Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1820: Abyss undead

Hell World, Falling City!

The central square, the crowd is surging!

At this point everyone is staring at the battle on the ring.

"Fist out!"

"That guy is punching again!"

"It’s too hard to drill, I can’t see the traces of running!”

With the ups and downs, the people who had been fighting each other flew out and squatted on the ring, no more breath.

"It's too fierce!"

"It has already won eighty-three!"

"I don't know if that family is a genius!"

Starting from the third place.

The competition is fierce.

What the educated people did not expect was that this embarrassing one took the initiative and took the initiative to defeat the opponents, showing great powers, and now has a winning streak of 83 games!

This guy only needs to win another 17 games to qualify for the third place.

It’s so fast and shocking.

After all, before the two places competed, the fight was unusually fierce, and even when people were in more than 70 games, they were driven from above.

And now the guy above, it doesn't matter what it looks like, it doesn't hurt at all, it's also amazing.

Defeat another opponent.

Lin Fei took out the **** stone to refine it, but also to confuse the opponent, so as not to be too conspicuous.

Low profile!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Fei always used the boxing method.

This boxing method is not a common boxing method, but a force to integrate into space, and it is fickle. Falling in the eyes of the people, it has become a smashing boxing method, almost difficult to crack.

Streaked for 83 games.

No one dares to come up easily.

No strength comes up to die!

Lin Fei is not in a hurry. The third place is for contention, and I have to decide, no matter who can take it from my own hands.

Such an inexplicable black robe!

It also allowed the gods on the high platform to secretly guess what forces they came from.

With their eyesight, it is enough to see the subtlety of the opponent's boxing method. It is not so easy to resist. This black robe is a guy who is handcuffed.

"It seems that this third place is going to fall in this guy's hand!" The bald-headed **** smiled and smiled.

This bald **** is the owner of the city of Luoxia.

"No accident should be true!"

"The boxing method is so subtle. It is rare, as if there is space in it!"

Several gods have said it.

The battle is still going on.

The battle of the next seventeen games. The strength of the players is also getting stronger and stronger.

It is also impossible to be as strong as Lin Fei.

Lin Fei spent some time, and rushing them one by one, it can be regarded as a mercy, on the surface. He is very hard to play, falling in the eyes of outsiders, and thought that the black robe boy reached the limit.

"Now I announced that the third place will be won by this little friend!"

Defeat the last person, and someone will immediately announce the result.

Such a fast speed is also very rare. The first two qualifications have been used for a few days. The black robe kid only spent more than a day.

"Daoyou, come with me, the city mainly sees you!" A **** king led Lin Fei into a magnificent palace.

Lin Fei followed very calmly.

After a while. Came to a palace.

When Lin Fei arrived, two young people stood in the palace. When Lin Fei came in, he stared at him and landed on him.

Needless to say, Lin Fei also knows that these two are the two qualified.

Strong strength!

The king of the gods peaks. The actual combat power can reach the realm of God's respect. At the very least, there is the power of the lower gods.

"Look at what, look at Laozi and dig your eyes!"

Hell World Chongshan Force.

The ghost powerhouse here has always been very overbearing.

Lin Fei also does not want to be suspected.

When they look at their eyes, they seem to have a provocative taste. They look at the three seven twenty-one and one, and then they will swear and say, and they will leave a vicious impression in the eyes of others.

Get two young people in the quota.

It was very proud.

I heard that a great master, winning a hundred games in a row, using less time than them, is very uncomfortable in my heart, but also to see what the other party is.

Both of them have a relationship with Luoxia City.

Not afraid of this outsider making trouble.

"You want to dig our eyes?" One of the young people with long hair, two golden lights in their eyes, "Great tone, I will dig your eyes first!"

Two golden lights came and went straight to Lin Fei’s eyes.

Lin Fei laughed and shook his head. "You can't!"


Lin Fei’s eyes also shot two lights, one hitting the other’s golden light, smashing the other’s golden light, and the young man who took the shot first stepped back.

"Kill the sword, kill a sword!"

The other one also quietly shot, a fine sword, the speed is very fast, a sword out, suffocating, Jin Ge iron horse galloping, mighty, into the killing battlefield.

This sword is very powerful!

God respects, and must be careful.

Lin Fei snorted and shattered the opponent's battlefield influence. He quickly slammed his fists and squatted on the sword to force the other's fine sword back.

"Your murder sword, no!"

"The three are young heroes. It’s enough for a small discussion. Why bother to shoot again!"

Suddenly, someone spoke up.

I didn't take any advantage of the cheap, I wanted to continue to shoot, my face changed and stopped.

"The urban master said it!"

"Today's discussion with this little friend, a lot of gains!"

The attitude of the two became very fast and quite shameless.

Lin Fei secretly said, "The two guys are better not to provoke me. I want to kill you like a puppy!"

Inside the palace.

There are several gods in it.

They also saw the strength and temper of the black robe kid.

It is really strong!

When people look at their eyes, they have to dig their eyes, and they are sorrowful and sorrowful. They also make people believe that this person is definitely a person from a big family. Even if it is not the top ten family, it is also a first-class family power.

The gods present at the scene did not dare to despise.

Such people are not offended, not afraid of 10,000.

The bald **** deity first encouraged it and said some scenes, such as taking a good rest, and then, when it was about to end, finally raised the purpose of calling.

"The three are heroes, and they can enter the abyss and hell. It is your rare chance." The bald **** respects, "The abyss **** has a total of eighteen layers, and each layer has treasures. I hope that after the three enter, Can compete for the city of Luoxia, help us to collect the abyss undead fruit in the city."

Lin Fei listened very quietly!

"Abyss is not dead fruit? This is a sly thing! How do you need this thing in Luoxia City!"

Lin Fei smashed it up.

"We help you collect the abyss undead, I don't know what the benefits are!" Lin Fei asked. "Everyone knows that the abyss **** is dangerous, there is no good thing, I will not do it!"

Lin Fei asked directly. (To be continued)


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