Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1808: The first transaction is completed

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A big deal!

After listening to a few gods, they are all dumbfounded!

I can really do this kind of thing, it’s alive!

If they are said by others, they will certainly not believe it, but this is from the mouth of the **** of heaven, and basically there is nothing to doubt. If you have read this chapter, please go to the pen to read the latest chapter, or you can search for "" or "" directly in Baidu, please remember our new website pen-fun-ge,,, ,

The lower bound of the Emperor defeated the time master, Xue Kaishen, and he condensed himself for a long time. This is undoubtedly the most incredible thing.

The long time, the greatest proof of the blood of the time, is also a sign.

Many people are familiar with the time method, but it is difficult to consolidate the time and really hate it.

Now a lower-level person has condensed a long time, and it seems that he has been slap in the palm of his hand, and it is full of pain.

The Emperor is separated from the town.

The God of Heaven reported the situation for the first time, and then waited for the Emperor to be angry.

This time against the chaos, the eight emperors are dear in person, the Tiandao suppression is powerful, just suppressing the strength, the deity will not be injured.

If you are separated, ten will be destroyed by chaos.

This is what they do not want to see.

There is also a detachment in the Imperial Palace. You can contact the deity in the shortest possible time, or you can make your own decisions and have this right.

The avatar of the Emperor is a faceless expression, and I don’t see any thoughts!

"The channels of the gods should not be occupied by outsiders."

In a simple sentence, Zhengyihuang has made a decision.

God of Heaven respected himself with a sigh of relief and bowed his head. "I know how to do it!"

On the other eight continents, the situation is similar to that of the **** of heaven.

The avatars of the Eight Emperors are not allowed to occupy the channel of the gods.

Must be brought back!

The transfer will begin!

This time it was mobilized by the gods.

Knowing each other's combat power can be compared with the time-controllers. Many people are not convinced, but they can still mobilize the gods, including the masters.

Now the gods are paying attention.

If the battlefield has always been occupied by others, it is also the Eight Emperors who are humiliated. In any case, they must grab it back.

After they left.

Lin Fei’s war ship has been absorbing the power of God.

So that a huge divine vortex is formed, very big, big horror.

Lin Fei’s strength is getting more and more.

Especially on the long river.

This thing motivates, can consume divine power, and with this opportunity, Lin Fei must be crazy to absorb the power.

While absorbing the power of God, Lin Fei is also in the refining space.

A part of the space blood is refining.

With the premise of the refining time blood, the blood of the refining space has become much easier.

When refining and refining the blood of 500 parts of space, Lin Fei could not refine and refining. He has reached a limit and simply let go.

"Now I have control over the power of space. Before I win, if it is time to reverse the time and space, it should be quite easy!"

When Lin Fei came together, he appeared outside the war ship.

Hey! ! !

As soon as the force of space moved, the surrounding space began to change, and it kept flashing in front of the eyes.

If this time, Lin Fei chooses to stop, it will be under another sky.

This is the terrible space control!

Lin Fei didn't do that. The space around him changed again, and the people were still on the ground.

"Great, it's amazing!"

Lin Fei is quite satisfied.

"If you fight speed now, no one is my opponent. I just need a thought, space to move, surpass anyone, even come to anyone!"

Time is bloody.

The blood of the space is also terrible!

Air Explosion and Empty, Lin Fei also tried it, and the power suddenly increased.

The blood of the space is 10%.

Lin Fei did not intend to leave here, but has been sitting on the war ship.

Hey! ! !

At the time of Lin Fei, some of the gods and gods of the gods also came to Shenshen Mountain and saw Lin Fei.

"Ten Heaven Friends, don't come innocent!"

I have seen it.

It was the original Lu Ming god.

The rest of the people were also seen by Lin Fei, who went to the lower bounds to talk about the war ship.

After Lin Fei scared away the eight gods and defeated the time master, Xue Kaishen, they took advantage of the gap time and took the initiative to contact them.

If they are still ignoring the words of the Emperor in the lower bounds, then the attitude is a 360-degree change, and there is no contempt, but instead it is valued.

The two blood vessels control, early spread.

This special physique cannot be ignored by anyone.

It may not make a difference if you can't grow up, but when you grow up, it is absolutely terrible.

Shenzun small giants also know how to make good friends.

"Haha, I am very good now, your gods are full of divine power, I like it quite!" Lin Fei laughed.

The earthen buns are the earthen buns, I have never seen the world!

Everyone thought, but it won’t show it.

"We want to congratulate the Taoist friends and make a name for themselves in the realm of the gods. You are now the youngest master!"

"The young generation of the gods, I am afraid that there are not a few opponents of the Taoist friends!"

Everyone said that they are not envious, it is fake.

In a short period of time, to achieve such great achievements, no one will not envy, especially as a time master, can almost walk in the realm of the gods, without worrying about anything.

They just rushed over.

In addition to the relationship, there is also a warship.

"Your battleship is already good. Since you are here, just take it back!" Lin Fei knew exactly why they came. After a while, he took out a war ship.

The gods have flashed a glimmer of light in their eyes.

Ditian really is a good partner!

When the warships were taken out, they were taken away by everyone, and they were satisfied, leaving contact information, inviting the emperor to go to the guests and then leave.

The first batch of warships were handed over.

Lin Fei is not in a hurry to cooperate next time.

It doesn't take long. These gods will look back.

Now what Lin Fei has to do is to stick to the last few days. When he regains his freedom, he can walk in the realm of the gods and see the customs.


This afternoon.

Lin Fei, who was sitting on the warship, suddenly opened his eyes and the people stood up.

Refining and refining 500 parts of the blood, you can know the situation within a certain range. This is also a great ability of the space control.

"The Eight Emperors are making up their minds, oh, just right, my space is full of blood, let them try and say!"

Hey! ! !

Lin Fei disappeared in place.

This time, a total of twenty-four gods were brought, each of the gods sent three gods, and there were eight masters. A total of thirty-two people. R1152

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