Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1825: Ten family, Wang Ming

This is the first time Lin Fei has seen the Abyss Undead, and this is what the Hell League needs.

"This place is very dead!"

A little touch, Lin Fei found that the valley is not the same as anywhere else. The first is this dead air, and the rich is not like words, especially the abyss that hangs under the undead tree.

"Just look like this, nothing strange!"

Lin Fei stepped forward and appeared under the undead tree. He was ready to pick up an undead fruit and see what it was.

Hey! ! !

When Lin Fei wanted to pick it up, the following lakes suddenly burst out of countless tentacles, making a smashing sound.

"Rely, there is this stuff!"

Lin Fei used space to move and appeared on the other side. He moved, and there was a sound of broken air behind him. Looking at the lake below, I don’t know when a giant behemoth emerged.

"This is a big octopus!"

In the lake, there are untouchable creatures like big octopus, staring at Lin Fei with anger, and urging hundreds of tentacles.

"This is a god-deserved immortal!"

Seeing only from the shot, Lin Fei was secretly shocked, the gods respected the fighting power, or had ten lives, not the general power.

Lin Fei keeps moving!

Boom! ! !

The mountain valley behind him was pulled out by a large hole by ≤ ,, and the stone danced.

"The abyss is not dead, I really have to decide, not ten lives, who is afraid of who!"

Lin Fei is really not afraid.

Perhaps very difficult for others, Lin Fei has a killer.

Time flies out!

This is the first kill!

Lin Fei sacrificed time for a long river, such as a long rope. Wrapped around the huge octopus, what is needed is that the movement of the big octopus slows down. Do you have to deal with it yourself.

"Awesome undead creatures can withstand the power of 30% of the time!"

This is the first time Lin Fei has encountered.

The time is long and entangled in the big octopus. The tentacles of the sky are also slowing down, and the power is also consumed at a rapid rate.


Lin Fei used another attack.

The power of space is so different that it is suitable for attacking this undead.

Hey! ! !

The knife smashed on the undead big octopus, and it also shattered a tentacles. Only after a while, there were tentacles that grew out and were suppressed by the power of time.

Lost Lin Fei has a killer to suppress.

Killing such an undead creature, Lin Fei spends a lot of power. It is really not a common trouble to sigh that this undead is not easy to deal with.

boom! !

Undead big octopus blasted and died completely.

After the death, the dead air gathered in the sky, and the big octopus was resurrected again. The tentacles of the sky were once again drawn.

Hey! !

Among them, the attack speed of several tentacles has actually increased, and it is pumped on Lin Fei’s body, and the blood is shocked. I couldn't help but screamed. "Dead, you can improve your strength. Which one is going on!"

This strange thing. Lin Fei has never seen it.

The time is long and the volume is rolled up again. Fortunately, the force of resisting time is still about 30%. Lin Fei secretly sighs. If the power of time cannot be suppressed. That's still a hairy.

"Today fight!"

Ten lives, it is not easy to kill.

Every time you kill. The strength of the other party will be greatly improved. Every time Lin Fei has to change position, keep moving, and the time is long.

boom! ! !

The last one went up, and finally killed the undead creature like the big octopus.

"It’s finally solved!”

Lin Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, he felt that killing God is so hard. You can also easily kill this undead by losing your own power.

The tenth layer is like this. Lin Fei can't imagine that the 18th floor of the abyss and **** will be a situation. It is more difficult to deal with.

Hey! ! !

At this time, the sound of applause came from afar.

"Daoyou, great, actually killing the undead tentacles by hand."

"You are smart, no shot!"

Someone appeared here. When Lin Fei was fighting against undead creatures, he already knew it. He had invincible defense and he was not worried about the other side.

Not far from a black boulders, standing a young man, holding a folding fan, the wind is flowing, but his face is pale, it seems to be a sick son.

"In the next Wang family, Wang Ming!" Jin Yi Gongzi arched.

In fact, at this time, Wang Ming himself is also an extraordinary shock. As a person of the top ten family Wang family, he has never seen any genius. He himself is one of the geniuses. Although he has not broken through to the gods, his combat power can be The next step of God's battle, in the world of hell, is also famous.

As soon as the abyss **** opened, Wang Ming set off alone. With his treasures and strength, he rushed to the tenth floor of the abyss hell. He also had great confidence in his own strength.

But when I came to this valley, Wang Ming was dumbfounded.

Self-righteously fast, I saw someone in the fight with the immortal tentacles, but also showed the strength of the double blood, the hard killing of ten undead tentacles, which can completely frighten Wang Ming.

As a person of the top ten family, Wang Ming naturally saw that the strength of the other party was terrible. Even his cards were not necessarily opponents, and he had been watching from a distance.

As for the lack of the other side's divine power, secretly sneak attack, this idea is not without, just being crushed.

Wang Ming can't guarantee that he can succeed if he goes up.

Not sure!

If there are several companions next to you, maybe there is such an idea.

Wang Ming himself is not sure about killing the immortal tentacles. I am afraid that it will take time to do it. Just like the other party, it is definitely impossible to kill it.

Therefore, Wang Ming took the initiative to come out.

This kind of genius is still not sinful, but the heart is full of the masters of the world of hell, as if there is no such number.

"It turned out to be the top ten family!"

Lin Fei knows what the meaning of the surname Wang represents, and the surname of the ten major families. "Long-awaited the name!"

Wang Ming did not say that he is a family of ten families. He can cultivate such a genius. The forces will not be simple. "I want to congratulate my friends, and easily kill the tentacles and get the abyss undead!"

"You are not going to grab some to go back!" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

Wang Ming shook his head. "Daoyou said with a smile, you can easily kill the tentacles, and you are the one who controls the blood. You can't ask for this skill!"

The people Lin Fei usually met, all of them grew up in the sky, I am afraid that when you see this situation, sneak attack is inevitable, who will admit that he is not an opponent.

The honest and honest, Lin Fei has a lot of impressions on this Wang Ming, at least this is a person who knows self-discipline.

"Ha ha ha, we came to the right time, someone helped us clean up the tentacles!"

Turbulent, there was a smug voice outside. (To be continued...)

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