Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1799: Dazhan Shenwei

The eight gods have never thought that someone would dare to chase them up. N∈

Someone really did this!

They don’t know if this kid is daring, or stupid and ignorant. In the lower bound, their strength is limited by the heavens and cannot be played 100%. In the realm of the gods, they are great gods, powerful, and don’t care about God. Wang Yufeng is such a strong person.

The **** of heaven is the first to kill, and the other gods are secretly obsessed with the **** of heaven. This is to prepare for the first step. How do they patronize and speak without first.

If you kill this kid and grab the other person's things, they want to get the benefits, but it's not that easy.

After the **** of heaven was killed, they immediately succumbed to it, and refused to be honored by the **** of heaven.


The God of Heaven is full of confidence and kills.

A punch is to blast to the ship!

There was a small loss last time, and the **** of heaven did not dare to keep it, for fear that the kid would slip away.

Hey! ! !

The gravity magnetic field is turned on.

The **** of heaven respects the body and sinks. It seems that it is going to fall. The speed of the original horror is suppressed. It is known that it has been recruited, but it has not been the same thing. It is the **** who respects the strong and tries to shake the gravity.

The power of the gods and the strong will be shocked, even if it is a strong king of the gods.

It is a pity that this time God of God is disappointed, no matter how vibrating, gravity always covers the body, and it can't get rid of it, which affects the speed invisibly.

"It’s a hell!"

The speed limit of 30% is nothing for the **** of heaven, but it is also very uncomfortable.

The gods who came up later. They are also trapped in the gravity magnetic field, and they are unable to shake the gravity magnetic field. This makes them very helpless, but the speed is not all limited.

Not limited speed. What are you afraid of!

They are more concerned about this white warship at this time.

If they master the warship, the combat power can be upgraded by a large margin, and the speed limit of 30% is enough to suppress many of the gods.


Boom! ! !

The attack of the gods is still terrible.

“The four-level energy shield is on!”

"The pool of divine power is open, give me all the power to devour my power!"

Lin Fei was in a hurry to command.

When the gods attacked, the four-level energy shield opened, forming a huge mask, blocking the outside, and the attack fell on it. Gently shake it and disintegrate the power.


Although not all resisted the Shenzun attack, but the most important of them to resist, this makes Lin Fei very satisfied.

"Give me a hit!"

The divine pool is madly absorbed, and the power of the sky is coming.

Around the war ship became a whirlpool, and the power of God continued to flow in. The gods and the eight gods in the distance were stunned.

"This seat finally understands that the last time the power was absorbed, this ship is doing it!"

"Damn. Go and stop the ship!"

"Let him absorb the power, we will be busy!"


They thought that they must win, and they were hit hard at this time.

This kind of horrible engulfing power, even if they can't do it. After all, the gods cannot withstand so much power, once they exceed the number. They will explode and die, even if they are gods and strong.

The war ship does not want to absorb the power of God. At the same time, they quickly slammed into the gods.

The speed limit of 30%, the distance is also zoomed in.

The war ship slammed into the **** of heaven.

"This seat is a god. The body is a great man, you are a warship, too ~~~" God of Heaven does not care at all. When the words are halfway, the face is changed, and people are knocked out.

The **** of heaven, which was hit by flying, is hard.

This impact, the body appears cracks, the most incredible is that the body's divine power is less, if you say the power of 10%, almost 10% of the power.

"The deity of God is really powerful, I don't know how many times you can stick to it!"

Lin Fei appeared on the battleship and laughed at God.

Hey! !

At this time, the warships are like a tiger, and they continue to attack. The gravity magnetic field also exerts an advantage, and it constantly hits the eight gods. The attack of the gods is blocked by the war ship, and the damage is repaired by the absorbed power. In the eyes of outsiders, there is almost no damage.


Hey! ! !

The gods and strong men are constantly being knocked out.

The king of the gods who are ready to enter the channel of the gods, all face each other, can't believe that this scene is true.

The eight deities of the gods did not want a warship, and they were constantly being knocked out. As for their attacks, it seemed to be very weak. Until now, the warships were still intact.

"Ha ha ha, God is no different!"

Once again, he crashed into the three gods, and Lin Fei turned his direction and slammed into the arrangement of the ban.

Oh la la!

Oh la la! !

These are all arranged before, preventing the divine power from going down.

When Lin Fei came up, how could he break the ban on these formations, so as not to be blind.

The warship ship has a super-alloy hull. Not only is the defense strong, but the attack power is also improved. It is a collision against the formation.

Rumble! !

The counterattacks of the ban on the law were all on the warship.

Lin Fei just shook his body and didn't suffer any injuries. Instead, he was banned from being cracked.

"Continue to hit!"

Boom! ! !

The eight gods have tried several times to stop, and they are unable to stop the warship from impinging on the ban.

I thought it was a tough ban, and under the impact of the warship, like a glass, it was packed into pieces under three or two times. A good array of laws was banned. In less than a moment, it became a riddled hole and could not be used as a seal. The role.

The deep power of the gods poured into the lower bounds.

The people of Shenshan Mountain have never seen anyone relying on a warship, they can easily break the seal. Even the gods who respect the strong, do not dare to be so chaotic, but some people are chaotic and successful.

The most helpless is the eight gods, can only watch.

As soon as they rushed up, they were affected by the gravitational magnetic field, and then a thousand shells of gunshots formed a blockade that kept them out.

There are more mosquitoes and it is not good.

In the face of non-stop attacks, plus the speed limit of 30%, it is not close to the warship, the attack will not need to be said, and it will be blocked directly.

The seal of the seal was banned, and the warship turned again, and went to the king of God.

"Hey, your gods can come in the lower bounds, Laozi can also come in chaos, haha!"

The war ship slammed into a large group of gods.

Hey! !

The beautiful sound is like an art, echoing in the sky.

When I shot, Lin Fei would not be merciful. The Eight Emperors chased the chaos. How can this good opportunity be missed?

The one-sided slaughter begins!

The revolt of the King of God also appeared very pale and powerless, and could not stop the impact of the war ship.

Eight gods are like a mourning test, and their eyes are red! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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