Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1809: Twenty-three gods

Thirty-two gods. ()

This is a big deal!

Only the Eight Emperors have this heritage. In a short time, they gather the gods and strong men. Such a powerful force is enough to sweep away all the forces.

If it is not because of the Heavenly Defence of the Heavenly Master, the Eight Emperors will not pay such attention.

The ordinary gods are good to deal with, even if the other side's combat power is comparable to the gods, and the gods want to kill the other party is easy, almost no hindrance.

But if you want to kill a time master, it is quite troublesome.

"Heaven, you are sure that the kid will still be outside!"

Thirty-two gods, flying in the forefront are eight gods, can also be said to be eight masters, the most powerful.

Time controllers are not good at dealing with them.

The eight masters were ordered to come, and they didn't think of each other as one thing. The time was not to say that they could concise and concise, and they mostly suspected that they were telling lies.

The question is the land of the landlord.

The **** of heaven is also uncomfortable by the pressure of the master. It is just uncomfortable and can only endure. "Yes, it will be there. The kid is very evil. It can absorb a lot of divine power. The body seems to be a bottomless pit. The attack is also terrible!"

This time, the Ukrainian **** is even more uncomfortable.

"Heavenly, how can you say so, can absorb the power of God, our Wutu brother is the first, a lower bound boy, what is extraordinary!" A tall man said.

This person is the master of the God of Heaven, mastering the snow and ice, the name is the cold white god.

How much power is there to determine the power of a god.

The land master, that is the recognized first.

Absorbing power, no one can.

The **** of heaven said this, and it is undoubtedly so uncomfortable.

In the realm of the gods, than the ability to absorb divine power, the Utopia God does not think that someone can compare with himself. As for a lower-level person, it is impossible to compare with himself.

The sacred gods respected the road. "White, can't say that, this world is so big, it's not impossible to come up with a powerful guy. Maybe the kid really has this ability. Maybe, how can the eight gods leave? It!"

This time, it is the turn of the eight gods to look bad.

A godly deity was scared back. It is not a glorious thing. The Utopia Goddess is the person of the Emperor of the Emperor, and it is inevitable to be ironic.

In front of the controller, everyone can't say anything.

"Come, he is here!"

Suddenly, the **** of heaven shouted and pointed to the front.

Everyone noticed that there was a black robe kid in front of him, so he stood not far away. It seems as if you want to stop them.

Gods are secretly surprised.

This kid reacts quickly!

There is a long way to go from Shenshan Mountain, but it is so known to others, and if they are not reminded by the **** of heaven, it is estimated that people are not coming.

"He is the emperor!"

"It's too young!"

"Long time!"

God is a proud generation.

Seeing such a young guy, my heart does not regard the other person as one thing, and the **** of heaven respects them too. How could it get scared back?

"The lower bounds of the district, dare to stop the road, asked the old man no!"

In the gods, there is a year old god, and when the palm of the hand pats the past, my heart is proud of it. Killing this kid is a great achievement. In front of himself, this kid is still not dead.

This palm shot, picking up a gray power, revealing a chilly cold, at first glance, it is a horrible trick.

In fact, this is indeed a vicious method.

Just be swept by this gray power. The combat power will be suppressed by 50%.

The old man took a shot and the man flew out. He shot more than ten palms in succession and did not give the other party any chance to gasp. It was a killing move.

Lin Fei is also surrounded by gray power.

The man who did not shoot, the old man is shameless, actually the first shot, too shameless, they are still ready to shoot, just seeing me, a little bit, missed the best mobile phone .

The eight masters are quite indifferent. They want to see if the guys in front of them scare away the gods of heaven and respect them. Is it so powerful?

The old man’s palms were photographed, and although the people stood still, the palms passed through each other.

"This is the space law door!"

"He keeps moving in space!"

"The attack on the Golden Twelve is not working!"

The **** behind is astonished.

The attack of the Golden Twelve Goddess is called a poisonous attack. The gray power is a kind of poisonous. It combines thousands of poisons, and the gods are touched with a little bit. They all have headaches. Therefore, few people dare to offend the old man of the Golden Twelve.

The scope of the poisonous attack is large, and the impact is also great. It is so cracked. The Golden Twelve Goddess is really dumbfounded. In the past, everyone wanted to resist, except for the treasures, it was forcibly evacuated, and it was not as easy as the other party. .

"watch out!"

A knife smashed out of the space.

This knife slammed, the Golden Twelve Gods felt a trace of danger, raising his hand was to slash the knife, and relying on his strength, directly blasting the opponent's attack, it is not difficult.

Hey! !

The knife was passed by, and a knife fell on the Golden Twelve Goddess and flew him out.

"God is no more!"

Hey! ! !

The golden twelve gods vomited blood and flew out, unable to capture the knife light, one after the other, the fate of falling on the golden twelve gods, in an instant, the golden twelve continued to vomit blood, his face was pale.

"Great, it's amazing!"

"This attack contains the power of space, and the power of space is also the most mysterious existence. It is the most difficult to resist hurting people. The Golden 12 is really bad this time!"

Just a simple fight.

The gods present at the scene did not dare to despise this kid called Emperor.

This person is very powerful!

Just replacing them with them is not easy to resist this kind of attack. It contains the power of space. Unless it is the space controller, no one can stop it.

"Save the Golden Twelve!"

The Golden Twelve Gods are engrossed and still can't stop the attack. The original one is directly on the body. The most terrible thing in the world is this kind of attack.

Twenty-three gods, the first time to attack.

At this time, they can't take care of whether they are bullying or not. It is really necessary to let Jin 12 die here. It is only them who are embarrassed.

God Zun shot together and set off a storm.

Anyone in this fierce attack can't survive. They really want to see how the other party cracked their attack.

They don't think that the heavens can stop it!

It is worthy of the twenty-three gods to take their shots together. That is one of the few things that can be done. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)


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