Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1971: a bad old man

With the three-dimensional push.

The trace of the destiny stone did not appear, Lin Fei could not help but have some accidents.

Is it not at the scene?

Will not be accepted?

Lin Fei looked at it for a while, and found nothing. It seems that the destiny stone disappeared out of thin air, but there is one point that makes him feel at ease.

The people present did not find someone quietly scanning the entire mainland of the stars.

This is the only thing that makes Lin Fei happy.

It seems that there is a feeling that everything is under the eyes, very happy.

Although I did not find the destiny stone, the system brought myself here, and the fate stone could not be found temporarily, and it was impossible to determine who was on it.

Lin Fei observed for a long time and finally saw the clue.

"Dream, you have worked hard, not for the fate of the stone, now the life stone is not in my hands, do we still continue to fight?" Luo Tian Shenhuang resisted the attack of the dream of a god.

The dream is very embarrassing, and even more mad. "Impossible, the destiny Shi Mingming was accepted by you, unless your storage ring is willing to be searched by the emperor!"

"Stubborn!" Luo Tianshen angered, "If the fate stone is in my hand, as for not to take it out, when I come, the destiny stone disappears."

The strong man on the distant mountain peak is slightly frowning.

They are all chasing the destiny stone.

It’s a pity that it’s a step late.

When it came, the destined stone seemed to disappear.

The place is so big, the destiny stone is gone. Anyone will be upset.

Because of Luo Tianlai’s earliest, everyone suspected that Luo Tianshen had received the destiny stone.

"Nothing, what do you think!" The six gods touched the emperor next to him.

The Emperor is very calm. "Tian Mingshi is this thing, we are useless, can not refine, I am purely looking at the fun!"

The Emperor Liu Ming is obviously not very satisfied with this statement, but can't say anything.

"Is he in the hands of the Emperor Luo Tian, ​​we robbed it!" said the Emperor of Heaven, "anyway. We don't shoot, some people will shoot!"

The abyss of the abyss followed. "Yes, I also agree to the shot, let's take a shot, Luo Tian Shenhuang absolutely can't find anything cheap!"

There is nothing to say about the Emperor. But slightly fascinated by the void, it was frowned and restored to calm.

"You want to start by hand, don't pull me!" There is no magician. "I don't have much interest in the life stone. If those old things come, the life stone will not appear here!"

Everyone heard it, and the Emperor was very dissatisfied with the actions of those in the restricted area.

After all, the things in the palace are unstoppable.

The owner of the restricted area spread the news. The Emperor is very annoyed, he is very optimistic about the Emperor, and the preference for things has been destroyed. If they joined forces at the time, even if they had a dream, they would not have any advantage.

A good piece of destiny stone, or the fate of the flying emperor, just like this, it’s so fascinating that the emperor can be with them.

The strength of the Emperor Luo Tian and the Emperor of the Dream is half a catty. Almost like each other.

No one can take anyone.

It is. I am awkward with each other.

Injury everywhere.

With the confinement of a dream, the Emperor Luo Tian could not leave for a time. Curse the man who secretly snatched the fate stone a hundred times.

The fate stone was taken away.

Whoever does it, Luo Tianshen does not know.

Anyway, the fatal stone was taken away.

Now say it, but no one believes.

Open the storage ring for everyone to check, Luo Tianshen can not promise, really want to do that, no face in the future, who will regard his destiny as one thing.

"Dream one, anyway, I said, believe it or not, it is your business, and then continue, I promise that no one will be better!" Luo Tian Shen Chuan avoids the dream of a god, "Don't force me to use the fate Gongfa, the fish died in the net!"

The dream of a **** is jealous.

"Hey, the emperor does not believe, you master the destiny!", the dream of the emperor can not retreat, for the fate of the stone, he has paid a lot of price, as soon as I think of it, the hatred of the emperor has deepened a few Minute.

Luo Tian Shen Huang is very helpless to the stubbornness of the dream god, the four heavenly powers are not a good deal, continue, it is not good.

"This is what you forced me!"

The Emperor of Luo Tian climbed up, and the entire mainland of the stars trembled under the momentum.


"There is still a destiny!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

Even in the distance, it senses the temperament of the stars on the mainland.

This is more than any attack.

Lin Fei moved continuously, away from this area.

In the three-dimensional three-dimensional starry continent, the ray of light erupted from the inside, and then the entire starry continent in the eyes of Lin Fei, so disintegrated and collapsed, the dust returned to the dust, and the soil returned to the earth.

"The stars are gone!"

Lin Fei left very far, still a while.

"If it falls on me and opens the invincible defense, it is estimated that it will consume 30% of the divine points, and even reach 40% of the horror!" Lin Fei secretly inhales, "Tian Ming Gong Fa, it is really terrible!"

If that day, when the gods come up, they will use the martial arts. Similar to this kind of deaf attack, Lin Fei does not dare to choose hard resistance.

In three-dimensional, a figure was shaken out and appeared in the sky.

Lin Fei dared to guarantee that the current Luotian Emperor is sure to die soon.

"Dream, this account, I will check with you sooner or later!"

In the distant places, the voice of the Emperor Luo Tian was heard, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Then the dream of the emperor took off half of the body, quickly left the scene, the bombardment of the Emperor Luo Tian made the dream of a **** to eat a big loss, although not killed, but also uncomfortable.

Lin Fei saw someone catch up and obviously didn't want to miss a chance to kill the destiny.

"Oh, Tian Mingshi is still there!"

Lin Fei is in the space, no one has found it, but everyone's every move is in the eye.

The Emperor of the Emperor went after the dream of a god.

Most of the rest are going to the Emperor Luo Tian.

The starry continent was turned into a dust, and the system also suggested that the destined stone was nearby. Lin Fei was very surprised and quiet, and stayed here.

For three days.

No one appears.

Lin Fei is quite patient. "Be patient, who is afraid of who!"

Until the fifth day.

A figure came out of the space, a silver armor, not too young, looks more like a bad old man, and the smile is even more cumbersome.

"A bunch of silly hats!"

Lin Fei’s eyes lit up. “Good guy, actually hiding in the space, why didn’t I see it!”

The old man puts a treasure on his hand. "Good things, mixed space, heaven and earth, and space, the gods can't see it, don't waste me." (To be continued)

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