Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1970: Transforming the destiny

Lin Fei did not think of an occasional situation, actually would know a big secret.

Yes, a big secret.

Lin Fei had always believed that the power of the destiny was free between the heavens and the earth, and the deeper existence was difficult for outsiders to obtain.

Who would have thought that the power of destiny would hardly exist in this world.

The destiny candidate, the true meaning is also thoroughly understood.

If you haven't boarded the destiny, you can't get the power of the destiny. If the news goes outside, Lin Fei believes that it will definitely set off an uproar, and many people will vomit blood three liters.

A lifetime dream.

After all, it is a dream that is out of reach.

It is no wonder that the dream is a god, preferring to pay a lot of holy steps, but also to get rid of the destiny stone, without the fate of stone, they stay at the top of the invincible Emperor.

As soon as the Emperor of God appeared, the power of the destiny could not be retained, and it was consumed. The former Tianshiqiang would also fall from the peak and become an invincible Emperor.

Lin Fei suddenly slammed his head and flashed a thought. "So, the three invincible emperors of my refining, if they change their power into the power of heaven, will they immediately become a powerful man?"

The destiny is strong, and Lin Fei is very tempted.

Despite the existence of the invincible Emperor, there are emperors, mastering 70% of the combat power, and the dream of the emperor's confrontation, there is obviously a certain gap, the most obvious is the lack of defense, lack of attack power.

"Smart, so I thought about it!" said the little devil. "You want to promote the three invincible gods to the destiny. This is simple, you only need to pay 10,000 points to rebuild one. Three It’s 30,000 fate points!”

Lin Fei resentfully said, "No black heart will die!"

"It's already very cheap!"

In order to transform the invincible Emperor, Lin Fei reluctantly decided to pay 30,000 fate points.

With three powerful people, the cost is even greater. However, security is more secure. If you want to find trouble again, Lin Fei will definitely let them plant a big head.

This matter. Lin Fei is temporarily placed.

Then, from the mouth of the little devil. Know some secrets about the power of the destiny.

Many of them are calculated.

For example, the fate of the destiny contained in the destiny stone, converted to almost a million fate points, really makes Lin Fei jealous. I can't wait to join it right away.

Finally, Lin Fei still resisted.

The Lord of the restricted area released the news, and the forces in the dark were all swaying by the wind, and the competition would be more intense. The Emperor Luo Tian and the Emperor, and other people may not be able to grab the hand.

Lin Fei didn't have to go inside and go inside.

It’s better to exchange your own life.

In order to renovate, Lin Fei stayed for several days.

Until the three invincible emperors replaced a divine power, replaced by the power of the destiny, the momentum of the body is more majestic. It’s daunting to face up, it’s even more terrible.

"This is the real destiny!"

Now, the three invincible gods have injected 100,000 fate points. It took a long time to redeem it, and only the system was so hard.

"It’s really a gold medalist now!"

Lin Feiyue is more satisfied.

Every invincible Emperor has a fateful point, enough for a good wind, a lot of combat power, and the most mundane attack will also contain the destructive power of incomparable terror.

"I just don't know. How to divide the fate of the destiny, 100,000 days of life points. Should not be low level, how can not bottom!"

Lin Fei did not continue to struggle.

With three invincible gods

Lin Fei did not return to the invincible palace.

That's too boring.

Through the system, start tracking the whereabouts of the fate.

Now systematically researching the strength of the destiny, nature can track the destiny.

Soon, with the result, the destiny appeared in a distant area.

Lin Fei did not stop chasing the past.

"It's so fast!"

Trying to use the power of the destiny to mobilize the blood of the space, the speed of the sky is bursting, and Lin Fei can hardly believe it.

In a short time, the distance has been shortened by one tenth.

Without a few round trips, Lin Fei felt that he could go to that place.

"This is cool!"

Hey! ! !

Lin Fei is extremely extravagant with the power of destiny, less than half a day, across a distant distance, appearing in the sky above a strange star.

This is a very strange continent.

Lin Fei didn't even know what the name was.

"There are a lot of people going in!"

The power of the destiny to strengthen the power of space, the power is a hundred times improvement, so standing, the land continued to come in from the outside starry sky, did not find the traces of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled.

"Give me the whole continent!"

Lin Fei did not release his own knowledge, too obvious.

"The owner is best to use the advanced mode, one hundred life points at a time, when no one can detect that we are scanning the entire star continent!"

Lin Fei experienced the benefits of the power of destiny.

One hundred and one hundred, I recognized.

The system scans the entire star continent.

The whole process lasted for a long time.

"Master, you need to consume five hundred fate points, check the situation on the mainland!"

Lin Fei blinked, this black can be.

"I think the master is best viewed in 3D, the text is too practical, and 500 cents, the owner of the local tyrant, will not care!"

Lin Fei wants to swear.

Are you a big local tyrant? The three invincible emperors are the things that burn money. When they fight, they are burning money, and the rich local tyrants must become poor.

Lin Fei finally chose to open three-dimensional.

The system emits a three-dimensional image.

With the three-dimensional advancement, concentrated in one place on the mainland, a group of people are fighting, playing earth-shattering, landslides, surrounded by the void, and there is a tyrannical existence.

"Royal Emperor, Dream One Emperor!"

"Lord of the restricted area!"

Lin Fei quickly recognized a few familiar people, such as the dream of a god, this time is very embarrassing, Luo Tian, ​​who came in advance, is no better than the dream of a god, is also a wolverine.

The Lord of the restricted area is the supreme demon who Lin Fei knows.

They didn't shoot, but the power of the restricted area was on the side.

"The few people, it seems to be a strong man!"

Lin Fei noticed that the three fateful people in the place not far away were full of destiny, and they were born to be superior, and they could feel it at a glance.

This is like a person who is outstanding and will be very conspicuous in the crowd.

The destiny is such a meaning.

"Tian Mingshi!"

For them, Lin Fei has no interest, but Tian Mingshi is very interested. If he can get it, Lin Fei will not miss this opportunity. (To be continued)

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