Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1821: Mysterious **** alliance

About the purpose of the deeper. ...

Lin Fei really didn't know very well. The middle-aged man didn't say much. He knew that the secret scene that appeared this time was called Abyss Hell, a well-known abyss **** that belonged to the Hell World long ago.

"The earthen buns are the earthen buns, and even the abyss does not know the abyss. I also like to go to the abyss of the 18th floor of the abyss, and I am not afraid to die in it!"

"Artsman is daring, I don't know if it is normal!"

The two are ironic.

I just didn’t take advantage of it. I had anger and I had to ridicule it.

Lin Fei blinked. "You don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb. You have never seen you so self-righteous. The city owners have not said anything, what are you worried about!"

Fighting mouth?

Lin Fei really has nothing to worry about.


At first glance, I have to argue.

The bald city owner had to sink his voice. "When you ask, young people will have this kind of emboldenedness, Zhang Feng, Luo Yuan, and you two should not make trouble."

The two were said by the city owner and had to stop.

They know very well that if they don't give the face of the city at this time, it is not a good thing if they are remembered. Some people move their mouths, and some are ways to clean them up.

"You should know that there are a total of 136 big cities in the world of hell. We are in the city of Xiacheng, ranking one hundred and twenty. It is a backward position. Then you know this one hundred and twenty. What is it because of what? Because of the number of abyss undead!"

The city owner explained it.

Lin Fei also finally understood why the city owner would propose to collect the abyss undead, and there are still such doorways. I don’t know if I don’t say it.

"The abyss you collect is not dead. It is not used for the city of Luoxia, but it needs to be handed over. Every time the abyss **** is opened, it is a ranking game!" The city owner said. "You are the three seed players of our Luoxia City. As long as we bring back the Abyss Undead, we will have a reward in the fall of the city. In addition, the Hell World's highest ruled Hell Alliance will open the door to you! ”

The four words of the Hell League are to make Zhang Feng and Luo Yuan extremely excited.

"We will do our best!"

Hell League, Lin Fei is also aware of it.

This **** alliance is the world of hell. The most influential existence.

The top ten families have great influence and great influence. However, compared with the Hell League, it is equivalent to a witch and a complete witch.

The mystery of the abyss **** is to control the hands of the Hell Alliance.

And such a mystery is only one of them, showing the influence of the Hell League. Not as simple as imagined.

One hundred and thirty-six cities, also controlled by the Hell Alliance, are either mastered by the top ten families, and it is no wonder that the city owners will come to see them personally.

"Your mission is to collect the abyss undead. The benefits that Luoxia City gives you are absolutely unimaginable. Whoever collects the most of you. Luoxia City will reward him with a lower-level god-like weapon, a lower-level **** Battle suits. One hundred levels of God!

This is just a reward for the Lost City, I heard that there is a **** alliance. It also gives a reward, and the benefits are unimaginable. ”


Encourage and reward temptation.

The three men came out of the palace and were taken to rest by the next person.

At the gate of the palace.

Zhang Feng shot cold, "Kid, hope not to be killed too soon, abyss hell, not so good, the water inside is too deep, easy to drown you, hahaha!"

"I advise you to give up to the abyss and hell, lest you die!" Luo Yuanyin said.

The two are not very convinced of this guy.

The two of them struggled and worked hard to get such a quota. As a result, the people outside remembered the last person, and they were very unconvinced.

Lin Fei smiled. "Are you threatening me?"

"Not a threat, but a reminder!" Zhang Fengdao, "The place is dangerous, it is not good to die inside!"

Lin Fei is not a fool. He can't hear the meaning, not the threat. What is it? "I also send you a reminder. In the abyss hell, you better not touch me!"

Leave a word, no matter what their expressions are, and walk with them.

"This kid is too crazy!" Zhang Feng Shen Shen, even more unhappy with this guy.

"Hey, let's make him sigh again, to the abyss hell, sooner or later he has a bitter taste!" Luo Yuan said, "This time the Hell League has a good thing, we have to go to Lara."


The place to arrange is very luxurious and extravagant, as well as a dedicated servant service.

Lin Fei took a reason, drove them out, chose a room, and banned the law, so as not to be disturbed.

"Abyss is not dead, Hell League, the top ten families, one hundred and thirty-six city streets, it is really interesting!"

Lin Fei feels that this trip to the abyss **** should be quite interesting.

"The lower order gods respect the weapon, Luoxia City is really willing to pay the cost, a peak of the king of the king, coupled with such a weapon, can completely suppress a large number of strong, but unfortunately this thing is useless to me, just do not know, **** On the other side of the league, will you reward with God's honor!"

Now, Lin Fei can see that there are very few things.

The lower-level gods and weapons are also things in the morning and evening. What's more, he now controls the power of space and the power of time. The power of the two blood forces does not require the use of God's weapons.

"The water is deep, then I will play slowly!"

Lin Fei closed his eyes and rested.


Lin Fei was in Luoxia City and stayed for ten days.

In ten days, Lin Fei did not leave the house and was very low-key.

Zhang Feng and Luo Yuan did not come to make trouble, and Lin Fei was happy.

Until ten days later.

Lin Fei once stood in the palace.

This time, in addition to Zhang Feng and Luo Yuan, there are 18 people, all of them are the realm of the king of the peak.

When Lin Fei came in, he saw Zhang Feng and Luo Yuanzheng together and talked and laughed, but after he came in, their eyes were looked at.

"These should also go to the abyss hell!"

Lin Fei can not believe that collecting the abyss undead, three of them, Luoxia City must have their own people, it seems not fake now.

Counting on them three is not possible at all.


"Well, everyone is here, it is also possible to leave!"

The Bald City owner was in a good mood. After the last person came in, he announced that he could leave.

The foundation of Luoxia City is still amazing.

Below the palace, there is a space portal. At first glance, you know that it is arranged by the space controller. You can go to the next place without having to travel long distances.

"We are going to the headquarters of the Hell League now. There are 136 cities in the middle. You just need to go in!" (To be continued, please search for Astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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