Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1826: Kicking to the iron plate

The abyss **** is ten floors. ,

This layer is not difficult for the disciples of the top ten families.

For example, now this pedestrian, there are fifteen people, more or less on the body with a wolf, obviously when you squat down, no less suffering!

When fifteen people appeared, they stared at the undead trees by the lake. They were covered with abyss and undead fruits. At least one hundred.

"Mu Cheng, what do you mean by this!" Wang Ming said with a blank expression.

At the same time, he gave a voice to Lin Fei. "Daoyou, I am sorry, the people of Mujia regard you as my person!"

In response to this sentence, Lin Fei's impression of this Wang Ming is much better.

"Hey, what do you mean, you should understand!" Mu Cheng smiled. "I don't want to die, I don't want to die. I will leave here. I can put you in a path!"

The undead trees of the abyss and **** are almost always fixed.

Just follow the records on the map and you can almost find it.

Mu Cheng came to the valley and accidentally discovered that the tentacles were killed, thinking that Wang Ming had any treasures to kill, and thought he had a big bargain.

These hundreds of abyss are not dead, and it is great to bring them back.

Must get it!

If Wang Ming is a person, he may actually hand it out.

But the abyss of this undead tree is not dead, but it is not what he has, but this young man in black robe. He just happens to meet the meeting and has no right to speak.

Wang Ming did not speak, Mu Cheng thought that Wang Ming did not want to, and gestured to someone next to him.

"Mu Shao, I don't think I can't die. I don't know how to be dead!"

Hey! !

The speed of coming is fast!

Almost quietly.

Wang Ming was shocked and he knew the person who shot him. It is a race in the world of hell, called the Dark Night. The best is sneak attack and assassination.

There was once a lower **** deity killed by the night!

After being sent out, the night-timers became famous. Since then, no one dared to despise the dark night, and no one can sin without sin, because no one will know where the dark night emerged.

This is a small warning from Mu Cheng to Wang Ming.

This is less, I don’t think I’m dead!

噗通! !

The night stalkers attacked, but people appeared above the lake. Still fell, and the body was wet.


The night is also a surprise!

I want to appear next to each other, wipe the other's neck, how can it appear on the lake?

Come again!

Hey! ! !

Breaking the air!

The dark night thinks that the last time was a coincidence, and then there will be no coincidence.

Lin Fei cultivated in a hundred years, and his temper also stabilized.

Some people have to **** their abyss and undead fruit, which makes Lin Fei unhappy, and he will kill himself if he does not move. He really thinks that he is the king of heaven.

Lin Fei snorted with dissatisfaction. Shot like lightning, sneak into the void, screw out a thin guy.

"I am not afraid, I dare to kill me!"

The night singer is at this moment. The subconscious is ready to go empty, because their dark nights have part of the space, which is what makes them famous.

When the night hunter wants to break free. I found myself unable to move, and the surrounding space was like mud. He can't move his pressure.


Lin Fei slammed into the head of the dark night, and blasted the head of the night stalker on the spot. Leave the body on the side.

"You want to grab my abyss and die?"

Mu Cheng is a disciple of the top ten families.

In the world of hell, you can almost walk sideways. Usually no one dares to offend himself.

But when the other party easily kills the night, he will be shocked and realize that he seems to be mistaken. This guy is by no means a person of Wang Ming.

It’s not that easy to kill the dark night with Mu’s own strength, but the other side can easily kill it, and the strength is not normal.

Only the brands of the top ten families are in, Mu Cheng will not bow down and admit defeat.

"Wang Shao, it seems that you have found a good partner, I really looked down on you!" Mu Cheng said, "However, this is not a dead tree, this is a small decision, everyone will give me a hand!"

Wang Ming, he dare not kill!

There is a space transfer symbol on the hand. Once you kill the other party, it is a big trouble to go back. It is better to kill this black robe kid. When Wang Shao does not dare to say anything, it is not awkward to leave.

Hey! ! !

The people behind Mu Cheng’s body all started after one order.

"Space storm!"

Lin Fei gave a light drink. A giant storm appeared.

This is an authentic space storm.

It is also the power of space!

Power is increasing!

Hey! ! ! !

A storm of space storms, the gods and strong men who rushed up, all fell into the space storm, flesh and blood, **** suffocating.

"Less Lord, help!"

"Ah, I don't want to die!"


The space storm unfolded.

Those who entered could not come out at all, and were constantly strangled by space storms.

In less than a few breathing hours, there is no cry.

Because they are all dead!

In the face of a powerful space storm, no one can withstand this level of attack. Lin Fei has not been showing for a long time, and now it seems pretty good.

"You ~ you killed them!"

Mu Cheng’s face is also not good to look at, as if he was a ghost. The people he brought this time are all people of Mu’s power. All of them are gods and kings, with treasures, and they can fight with the upper and lower gods. But now the blink of an eye is all dead.

"Looking at my things, basically it can only be this end!"

Lin Fei wiped out more than a dozen gods and powerful men, and his sharp eyes swept to the people of the top ten families. "So, you are the same!"

Top ten families?

Lin Fei won't care.

"He wants to kill me!"

Mu Cheng has seen overbearing. He has never seen anyone who knows that he is a family of ten, and who dares to do it. He sinks in his heart and knows that he has met his opponent.

"Hey, I want to kill me, you are not that easy!"

Mu Cheng still has confidence in his own strength. "is it!"

Lin Fei suddenly appeared in front of him, one hand grabbed Mu Cheng's neck, Mu Chenggang had to resist, found that the bomb can not move, the action can not keep up with the thinking, Lin Fei grabbed the neck.

"I don't like this family disciple most. I don't want to grab something!"

Lin Fei did not like family disciples. When he spoke, his eyes were swept away from Wang Ming.

"I am a good person!" Wang Ming was seen hair, this guy really has hidden strength, poor Mu Cheng, "I am interested in robbing people, I don't have any interest, Daoyou, don't treat me and them as together!"

Mu Cheng realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

Just relying on the strength of Wang Ming, I also want to kill the immortal tentacles, then the person who kills the undead tentacles is the black robe.


I kicked myself into the iron plate! (To be continued...)

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