more savage.


The war ship directly showed terrible speed.

The eight gods were only seen in front of the white flashing, and the eight of them flew out, and the power in the body consumed a large part of the moment, showing a stun expression.

"Super alloy, it's really good!"

This collision, Lin Fei will see the beauty of it. Power is not to be underestimated.

The second attack begins.

Another white shadow flashed, and the eight gods were found to be horrified. They faced this speed and they couldn’t escape and were directly bombarded.

"This time saves!"

Continuous impact twice.

Eight gods were smashed into pieces, and this level of impact also made Lin Fei **** a breath of air. "My cockroach, modified hull. Actually so arrogant!"

In the past, war ships also had a good impact ability, far less than the horror that comes now.

Lin Fei also looked out, just this impact. Clearing the other side's divine power, so that the other party can not add divine power, will be killed in the second.

"Master. This super-alloy hull can not only have simple impact ability and defense ability!" The little devil jumped out. A smug look.

Lin Fei was shocked. "Ah. Is there any other ability?"

"That is of course!"

The little demon entered the warship inside, Lin Fei followed in, and finally stopped in the Shenli pool.

"Seeing that the light group is not there, it is the power that has just been plundered from them. This is the super alloy hull, a very powerful one!"

Lin Fei’s big eyes, “You said, super alloy can absorb the power?”

"Ha ha ha, now know that super alloy is amazing!"

Lin Fei was shocked, and then he clap his hands and applaud. "This is good, it is equivalent to clear blue!"

In the past, Lin Fei played a legendary game, in which there are clear blue skills, as long as the other side's blue, and then high level, but also beaten, Lin Fei did not think that the war ship will have such a powerful function. .


Lin Fei is very satisfied with a super alloy hull.

Moreover, the gravity magnetic field below and another effect are also very useful.

"Now go to the gods, it should be very easy!" Lin Fei asked the little devil.

"Sure!" The answer of the little devil, Lin Fei is very satisfied, "Go, let's go to the realm of God, consume so much power of Laozi, and should get something back!"

"set off!"

The silver-white hull turns into a streamer and rushes into the channel of the gods.



"What a hell!"

"How can this eccentric warship have this kind of horrible attack ability!"

"The power of my body seems to be empty without a warning. How can this strange thing happen!"


After the eight gods are blind, they are all inconspicuous.

It was really just the battle. It was too short. It was too late for people to react. They were killed on the spot when they were inexplicable.

"Then we are still going?" asked God.

"It was too evil!"

At this time, they could not help but hesitate.

The last time they had a small loss in front of the weird warship, but it was not as big as this time, it was killed in the face, and the silver-white warship became evil.

Just two hits, they will kill them, this stuff can not be evil!

They have never seen such a wicked thing.

Is it still going to go down and become a hesitant thing for them? If they go down, they will still be killed by silver-white warships. They don’t know where to put this face.

"It must go down!" God of Heaven insisted on gnawing his teeth. "Not a warship, how powerful it can be!"

It’s just that this time the **** of heaven is talking, and there is nothing in my heart.

Originally, it was not easy to kill, and now there is a silver-white warship. It is even harder to deal with it, and they are not the master. It is not easy to suppress the warship.

"Ha ha ha, **** world, I am coming!"


Not waiting for them to discuss.

The channel of the gods fluctuated, and a silver-white warship appeared outside the channel of the gods. Above the warship, stood the guy who made them bite their teeth.

"Damn, that kid is coming!"

They have not seen anyone who can easily come from the lower bounds.

But the **** of heaven respects and laughs. "The kid, you can't help you in the lower bound, but in this **** world, this is the story of the seat!"

boom! !

God of Heaven will kill first.

The power of the gods has completely broken out.

A terrible killing is locked in Lin Fei's body. If a million mountains are pressed down, it is far more terrible than the **** Wang Fengfeng.

"Ha ha ha, what is great about God!"

Lin Fei laughed and told the war to open the gravity magnetic field.

"Gravity magnetic field is on!"

Hey! ! !

The **** of the day was killed, and after a certain range of warships, a terrible gravity was pressed down on the spot, which was able to limit the speed of the gods by 30 percent. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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