Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1807: Things messed up

Xue Kai Shen Zun can't think of that kid's progress will be so fast!

"Is it really because I have been using it for a long time, and I have been seen by the kid, so I can step out of time and condense the time and river? There is no such genius in the world!"

In the same year, Xue Kai Shen Zun condensed a long river of time, and spent a total of five hundred years, and finally stepped out, condensed time and river, and became the time master.

But now a younger generation, so condensed out of time, simply told him to believe, I feel that the cultivation of this life has been cultivated to the dog's body.

I can't think of the specifics of Xue Kai Shen Zun.

I can only say that there is such a genius in the world.

"If it is such a genius, this kind of person is really dangerous, and he is still a **** person. Once the space has a big breakthrough, there are really few people in the realm that can suppress the Emperor!"

Xue Kaishen did not expect that things would come to this step, not to kill a lower bound boy, and now it seems that he is kicking a big iron plate.

This iron plate is very hard.

"He has made a lot of time in my life, and my strength has also been created. This tone must be out. Fortunately, he has not yet had enough space, as long as it is properly arranged, he can still kill him!"

Xue Kaishen respected the direction and turned around to leave.

This thing must be to pull a few friends to help, and must not let this genius grow up, otherwise it will be too dangerous, this time you can borrow space portal, next time someone is prepared, but it is not so convenient.

On the other side, the eight gods are not easy to get together, with fear and uneasiness on their faces.

"That day, the little bastard, the seat of the seat used a space door reel, this seat is also ready to be used at an important time, now it is wasted!"

"Don't complain, we all use the space door scroll!"

"How can the guy cultivate a long river of time? This is too unreasonable. How long is the blood of the gods? If you want to consolidate the time, you can't do it. How can he condense it!"

Eight gods sighed and sighed.

When the time comes, they will know that they are no longer opponents.

People want to kill them, they waste some time at the most, and if they don't choose fast, they use the treasure to leave, and this will be trapped if they are not good.

Time is in control of the terrible, they know well.

Xue Kai Shen Zun was defeated, not to mention that they are gods, but also because the kid does not know the bottom of the space door scroll, if you catch up, I still don't know how to do it.

The door to the space of this reel is about 10 billion miles away. Anyone who is good at speed can catch up, unlike a fixed space portal, which can be fixed in one position.

The gods and gods in the gods are not good at killing because they have the treasure of space.

Can't beat it, open the portal and leave, it's also a common meal!

"What should we do now?"

"The Emperor of Heaven must have occupied the place!"

Everyone, look at me, I see you, no one finds the right way.

go back?

Killing them without this courage to go back, if the emperor did not leave, waiting for them, the consequences are absolutely not acceptable.

"I still go back and report the news. This is not something we can handle. Who knows that Chaos has arranged such a master!" God of Heaven sighs and turns and leaves.

This is true, things are out of scope.

When the **** of heaven retired, the rest of the people left, and how to report back, it became a headache for them. It is best to remove the hat that is unfavorable.

The eight gods left, and Xue Kaishen also left.

This kid couldn’t hold it anymore.

The first time spread in the upper layers of the gods.

The upper level of the gods is in utter disappointment.

In the morning, I also saw the emperor's wolverines leaving. This half-day passed, and once again, the great powers of the gods and the murder of the king of the gods were killed.

This is definitely a sensational news.

It’s not going to pay attention to it now.

Lin Fei did not catch up, invisible, he became the most fierce beater of chaos.

At this time, he is refining the blood of the space. For a while, those people will not come. He has time to refine the blood of the space, how to condense the door of the space and so on. It is not very anxious.

Spirit world.

There are a total of more than a dozen continents.

Every continent is very big.

These famous and surnamed continents are all rich in resources and occupied by the strong. The eight great emperors each occupy a continent and control the most abundant cultivation resources in the realm.

Whoever makes them strong and has absolute right to speak can naturally get the best resources in the continent.

And such continents are very vast, and each continent is almost as large as hundreds of territories.

The power of the Eight Emperors is also the most powerful.

Under any of the gods, there are more than a dozen gods sitting in the town, the Eight Emperors of Light, and the gods who are attached to the gods, there are hundreds of gods.

The number of the entire gods is also more than two hundred.

The remaining dozens of gods, occupying a remote continent, resources and so on are not as big as those continents, but good is also a place to stand.

The **** of heaven is the person of the Emperor.

It is a big continent that is being controlled by the Emperor.

The names of the continents in the realm of the gods are all taken in the name of the master. This is also to strengthen the ability to rule. Once the continent is changed, the name will change.

The continents controlled by the Eight Emperors have not changed, but the continents outside, almost a thousand years, will change again, fighting for extreme fierce.

It is a continent, with a large population and a master.

The **** of heaven is in the midst of a continent, and it is also a hegemon of the party. It has its own territory, but at this time, he is confused. All the way, in the face of everyone's greetings, did not respond.

Entering a large continent, the **** of heaven goes straight to the palace of the Emperor.

"Heaven, you are not sitting in the town, how come back, is it handled?"

At this time, the people of the Imperial Palace have not received the news. For this kind of news, the gods will not care. After all, it is a small matter. In their hearts, it is a big thing to kill chaos. Others are all a piece of cake.

"Heaven, your luck is so good!"

The **** of heaven came in and met several gods of the Imperial Palace and said good to him. If it was normal, the **** of heaven could not be smug.

However, at this time, the **** of heaven is not proud.

Things are messed up!

"Everyone should not make fun of me!" God of Heaven smiled and smiled. "Things are messed up, I am here to report the situation!"

The deity of the presence was shocked.

"How is it possible, not to deal with the chaos of the hands, but what big things can be done!" r1152


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