Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1824: First sight of the dead tree

High-ranking Xianzun's combat power, the main position of the vice-president, Lin Fei was not shocked by the small snacks.

With his current strength, high-ranking Xianzun wants to kill him. It is not an easy task. Space blood and time blood are combined, not one plus one.

There is no secret in his Hell League. Lin Fei doesn't care, as long as the Abyss Hell has a god-like godhead.

There is not much talk of the deputy ally. If you say a few words, the influence will not be small, and you will mobilize your emotions.

After Lin Fei listened, he also had to be a master of emotional mobilization, especially the first group of people, the most emotional response.

"It seems that the top ten family disciples, it is clear that this time the Hell League will come up with good things, the importance of the abyss undead, it is really looking forward to it!"

Lin Fei decided to wait until the abyss hell, grab a few people to search for memories, I believe there will be a good discovery.

Under the encouragement of the vice-president.

The space node is also completely opened, completely connecting the entrance.

"Now everyone goes in, don't worry!"

The disciples of the top ten families who are going to the most advanced are all smug on their faces. Obviously they have long known that they belong to the first batch.

The people behind are blinking and can't say anything. Here, there is a big man of the high-ranking Xianzun who is a deputy leader. He dares to show dissatisfaction, and some suffer from it.

Lin Fei △ + long △ + wind △ + text △ + learning, ± ≦ ● t observed a little, and found one thing.

This goes into the abyss of hell, according to the ranking.

The forefront is naturally the top ten family, followed by one hundred and thirty-six city pools, and the city of Luoxia is ranked one hundred and twenty. A person who is pressed in front of the black.

Lin Fei also heard many people complaining and went on at this speed. When they entered, the abyss of the fixed position in front was picked.

Thousands of people are turning in.

The entrance limits a few people to enter each time. Time is stretched indefinitely.

More than half a day passed, it was the turn of the city.

"This is a space transfer character. Once you are in danger in the abyss hell, you can't get away from it. You can use this to come back and crush it. You will send it back here!"

At the entrance, someone will hand in a transfer to explain how to use it.

Lin Fei also got a transfer character. A little look at it, knowing that it is far away, leaving the space in the space to control the power of the person, locked a fixed position, used to quickly leave, it is a good small item.

"You, go in!"

Lin Fei stepped forward and entered the passage. The surrounding space kept changing and appeared again. People are already in a dark world.

Hey! ! !

A strong dead air blows!

"Is this the abyss hell?"

The abyss **** is like a name, and there is a sigh of silence everywhere.

The only difference is that the abyss **** has a lush undead plant, which is the biggest difference here.

For example, now. Lin Fei is in a lush forest.

These trees are all undead plants, tall and big, with an undead breath.


not far away. In the bushes, there was movement. A huge, undead tiger demon came out of the woods. Go straight to Lin Fei and rushed up.


Lin Fei’s eyes shot a fine light, which killed the undead tiger demon, and then the undead tiger demon became a dead air and disappeared in front of him.

"Sure enough, only one life!"

Lin Fei has a great interest in this abyss and hell. This special place is the first time I have run into it.

"First look for where to say!"

The first floor of the abyss hell, a large area.

Lin Fei quickly figured out the position, because in every layer of the abyss hell, there will be some fixed objects, such as some mountains, etc., which can make people distinguish the position.

After finding his position, Lin Fei went straight to the second floor and flew.

The number of undead creatures in the abyss **** is not so much. Lin Fei has gone all the way, and he has been attacked by undead creatures. He is always in the sky, or on the ground, he will take the initiative to attack. In addition, there are undead plants. The same is true, even if it looks like a safe underground, it will also attack undead.

Lin Fei found a lot of shins near some undead plants, and he didn't have to look at it to know that it was left behind.

In accordance with the map, Lin Fei quickly passed the first floor and came to the second floor of the abyss hell.

From this level, there will be some abyss and undead fruit in the sporadic, Lin Fei has no interest for the time being. There are also many Shenwang strong people in these places who are looking for it.

Lin Fei went straight to the back of the past few layers

the third floor.

The fourth layer.

The fifth floor!

Lin Fei moves very fast!

The power of space is not left unused. All the way, Lin Fei casts space to move, which is a new ability to master the space after the blood has been upgraded.

After coming to the fifth floor, the doorway position ushered in a large group of undead attacks, and they were all resurrected five times. The combat power is also the realm of the five-star god.

It is not a trivial matter to kill five times.

Lin Fei lazy to get his hands, use the space to move and leave, keep moving.

"A lot of people are fighting for the abyss and not dead fruit!"

When moving, Lin Fei sensed that there were several places where energy fluctuations broke out. Without guessing, I knew that I was fighting for the abyss.

Lin Fei’s current goal is temporarily placed on the tenth floor.

Next is the way!

Starting from the fifth floor of the abyss hell.

The entrance to the place is almost occupied by a group of undead creatures. These undead creatures are hundreds of thousands of people.

"Time is slow!"

"Space moves!"

The power of Lin Fei’s blood is used.

Going in and killing? Lin Fei is not so boring, but fortunately, the undead is still affected by the power of time. Lin Feiyi is going to use the time method and then pass it calmly.

"Hey, let's kill slowly!"

Soon, Lin Fei came to the tenth floor of the abyss hell.

"I dare not say that I am the first to come, but it should be the first few batches!"

Lin Fei took out the map and was ready to look for the abyss and undead fruit. What is the use of this thing? It is worthy of the Heilongjiang Alliance to pay such a heavy heart and also make a big city ranking game.

Hey! !

Lin Fei went all the way, not very much, either using time cages, or slowing down time, avoiding moving undead, and coming to a valley with no danger.

"There is an undead tree in the record!"

Lin Fei broke into the valley.

In the valley, there are no undead plants, bare, and Lin Fei almost suspects that he is wrong.

After dozens of breaths.

Lin Fei came to the end of the valley, next to a lake, saw a dark, undead plant, all over the body, haunted by the dead, under the leaves, hanging a dark fruit.

"Is this the abyss undead?" (To be continued...)

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